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John Houston

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Everything posted by John Houston

  1. Yes, I enjoy reading your posts and share them with others in my congregation. Some ARE Short sighted,Not seeing THE Trees for the forest, so to speak. We constantly say there are this number of us,well we should have a sense of well-being for them. Not just for those who are in need,under going hardships, but those who have different cultures, language, likes and dislikes. We can learn by this means and I enjoy it,again thank you. As Paul says Agape!
  2. Great poem, may I make copy? I would like to pass it around in my congregation. I think it would shake the cobwebs off their tussles and let them know, if they believe the hype of the brotherhood of over 8+ million of us then this friendship, the self sacrificing love we should have for ALL , everyone of us should be there in action and deed, not just a part on the meeting or during the meeting then gone like the mist or fog of the morning. Best wishes, my friend. And I hope I get your permission, I await your response.
  3. Go to the most obvious, Walmart and target. There are witness sites that cater to our needs and have kits that might fit your needs. Still 3 people? Then look for survival mode for 3 adults, for food to last for 7 or more days. This way if a young person is in the count the food could be divided or even now shared more.
  4. Thank you for this. I await patiently part 2. Agape, my friend.
  5. I meant to type "Nazarite", man this auto correct crap. Sorry.
  6. Just curious, what does it take to become an advance member? Membership dues, a sacrifice of some type, become a Nazareth, not drinking wine or anything alcoholic the rest of my life. Like I said just curious, since I am seeing the classification, much like star fleet. I want my red suit. And 3 bars! Agape, my friends!
  7. Why won't the jpg files open? Why are they being sent in this format and not PDFs? Is there some madness to this madness? A file opened in jpg, I thought my problems were solved, but no it was just a tease. If I need another app of some kind, please alert me. Have a wonderful day.
  8. Sorry to hear of the passing of Miss money penny, condolences!
  9. I will not rashly say I understand what you are going through, but I have went through those very situations just here recently, and even with family it is still a heavy load to bear. But let it be known, you have those of us in this brotherhood you are aware and who send to you hugs and kisses, and will pray fervently for you and your family. The song mentioned is my very favorite. I have it on cd, in acapella, it sounds so wonderful. A cup of earl grey with lemon with the cold weather here in Kentucky. As we endure the ending of the system, watching our loved ones fall to that enemy, death. We must stay strong with our hand in Jehovah's right hand of righteousness and watch as they hear that voice and awaken to life in better condition than before, the real life! In paradise under Kingdom rule! Agape my friend, see you there!!
  10. Thank you for your support and love you are the best friends a person can have. Agape!
  11. What happened to the videos at the assembly sites in the forum sites. The morn and after are gone now? They did not come with the transition? In each case imitate was there before, but now gone. I should have downloaded it before this. What a loss! I'm devastated.

    1. admin


      No.. unfortunately they did not.... but do not despair... I still have them in the archive and will add them back eventually. ;-)

      In the meantime, add what you can .... Thanks.

  12. Was this a news article? Sourced out by a news medium? Yes,it is negative news,but so was Davids infidelity, but it was erased from scripture, right? Jw.org will not report on such matters,why? So we only see and know the positive about us. Yet,all over the world we are being hailed before judicial courts of varying sizes for many reasons. Some to honor Jehovah's name, yet at other times we bring reproach. Those times,I personally want to know about. I do not want to be in the dark,with my head in the sand, unaware about somethings,when I am asked,no,commanded to defend my faith. Those who hate us will use these times,I know,but I want still to be truthfully informed on all sides on a matter. Not spooned fed information from one source.
  13. Depends on what part of the country you are in. My family are going in June of this year at the Ford Center in Evansville. They begin in May here in the USA.
  14. Demonstrations of the portable phonographs with literature pockets.
  15. Now come the push. The publications are extreme, the website, so now those who promote these things are to be classed extremists. Let all of us of the brotherhood give this considerable time in prayer, for strength and comfort for those undergoing these trials. Times are dark and growing darker.
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