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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. In a letter to all congregations dated April 27, 2015 the Central American Branch (Mexico) has ended the use of S-8-S and S-43-S. Bad translation but you get the idea: We inform you that we are discontinuing in the territory of the branch using the Registration forms from house to house (S-8) and person who showed interest (S-43), in order to avoid giving the erroneous impression that the branch or congregation are collecting personal information to make preaching, without the knowledge or consent of the people. Some publishers have decided to make personal notes, perhaps taking advantage of a notebook, notepad or device Personal mail, when they are unable to contact people (not at home) or talk with someone who shows interest in the Bible (od p. 91 para. 33). If someone finds a publisher who speaks another language, you can take the initiative to locate another publisher to serve a congregation or group of foreign-language and is trained to give assistance; or he can encourage the person to write down their contact details on jw.org, if you want the visit (od pp. 93-94 paras. 38-40). So without these forms will have no negative effect on make return visits and conduct Bible classes if every publisher conducts its records using discretion and good Judgement.
  2. Is this how Jesus would speak about one of his dear sisters? Or does he sound more like a Pharisee? See also:
  3. It was an album of songs from Sing Praises to Jehovah (aka the brown songbook) that were produced with knowledge of Bethel pending approval and featured George Benson and Sheila Hutchinson. They sound almost just like the current 'original songs' on JW Broadcasting. Anyways, a copy of it was leaked and then the governing body backed out. They published an article in the KM saying these songs "sung in a popular style" were not approved, and not to download them. Funny how now it's a-ok.
  4. Is the use of the JW.org symbol (icon) the same as one using a cross?
  5. Tyka Nelson Not Down with Witnesses’ Memorial for Prince *Wow. Talk about a super serious diss to the Jehovah’s Witnesses church. Prince‘s sister, Tyka Nelson, is making it crystal clear that she’s NOT down with Sunday’s memorial planned by his church — and the family won’t be participating. “Let me make myself VERY CLEAR! I nor my brother’s remains will be present at any Memorial or Funeral services, until the families Memorial/Funeral/Tribute,” declared Tyka in a Facebook posting. Jehovah’s Witnesses in Minnetonka, Minnesota — where Prince worshiped — announced a private service this weekend. According to local 5 Eyewitness News 300-500 guests are expected, including “high profile” persons. On the other hand, Tyka says she supports all memorials because the grieving process is unique to everyone who was connected to Prince, but wanted fans to know this weekend’s service is NOT the highly anticipated public tribute. READ RELATED STORY: Prince’s Siblings Attend Packed Hearing; Judge Appoints Special Administrator She said that will be coming sometime in August. Meanwhile, as we reported, the late singer’s ex-wives, Manuela Testolini and Mayte Garcia, organized a private memorial event in Hollywood on May 11, which was attended by the Gwen Stefani, Larry King and Spike Lee, among others. Meanwhile, Tyka is also making it known that there is no bad blood between her siblings as they attempt to divide the late singer’s estate. In the absence of a will, she filed legal documents to appoint a “Special Administrator” to Prince’s estate. Tyka, along with five half-siblings, John Nelson, Norrine Nelson, Sharon Nelson, Alfred Jackson and Omarr Baker, have faced off in court over his reported net worth of $300 million, but Tyka says they “remain united.” “To my knowledge…No One in my family has fought about anything, and least of all me…” she wrote on Facebook. “But I must admit I think it’s funny that I’m the one they say, ‘Stormed out…’ or that ‘We are at war’ Me? Us? Really? Where was I when all that happened?” Prince’s body was found in an elevator at his Paisley Park Studios/home in Chanhassen, Minnesota, on April 21. His body was cremated after being released to the family, but his remains have yet to be formally laid to rest. https://www.eurweb.com/2016/05/princes-sister-not-jehovah-witness-church-memorial-brother/
  6. So what exactly DISQUALIFIES You For a for a Kingdom Hall service these days? How many rank and file JW's have been disqualified weddings and funerals in Kingdom Halls for relatively minor infractions compared to this guy? ----------------------------------- According to TMZ, Prince developed an addiction to the controlled substance Percocet after a hip operation in 2010. KTSP reported that Prince attended an out-patient rehab program to combat his reliance on prescription medicine. A man who said he was Prince's illegal drug dealer told Daily Mail Online exclusively that the singer used opiates for over 25 years. The dealer claimed Prince would spend up to $40,000 a time on six-month supplies of Dilaudid pills and Fentanyl patches - both highly addictive opioid pain killers. TMZ also claims Prince nearly died from an overdose six days before his death. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3566707/Prince-rehab-Percocet-addiction-multiple-doctors-writing-prescriptions.html#ixzz48Z9h4LO5 --------------------------------------------------- Reports of the possible role of painkillers in Prince's death have been prominent in tabloid coverage since his still-mysterious emergency treatment at a hospital a week before he was found dead at Paisley Park. Those reports were bolstered this week by Michael Padden, an attorney for two of Prince’s deceased half-siblings, who told reporters and local investigators that his clients informed him more than a decade ago that Prince had “substantial” drug problems with the opioid painkiller Percocet and cocaine. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/p...ener/83638886/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Prince Taught Me What a Threesome Was http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/music/snoop-dogg-prince-taught-threesome-article-1.2631313
  7. Trial Over Abuse Among Jehovah’s Witnesses At least two boys were raped in the beliefs community at Greifwald By Cornelia Meerkatz May 10, 2016 Greifswald. Abuse trial before the Greifswald District Court: It’s alleged that a now 53 year old man from the Hanseatic city in 2005 during religious ceremonies at the Greifswald Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses molested two children, both boys. One of the boys at the material time was twelve, and abused twice by the defendant. The other boy in 2005 was over 14 years old but not yet of age. The spokesman for the prosecutor of Stralsund, Martin Cloppenburg, confirmed the charges. The trial starts Tuesday. Quoted is a day of the trial. According to the central office for information besides this one case there are far more cases of abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses. It has been stated that there have been at least 20 assaults. However, up until beginning with the two young men, who are now in their early and middle 20’s none of the victims have yet spoken up or given evidence. A person knowledgeable of Jehovah's Witnesses in regard to the intimidation of victims or potential witnesses may be testifying in court. "Child abuse must be severely punished, because is in our Bible that we are to protect our children and to take care of them," said members of the religious community in contrast to the office of information. Original Article In German:
  8. In der Glaubensgemeinschaft in Greifswald sollen mindestens zwei Jungen genötigt worden sein. Greifswald. Missbrauchsprozess vor dem Amtsgericht Greifswald: Ein heute 53 Jahre alter Mann aus der Hansestadt soll sich im Jahr 2005 während religiöser Zeremonien im Greifswalder Königreichssaal der Zeugen Jehovas an zwei Kindern, beides Jungen, vergangen haben. Einer der Jungen war zum Tatzeitpunkt zwölf Jahre alt, ihn soll der Angeklagte zweimal missbraucht haben. Der andere Junge war 2005 älter als 14 Jahre, aber noch nicht volljährig. Der Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft Stralsund, Martin Cloppenburg, bestätigte die Anklage. Der Prozess beginnt am Dienstag. Angesetzt ist ein Verhandlungstag. Nach OZ-Informationen soll es neben diesem einen Fall noch weitaus mehr Missbrauchsfälle bei den Zeugen Jehovas gegeben haben. Die Rede ist von mindestens 20 Übergriffen. Allerdings haben sich bis auf die beiden jungen Männer, die heute Anfang und Mitte 20 sind, keines der Opfer zu einer Aussage und Anzeige durchringen können. Kenner der Vorgänge bei den Zeugen Jehovas sprechen von Einschüchterung der Opfer oder möglicher Zeugen, sollten sie bei Gericht aussagen. „Kindesmissbrauch muss hart bestraft werden, denn in unserer Bibel steht, dass wir unsere Kinder schützen und auf sich achten müssen“, sagten Mitglieder der Religionsgemeinschaft gegenüber der OZ. Von Cornelia Meerkatz http://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/Extra/Polizei-Report/Aktuelle-Beitraege/Missbrauch-bei-Zeugen-Jehovas-vor-Gericht
  9. Increible que ensenan asi cuando ellos mismos ahora tendran nuevos apartamentos de lujo en Warwick, Nueva York. Mientras los de otros paises no tienen ni el pan de cada dia. Pero no se les olviden DONAR!!! Ni con el dedo pequeno quieren levantar el peso de sus feligreses.
  10. So says a person whose every material need is provided for. They've a pretty good HQ in Brooklyn...and now they are getting a brand spanking new one in Warwick... Not even with thier pinky do they want to lift the weight of thier sheep!
  11. A LOS SUPERINTENDENTES DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE PRENSA DE LAS ASAMBLEAS REGIONALES Asunto: Manual de relaciones con los medios Manual de relaciones con los medios 2016NSK-S 2016NSK-04 Sample 1-S 2016NSK-04 Sample 2-S Excerpts: Situaciones negativas Si le preguntan sobre temas negativos o controvertidos, es mejor no decir la frase: “Sin comentarios”. Por lo general, la gente concluye que quien da esa respuesta es culpable. Si no sabe la respuesta, diga con sinceridad: “No lo sé”. Y si le hacen una afirmación negativa, no la repita. Responda de manera positiva con un comentario breve y vuelva enseguida al tema del que quiere hablar. Ejemplo 1. Un reportero pregunta: “¿Por qué hay tanta gente que les tiene antipatía a los testigos de Jehová?”. Una respuesta positiva sería: “Los testigos de Jehová somos personas pacíficas que respetamos la ley y que nos esforzamos por ser ciudadanos ejemplares y buenos vecinos en nuestra comunidad. Aunque algunas personas no concuerden del todo con nuestras creencias, imitamos a Jesús llevándoles nuestro mensaje positivo, y el programa de la asamblea explica las razones”. Ejemplo 2. Un periodista pregunta: “¿Qué nos puede decir sobre lo que algunos ex miembros de su religión están diciendo en el exterior del local?”. Lo mejor es contestar algo positivo como: “Respetamos el derecho de los demás a tener su propia opinión. Pero nosotros estamos reunidos aquí para aprender cómo fortalecer nuestra relación personal con Dios”. Dirija nuevamente la atención a la asamblea. Ejemplo 3. Si le preguntan sobre 1975, podría decir: “Los Testigos de Jehová esperamos ansiosos el cumplimiento de las profecías bíblicas. Y aunque reconocemos que no sabemos la fecha exacta en la que se producirán esos sucesos, nos mantenemos a la expectativa, pues eso es lo que Jesús les aconsejó a sus discípulos que hicieran”. Entonces el hermano puede dirigir de nuevo la conversación hacia la asamblea. Si el entrevistador alude a ciertas personas implicadas en casos judiciales de la congregación, usted nunca debe acceder a hablar de ellas ni a dar opiniones basadas en casos hipotéticos. Tenga mucho cuidado con los programas en los que llama el público y con los programas informales de entrevistas. Evite programas que fomentan la controversia. Esté alerta para darse cuenta enseguida de si una entrevista empieza a convertirse en una discusión o en una tergiversación de los hechos, lo cual proyectaría una imagen negativa de nosotros. Por último, recuerde lo que dice Filipenses 4:5: “Llegue a ser conocido de todos los hombres lo razonables que son ustedes”. En todo momento sea paciente, franco, amistoso y positivo.
  12. He talks like this because he wasn't selected to be laid off. He gets to be in the TV studio. He should walk a mile in other former bethelites who were laid off due to old age and told "Keep warm and well fed" - Shameful p.s. - I thought it was the Bethel "Family". Is that how families treat their older ones? Throw them out on the street after their usefulness has passed by? "He who does not take care of his own is worse than....?" p.s.s. - This sort of video is like rubbing salt in the wound of those left abandoned. Being lectured on how THEY are the wrong ones with a bad attitude. .... but still keep sending in your donations so we can build the beautiful new Fishkill luxury apartments and the Warwick luxury rooms.
  13. Is it infinitely unlikely that we would share stuff like endogenous retroviruses which randomly insert into the host's genome, why we would share seven of the exact same retroviruses with chimps, bonobos etc.., inserted into the exact same location in the genome, out of 3 billion base pairs, if we didn't share a common ancestor? There are also random mutations (redundant pseudogenes) that we share with chimps as well such as both having the GLO gene(which syntheses its own vitamin C) switched off which is why we have to ingest it. Some would say the evidence for evolution is overwhelming for those who want to actually look for it.
  14. Because the elders Manual says that if a brother commits a DFable sin but kept it secret and it was in the past then he can get a free pass. But if that brother was sinning right before his appointment and kept it secret while they ask you the two questions before you get appointed then they make an example out of you. How do they explain someone getting appointed but yet secretly sinning.
  15. Is it a sin to name one's child "Jehovah"? I met a young black man today whose name was Jehovah.
  16. Jack Ryan


    Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right.. While at the funeral of her own mother, a woman met a man who she did not know. She thought he was 'amazing'. She believed him to be her dream partner so much that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister. Question: What was her motive for killing her sister? Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below.. Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear again at her sister's funeral. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test developed by a famous American psychologist, used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly... If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you. If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off my e-mail list.
  17. From California?, Last moved from Arizona, Legal Dept. Patterson, Specialty: Family Law, Called to Bethel w/Children (who have now grown and serve at Bethel). Other Sheep.
  18. From Cuba, former C.O./D.O., works in the Theocratic Schools Dept. Patterson, Imprisoned in Cuba, came to the U.S. as one of the "Marielitos". Partaker.
  19. From El Salvador, Helper to the GB Service Committee, U.S. Branch committee, OTHER SHEEP.
  20. If a sister wore trousers to the meeting how would she be viewed?
  21. The Panama papers have just become available, https://offshoreleaks.icij.org Happy hunting....... After 30 secs hunting.. 'Jehovah Jireh LTD' came up with British Virgin Islands and Singapore connections. Haven't got time myself at the moment, but can search by address, names, words etc. hope you are all well x snare #panamapapers
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