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Shirley Lowery

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Shirley Lowery last won the day on July 19 2018

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About Shirley Lowery

  • Birthday 05/01/1957

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  1. Hello to all my spiritual brothers and sisters on here, I wanted to share my amazing weekend experience with you!  On Saturday, April 8th, all  seven congregations, including ours, met at 10:00 a.m. and some brought breakfast items, donuts, orange juice, etc., and for our lunch at 12:00 p.m., everyone brought different items!  I made a homemade potato salad, which everyone loved, a roast chicken, cream- styled corn, and a two- liter Coke!  We enjoyed our spiritual association, while we worked alongside each other, painting the fence, black, and others planted beautiful flowers, to beautify our beautiful kingdomhall!  We were assigned the outside, while the other congregations, cleaned the inside! Yesterday, they removed all the chairs,  their cleaning the carpets today! I prayed to Jehovah to help me get over my client's death,  it just takes time to heal!   Also, I've prayerfully decided to become an uber driver!  I'm just waiting for my drivers permit, and then I can start driving in Dallas!! I've talked to other drivers, and they really enjoy their uber driving job!  I can also deliver food! I just needed to make changes in my life! Home health work is not enough to pay my bills!  I'm so happy that all our spiritual brothers and sisters in Russia get to enjoy having their Memorial!  On that very special night, April 11th at 7:30 p.m, our time, all of us will be celebrating our Memorial!!  I already have my very pretty purple flowered dress to wear! Everyone dresses up on this very special occasion!  It was such a great privilege for me to share in The Memorial Campaign work!  Let's hope that these invitations reach their hearts! Only Jehovah knows and reads their hearts! I hope everyone enjoys their Memorial, as I always do! We have an anointed brother and an anointed sister in my congregation! Soon, the 144,000 will be completed! The Great Tribulation is almost here, then Armaggedon, which Jehovah will destroy Satan and his demons! Then earth will be transformed into a beautiful paradise! I hope everyone enjoys their week!! Agape love, Shirley!!!

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