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Posts posted by ARchiv@L

  1. jwb_univ_201701_wsr_01_lg.jpg

    JW Broadcasting—January 2017 (59:11)

    Izak Marais: “The Members . . . Are Necessary” (1 Cor. 12:22)
    Organizational Accomplishments—Haiti After the Earthquake
    Interview With Faithful Sisters—Widows of Governing Body Members
    Geoffrey W. Jackson: Reaching "the Most Distant Part" (Acts 1:8)
    Song 084 Reaching Out


    (download the official films with English subtitles:)

    JW Broadcasting—January 2017—(subtitles) 

    Interview With Faithful Sisters—Widows of Governing Body Members—(subtitles)

    Organizational Accomplishments—Haiti After the Earthquake—(subtitles)

    Izak Marais: “The Members . . . Are Necessary” (1 Cor. 12:22)—(subtitles)

    Geoffrey W. Jackson: Reaching "the Most Distant Part" (Acts 1:8)—(subtitles)


    Annual assembly set to take place

    The Midrand Assembly Hall is the new venue where Jehovah’s Witnesses from Germiston will gather for this year’s annual assembly.
    The Midrand Assembly Hall is the new venue where Jehovah’s Witnesses from Germiston will gather for this year’s annual assembly.

    Over 400 residents from Germiston, Primrose, Edenvale and Johannesburg East will be travelling to the Jehovah’s Witnesses annual assembly.

    The event takes place on January 29 at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 50 Strelitzia Road, Country View, Midrand from 9am (gates open at 7am).

    This year the importance of the greatest commandment to love God and our fellow man will be explored and developed.

    Topics like: “Remember the Greatest Commandment”, “Whoever loves God must also love his brother” and “Do not lose the love you had at first” will be discussed.

    For more information contact Phillip Gossel on 083 458 2210.

    Annual assembly set to take place






    Video files containing the music and lyrics for all 151 songs from the new songbook “Sing Out Joyfully” to Jehovah are now available. 
    These files allow the lyrics to be shown on-screen during congregation meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses.


    1. Jehovah's Attributes

    2. Jehovah Is Your Name

    3. Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence

    4. "Jehovah Is My Shepherd"

    5. God's Wondrous Works

    6. The Heavens Declare God's Glory

    7. Jehovah, Our Strength

    8. Jehovah Is Our Refuge

    9. Jehovah Is Our King!

    10. Praise Jehovah Our God!

    11. Creation Praises God

    12. Great God, Jehovah

    13. Christ, Our Model

    14. Praising Earth's New King

    15. Praise Jehovah's Firstborn!

    16. Praise Jah for His Son, the Anointed

    17. "I Want To"

    18. Grateful for the Ransom

    19. The Lord's Evening Meal

    20. You Gave Your Precious Son

    21. Keep On Seeking First the Kingdom

    22. The Kingdom Is in Place—Let It Come!

    23. Jehovah Begins His Rule

    24. Come to Jehovah's Mountain

    25. A Special Possession

    26. You Did It for Me

    27. The Revealing of God's Sons

    28. Gaining Jehovah's Friendship

    29. Living Up to Our Name

    30. My Father, My God and Friend

    31. Oh, Walk With God!

    32. Take Sides With Jehovah!

    33. Throw Your Burden on Jehovah

    34. Walking in Integrity

    35. "Make Sure of the More Important Things"

    36. We Guard Our Hearts

    37. Serving Jehovah Whole-Souled

    38. He Will Make You Strong

    39. Make a Good Name With God

    40. To Whom Do We Belong?

    41. Please Hear My Prayer

    42. The Prayer of God's Servant

    43. A Prayer of Thanks

    44. A Prayer of the Lowly One

    45. The Meditation of My Heart

    46. We Thank You, Jehovah

    47. Pray to Jehovah Each Day

    48. Daily Walking With Jehovah

    49. Making Jehovah's Heart Glad

    50. My Prayer of Dedication

    51. To God We Are Dedicated!

    52. Christian Dedication

    53. Preparing to Preach

    54. "This Is the Way"

    55. Fear Them Not!

    56. Make the Truth Your Own

    57. Preaching to All Sorts of People

    58. Searching for Friends of Peace

    59. Praise Jah With Me

    60. It Means Their Life

    61. Forward, You Witnesses!

    62. The New Song

    63. We're Jehovah's Witnesses!

    64. Sharing Joyfully in the Harvest

    65. Move Ahead!

    66. Declare the Good News

    67. "Preach the Word"

    68. Sowing Kingdom Seed

    69. Go Forward in Preaching the Kingdom!

    70. Search Out Deserving Ones

    71. We Are Jehovah's Army!

    72. Making Known the Kingdom Truth

    73. Grant Us Boldness

    74. Join in the Kingdom Song!

    75. "Here I Am! Send Me!"

    76. How Does It Make You Feel?

    77. Light in a Darkened World

    78. "Teaching the Word of God"

    79. Teach Them to Stand Firm

    80. "Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good"

    81. The Life of a Pioneer

    82. "Let Your Light Shine"

    83. "From House to House"

    84. Reaching Out

    85. Welcome One Another

    86. We Must Be Taught

    87. Come! Be Refreshed

    88. Make Me Know Your Ways

    89. Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed

    90. Encourage One Another

    91. Our Labor of Love

    92. A Place Bearing Your Name

    93. Bless Our Meeting Together

    94. Grateful for God's Word

    95. The Light Gets Brighter

    96. God's Own Book—A Treasure

    97. Life Depends on God's Word

    98. The Scriptures—Inspired of God

    99. Myriads of Brothers

    100. Receive Them With Hospitality

    101. Working Together in Unity

    102. "Assist Those Who Are Weak"

    103. Shepherds—Gifts in Men

    104. God's Gift of Holy Spirit

    105. "God Is Love"

    106. Cultivating the Quality of Love

    107. The Divine Pattern of Love

    108. God's Loyal Love

    109. Love Intensely From the Heart

    110. "The Joy of Jehovah"

    111. Our Reasons for Joy

    112. Jehovah, God of Peace

    113. Our Possession of Peace

    114. "Exercise Patience"

    115. Gratitude for Divine Patience

    116. The Power of Kindness

    117. The Quality of Goodness

    118. "Give Us More Faith"

    119. We Must Have Faith

    120. Imitate Christ's Mildness

    121. We Need Self-Control

    122. Be Steadfast, Immovable!

    123. Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order

    124. Ever Loyal

    125. "Happy Are the Merciful"

    126. Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty

    127. The Sort of Person I Should Be

    128. Enduring to the End

    129. We Will Keep Enduring

    130. Be Forgiving

    131. "What God Has Yoked Together"

    132. Now We Are One

    133. Worship Jehovah During Youth

    134. Children Are a Trust From God

    135. Jehovah's Warm Appeal: "Be Wise, My Son"

    136. "A Perfect Wage" From Jehovah

    137. Faithful Women, Christian Sisters

    138. Beauty in Gray-Headedness

    139. See Yourself When All Is New

    140. Life Without End—At Last!

    141. The Miracle of Life

    142. Holding Fast to Our Hope

    143. Keep Working, Watching, and Waiting

    144. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

    145. God's Promise of Paradise

    146. "Making All Things New"

    147. Life Everlasting Is Promised

    148. Jehovah Provides Escape

    149. A Victory Song

    150. Seek God for Your Deliverance

    151. He Will Call


  4. Pega el invierno a familias de 100 comunidades de Tlaxcala

    • Tomás BAÑOS
    • en Municipios




    La entidad, de las más frías a nivel nacional; población pide cobijas y colchonetas al Gobierno estatal

    Familias que viven en unas 100 comunidades del oriente, norte y poniente de Tlaxcala, son afectadas por el ‘crudo’ invierno que se registra durante las noches y madrugadas del fin de semana.


    Desde la primera semana de este mes, la población que vive en Calpulalpan, Atlangatepec, Ixtacuixtla, Tlaxco y Terrenate, resintió los estragos de descenso brusco de la temperatura.

    Gardenia Hernández, alcaldesa de Tlaxco, reveló que las familias que viven en las 38 comunidades, resienten los estragos del crudo invierno.

    “Anoche (el domingo) el frío se sintió, por la mañana el agua estaba helada, parece que te muerde al utilizarla”, expresó una veterana de la cabecera municipal de Tlaxco.

    Dijo que es necesaria la ayuda de autoridades federales y estatales pues “en otros años nos traían cobijas, colchonetas y despensas, pero ahora nos han olvidado”.

    Manifestó que en las tiendas Diconsa no encuentran que el precio de los productos básicos, les ayuden, “el kilo de maíz, está más caro que el criollo de la producción local y los frijoles tardan mucho para coser”.

    Por su lado, Ana Barrera Hernández y Bernardino Macías Leal, originarios de Ixtacuixtla, dijeron que el frío brusco no les impide difundir la palabra de Dios como Testigos de Jehová.

    En punto de las 07:00 horas de este lunes, la pareja expresó que en estos tiempos es necesario conciliarse con el ser supremo para soportar el cambio climático que se manifiesta.

    “Los fenómenos naturales con manifestaciones divinas, debemos leer la Biblia para conocer porqué hace frío y luego mucho calor”, comentó la mujer de unos 60 años.

    El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) informó que las últimas horas, Tlaxcala fue una de las cuatro entidades más frías a nivel nacional, junto con México, Chihuahua e Hidalgo, ya que registraron temperaturas de menos tres grados a dos grados Celsius.

    Un ambiente frío y muy frío reportó para los 60 municipios de la entidad el SMN en las próximas horas con temperatura de menos cinco a cero grados Celsius en zonas altas.

    Reveló que en las últimas 24 horas, las temperaturas mínimas registradas fueron de menos tres grados en Calpulalpan, menos dos en Atlangatepec y El Carmen Tequexquitla y menos uno en Cuapiaxtla y Zacatelco.

    Informó que las condiciones mencionadas son originadas por el Frente Frío número 22 que se mantiene estacionario en el noroeste del territorio nacional y por una zona de aire inestable superior, remanente de la Tercer Tormenta Invernal.

    Pega el invierno a familias de 100 comunidades de Tlaxcala




    Tribune Freeport Reporter


    JEHOVAH’S Witnesses from the United States are in Grand Bahama helping their fellow members who were affected by Hurricane Matthew.

    Volunteers from Florida and other parts of the US were out with local members in Freeport helping with roof repairs to homes damaged by the storm last October.

    Misael Morales, who is from the Miami area, said that teams of volunteers are in The Bahamas working between Nassau, Freeport, Exuma, Long Island, and Andros.

    “We have about over 330 homes of our brothers and sisters that were affected by Hurricane Matthew, and JW do a lot of disaster relief. When we heard that our friends needed assistance here, literally folks from around the US were asking when can they go to help,” he said.

    The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has coordinated extensive relief efforts following the passage of Hurricane Matthew to assist its members in The Bahamas, the Caribbean, and the southeastern US in early October 2016.

    Mr Morales said that volunteers have been coming from the US weeks at a time to assist with relief efforts in The Bahamas.

    “Some are here for a few months…and about 120 at any given time are working between Freeport, Nassau, Exuma, Long Island, and Andros. We have seen typical hurricane damage - roof damage and interior damage from storm surge,” he said.

    In Grand Bahama, the team will be working on about 60 to 65 homes in Freeport. The three Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Halls also sustained roof damage and will be replaced.

    Mr Morales expects the team to be finished its work by the end of March. They will work on six to seven homes per week in Freeport.

    He said that wherever there is a need Jehovah’s Witnesses are willing to help.

    “We consider this part of our ministry. JW is well known for our door to door work, that is our core competency to educate others about God. We also feel that it is not just helping people to get to know God, but to understand that this is how He takes care of His people,” he said.

    Mr Morales said the volunteers have taken time off work to help their fellow Jehovah’s Witnesses in The Bahamas.

    “They paid their way to come here to go work on someone’s roof they don’t know just because they say they are Jehovah’s Witnesses as well - that is love,” he said.


    Jehovah’S Witnesses Help In Hurricane Aftermath







  6. Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    Γράφτηκε από τον  G.R.
    Δευτέρα, 16 Ιανουάριος 2017

    Στην λίστα με τα Top 10 πολυδιαβασμένα περιοδικά παγκοσμίως εμπεριέχονται τα δύο δημοφιλή περιοδικά των Μαρτύρων του Ιεχωβά, «Σκοπιά» και «Ξύπνα» για το έτος 2016.


    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίωςΕίναι αλήθεια ότι πολλοί από εμάς θα έχουμε συναντήσει, συζητήσει με Μάρτυρες Του Ιεχωβά. Ποιος θα το φαντάζονταν όμως ότι τα περιοδικά «Η Σκοπιά» και «Ξύπνα» είναι τα περιοδικά με τα περισσότερα αντίτυπα και την μεγαλύτερη κυκλοφορία παγκοσμίως σε πάνω από 236 χώρες. Τα εν λόγω δύο περιοδικά προσφέρονται δωρεάν από τους Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά ως μέρος ενός παγκόσμιου εκπαιδευτικού βιβλικού έργου και εκδίδονται μια φορά τον μήνα, ενώ αξιοσημείωτο είναι το γεγονός ότι μεταφράζονται σε πάνω από 300 γλώσσες.


     Αυτή είναι η Λίστα με τα Top 10 πιο διαβασμένα περιοδικά παγκοσμίως:

    10. Family circle

     Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    9. People

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    8. National Geographic

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    7. Good Housekeeping

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    6. Readers digest

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    5. Better Homes & Gardens

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    4. Game Informer

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    3. AARP The Magazine

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    2. Awake

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως

    1. The Watchtower (Public Edition)

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως



    Συγκεκριμένα: Η Σκοπιά έχει τη μεγαλύτερη κυκλοφορία από οποιοδήποτε άλλο περιοδικό στον κόσμο. Κάθε τεύχος της τυπώνεται σε περισσότερα από 42 εκατομμύρια αντίτυπα. Δεύτερο είναι το Ξύπνα!, του οποίου κάθε τεύχος τυπώνεται σε 41 εκατομμύρια αντίτυπα.

    Σκοπός της Σκοπιάς είναι η εξήγηση των διδασκαλιών της Αγίας Γραφής—ειδικά των διδασκαλιών για τη Βασιλεία του Θεού. Εκδίδεται χωρίς διακοπή από το 1879. Το Ξύπνα! ασχολείται με θέματα γενικού ενδιαφέροντος, όπως η φύση και η επιστήμη, με στόχο την οικοδόμηση πίστης στον Δημιουργό. Επιπλέον, τονίζει πώς ωφελεί πρακτικά τη ζωή μας η Αγία Γραφή.

    Να τονιστεί επίσης ότι και η ιστοσελίδα τους jw.org είναι μία από τις δημοφιλέστερες του κόσμου ενώ ταυτόχρονα αρκετά διαδεδομένη είναι η χρήση διάφορων τεχνολογικών εφαρμογών που διαθέτουν δωρεάν προς το κοινό, και είναι διαθέσιμες σε Google Play Store , App Store και Windows Store για smartphones και tablets.

    Πηγή: trendingtopmost.com , gazettereview.com, businessinsider.com, jw.orgbbc.com


    (see/read the full article in greek:)

    Οι Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά στη λίστα των Top 10 πιο διαβασμένων περιοδικών παγκοσμίως



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