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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. I: SOME RELEVANT QUOTES FROM WATCHTOWER PUBLICATIONS 1: The position of the Watchtower as regards smoking 2: Watchtower criticism of the Catholic Church's involvement in the tobacco business 3: Watchtower quote on whether a Jehovah's Witness can be involved in selling cigarettes 4: Quote regarding not investing in "unethical" enterprises II: THE HENRIETTA M. RILEY TRUST. The H M Riley Trust is a U.S. trust that has the Watchtower Society as the sole beneficiary. Basically, it is a vehicle to make income for the Watchtower, using assets left by Henrietta Riley. The income generated by the trust is transferred to the Watchtower by means of a "donation". For the year ended April 30, 2002, the trust generated income of $1,740,127 and donated $1,945,645 to the Watchtower. In comparison, for the 2001 year the trust generated $2,939,731 in income, and donated $3,285,050 to the Watchtower. The difference between income and expenditure is made up by realising gains on the assets held. The income of the trust is from two main sources. The majority is from "oil and gas royalties." The trust also has almost $2 million of investments in various stocks and other vehicles. Figure 1: Front page of HM Riley Trust form 990, year ended April 30, 2002 Figure 2: Second page of form 990, HM Riley Trust year ended April 30, 2002, showing primary purpose as "support Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society" As part of the annual return of the trust, schedules are attached giving details of the trust's investment income, and investment assets held at the year end. There are a variety of corporate stocks that have been traded and held, in such companies as Exxon Mobil, Coca Cola, Barclay's, JDS Uniphase and (ironically) Proctor and Gamble. It is a long list. However, here is an extract of the 2002 listing of stocks held: Figure 3: Extract of investment listing of HM Riley Trust, April 30, 2002 One name that jumps out from the list above: Philip Morris Companies Inc, one of the world's largest manufacturers of cigarettes and tobacco products. Philipmorris.com states: III: CONCLUSION. The initial quotes showed clearly that the Watchtower regards smoking as an unchristian activity. Indeed, smoking is a disfellowshipping offence for a Jehovah's Witness. A Jehovah's Witness is also not permitted to be employed in the tobacco industry, even to the extent of working at the cigarette serving counter of a store. There can be no doubt that if an individual Jehovah's Witness invested in the cigarette industry, the Watchtower would consider this an unchristian type of investment. Yet, a trust which exists for the primary reason of generating income for the Watchtower, invests in a cigarette company. While the amount of the investment is small, it is not the amount that is the issue, but the principle: the Watchtower Society will benefit from an investment made in the tobacco industry. They will do this knowingly, because if I can get hold of this information, do you really think that the Watchtower Society doesn't have a copy of these very same documents? And while the objection could be made that it is not actually the Watchtower Society itself making the investment, but just receiving the cash, is this a valid defence? If they know that the money is from a source they have condemned as unchristian, are they not hypocritical in receiving it? Remember that the sole purpose of this trust is to generate income for the Watchtower. In fact, here is another example of the Watchtower's hypocrisy in matters of principle. That which they condemn other religions for, and restrict their individual followers from, becomes acceptable when it results in $$$ for the Watchtower Society itself. From their own lips: via Expatbrit
  2. Phillip Morris Company is now called Altria, Inc. I saw this thread on Facebook and would like to know the truth.
  3. 4440 Braeburn Road, residence complete January 13, 1930. Two months later, the public was introduced to Beth-Sarim in a front-page article in the San Diego Sun titled, “San Diego Mansion — With All Modern Improvements — Awaits Earthly Return of Prophets.” It opened by reporting: “In one of the strangest deeds ever filed in the nation, Rutherford, president of the International Bible Students Association and of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, has put the huge tile-roofed home in fashionable Kensington Heights in perpetual trust for the ancient kings and prophets of Palestine” (emphasis added). The article went on to observe that “Judge Rutherford is intensely proud of the house he has planned and built for David, king of Israel; Samson…Joseph…and others equally as famous in the Bible.” . The following January, the San Diego Sun carried another article on Beth-Sarim, “David’s House Waits for Owner.” When the reporter asked Rutherford how he thought the returned princes would look, Rutherford responded: “‘As perfect men. I interpret that to mean…that David, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jepthae, Joseph and Samuel will be sent here to wrench the world from Satan’s grasp, clothed in modern garb as we are, and able, with little effort to speak our tongue.’ Rutherford pictured the arrival of the biblical delegation perhaps in frock coats, high hats, canes and spats.” Rutherford’s booklet, What You Need(1932), depicted the seven “Ancient Worthies,” identified as “Earth’s new rulers,” in more traditional biblical garb. . San Diego, 1930's, is a pivotal time for the JW's. The following year the JW'S got the official name ot "Jehovah's Witnesses",Watchtower bible tract Society. Then began the growth of the vast Jehovah's Witness population in San Diego County. Watchtower President Joseph Franklin Rutherford & Beth Sarim
  4. Popular radio host Laura Ingraham gave alleged “Nazi salute” during her speech at the Republican National Convention.
  5. Woman Runs Into Death As She Hides From Jehovah's Witnesses Stephanie was alone on the third floor when she decided to hide behind one of the windows as she has always been doing. She slipped and fell to her death. "Stephanie fell from the third floor. She died instantly" according to a neighbor http://smithrise.com/emma-jw/
  6. He is a Jehovah witness married to a Nepalese lady. Adrian Karibian says he climbed the Sydney Harbour bridge to deliver a message from God. Photo: Channel Seven Man climbs to top of bridge arch Police close Sydney Harbour Bridge lanes southbound after a man climbs to the top of the bridge arch. Vision: The Morning Show, Network Seven. A man who jumped out of taxi on the Sydney Harbour bridge and climbed up one of the arches says he did so to deliver a message from God. Holding a silver bible in his hand, Adrian Manouel Karibian, 41, stood outside a Sydney court and said the reason he climbed to the top of the bridge last month was to draw attention to a "great tribulation". Mr Karibian appeared briefly before the Sydney Downing Centre Local Court on Friday after police charged him with enter enclosed lands and climb on any part of bridge. The court heard he wanted his matter adjourned for four weeks so that he could travel to Nepal. "What I did was tiny, minuscule compared to what's about to happen," Mr Karibian told reporters outside court. "There is a great tribulation coming so the drama that happened on the bridge is minuscule compared to what's about to happen in life," he said. NSW Police Rescue officers escort Adrian Karibian off the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Photo: Emma Partridge Mr Karibian stopped a silver taxi in the middle of the Cahill Expressway on June 17, before getting out and climbing Sydney's iconic structure. It was a Friday morning and traffic was brought to a standstill as NSW Police rescue officers climbed the bridge in an effort to coax Mr Karibian down. Mr Karibian eventually climbed down about 10.50am. Mr Karibian climbed the arch on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Photo: The Morning Show/Channel 7 He was checked by NSW Ambulance Paramedics at the scene and taken to Royal North Shore Hospital for assessment. Passengers on buses that were stopped on the bridge were allowed off about 10.30am and walked back towards Kirribilli. Roads and Maritime Services said motorists who drove on the Sydney Harbour Bridge between 9am and 11am on Friday would not be charged the usual toll. The man got out of this taxi before climbing up the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Photo: Emma Partridge Mr Karibian is next expected to appear before court on August 5. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/sydney-man-says-he-climbed-the-sydney-harbour-bridge-for-god-20160707-gq18uc.html
  7. I would like a password to this website: www.livekingdomhall.com if you have any.
  8. Governing Body member Anthony Morris III tells a story about a young man that died in a hospital due to not receiving a blood transfusion and the audience claps.
  9. Seven and nine year olds making a life long decision which could mean their families may kick them out of the house in their late teens and shun them.
  10. Price: 388.000 EUR around 431.200,00 USD. (Exchange today)
  11. Lörracher Freikirche verlegt ihren Sitz nach Weil am Rhein / Sanierung des neuen Domizils soll bis Jahresende abgeschlossen sein. WEIL AM RHEIN. Der frühere Königreichsaal der Weiler Gemeinde der Zeugen Jehovas wechselt den Besitzer. Die Gemeinde Gottes aus Lörrach ist bereit, das Gebäude zu übernehmen, dieser Tage wird das Geschäft notariell beglaubigt. Die etwa 50 Mitglieder zählende freie Kirchengemeinde will das Gebäude künftig für Gottesdienste, Bibel- und Gebetsstunden sowie Musik- und Gesangsproben nutzen. Die Gemeinde Gottes in Lörrach wurde 1995 gegründet. Gründungsmitglieder waren überwiegend russlanddeutsche Familien, die zuvor aus der Sowjetunion nach Deutschland übergesiedelt waren. Zu ihnen gehört auch Otto Anselm, der heute als Sprecher der Lörracher Gemeinde fungiert. Der gelernte Zahntechniker, der zuletzt bis zu seiner Pensionierung im vergangenen Jahr als Dreher tätig war, gehörte schon in seiner russischen Heimat der Gemeinde Gottes an. Die Gemeinden seien in der Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg als Ableger von deutschen Gemeinden gegründet worden. Als er 1995 nach Lörrach kam, habe er sich daher an der Gründung einer Gemeinde Gottes beteiligt, die damals etwa 70 Mitglieder hatte. Inzwischen sind die Mitgliederzahlen leicht auf etwa 50 inklusive Kinder zurückgegangen, Erwachsene seien es knapp 40. Das Gemeindeleben vollzieht sich bislang in angemieteten Räumen in Lörrach-Haagen, die allerdings für die Bedürfnisse der Gemeinde zu klein seien. Deshalb habe man sich nun entschlossen, den früheren Königreichsaal der Zeugen Jehovas im Weiler Schutzacker zu erwerben. Die Zeugen Jehovas haben das Gebäude aufgegeben, weil es für sie zu klein ist und nutzen nun gemeinsam mit der Lörracher Gemeinde den dortigen Königreichsaal. Der Kaufpreis liegt bei 388 000 Euro, den die Gemeinde über ein Bankdarlehen, zinsfreie Darlehen von anderen Gemeinden Gottes sowie zahlreiche Spenden aufbringt. Für die Instandsetzung der Räume wird man weitere 50 000 Euro aufbringen müssen, sagt Otto Anselm. Mit den Arbeiten, die zum Teil in Eigenleistung erbracht werden, will die Gemeinde beginnen, sobald der Kauf notariell beglaubigt ist. Bis Ende dieses Jahres sollte der Umbau abgeschlossen sein. Dann will die Gemeinde ihr Gemeindeleben und dann auch ihren Sitz offiziell von Lörrach nach Weil am Rhein verlegen. Jeweils sonntags werden dann Gottesdienste stattfinden, gefolgt von einer Sonntagsschule für die Jugendlichen. Immer mittwochs finden Bibel- und Gebetsstunden statt, am Freitag gibt es außerdem Übungsstunden für die Gesangs- und Musikbegleitung der Gottesdienste. Einen Prediger hat die Gemeinde nicht. "Das machen wir selber", sagt Anselm. Gemeinde Gottes In Deutschland gibt es verschiedene Freikirchen, die den Namen Gemeinde Gottes führen. Die Lörracher Gemeinde steht in Verbindung zum Missionsverein der Gemeinde Gottes Hamm. Weitere Gemeinden gibt es in Pforzheim, Herford oder Eppingen. Sie nennen sich Gemeinde Gottes, weil dies in der Bibel der Name der ersten Gemeinde war. http://www.badische-zeitung.de/weil-am-rhein/gemeinde-gottes-kauft-koenigreichsaal--123461266.html
  12. There are cabins currently being built in the woods of Warwick for bethelites to reserve on the weekends. Does any have any photos of these? I think we all should start to build cabins in the woods for us to enjoy on the weekends as well. Don't you agree?
  13. Wasn't dfd just removed as an elder and of course the crime not reported to police
  14. Note: Southwestern Longview was a private school that catered to witness children BUENA PARK – A South Carolina man who worked as a teacher at a private school in Long Beach a decade ago has been arrested by Buena Park police officers on suspicion of the “continuous sexual abuse of a child” who was a student of his, authorities said today. Jason Gorski of Fort Mill, 43, was arrested on June 21, said Buena Park police Sgt. Mike Lovchik. The victim was a boy who was 12-15 years of age at the time of the alleged sexual abuse. “Gorski worked as the male victim’s school teacher and as an elder within their Jehovah’s Witness church congregation,” Lovchik said. “The sexual abuse occurred from 2007 to 2009 while the victim was ages 12-15,” Lovchik said. “The abuse came to an end when it was reported to the Jehovah’s Witness church, but it was only recently reported to authorities. Gorski moved to South Carolina shortly after the disclosure.” Lovchik said his department was conducting the investigation because crimes allegedly committed by Gorski occurred in Buena Park. According to Lovchik, Gorski worked as a teacher at Southwestern Longview Private School, at 4747 Daisy Ave. in Long Beach, for about three or four years, ending when the school closed for business at the end of the school year in 2007. Gorski attended the Jehova’s Witness Cypress congregation at 8542 Watson St. in Cypress for several years, and was appointed as an elder of the congregation in May 2007, Lovchik said. “After the disclosure (of the sexual abuse) in 2009, Gorski was removed as an elder, but continued to attend services at the congregation,” Lovchik said. Around 2010, Gorski moved to South Carolina, and became part of a nearby Jehovah’s Witness congregation in North Carolina, Lovchik said. “Over the years many children have been exposed to Gorski, specifically during his time as a schoolteacher and church leader,” Lovchik said.”It is believed that additional victims may exist who have not yet reported their abuse to authorities.” Additional victims, or people with knowledge of Gorski’s alleged abuse, were urged to call the Buena Park Police Department at 714-562-3963. http://www.presstelegram.com/article/LB/20160630/NEWS/160639983 And another story: Former Long Beach school teacher arrested after sexual abuse allegations A former Long Beach school teacher was arrested last week after authorities received a report about sexual abuse alleged to have occurred from 2007 to 2009, police announced Thursday. Jason Gorski, 43, surrendered to Buena Park police on June 21 and was booked on suspicion of sex crimes with a child under 14 and continuous sexual abuse of a child, according to Sgt. Mike Lovchik. Gorski worked as the boy’s school teacher and as an elder within their Jehovah’s Witness church congregation in Cypress, police said. "We have no evidence at this point that any crimes occurred in the church or at the school," Lovchik said. Police were contacted by a man who said he was abused from 2007 to 2009, from the ages of 12 to 15, authorities said. It came to an end when it was reported to the church, but it was only recently reported to authorities, police said. The crimes reportedly occurred in Buena Park, Lovchik said. Gorski remains free on $100,000 bail, he said. A man who answered the phone at the Cypress congregation and who refused to identify himself said Gorski was no longer part of the congregation and declined to comment further. “I’m not allowed to give out any information regarding him,” he said. Gorski worked as a school teacher at Southwestern Longview Private School for approximately three to four years and his employment ended in April 2007. The school permanently closed at the end of the school year in June 2007, police said. Gorski attended the Cypress congregation for several years and was appointed as an elder of the congregation in May 2007. After the disclosure to the church in 2009, police said, Gorski was removed as an elder but continued to attend services. Sometime around 2010, Gorski relocated to South Carolina and became a part of a nearby Jehovah’s Witness congregation, police said. It is unclear whether police arrested Gorski in South Carolina. “Over the years, many children have been exposed to Gorski, specifically during his time as a school teacher and church leader,” police said. “It is believed that additional victims may exist who have not yet reported their abuse to authorities.” People with knowledge of any abuse by Gorski are asked to contact Buena Park police at 714-562-3963. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-buena-park-arrest-20160630-snap-story.html Update on July 6, 2016: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/crime/article88025877.html
  15. Authorities seized more than 80 video recordings and computer hard drives, as well as notes, diaries, documents, photographs and audiotapes. Police discovered Michael Jackson had a large collection of pornography, which allegedly included images of children, animal torture and gore, reportedly used in his bid to seduce young boys. The collection was revealed in newly surfaced documents obtained by RadarOnline that detail a raid on Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch estate in 2003, carried out as part of an investigation into child molestation charges against the singer. According to previously unseen reports from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department, authorities seized more than 80 video recordings and computer hard drives, as well as notes, diaries, documents, photographs and audiotapes. Former Santa Barbara Senior Assistant District Attorney Ron Zonen, who helped prosecute Jackson’s case, told RadarOnline that many of the materials found were used to “desensitize” children. The police report describes several of the materials found at Jackson’s estate and notes that many of the books and images “can be used as part of a ‘grooming’ process by which people (those seeking to molest children) are able to lower the inhibitions of their intended victims and facilitate the molestation of said victims.” One of the books found in Jackson’s possession was titled, Room to Play, which “contained numerous photographs of children.” According to the report, some of the images contained children’s faces superimposed on adult bodies with their private parts exposed. Authorities also found numerous photos of children located inside a safe in the employee break room of Jackson’s home. Jackson was charged with seven counts of child molestation and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent for the purpose of a committing a felony in 2003 after a young boy came forward claiming the singer molested him. In 2005, a jury acquitted him of all charges after a 14-week trial. Jackson died in 2009 from an overdose of propofol. UPDATE (June 22): The Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office released a statement to Billboard explaining that “The documents with a header titled Sheriff’s Department that contain a case number appear to be Sheriff’s Office documents.” The majority of the 88-page report consists of documents with a Sheriff’s Department header and case number, however, the authenticity of the few photographs and images included alongside those documents is harder to assess. “The photos that are interspersed appear to be some evidentiary photos taken by Sheriff’s investigators and others are clearly obtained from the internet,” the Sheriff’s Office said. UPDATE (June 21): On Tuesday evening, The Estate of Michael Jackson released the following statement to the media: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/michael-jackson-stockpiled-child-porn-animal-torture-photos-according-to-newly-surfaced-report_us_5769644fe4b0a75709b7d847
  16. A 24 old Bethelite woman who was in the last two weeks caught in Brooklyn, NY. Bethel and interrogated for two days for gathering critical, secretive information on the Watchtower Organization and sharing it with a working network of renegade brother Bethelites inside the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. The young JW sister was disfellowshipped and sent home. It was reported that when she arrived home she was treated terribly by her Jehovah's Witness family and relatives. Shunned and disgracefully mentally abused emotionally took it's toll on her and she committed suicide this week. A major "WITCH HUNT" is now underway inside Bethel for this elusive, rapidly growing group of doubting brother Bethelites who are now sharing covert information with Six Screens and other critical websites of the Watchtower. The news of the suicide according to Johnny is very painful to those who were close to her. Johnny was emotionally upset when he reported the suicide this morning.
  17. FRANKLIN COUNTY (KFSM) — An Area Agency on Aging transportation van driver was booked into the Franklin County Jail Wednesday (June 22) on suspicion of failing to stop the rape of a 9-year-old boy. Jordan Byrd, 71, is facing charges of felony permitting of child abuse and a misdemeanor for failing to report the child abuse, according to his probable cause affidavit. The affidavit states a 14-year-old boy raped and sodomized the 9-year-old boy in March while the two were the only passengers on the van driven by Byrd from their alternative schools in Fort Smith and the incident was captured on surveillance video. The video shows the first sexual assault begins at 3:53 p.m. and lasts for six minutes, according to the affidavit. The suspect forces the victim to perform oral sex and the victim could be heard loudly saying it hurts, the affidavit states. Byrd could be seen looking up several times during the assault, but does not say anything or try to intervene, according to the affidavit. The second sexual assault, during which the suspect sodomizes the victim, can also be seen on the video, the affidavit states. The victim can be heard screaming in pain, but again, Byrd looks up several times during the assault and does not say or do anything to stop it, according to the affidavit. Only once the screaming gets worse does Byrd ask what is going on and the suspect tells him that he hit the victim, but Byrd does not stop the van to separate the suspect from the victim, the affidavit states. The assault stops after Byrd asks what is happening and eventually the suspect is dropped off by the van, according to the affidavit. When the van stops to drop off the victim, the victim asks Byrd if he saw what the suspect did to him, to which Byrd replies “huh” and does not say anything else, but does wave at the victim’s parents as he drives away, the affidavit states. A supervisor at the Area Agency on Aging told investigators Byrd did not report the incident to the agency and she had heard about it through someone else, according to the affidavit. Several days later, investigators interviewed Byrd, who told them he did not see the first sexual assault, but did see the second sexual assault, the affidavit states. He said he knew what was happening and described the suspect and victim as having a “relationship,” according to the affidavit. The victim’s family is now suing the Area Agency on Aging of Western Arkansas and Valley Behavioral Health System, according to Fort Smith attorney Joey McCutchen who filed the lawsuit in Sebastian County Circuit Court. McCutchen said the 14-year-old is also being criminally investigated. Valley Behavioral Health System in Fort Smith provides mental health care for children and adults. According to the lawsuit, the suspect was a patient at Valley Behavioral health at the time of the sexual assaults. The lawsuit states the treatment facility officials knew the 14-year-old patient would masturbate in public places and posed a threat of causing permanent physical and emotional harm, including rape and/or sexual abuse to others who were minors. It states the treatment facility had an obligation to tell the transport officials of the patients condition, but did not. The lawsuit also states the 14-year-old suspect is related to Byrd, who has since resigned from his position. The victim’s family is seeing damages upwards of $75,000 for the victim’s medical treatment past and present. http://5newsonline.com/2016/06/23/report-van-driver-arrested-for-not-stopping-rape-of-child/ This person states that he is 100% sure of the driver being a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses
  18. Will Anglo-America be strengthened? Will the 8th King surface farther into the future? Will the US exit the UN? Interesting times we live in.
  19. Imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case By Dorian Hargrove, June 24, 2016 A San Diego Superior Court judge has ordered the Church of Jehovah's Witnesses, also known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, Osbaldo Padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old. In a June 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge Richard Strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 Body of Elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders. Over the course of the past year, the Watchtower Society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case. In March 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter. Opposing attorneys called the redactions excessive, rendering the document illegible. Judge Strauss then assigned a discovery referee to sit with the two sides. But having a referee involved didn't solve matters. Repeatedly, the Watchtower Society has stated that it will not comply with the order. "By the time of the hearing on the motion for sanctions, it will have been over a year since the initial order and almost three months since the [referee's recommendation] was adopted," reads Strauss's ruling. "In the period since...Watchtower has shown no effort or willingness to comply with the discovery order. "Based upon the history in this case and Watchtower's statements...the court finds that Watchtower's failure to comply is willful...Watchtower clearly has control over the documents it has already produced and could revise the redactions with regard to those documents. This is obviously and clearly within the scope of Watchtower's powers which it chooses not to exercise. Continuing to repeat its prior unsuccessful arguments in opposition to the discovery order further illustrates Watchtower's obstinacy in compliance." http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2016/jun/24/ticker-judge-sanctions-jehovahs-witnesses/
  20. Can someone give me a good reason why JW's do not "celebrate" Father's Day like the rest of the Americans in the USA? Is there any biblical reason NOT to celebrate such a holiday?
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