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AlanF last won the day on January 26 2021

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  1. You're getting yourself in deeper with every post. You have no shame, any more than the criminal you've supported.
  2. You KNOW what you've said. You're not even fooling your braindead fellow cultists, except perhaps the ineluctably brainless Arauna.
  3. Clueless. TTH went far beyond any such thing. Your knee-jerk defense of a fellow cultist is typical.
  4. TTH has gone far beyond merely mentioning Trumpolini's name. You're simply denying facts and lying as usual.
  5. Nope. TTH has often expressed support for Trump. You're like the ReTrumplican Senators who see Trump's evil but excuse it for political reasons.
  6. Here we find TrueTomHarley continuing his usual bluffing that he knows all about evolution/creation when he demonstrably knows nothing. TTH has never read a proper science book on evolution or evolution versus creation. The most he's read is perhaps a Creationist book or two, such as from the Creationist Watchtower Society, and some online Creationist material -- all of which has been debunked by proper scientists over the past 25+ years. This, despite my having recommended a dozen or more proper science books to him and other posters. Furthermore, TTH has clearly violated "Christian neutrality" by espousing the criminal goals and philosophy of 'Donito Trumpolini', aided by his getting most of his world news from criminally irresponsible "news" media like Fox News, Newsmax and OAN. He has even quoted Fox arch-liar Sean Hannity virtually verbatim. TTH thinks he's a great writer, but has never exposed his crappy writing to professionals such as are found in a good college English course. The writing reminds me of the laughable dialogs found in Watchtower "Bible dramas". In short, TTH is a fine example of the Dunning-Kruger effect -- someone too ignorant to understand how ignorant he is.
  7. Nope. That's pure science fiction. Science fiction that Creationist liars claim comes from proper scientists. Science fiction that disingenuous idiots like you latch onto because you hate the truth.
  8. When charlatans like TTH can't successfully attack the message, they attack the messenger. Some messages: Prove your probability calculations against "evolution", or give pointers to sources that do. Prove that your God -- the God of the Bible -- exists. Prove that "God is love" is compatible with "God is a monster" -- both of which ideas are proved by multiple Bible passages. Of course, you can't do it. You're a fraud and a laughable bluffer.
  9. No, I'm just good at looking up words in Hebrew-English lexicons. Something you've never done, I'll bet. So what? The Greek still has nothing to do with the modern scientific concept of energy. Wrong. I'm just an amateur who refers to experts. As opposed to morons who refer only to religious texts and whack-a-doodle creationists. Projection big time.
  10. Modern science does not speculate that everything came from nothing. Learn some science. Where does your God come from? Nothing? Or something? Where did your God come from? What caused him? Wrong. The fossil record contains billions of items that show an evolution occurring over more than 3.5 billion years. Genetics proves that all creatures are related by descent from earlier ancestors. Of course, we all know that you can give no answers. You're a gross hypocrite.
  11. Still too clueless to realize how clueless you are. There's a name for that.
  12. "Power" in the sense used by Old Testament authors is in no way the same concept as "energy" as used by modern scientists. But to understand that takes a bit of brain power.
  13. Your usual ass-backwards 'logic'. First you have to prove that Adam and Eve existed. Only then can you tell stories about them.
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