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Everything posted by Dmitar

  1. This would be a bad report for not including the following sentence. Separation was created by differences in theology. However, there were a few separatists that would claim an internal strife. That was never their intent, since they still call themselves Bible Students. Therefore, your humor falls on you.
  2. Bible Student Theology: For Thinking Jehovah's Witnesses If the "Channel" became cleansed in and after 1919, and was completely cleansed by 1938, and as stated in the Watchtower 1959, page 601, the elective Elders before that time were not mature or theocratic. Why does that channel now go back to the explanation given in 1886? What happened to that "Channel," or its “governing body” from 1919 or 1938 to 1962? Had it or they been tuned to the wrong station?
  3. By Ronald R. Day, Sr.It is often stated that the Bible Students became Jehovah's Witnesses. And yet, this can misleading since the Bible Students still exist apart from the Jehovah's Witnesses. Further, the majority of Bible Students did not accept Rutherford's "Jehovah's visible organization" dogma. We have been asked for the evidence that the majority of the Bible Students rejected Rutherford's new organization. I will be glad to change the subject on your bad report, whenever you're ready to move on.
  4. Okay, thank you. When you read the articles correctly. Are you one of those Jehovah Witness giving out a bad report about it? I will not engage in your quarrel.
  5. It does an injustice to the visitors to place both Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses in the same pendulum. That's a bad report even from Jehovah Witnesses themselves.
  6. I can understand your frustration and persistence. However, now you're talking about 2 different points, while failing to adequately give proof of your bad report. Which one is giving you trouble? If that Ecclesiastical Body as you state drew the "same" spiritual position, explain to the visitor (reader) "why" the Bible Students Association splintered in that year? You talk about claims being weak, disprove that fact.
  7. Same question. Unless you're a linguistic scholar. Not someone like @Patiently waiting for Truth that likes to use the phrase Geek Scripture as though It's supposed to mean something entirely different.
  8. Was Jesus focused on the gentiles? Or did that get passed to Paul?
  9. This would be an incorrect assumption. The Theology of Jehovah Witnesses was refined dramatically. Therefore, It's a false equalization and an assumption that Jehovah Witnesses celebrated Christmas, when they didn't. Joseph Rutherford formed the Witnesses for Jehovah in 1931 and gave them that uplifting name, Jehovah's Witnesses. However, Rutherford himself spoke out loud in an assembly in 1941 stating he was NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the assembly cheerfully agreed. That fact is recorded but obscured here by individuals that wish to give bad reports. Now the celebration is a man's tradition. Christendom linked it to a religious celebration, not Christ. There are also certain historical traditions associated with that celebration that would not be part of Christianity. The idea that Bible Students are kindred spirit with Jehovah's Witnesses is also false. Some Bible Students hold on to the old Pastor Russell theology, while other Bible Students establish their own theology. They all still believe in independent churches, not in union as scripture describes. It would be odd to frame a church apart while staying united as the body of Christ is meant to be.
  10. That you don't have faith in anyone to show you the light from your darkness.
  11. @Witness This video confirms what I pointed out with the Hebrew Lettering system. What does the introduction of Greek have to do with it?
  12. Whole blood is not permitted. I have to do things myself. Have a peaceful day 🤗
  13. Sorry, I must have missed that point. Whenever you get a chance.
  14. When have you not made that stipulation, especially when you commented we are in a JW forum. Are you NOW including other Christian Religions?
  15. Those are your own words. If you believe them to be clumsy, then I suggest you rephrase your thought, and not blame me for your comments.
  16. What does blood fractions have to do with "whole" blood? If one looks hard enough, the evidence is there. You have not given me a prime example of the WTJWorg celebrating Christmas, or have we moved on to another topic?
  17. Can you give me a good reason why the original pictograph of a shepherds staff couldn't be weighed in as an argument for the letter (J)? That was the earliest form of that letter. What does reclassification have to do with it today? The form "YHWH" or "YHVH" has the same sound definition. The (W) is simply a double (V) that has the same sound (waw) (vav) and both are part of the Hebrew lettering system.
  18. This would mean by what people think spirituality is defined by. A Wicca individual can claim they feel the spirit of the four corners of the earth. Satanist can claim they feel the spiritual power of Satan. You are correct. We are discussing the implementation of Christianity by Christ. Can you give me a prime example, "when WTJWorg celebrated Christmas? You have me at a lost. Can you give me a prime example when you believe the WTJWorg celebrated Christmas and then found out they were mistaken? History shows how Constantine combined Paganism with Christianity to keep everyone happy. I understand it became a "tradition" at that point for churches to celebrate the birth and resurrection of Christ. Can you give me a biblical text where Jesus stipulated Christians should honor those traditions? I recall, after Apostle John died, Christianity became a free for all. A scathing shadow of its former self by rejecting sound commands for the Jewish and Gentile nations to live by. Instead, they profaned those teachings in quest of man's own authority. This is why "true" Christianity was lost for millennia. This projection gives me the impression you don't believe Jesus is the pathway to salvation. That is something you will have to decide. If you were a teacher. Wouldn't these words apply to you? However, how are the spiritual leaders from your former institution to be considered the only ones to manipulate the context of scripture, when there is ample evidence to consider all religions by your standard, including the 4woman group.
  19. Spoken like a true Jehovah's Witness, not! However, it's good you're being nice to former Witnesses. There is strength in your logic. Be rude and obnoxious, then be pleasant. Sound logic.
  20. AMP: Matt 5:22 22 But I say to you that everyone who continues to be angry with his brother or harbors malice (enmity of heart) against him shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the court; and whoever speaks contemptuously and insultingly to his brother shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, You cursed fool! [You empty-headed idiot!] shall be liable to and unable to escape the hell (Gehenna) of fire.
  21. AMP: Matt 5:22 22 But I say to you that everyone who continues to be angry with his brother or harbors malice (enmity of heart) against him shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the court; and whoever speaks contemptuously and insultingly to his brother shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, You cursed fool! [You empty-headed idiot!] shall be liable to and unable to escape the hell (Gehenna) of fire.
  22. Can this video, be a projection of yourself? Is it good to be a Jehovah Witness? You seem to have the support of a former Jehovah witness you argue with constantly. Is forming an alliance with the dark side, good for you?
  23. Are you referring to other religions or Christianity? Jesus began Christianity as a path to one's own personal salvation. Jesus paid a heavy price to include everyone that would accept his sacrifice and repent. Can you give me an example of what other religion promotes the same theology? Now, how do you believe the 4woman group is promoting spirituality with weakness and not implementing scripture correctly? That doesn't answer my question, but rather gives room for more questions. Why should anyone listen to the words of a person that holds animosity, and rejects the foundation of Christianity? Did I? Can you explain how manipulating the context of other people's words is a good perspective? How does this view dismiss your challenge toward God?
  24. This would depend on how you view David Draiman politics. White Nationalist, supremacy, Donald Trump. This Jew doesn't need to have people think, that is not what he is promoting. Calling people names is an indicator, you had a poor parental upbringing. Are you a former member, now defending this Jehovah's Witness?
  25. I’m not referring to the lyrics but rather the band. If the lyrics are to your liking, then post the lyrics. Don't promote the white supremacist band to make a point. Don't use the lyrics as an excuse to defend your brother, as it appears all Jehovah Witnesses do here. There was a time in the past when a person used the same text this person used this time. That person was ridiculed and was subject to criticism by people here, commenting it was just an excuse to justify that person’s bad behavior. "The same Jesus who drove out the money changers w/whips, called them offspring of vipers, that their father was the Devil and who suggested that congregations making a pretense at Christianity to get either cold or hot else he'd vomit them out of his mouth." Can anyone explain why this person shouldn’t be criticized for the same bad behavior now? Is there a monopoly on how members here use the Bible to benefit themselves? Is it out of friendship, people here are willing to accept certain people’s bad behavior, while not tolerating others bad behavior? Therefore, is this site just meant for a few troubling souls? It also appears, at times, you have former members of this institution “defending” those Jehovah Witnesses that are rude and obnoxious, while making it seem, the entire institution behaves in the same corrosive manner, while claiming their own spiritual superiority in the name of God. Can you explain, why I should "accept" the behavior of such a bad Jehovah's Witness?
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