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  1. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in Forum participants we have known   
    Tom, why do you keep foolishly demonstrating your mental illness by ringing the dinner bell as you "rebuke" me for doing so with the closed club? Are you experiencing difficulties with cognitive understanding, just like James? It could be a condition called dementia!
  2. Downvote
    BTK59 reacted to TrueTomHarley in Forum participants we have known   
    I would 100% embrace my theory that he is himself a disfellowshipped person exacting revenge but for the strong possibility of mental illness. 
  3. Downvote
    BTK59 reacted to TrueTomHarley in Forum participants we have known   
    You have just expressed the common and pedestrian viewpoint which typifies the shallowness of those who reside in the open club. However, your statement also provides opportunity for the rare person who possesses true wisdom and insight to let his brilliance and intellectual rigor shine brightly beneath all the sun. This is crucial to recognize. But where in the world is there in the world a man so extraordinaire? C’est moi, who resides—where else?—in the closed club.
    The nugget of pure wisdom to be revealed today, which you would do well to write upon the surface of your brain: @Pudgy and @JW Insider are one and the same. They both have commented here forever. They both disappeared at exactly the same time. What further proof could anyone ask for?
  4. Downvote
    BTK59 reacted to Juan Rivera in Forum participants we have known   
    But satisfaction brought it back, haven’t you heard? Is a pressing matter because the more I know about you, the more I can determine your credibility, your sincerity, your authenticity. So why do you hide behind a moniker?. Why hide if Jehovah values transparency, honesty and speaking the truth and makes us accountable for it? 
    Self-awareness and Experience.  Feedback from Others. It triggers an emotional response. People can change and develop empathy and reflect on their behavior. Understanding the mechanics of condescension. Because they can still interpret tone, body language, and context to identify condescension. 
  5. Downvote
    BTK59 reacted to Juan Rivera in Forum participants we have known   
    I’m curious, George. Why do you hide behind a moniker? I can think of several reasons why others do it, including their own admissions, but what is the rationalization for your persona? 🙏 @George88
    @TrueTomHarley JWI mentioned that he was involved in several other projects and activities. I haven’t been active lately, because there’s just too much content and input worth browsing here.
    Many miles sent me a message about a month ago that I had a knee jerk reaction to because I took as condescending, but it was most likely done in good faith. Hope he is doing good and can continue despite his pain and convictions about the blood issues.
  6. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in Forum participants we have known   
    If you have something to say to "Juan Rivera", why not just express it directly, rather than praising individuals and aligning with someone considered a failure in the eyes of God.
    In order to establish my true identity as BTK and others that JWI thinks are the same, it would be essential to showcase a comprehensive understanding of the psychological makeup, which might not be readily evident to everyone. Mere resemblance in writing style and tone alone lacks the impact and meaning that one with keen perception and discernment would seek that no one in the closed club posses.
    Or are the people in the closed club itching for a fight as usual, and they chose you, or are you taking the initiative? Does the public really need to hear from shameful witnesses in order to continue to spread your propaganda and nonsense here instead of just leaving your bad influence there in the closed club that you're itching or bursting to spew your falsehoods and air your dirty laundry in public once again?
    Who is ringing the bell now Tom?
    Why not channel our spiritual intelligence into a meaningful topic instead of getting caught up in personal opinions and misinterpretations? Let's showcase our wisdom as witnesses, or is that too difficult for the closed club members?
  7. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Is there a greater equality between men and women in the eyes of God?   
    It appears that there is a loss of understanding regarding the roles of men and women, even within the brotherhood. Some "sisters" seem to have adopted a feminist perspective of world equality, which may differ from the biblical interpretation of equality. Furthermore, it seems that some men have also embraced this misguided viewpoint. However, we must ask ourselves if it is in line with Christ's teachings for Christians to be swayed by the values of the world.
    Should sisters be as opinionated as brothers? It's clear that neither approach should be considered the standard for either gender when it comes to Christian values. Therefore, can a misguided person teach the true nature of Christ?
    It is evident that the roles prescribed for Christian men and women should be in accordance with God's commands, rather than those proposed by mere mortals.
    1 Timothy 2:11-15 New International Version
    11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
    Gingrich, Greek NT Lexicon (GIN)
    [GING] ἡσυχία 
    ἡσυχία, ας, ἡ quietness, rest. Opposite of causing a disturbance orderliness 2 Th 3:12. Quietness as a listening posture 1 Ti 2:11f; Ac 21:40 v.l. παρέχειν ἡσυχίαν quiet down, give a hearing, be orderly Ac 22:2
    ESV  James 1:26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. (Jas. 1:26 ESV)
  8. Like
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in Is there a greater equality between men and women in the eyes of God?   
    I am aware of female truck drivers and martial art experts, which clearly demonstrates that not all women are required to possess extreme physical abilities solely to validate their feminist beliefs. Moreover, this notion is not supported by any scriptural evidence. This is the essence of the topic: how God perceives the roles of men and women, not how a man perceives what those roles should be.
  9. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in Is there a greater equality between men and women in the eyes of God?   
    Ex-Witness YouTube Propaganda Campaign: A Critical Examination of Biblical Perspectives on Gender Equality.
    The advent of social media platforms like YouTube has provided a fertile ground for the proliferation of various narratives, including those aimed at discrediting religious organizations. One such campaign has been waged by ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, who have used YouTube to disseminate videos alleging gender inequality within the organization. This post aims to critically examine these claims by exploring the biblical perspectives on gender equality, drawing insights from both the Old and New Testaments.
    **Genesis Account: Creation and Equality**
    The Bible's creation account in Genesis presents a clear picture of gender equality. Both men and women are created in the 'image of God' (Genesis 1:27), indicating their inherent value and spiritual equality. This equality extends to their need for salvation from sin (Romans 3:23) and their potential for redemption through Christ (Galatians 3:27-29).
    **Marriage and Complementarity**
    While Genesis 2:18 suggests that Eve was created as a 'helper' for Adam, this does not imply inferiority. The Hebrew word used for 'helper' (ezer) can also mean 'strength' or 'support.' In the context of marriage, it signifies that men and women are complementary, each bringing unique strengths and perspectives to the union. Marriage is not a hierarchy but a partnership in which both spouses are valued and respected (Genesis 2:24).
    **New Testament Perspectives**
    The New Testament reinforces the equality of men and women in Christ. Ephesians 5:21-33 instructs both husbands and wives to submit to each other, highlighting the mutual respect that should characterize Christian marriages. While some argue that the command for wives to submit to their husbands implies a power imbalance, the passage also emphasizes that husbands are to treat their wives with the same self-sacrificing love that Christ showed for the church.
    **Weaker Vessel and Honor**
    1 Peter 3:7 refers to women as the 'weaker vessel,' which has been interpreted by some as evidence of female inferiority. However, the context suggests that this description refers to women's physical vulnerability rather than their spiritual or intellectual abilities. The passage urges husbands to treat their wives with understanding and honor, recognizing their equal status as heirs of God's grace.
    **Ex-Witness Allegations and Bible Interpretation**
    The ex-Witness YouTube propaganda campaign often distorts or misinterprets biblical passages to support their claims of gender inequality. For example, they may selectively quote verses that describe women's submission without acknowledging the complementary instructions for husbands. They may also ignore the broader context of biblical passages that affirm gender equality.
    A careful examination of the Bible reveals that it consistently affirms the spiritual equality of men and women. Genesis establishes their equal creation and redemption, while the New Testament emphasizes mutual respect and submission within marriage. While there are differences in roles and responsibilities, these are not based on inherent superiority or inferiority. The ex-Witness YouTube propaganda campaign, by distorting biblical teachings, undermines the true message of gender equality found in Scripture.
  10. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Who is in a better ("stronger") position? Man or woman?   
    Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. - Gen 3:16
    What form of "patriarchy" is prophesied here? Jewish form ? 1st century Christian form? Catholic form? Protestant form? WTJWorg form?

  11. Thanks
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Is Light a Wave or a Particle?   
    Clearly, they are already demanding your exile. Yes! It's unfortunate that Pudgy spoiled a great discussion about science. I hope the discussion can continue without any more nonsensical interruptions.
    Just a suggestion since they are on your heels.
    Wow! You speak! It seems you have a lot to say! Now they are going to treat like, who do you think you are, mister big stuff! Are those aliens now going to imply that anyone who speaks out against the five or six key contributors to this site will be treated as though it is George just because those in opposition speak the language they hate to hear, the TRUTH?
    They are seeking individuals who will embrace their nonconformist values and appreciate what they can offer in shaping public opinion contrary to the established agenda of God and Christ. Their goal is to enhance their writing abilities and avoid squandering time on frivolous pursuits, mainly arguing about the truth they don't care for. They see it all as a mere game, even when leading people astray. They believe they have every right to and will face no biblical repercussions, or so they believe. They just want to have fun just like that Cyndi Lauper song.
    Be prepared to be belittled and ridiculed, all the while they claim to be angels. Haha!
    By the way, please refrain from using the same language as George. They appear to believe that when others use the same words, it means they are the same person, and they emphasize this as if no one else is allowed to use similar grammar. It seems they think only they have the right to use the same or similar writing styles. Quite amusing, isn't it?
    See, what I just placed in bold, now I'm George, lol!
    Now, let's leave this nice science thread for people that want to know more about science. I believe George left it at "Zero Distance."
  12. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to Alphonse in Is Light a Wave or a Particle?   
    It's truly disheartening when someone who is supposed to be a friend of the exclusive group resorts to using profanity in their comments, just like other members claiming to be witnesses. It's quite a ludicrous situation for the public to witness. 
    Yet, the "defense" of such a person, continues. 
  13. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    I fail to understand how someone without a background in biblical education can criticize those who have formal training and effectively apply their knowledge, while those without such education consistently refuse to apply it accurately.
    If Bible scholars are able to discern what certain witnesses here refuse to acknowledge, then their education is far more effectively utilized. Will you now defend the indefensible? Is that your rationale for providing a commentary on compassion and misguided Christian love, merely to defend those in the closed club?
    I refuse to engage in a quarrel with someone who is selective in their understanding of the Bible. It's evident that the misrepresentation from those who identify as JWs is clear to anyone outside the closed club. However, what is the true purpose behind your confrontational language?
  14. Thanks
    BTK59 got a reaction from JW Insider in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    The parable of the prodigal son serves as a powerful reminder of a simple truth: the importance of granting pardon when it is necessary and knowing when to leave the unjust to their own devices. The complementary text to Luke 15 is found in Isaiah 57.
    The figurative expression of Jesus' parable encapsulates what we can discern in Paul's words to the Ephesian congregation in Ephesians 2:1. It does not mean that the father literally thought his child was dead to him.
    Ephesians 2:1-2 New International Version
    Made Alive in Christ
    2 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
    Once again, the central theme of obedience and disobedience takes the spotlight. Paul emphasized this idea when he penned his letter to the Romans in Romans 6:2.
    Romans 6 New International Version
    Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
    6 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
    Should a follower of Christ keep sinning in order to be forgiven repeatedly? Other passages in the Bible make it clear that this is not the case. How can we understand this with spiritual maturity? Once again, the Apostle Paul established the basis for Christ's teachings in his letter in Hebrews 6:1.
    Hebrews 6 New International Version
    6 Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death,[a] and of faith in God, 2 instruction about cleansing rites,[b] the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. 3 And God permitting, we will do so.
    "Dead works," Apostle Paul's powerful message is truly impactful. This concept is further illuminated in James 2:26.
    NAS  James 2:26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. (Jas. 2:26 NAS)
    No true worship or service without an obedient heart
    2. Without a sincere and humble spirit of subjection, without a holy and obedient heart, all our prayers and all our services are nothing in the sight of God; are founded in hypocrisy; are no better than a mockery of his name. Submission to the authority and will of God must ever be essential to true religion under every dispensation; and few persons there are, who doubt this as a speculative truth. But there is a vast difference between the outward submission of an unrepentant and ungodly heart, and the inward submission of the penitent and the pious! It is the subjection of mind, the surrender of the affections to the will and law of God, which constitutes an acceptable service. Pardon is graciously promised to all who truly repent, and the word of God assures us, that it will be extended to none besides: upon what ground then can the unrepentent sinner presume to ask forgiveness? And how can that man dare to implore of God the grace to repent, who has no intention and no real desire of repenting? He is but adding insult to his sin. How can the wilful sinner who lives, and is yet determined to live, in any course of guilt, really pray for deliverance from the bondage of sin?
    (from The Biblical Illustrator)
  15. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    The parable of the prodigal son serves as a powerful reminder of a simple truth: the importance of granting pardon when it is necessary and knowing when to leave the unjust to their own devices. The complementary text to Luke 15 is found in Isaiah 57.
    The figurative expression of Jesus' parable encapsulates what we can discern in Paul's words to the Ephesian congregation in Ephesians 2:1. It does not mean that the father literally thought his child was dead to him.
    Ephesians 2:1-2 New International Version
    Made Alive in Christ
    2 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
    Once again, the central theme of obedience and disobedience takes the spotlight. Paul emphasized this idea when he penned his letter to the Romans in Romans 6:2.
    Romans 6 New International Version
    Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
    6 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
    Should a follower of Christ keep sinning in order to be forgiven repeatedly? Other passages in the Bible make it clear that this is not the case. How can we understand this with spiritual maturity? Once again, the Apostle Paul established the basis for Christ's teachings in his letter in Hebrews 6:1.
    Hebrews 6 New International Version
    6 Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death,[a] and of faith in God, 2 instruction about cleansing rites,[b] the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. 3 And God permitting, we will do so.
    "Dead works," Apostle Paul's powerful message is truly impactful. This concept is further illuminated in James 2:26.
    NAS  James 2:26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. (Jas. 2:26 NAS)
    No true worship or service without an obedient heart
    2. Without a sincere and humble spirit of subjection, without a holy and obedient heart, all our prayers and all our services are nothing in the sight of God; are founded in hypocrisy; are no better than a mockery of his name. Submission to the authority and will of God must ever be essential to true religion under every dispensation; and few persons there are, who doubt this as a speculative truth. But there is a vast difference between the outward submission of an unrepentant and ungodly heart, and the inward submission of the penitent and the pious! It is the subjection of mind, the surrender of the affections to the will and law of God, which constitutes an acceptable service. Pardon is graciously promised to all who truly repent, and the word of God assures us, that it will be extended to none besides: upon what ground then can the unrepentent sinner presume to ask forgiveness? And how can that man dare to implore of God the grace to repent, who has no intention and no real desire of repenting? He is but adding insult to his sin. How can the wilful sinner who lives, and is yet determined to live, in any course of guilt, really pray for deliverance from the bondage of sin?
    (from The Biblical Illustrator)
  16. Like
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    Correctly positioned, it can be a remarkable phenomenon. Nevertheless, persisting in denial leads to distortion, despite attempts to modify God's words with our own emotions.
    Whom do we truly serve with our misguided love - Man or God? This is something that visiting witnesses should deeply ponder upon.
    Did God's genuine love for the Israelites stop him from having to punish the nation of Israel due to their numerous unfulfilled promises to obey? An unrepentant person is essentially breaking God's law. How did God handle those who didn't repent?
    Who dares to question the divine message in the name of misguided empathy?
  17. Thanks
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    Let us examine the underlying assumptions inherent in "The Parable of the Lost Son" in Luke 15, as well as the stark contrast presented by Jesus' words in Luke 17, which serve as both admonitions against sin and guiding principles for our Christian responsibilities.
    If we simply accept these passages at face value, can we truly comprehend their meaning if the intention is to justify the actions of an unrepentant sinner?
    Then we would need to examine the context and purpose of those specific passages. Can we truly compare those passages? If the prodigal son wasted his life and felt regretful enough to say, "I have sinned against heaven and my 'father'" for lacking the wisdom to live a fulfilling life, then who did the lost son truly sin against?
    Did the lost son sin against his fellow Christians or the community he was not entrusted to serve or care for? This was the compassion the father felt for a son who had lost his way in life. His sin was what he had done to himself, not others.
    What then is the purpose of Jesus in the parable of the prodigal son? It is to communicate the profound message that anyone, without exception, can find a place in the Kingdom of God, as long as they sincerely undergo a genuine metamorphosis and transformation of their life.
    Does Luke 17 apply in this case? Absolutely, it does. Only when an individual, despite their imperfections, shows a genuine willingness to repent before God and fellow believers, can they set their lives on the right course and receive forgiveness even if they stumble and sin against others many times. However, is this forgiveness unlimited?
    Here is where the confusion stems from: No! While we should forgive our fellow believers for unintentional sins, it does not encompass ongoing intentional sins. Therefore, it does not apply to an unrepentant person who publicly and continuously demonstrates it.
    That would be as if secular authority were to give a pedophile a "get out of jail free" card every time that pervert had an urge to act. However, in real life, things don't work that way, and the same goes for bible principles.
    In Matthew 11:20-27, Jesus conveyed a powerful message about unrepentant and accountability. However, some individuals choose to disregard Jesus' words in Matthew 18:15-17 because it challenges their interpretation of Christian love and support for an unrepentant soul. They base their argument on defending an incorrigible person.
    Luke illuminates the concept of "repentance" as a crucial factor, not the sin itself. This is why Apostle John's words in 1 John 1:9 emphasize the power of confessing our sins. He was not referring to private "repentance." No, a silent approach to repentance only benefits the individual. If someone believes that things should be done in secret to hide them from the public, what is that person actually demonstrating with such behavior? Deception.
    While it is commendable to embody Christian love, it is important to avoid displaying misguided emotions, particularly when dealing with individuals who show no remorse.
    The Apostle Paul was entrusted with the important task of presenting the distinctions in Christian conduct and ethics to the congregations.
    1 Corinthians 5:11 New International Version
    11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister[a] but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
    Anyone who disregards scripture by ignoring other passages that reflect negatively on the behavior of a group that people happen to like, and by not applying scripture as it was intended, is failing to fulfill their duty to their fellow believers and is showing disrespect to God if they use His name to undermine the true understanding of scripture.
    While it is true that a formal education is not necessary for individuals to gain enlightenment from scripture, it is important to note that the Holy Spirit will not manifest in those who mock God by misinterpreting scripture for the sole purpose of satisfying their own limited understanding of Christian compassion, especially when it is misguided.
    Therefore, it is crucial to recognize that Luke 15 and 17 are being misrepresented in this context, and it indeed requires a sound understanding of the Bible to comprehend the distinction in how these verses are meant to be conveyed to the public.
    It's not meant to be a "get out of jail free" card.
  18. Sad
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    I fail to understand how someone without a background in biblical education can criticize those who have formal training and effectively apply their knowledge, while those without such education consistently refuse to apply it accurately.
    If Bible scholars are able to discern what certain witnesses here refuse to acknowledge, then their education is far more effectively utilized. Will you now defend the indefensible? Is that your rationale for providing a commentary on compassion and misguided Christian love, merely to defend those in the closed club?
    I refuse to engage in a quarrel with someone who is selective in their understanding of the Bible. It's evident that the misrepresentation from those who identify as JWs is clear to anyone outside the closed club. However, what is the true purpose behind your confrontational language?
  19. Thanks
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in Is Light a Wave or a Particle?   
    Well, I tried to be civil, and this is what I get in return coming from an uneducated engineer.
    Danah Zohar Zero Distance Management in the Quantum Age 2022
    My study of Heidegger and reflections on the wider relevance of quantum philosophy for new thinking about personal & social sciences I was exploring during my three years of postgraduate studies at Harvard while pursuing a Ph.D. at the Divinity School in Philosophy, Psychology, & Religion. I finally published my first “quantum” book, The Quantum Self , in 1990, offering a new, quantum framework for psychology that could replace Freud’s dominant, mechanistic framework that had been inspired by Newtonian physics. Ironically, and very much to my surprise, it was the publication of that book that began my career as a management thinker. page XXXii
    Chapter 8 I Am a Particle and a Wave
    The iconic American hero is the lonely cowboy, sitting astride his horse in the midst of a vast prairie and dependent on no one but himself to brave and survive the elements. His modern equivalent is the Superhero, who has special powers that enable him to single-handedly save the world, and the Taylorian CEO is a kind of cowboy or Superhero who bears sole authority and responsibility for running his/her company. Western society is based on this concept of the all-important individual, the “atom of society,” whose power to pursue his/her interests and protect his/her rights through the personal vote is the cornerstone of Western democracy. We have already seen that this sacred individualism is rooted in the atomism of early Greek philosophy and then enshrined as a defining principle of Newtonian physics. Western society is particle-like. page 89
    I'm out!
  20. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in Is Light a Wave or a Particle?   
    It's satisfying to know that my comments concerning profanity aren't going unnoticed, especially when they come from someone who considers themselves superior without even attempting to contribute intellectually. I suppose it's true what they say, once an animal, always an animal. It seems that with your criminal record, you're destined to remain that way.
    This exercise benefits a specific person in the closed club who believes that Christian love is the solution, despite a person's heart being beyond redemption with their public actions and behavior. I would be embarrassed to think this animal was once a JW.
  21. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in Is Light a Wave or a Particle?   
    That simply implies that you, as a glorified plumber, do not truly comprehend quantum physics as you pretend to. However, you are indeed right about one thing - your criminal record, which is easily accessible to anyone, will reveal the true nature of your character. That was the intended reference, not the delusional manipulation of words that you employ to divert attention from the fact that you are fundamentally driven by base instincts as an animal at heart, which you continue to display, and people want to continue to defend you for it.
    Their vigorous defense of you speaks volumes about their lack of Christian ethics, overshadowing your insignificant existence.
    I prefer not to engage in conflict with an uninformed individual, even in this thread that was intriguing, but unfortunately, someone uncouth always manages to spoil it.
  22. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    The illustration underscores the importance of genuine repentance, as opposed to insincere repentance that is only superficial. Merely saying "I repent" but continuing the same evil patterns is a deceptive form of alignment with love and no amount of subverting love just to accept is not biblical.
  23. Thanks
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    I absolutely agree with that logical standpoint. There have been instances in the past where a particular individual has demeaned Bible scholars, and regrettably, we see this recurring at present with the same person. What's truly disheartening is that these individuals lack the essential credentials to substantiate their claims. Consequently, this transforms into a mere matter of subjective viewpoints, void of any substantial basis.
    It appears to me that there is an imbalanced blame game going on here. Suddenly, the only source of authority that is deemed important comes from a select group of individuals who are part of a closed community. These individuals use aggressive and sometimes offensive language, by just omitting a letter to that profane intent, yet still claim the right to identify themselves as JWS.
    There are dissenters who excessively highlight that one group has been informed about their aggressive nature, while neglecting to acknowledge their own or by defending a disfellowshipped individual that is far worse in the present than has been equal in the past. Once again, superiority is given prominence, even though no one here is superior to anyone else. However, these individuals feel privileged due to their power to ban, and ultimately, it is their game.
    This behavior cannot be accepted in the name of God or with a fundamental understanding of scripture.
    No one can escape personal responsibility before God by blaming others. It's crucial for everyone to focus on the real issues at hand, such as apostate mentality and the reproach brought upon God by individuals who lack understanding of scripture and selective bible principles.
    No one can excuse or justify behavior that is an affront to God, especially when individuals attempt to argue for civility while acting uncivilized and distorting words to manipulate the conversation.
    It's not about being intelligent, but rather about how one presents their intelligence. Some individuals may possess immense knowledge, yet if they showcase their ignorance in public, that's what will leave a lasting impression. Hence, those who lack expertise in a particular field of discussion and only offer baseless opinions are bound to face criticism for the misplaced ideologies and the lack of understanding in certain fields of their arguments where expertise is essential, regardless if it's bible or secular based.
    This is where the mindset shifts. It's the mental state of refusing to accept anything due to the way the message is delivered. The Pharisees exhibited the same mindset against Jesus. What's the difference here? None.
    Apostle Paul had to endure much to convince people of his transformation, yet he remained resolute in delivering God's will with his personal faith in Christ. His transformation enhanced his life without causing anyone to stumble during his ministry.
    Some may have considered Paul a hypocrite and even a spy for Rome, but his personal actions spoke louder than his words. There is a clear absence of this authenticity among those who identify as JWs and in those who seek to defend them with misplaced Christian love.
    If people here truly seek to demonstrate Christian love and unity as described in scripture, then let it be through God's strength and understanding. Let your loyalty, faith, and obedience to God's words be unwavering and without partiality, so that you may confidently entrust another loyal follower of Christ to continue on the same path with pride. Otherwise, it would be hypocritical.
    What was Apostle Paul's main objective in conveying his message through Timothy in 1 Timothy 6? It is crucial to understand the significance of the lures of money and how they can deceive even those with misplaced Christian love. The term "false teachers" carries a profound weight and should not be taken lightly.
    First and foremost, it is absolutely crucial to demonstrate unwavering obedience to God. In doing so, we must extend our helping hand and unwavering support to our fellow followers of Christ who remain steadfast in their faith. It is our duty to assist those who have stumbled and lost their way, guiding them towards the path of righteousness. Nevertheless, if despite our sincere efforts, their actions and behavior continue to undermine our Christian values, we must tactfully create a healthy distance from such individuals. By doing this, we are not only safeguarding our own Christian love, but also showing cognizance of the ultimate Judge - God Himself.
    Finally, share the good news with others by comprehending Scripture through spiritual growth, so that they too may desire a personal connection with God. Yet, how can we inspire this message within others when our own hearts are filled with deception? How can we, in all honesty, consider such a person a partner in faith? Can someone truly believe that God is pleased with their actions?
    This is what some might call "empty" criticism or works. It's easy for individuals to pass judgment on those in positions of power without understanding the immense responsibility they carry and the weight of the decisions they must make. It's important to consider the burdens others bear before we rush to criticize, especially if some of us have failed in that responsibility. This is the only sensible approach.
    There is a significant distinction between "misguided love" and "pure love." While adherents of other religions comprehend this, why do some within our community fail to do so when it comes to advocating for a friend and fellow believer who is in need? By prioritizing the love of humanity over the love of God, one ends up serving two masters.
    What was Paul's understanding of "agape love" and how did he caution his fellow believers in Christ about individuals who create discord and division within the Christian community? He emphasized the need for firm discipline, such as issuing rebukes and distancing oneself from negative influences. Something that is tolerated in this environment.
    To whom is God most likely to pour out His Holy Spirit - a heart plagued by conflict or a heart steadfastly committed to obedience and grounded in a genuine comprehension of scripture?
    Only a genuine heart and follower of Christ can truly impart Timothy's words into the hearts of others through their own personal growth and spiritual maturity. Otherwise, these words will ring hollow, for one cannot effectively teach others if they do not first obey God themselves.
    So, who is the critic, and who dares to challenge them with scriptural support and God's endorsement of reproof, while others simply seek to defend their flawed perspectives and uphold individuals who should not be defended because of their unrepentant behavior in public?
    2 Timothy 2:23-25 New King James Version
    23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. 24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth,
    Only then can we put into practice by means of scripture who in 2 Timothy it truly applies to. Isaiah 48:17-18
  24. Thanks
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    While there is some truth to your statement, it is important to address and highlight the gravity of apostasy and false accusations against the Watchtower and Governing Body. These actions transcend mere linguistic abuse. Just as the Apostle warned against improper behavior, he also admonished those who strayed from the path of God's teachings and led His faithful astray.
    We need to weigh these facts carefully. Unfortunately, there is one abusive person here who is making it challenging for the rest of the group, which falls under that provision of self-righteousness.
    Even when attempting to engage in a civil discussion, we inevitably encounter subtle insults from the opposing side that many prefer to overlook. There is absolutely no excuse or justification to shield certain individuals simply because they identify as JWs, while they hypocritically condemn others who are merely defending themselves.
    In the past, individuals were banned from this site for engaging or having personal exchanges with you. While advocating for a peaceful resolution is commendable, it is even more crucial to condemn the recurrent trend of apostate tendencies, and I sincerely hope to welcome a rational mind if there are positive interactions to be made.
    It is truly unfortunate that apostasy is tolerated in our community, as it serves as a cover for the apostate actions of those who claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses.
    When we empower and align ourselves with those who believe they have the right to criticize the spirituality of the Governing Body or impose their own interpretation of scripture as fact, we must examine our own integrity. By doing so, we may find ourselves complicit and biased in our understanding of the Bible.
    Then, criticizing those critics becomes fair game, as they are promoting their opinions in a public forum for everyone to see. This is something that you yourself have embraced in the past.
    If this were a judicial committee, those individuals would have been disfellowshipped a long time ago, even though they think it would be me instead. However, a decision must be made, and when one's actions align with scriptural truth while others rely on falsehoods, it becomes evident who should be disregarded.
    Therefore, Apostle Paul's mission was also to identify those who were willing to tear down what Christ had established, by exposing and preventing it from happening, as stated in scripture. Paul was also not kind when delivering his message through his letters.
    There appears to be some confusion regarding the nature of Christ's love, with some people believing it to be unconditional. However, it was Christ who set the example, while Paul was entrusted with the responsibility of establishing certain conditions for it.
    Some of the individuals within the closed club were once upstanding responsible men who have strayed from the path of righteousness. This is inexcusable and should not be condoned by any Jehovah's Witness. Furthermore, there are those who condone this behavior by offering support to a disfellowshipped individual who has yet to show any sign of remorse and is still accountable under secular law for a serious offense. It is disheartening to see so-called Jehovah's Witnesses defending such a person.
    Therefore, the statement may seem appropriate, but it lacks the essential correction that a faithful follower of Christ should carry. We are called to ensure that our brothers' spirituality is not influenced by negative influences, in accordance with bible principles.
    The most effective solution to your profound sorrow would be to reach out to your close companions within the closed club and kindly request that they refrain from espousing apostate perspectives and disseminating falsehoods. By doing so, they would avoid revealing their true character to the general public. In turn, this would eliminate the need for individuals like myself to bring such behavior to light.
    What better representation of God's guiding strength is there than to engage in a noble struggle like Christ? James truly captured this sentiment in James 1:2-4.
    That is the main concern, and yes, it is indeed unfortunate but essential. Witnesses cannot, with a clear conscience, overlook the misconduct of apostasy or associate themselves with individuals who advocate for such misguided agendas under the guise of debate, especially when these individuals refuse to acknowledge their own errors. Mark 10:27 / Romans 8:28
  25. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to George88 in No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10   
    Keep in mind the main theme related to the misinterpretation of the word "accursed," which was not meant to apply to themselves even though it applies to them even more.
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