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Shirley Lowery

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Shirley Lowery last won the day on July 19 2018

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About Shirley Lowery

  • Birthday 05/01/1957

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  1. :DHello to all my spiritual brothers and sisters on here!  I'd love to share my cover photo with everyone!  This lovely spiritual sister was at my first wedding on October 30,1976! She attended my wedding at Duncanville Kingdomhall  Of Jehovah's Witnesses in Duncanville,Texas! She now lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico! She was staying with another sister who takes me to the meetings on Thursday! So, after our meeting a brother took this photo of us! I still have my original wedding photos of her and her two children at my wedding! Sadly, our marriage only lasted 20 years! He became inactive, and I assumed his role of training our two children to serve Jehovah! Unfortunately, they stopped serving Jehovah!  It's  been 41 years since we've seen each other! Jehovah has taking very good care of us all these years! I was so happy to see her still serving Jehovah! One of her son's is a Pioneer, they live in McKinney, Texas!  Jehovah has blessed me with another client! So, hopefully soon, I'll be able to buy a car! One of our lovely elderly sister's daughter whom she was studying with passed away on Tuesday! Her daughter asked to be cremated, and a small gathering of her family and friends is this Saturday! She's lost other children too!  Soon, she will welcome them back in her arms again, as we await the resurrection! I'm so excited on December 30, 2017, I'm attending a formal party that a sister hosts every year! This year we have to wear red, white, or black! It's a lot of fun, first we eat, then we enjoy entertainment, and then we dance to different songs! Also,we have door prizes! I hope I win something this year!  I'm really excited to start our Congregation Bible Study in our new book: JESUS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE this Thursday! Well, 2017 is almost over! Only 12 more days left  for 2017!  I love our  new year text: THOSE HOPING IN JEHOVAH WILL REGAIN POWER- ISAIAH 40:31!  I hope everyone has a great 2018! My prayers are with my spiritual brothers and sisters losing their homes in the fires in California! May Jehovah comfort them and protect them! Agape love, Shirley

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