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Moise Racette

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Posts posted by Moise Racette

  1. 6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    That brief and only mention of him in our publications has confused some into thinking that John A. Brown mentioned 1914. He never did.

    Yes, you make an erred assumption in behave of my post. I never indicated John A Brown mentioned 1914CE. His understanding was on the gentile times. I mentioned 1914CE as a perceived understanding to the end of the gentile times, which is 1914CE. So, me mentioning John A Brown and 1914CE is inconsequential to your post.

    If you are to play with words, play with them correctly, thanks. 

    Also, why would anyone want to discuss how people that deny with impunity 1914CE here, when they will never be convinced nor will they ever convince others of that denial.

  2. The poster is making less sense with each post. The poster should then understand the procedures of the synagogue Elders along with the high priest. Elders that were acknowledged by the apostles.

    You are therefore confusing the 144,000 anointed priests with the regular role of a spiritual leader. Learn scripture as to teach those that are distorting scripture alongside the poster

    • The phrase "God is not mocked" is found in Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Mocking God means disrespecting, dishonoring, denying or ignoring His existence.
  3. Now the poster is desperate enough to submit lies. There is a clear understanding in scripture on how the failures of the literal Jew became the spiritual leader.

    Hebrews 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

    More can be found in the book of ACTS and Titus. An "overseer" can be compared to an Elder.

    Therefore, viewers should flee from imposters. Christians pretending to see the light, when there is only darkness.

  4. Since the poster condemns and judges the spiritual leaders of the Watchtower for the sins of the poster, then the answer is YES! Amos 4:1-13 does not apply. The application does however condemn the poster's self-serving ploys.

     Spiritual Israel has not left God, and continues to do the work of Christ. That fact is undisputable. However, the poster should understand correctly, what is written in Amos.

     3. Words Condemning Israel’s Women, Worship, and Stubbornness (4:1–13)

     (1) Condemnation of Samaria’s Self-serving Women (4:1–3)

    It would appear, the contradiction comes from the poster's application of scripture.

  5. If a Christian "doesn't" have confidence and faith on what is written is scripture and in ancient scrolls, then that person is not a Christian that has full understanding in the word of God, but instead challenges the word of God.

    That in itself condemns any perception of Christian life.

    Our confidence to engage fully in these lives is founded in our faith in God, a God who is absolutely trustworthy (Hebrews 13:8; James 1:16–18). As Christians, we are called to have confidence in God, that the good work of salvation He has begun in us will be completed by Him (Philippians 1:6).

    An example of that lack of understanding comes from the poster's own words. "If we are to prepare to meet God" is a condition that false religion praises. Here, the word "meet" is placed in a false narrative. That word should be used as a spiritual reflection on our Christian life. Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 27:19, 1-Corinthians 13:12, John 14:6

    No one will ever meet our creator, no matter how hard they wish it to be so. 1-Timothy 6:16

  6. Helons Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Volume 1 by Frederick Strauss 1824

    From his boyhood the author had been inspired, by the perusal of similar works on Pagan antiquities, with the wish to exhibit such a picture of the Jewish nation; and, encouraged by men whose opinion he valued, he had at an early period of life formed the resolution to undertake it, had sketched the general outline of his work, and even executed particular parts of it.

     The plan of the work is the following. A young Jew, who had been enamoured of the prevailing Grecian philosophy, has returned to the observance of the law of his fathers, at one of those important crises in life which decide the character of succeeding periods. Bent on the fulfilment of the law, which he believes it impossible to accomplish anywhere but in the place where the altar of Jehovah is fixed, he makes a journey from Alexandria, where he had been brought up, accompanied by his uncle, to Jerusalem, in the spring of the year 109 before the birth of Christ, remains there during the half year which included the principal religious festivals; becomes a priest; enters into the married state; and, by the guidance of Providence, and varied experience, attains to the conviction, that peace of mind is only to be found in believing in Him who has been promised for the consolation of Israel.


    Helons Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Volume 2 by Frederick Strauss 1824



     A deep melancholy took possession of Helon’s mind, and this day seemed likely to pass even more gloomily than the preceding. The dejection of mind which for several years past had been his habitual companion, had suddenly vanished during the paschal week. The enthusiasm which began at Beersheba, when he knelt down to greet the land of his fathers, had gone on constantly increasing; and he had felt within himself a resolution, which it seemed as if nothing could daunt, to keep the law of Jehovah. But now, though still in the Holy Land and in the city of God, his spirits sunk at every moment; his feelings had been too highly excited, and this depression was the natural consequence. He could not descend to the ordinary occupations of life in Jerusalem, in which, as the city of Jehovah, it seemed to him that a perpetual festival ought to prevail.


    Knowing God by Name_ Names of God That Bring Hope and Healing 2003

     Jehovah Shalom

     The Lord Our Peace

    Knowing (and believing in) God's character as revealed in His names provides great protection against enemy attack. God declared through Hosea, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). The implication here is powerful. God is telling us that having an intimate knowledge of His nature and character, as revealed through His names, is a powerful shield against Satan's lies. P-8


    The thing to note about the false narrative of the poster is, the use of Gnostic perception. The Gnostic book, Song of God, highlight the modern name of God in a negative light. Therefore, the usage of God’s proper name in Gnostic teachings bears no logical evidence in the proper usage of God’s personal name. A name that has been used by others, not just the Watchtower.


    Demiurge / Demiurgos

     Pronunciation:  DEHM-ee-urzh

    Occurrences:  242

    First Reference:  Yeshua 52:36

     And unto this did Yeshua add the truth of dread Jehovah, being himself a Demiurge of wrath and fearful judgment; having himself, since ancient times, corrupted the teachings which came from Heaven; to make himself through great perversions, the god of priests and prophets.


    Pronunciation:  dzhah-HO-vuh + YAH-way

    Occurrences:  245

    First Reference:  Yeshua 52:36

     And unto this did Yeshua add the truth of dread Jehovah, being himself a Demiurge of wrath and fearful judgment; having himself, since ancient times, corrupted the teachings which came from Heaven; to make himself through great perversions, the god of priests and prophets.


    The Gnostic teaching also has a problem with the usage of Yeshua. To them, Yeshua mentioned in the bible is not the correct Yeshua celebrated by Christendom to them.

     So, the usage of YHWH or the name of Jesus (Jeshua) is inconsequential to Gnostic teachings. To them, anyone printing the name JESHUA would be wrong.

  7. 1 hour ago, Peter Carroll said:

    jw.org is the only organization that has the right to promote this holy name

    There are earlier and modern organizations that use the name of God in modern English. The Watchtower is not exclusive and shouldn't be. The name of God should be known by all the earths inhabitants.


    What shouldn't be, is the argument of God's name. God does have a proper name, and it has been attested to for millennia.

  8. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    But surprisingly, research shows that the Greek form, ΙΕΗΩΟΥΑ has been found in gnostic (heretical, anti-biblical) writings, dating as far back as the second century.  If a JW is reading this, how do you feel knowing that the name you apply to the Almighty God and which liberally falls off your tongue, had its origins in Gnosticism? 

    Why should it make a difference, with the origin of the name of God, and how or who used it? YHWH was attested to in ancient script. The name Yahweh is an earlier version of YHWH. Some Israelites compared YHWH to Baal. Historians do the same. 

    The name Jehovah is a modern translation of YHWH. That's the point you keep missing.

    What the post does indicate is, malice against God by his old, mid, or modern name.

    The point to the reader should be, why Christendom has erased the name of God in their publications and bible and substitute it with the general term GOD or LORD. Why people keep trying to insult God by arguing what his name is.

    The Catholic Church removed from its pillars the Tetragrammaton

    1-Timothy 4:5, John 17:17, 1-Thessalonians 4:7, Romans 15:16, etc.

  9. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Proof -  Do I reject God or Christ?


    Then, the poster does not understand what scripture indicates. Learn to appreciate scripture rather than push forward false claims in public.

    Instructions for Christian living can be found in [Ephesians 4:17-5:20]. The poster is denying God’s right to keep the church clean of wrongdoers. If the poster was D’df along with the members of its household, then, by the poster’s behavior here, it was a righteous call to do so.

    The New Life

    17 The apostle now turns his attention from relationships within the body of Christ (4:1–16) to his direct exhortation (‘therefore’), begun in vv. 1–3. He urges his readers not to fall back into the patterns of thinking and behaviour of their former Gentile way of life, a lifestyle that is subsequently painted in dark colours (vv. 18–19). The language shows that Paul’s admonition is both important and urgent, and that it comes with divine authority.

    However, the poster has not proven its false claims. Let's not distract from the topic. I do not find 2034 to be a feasible starting point. It should come much earlier to those that follow prophetic signs. There are "key" imprints in scripture along with world events that can achieve that task.

  10. The above depends on how you want to look at Zephaniah 1:14-18

    The comment suggests the poster is comparing the institution called the Watchtower to Baal. The immoral poster would have to prove how that institution is idolized and worshiped by its members above all else, as NOT to follow the true God. The actions of most members obey, without reservations, the words of God, just as Christ instructed.

    If anything, it would be the poster placing man before God thus will suffer the same fate as the kings of all the world, by paying attention to unsound doctrine of others, come judgment day. That can be seen as succumbing to pagan practices.

    3. Judgment at the Great Day of the Lord (1:14–2:3)

    God’s messenger, the prophet, brings news to God’s people. His announcement is simple: the day of the Lord is at hand. References to that day appear ten times in five verses. This long section approaches apocalyptic language161 as it details the day of the Lord as a day of intense judgment when nothing would stand before the Lord’s wrath. Like Amos, Zephaniah saw the day of the Lord as a day of darkness and not light, a day when God’s judgment would be poured out on a rebellious people. In that day wealth, youth, or power would prove useless (Amos 5:18–20). The prophet’s message has a point. He gives more than pure description. He calls for immediate action (2:1–3).


    Judgment on Judah (Zeph. 1:1 to 2:3)

    The passage. —There is a finality about the opening words of the prophecy (1:2–3) that suggests an ultimate and universal “day of the Lord” with justice triumphant and evil vanquished. But beginning with “Judah, and … all the inhabitants of Jerusalem” (v. 4), Zephaniah warns of approaching individual judgment on rebellious nations.

    The warning is given at a time when the worship of Baal and other pagan practices are prevalent in Judah (1:4–6). For those who engage in such idolatry, “the day of the Lord” (v. 7) will come as “the day of the Lord’s sacrifice” (v. 8) to which “he hath bid his guests” (v. 7). It was customary to summon people to a sacrifice (1 Sam. 16:2–5). This time, however, they are gathered to learn their fate.

  11. With the above reply. It means I am spot on with that scripture. It would be wiser to learn scripture rather than to falsely present it to the public. Perhaps this will aid you in understanding Paul's intent in Colossians.

    "Paul then explains how the world’s teachings are totally empty when compared with God’s plan, and he challenges the Colossians to reject shallow answers and to live in union with Christ (1:24–2:23)."

    Keep in mind, it was the poster that included that text in the poster's immoral rant. Should I conclude, that you have given me an identifiable name for you to personalize your replies?

    What should I call the poster by its personal name.

  12. The above post have similarities to the authorship of confused people willing to misquote scripture for their own benefit.

    Any organization can be cleansed, as it was in Jesus time. There's nothing new about that. The Watchtower has been purged many times to eliminate the undesirables and false prophets, just like in bible times when spies were identified. I, however, do accept the posters can be subjected to the claims of Colossians 2:8 for themselves.

    This text is most appropriate for them and should be a warning to viewers not to follow such unchristian behavior.

    NAS: Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. (Col. 2:8 NAS)

    The posters follow the "elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." 

  13. Can more meaningless illustration prove the first? No! It has not proven the question on the accusation. The poster should learn the difference between definitions such as excommunication, expulsion, and removal. How many illustrations of such can be found in scripture without directly using these modern words?

    However, LUKE can be applied to the ill will of the poster, and John can be applied to the sacrilege condemnation of judgment left to the will of God to deliver that judgment, as God did in bible times.

    Therefore, the poster is condemning God through the Body of Elders in a sinful way. Eph 5:8-14 does not apply to the poster, since there is no light in darkness.

  14. Since Luke is referring to how the Pharisees loved their money more than they loved God, the poster's immoral rant would have to prove how "Luke" and disfellowship equal murder. The poster is accusing an organization of murder with the following comment:

    On 11/30/2022 at 2:24 PM, Witness said:

    When I was reading Nehemiah chapter 9 recently, I was thinking of how the prayerful story it tells, comes to us on gentle breezes of God’s Spirit, creating wavelets of memories that remind us of what we had been through as JWs; from the years spent in the organization, followed by many of us getting “killed” through disfellowshipping for defending the truth in Christ, and now where we are today. 

    The two do not coincide at best with the context of LUKE. Therefore, Christ truth is not morally defended here by a poster that serves 2 Gods. 1, the prince of darkness and 2, the originator that became the crutch of the poster's confusion.

  15. Critical theory

    Philosophy that sociological understanding's primarily use should be social reform

    A critical theory is any approach to social philosophy that focuses on society and culture to reveal, critique and challenge power structures. With roots in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems stem more from social structures and cultural assumptions than from individuals. It argues that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation.

    Can someone criticizing critical thinking have, dominion over their own thoughts? Then it is no longer and experiment. 

  16. I would imagine the above YouTube video illustrates the denseness of critical thought coming from a mindless person. This works against anyone trying to criticize others. It does bring up a question. Did Jesus and his apostles waste their time, walking long distance, town to town, city to city, house to house to bring the gospel of God to the people? Is cart witnessing any different?

    When organizations use televangelism as a choice, are they wrong? What say the critics?

  17. Broken Promise, and I believe it has been granted. I guess there is no reason for a closed club.

    "I had quit the JW Open Club, so as not to be a cause for dissension …. [w]hich if I am not careful I can take over a conversation … as TTH ALLUDED to that, and he was correct.

    Under the circumstances, I feel if I do not comment, it would solve at least 3 points of concern.

    I have been thinking about this for several days and decided it would be appropriate to “belong” if I only commented if asked a question, etc.,[]and not post cartoons.

    Basically, the same rules at the Kingdom Hall, except I will be courteous to anyone that is courteous to me, except that for d’fd people, not to discuss any theocratic issue or “what’s going on”, etc., realizing it is a double[]edged sword that should cut both ways.

    With all that in mind, I again request approval to join the closed club[] mainly as an observer.

    The open club has evolved into a bat cave of crazy people."


  18. Do they, I didn't know American Christians hated Canadian's? That's new to me. I guess it says more about American Christians here than people that oppose certain teachings of Christ.

    Maybe that should be a new discussion. How JW's hate certain people and don't follow God's law like some posters they oppose. 1 John 3:15

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