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Chioke Lin

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Posts posted by Chioke Lin

  1. 15 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Raymundo Martini was probably born in the 13th century

    Doesn't a century end on 99. How are you configuring when he died after 1284? Shouldn't the birth be more relevant? I don't understand how the death of a person would matter before he configured the name of God and used it by the way he formed it. Doesn't that imply the 12th century?

    I guess the point to be made here is, Raymundo Martini was before the 16th century. Do you wish to debate that?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    n 1278 a spanish monk, Raymundo Martini, wrote the latin work PUGIO FIDEI (Dagger of faith). In it he used the name of God, spelling it Yohoua. Later printings of this work, dated some centuries later, used the spelling JEHOVA.

    Thanks for confirming the Watchtower article. Perhaps the monk I was thinking of in the 11th century is actually "Raymundo Martini" of the 12th century, far before the 16th century.

  3. 1 minute ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    No i can't. I am 72 years old and my concentration / deep research ability has long gone.

    This is why I leave the deep thoughts to the professionals. I get you, there are many that want to debate the true name of God. God is God. Just showing respect to that fact and call him by his deserved sovereign name, which ever you choose without disrespecting his sovereignty, that's all he asks of us. For us to believe in Christs words, and to know God's truth, will come to pass.

    Do we need to show God our appreciation and praise? We definitely do. Can it be done as ONE, no it can't. Jesus formed Christianity to mean unity. The same unity God spoke of for his chosen people. There definitely needs to be a "oneness" within that unity. 

    8 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    When I started being brainwashed by JWs (in the 1960's) I was told that the tetragrammaton was YHWH. Having done a little research I find that most people agree with YHWH.  I also read for myself in JW literature way back then, that the leaders of the religion believed that God's name was Yahweh, but that the name Jehovah was more acceptable and that is why they used it. 

    Eventually, it was transformed that way for easy understanding. Don't get me wrong, The YHWH or THVH is appropriate. 

  4. 25 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The letter J was first distinguished from 'I' by the Frenchman Pierre Ramus in the 16th century, but did not become common in Modern English until the 17th century, so that early 17th century works such as the first edition of the King James Version of the Bible (1611) continued to print the name with an I.

    *** w70 6/1 p. 343 A New Bible Translation—Does It Honor God? ***
    However, regarding the name “Jehovah,” The Argus of Cape Town, South Africa, said on March 9, 1970: “The man who has been most intimately concerned with the revision [New English Bible], Prof. Sir Godfrey Driver, . . . said: ‘There never was such a word [as Jehovah] until the French scribes invented it in 1520 or whenever it was. It is a monstrosity.’”
    But French scribes did not invent the name “Jehovah.” It was in use centuries before, Raymond Martin’s Pugio Fidei using it in the form “Jehova” in the year 1270. Yet, because of such negative attitudes toward this name, the introduction to The New English Bible, on page xvi, states:
    “The present translators have retained this incorrect but customary form [Jehovah] in the text of passages where the name is explained with a note on its pronunciation (e.g. Exodus 3.15) and in four place-names of which it forms a constituent element; elsewhere they have followed ancient translators in substituting ‘LORD’ or ‘GOD’, printed as here in capital letters, for the Hebrew name.”

    Before that, A monk used the (i) in the beginning to form the name of God. I believe it was around the 11 century when the crusaders roamed.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So why would anyone not want to use the correct name for Almighty God, YAHWEH.

    I don't disagree with your logic. Just, know that Yahweh is also a made up English word. Yud-hey-vav-hey. How did the name become Yahweh? It can also be composed as Yod-hey-vav-hey. 

    How did the "tetragrammaton" develop the W if it wasn't for the English form of the alphabet? Can you answer that?

    To me, it was formed as they refined the sound, thus transforming certain letters. This is why, the "Waw" came just a tad latter, after they eliminated the "a" from the "Vav" to become "Vv" or VV=W.

  6. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    You are not going to draw me in any more. Go look for an argument somewhere else.

    I beg to differ. You drew me in to your argument, accept your fault. However, what the commentator Tom is implying, anyone other than witness can disagree with you without getting kicked out.

    That makes me wonder, you have status just like George Benson here. Should be we be critical of that friendship? Should we follow the example of men, or God?

    But, I agree, it's time for you to be argumentative with someone else that has that same status as you, and leave us low ranting posters alone.

  7. Instead of insulting people here you don't like, why not apply those text to yourselves. Like that commentator Tom said, don't make it about others, make it about you, and stop playing these senseless games to have someone you don't like removed.

    All of you should be ashamed of yourselves, especially when treating people you don't know with disrespect.


  8. 6 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    No fair at all, but neither is life.

    Then it's true. You only keep people that you like. I get it now. Even though you can be so wrong with labels, you're not worth my time to be defending something that is not. Just answer this question, why do others that are new get that same respect from you older posters? That is the reason I liked the comment, the commentator "witness" expressed as hypocritical. 

    For the last time, if you wish me to stop posting, just say so. You people don't need to have me removed, I'll leave on my own.

  9. The topic by the commentator Librarian is,

    George Benson in Concert - Cardiff, UK

    Let's return to that topic and not make it about a commentator's identity, or what people misguide themselves to believe about that identity, and mistreat a commentator because of that misguided identity.

    Once again, I find myself having to defend what is not. If anyone wishes to muzzle my freedom to express my opinion, then simply say so. I don't need anyone to be playing games with me, so I will be removed from this forum. I will leave voluntarily.

    Right, now, I'm actively seeking for a better forum where I'm not judged because of being labeled by someone. It appears, the term "open forum" is restricted to only those that people like here, regardless if they are from the Org or opposed to the Org. It's sad to say, that's a cult mentality.

    I continue my search, Everyone, have a peaceful day.

  10. 10 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    im waking up too...second that ,,,

    Then you should understand your own abusive behavior and apply your response, by deceiving people that you are Christian.

     3 Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? 


    Once again, being labeled, here by people that don't know me, has no influence on me, but a great deal of influence by Satan to cause this kind of Christian division.

    Your opinions are no better than mind. Likewise, the topic has now become about me, because of the whims of another instead of the topic. I'm forced to defend myself when you don't question the validity of others. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

  11. 10 hours ago, Arauna said:

    (You are coming across a bit abusive like someone who has been on here before....)

    You mean a bit abusive like you, and others here that can't reframe from being part of this world with your tone? What are you teaching exactly by doing that?

    I will not continue this discussion since, I do not wish to be influenced by bad behavior. If you cannot conduct yourself as a Christian, then there is no point to your words of expressed opinion as a Christian.

    Didn't you have an outcry of coming to this forum in order to freely express your opinions without intrusion or repercussions? Why can't I have the same without you trying to prevent me from the same?

    I think, only a few here can post, and you find people disagreeable to you removed. How is that fair?

  12. On 7/13/2022 at 12:16 PM, Witness said:

    Light within this thread?  In the organization?  There is no light in hypocrisy.  The man is getting slandered for working at his age, and not setting a better “example” for young ones, by devoting his physical time to the “preaching work”.  No one knows what riches he has contributed, which according to the Wt article I sited, is just as, or more precious to “Jehovah” than preaching. 

    I am not sucking out any “light”, but shining a light on Wt’s hypocrisy. 

    I like this comment. I would just say, that, not all of us are drawn to the same type of goals here. It would be an individual problem that you are being critical with. If it was, then we would have to blame society for an individual's action.

    I haven't seen, where anyone is forced to be a bad example by their own reckoning. That would be a choice.

  13. 4 hours ago, Pudgy said:


    A setup for the reincarnation of Wally McNasty!

    …I was wondering when the other shoe would drop.

    I think it's time you get over yourself and your insinuations. Is this a setup you have for people you don't like in this forum? Label that person as nasty, while your friends are the ones being nasty. Why don't you call out anyone else having a justifiable opinion?

    Commentator, you're not worth my time anymore, and I'm beginning to think, those of us that have an opposing view that is not to your personal likening and as another commentator suggested with "unchristian behaviour " that distinguished people in forum don't approve of, gets the owner to take action. How sad and rude.

    I asked you long ago, if you don't want me posting, just say so. Stop playing games in order to get me in trouble. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Arauna said:

    If that is not an accusation then I do not know what to call it. It seems I have offended you in some way...... maybe by turning the reasoning around. So, I suggest we leave the discussion as it is without further accusations or insults or negative tones. 

    Now you just want to make it about you and the way you treat certain people that aren't in the in crowd as you and others seem to be and make excuses for yourself. Being 70 doesn't give you the right to treat others you don't know like trash.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    Pardon me for misunderstanding the purpose of a forum....... which according to the majority over here is:  keep your mouth shut and agree with each other.....  Or be afraid to put your ideas out there so you do not hurt anyone elses perceptions of correctness! ....

    You pick and choice which comments to appreciate and who is making those comments. You have a negative tone with the rest. Now you challenge me, as though I have insulted you in some way, when it's you that has insulted me. You might think it's funny, but not to me. That's why I'm not afraid to call your rudeness and wrongfulness out for what they are. If you wish to consider me an enemy now, that's your choice. It can be mine as well, dear.

    As that sister told Tom, Satan is loving this kind of division. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Arauna said:

    LOL. I am 70 years old and sickly to boot - why would I not wish him good health and lots of money and fame.  If you want to hang at his feet do so.  I do not!  that is the point! 

    He is setting a bad example and I stand by my point!

    Now you're just being rude, dear. I believe the one setting a bad example, now, and here is you. But, I won't be drawn into an argument since it appears that's what you're best at, especially when you're wrong with so many things. Have a good day.

  17. 2 hours ago, Mankeptforunnaturalporpoises said:

    And yet he’s 79 and still here. So proof of the opposite. 

    You are speaking about George Benson being 79, since Michael Jackson died at 51. I meet Michael Jackson at an assembly in California in 1984, I believe. An assembly announcer made it a point to comment, Michael was in attendance, as though he was a superstar at the assembly. I didn't appreciate that call. He was no more a superstar there than those conducting the drama on Sunday. Does that mean, I needed to be critical of the announcement? No, since that was my personal view and opinion.

  18. 9 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Now you are putting a flame to the fire. I never suggested that......  I think it is easier to work with a pro with experience...... but it is a mindset - to rather give young ones a chance. 

    Your tone did. You seem to have a problem with his success. Anyway, I didn't suggest you did. I merely suggested, by your tone, it makes that appearance.  That's not your call to make. As for the young ones, to each their own. If they can succeed in the arts, it's not your call either. In that case, we need to be mindful to handle our own affairs as Christians. We are not the speakers for the Org, or Christianity. 

    It appears you take a tone with some and not all. Then it seems you apologize to some and not all for that tone. It seems you have a problem with being humble.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    I will get it wherever I can … sometimes a clerk at a 7-11 store will sell me some of the really pure stuff, sometimes my pharmacy has some. I have to be careful not to get it in my lungs

    Water in lungs is bad. Another thing that is bad, drinking contaminated water.

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