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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. The TRUTH is the TRUTH.

    it does not matter from whom it comes.

    Your AGENDA for you determines what is true or not. 

    I have challenged you over thirty five times to disprove any of the facts I advance.

    You, George88, have choked and obfuscated EVERY TIME.

    I, on the other hand, have continuously demolished your “facts”, straight away, directly, and with real facts.

    ‘…. that’s why the irony of this is SO FUNNY!





  2.  the real reason I have never been banned from here is that I use established, checkable facts and biting satire  to insult ideas and bogus premeses, and the generator gets insulted.

    The real reason you have been banned here many times is that you insult people, and make up and use lies to try and support your being superior to everyone here.

    I consider myself a guest here.

    You act like you are the boss.

  3. Ahem … I could not help but notice, Oh 4-headed Vicar of Warwick who talks to his head #2 for support …. that YOU ARE STILL HERE!

    (… classic definition of a “nob” masochist.)



    WHY you remain here I cannot guess.



  4. 1 hour ago, BTK59 said:

    I agree @Miracle Pete You and @Pudgy, are a nob. However, you have the potential to become even more, as unrepentant fools have the ability to do and say anything. 

    AND THEN… and THEN!,  In the imagined context he had to hunt for as the 5th down definition on Wikipedia which “he”  finds SO OUTRAGEOUSLY OFFENSIVE, “he” uses THAT definition to insult others!


  5. 22 minutes ago, BTK59 said:

    Just to be clear JWI, TOM, Librarian, that sick individual @Miracle Pete It's unacceptable that someone would use such offensive language on your forum, violating your bylaws. It's even more outrageous that the individual is allowed to continue while you consider banning me for simply speaking the truth.

    I just wanted to point out your hypocrisy here.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nob#:~:text=Derogatory term for a man's,in the UK and Ireland

    • Derogatory term for a man's penis, typically used as an insult in the UK and Ireland

    Your mentally ill @Miracle Pete, and I hope you're not a witness, just a sadistic animal.



  6. I just HAD to capture this for posterity. It is SOoooo  FUNNY!   If there is any POSSIBLE Way for BTK59 to misread and misconstrue, misinterpret and become insulted by ANYTHING, he (.assuming it is in fact a “he” …) will search land and sea until he finds it! THEN “he” will chomp on it like an alligator on a rabbit, and NEVER let it go!

    Even if the wascally wabbit has a hand grenade!


    And of course “he” would NEVER ever ever think of putting ANYTHING IN CONTEXT!

     OH No! Not THAT! 

    If “he” did THAT even “he” knows it would exactly describe the four-headed Vicar of Warwick!

    The ChatGBT put the word “nob” EXACTLY in the correct context.  

    ….. as did Miracle Pete.

  7. … and donchew forget now … the GB now allows Sisters to come to meetings and go out in field service in slacks or Mumus. 

    Or slacks AND Mumus, if poundage appropriate.

    Did I ever mention I once dated a Sister that made Mumus out of parachutes? She was an Opera singer, and had a UN diplomatic passport. She was on “speed”, couldn’t blink, and typed 600 words a minute with 100% errors. Occasionally she would get lipstick in her eyebrows.


  8. BTK59 …. Your writing is one continuous stream of theological theory in vague, nebulous, fuzzy generalizations that use recursive loop logic, which ALWAYS fails … BECAUSE … you never supply any hard facts to back up your suppositions.

    For a change, add some hard facts, real life examples, and SPECIFICS to your arguements.


    Disneyland is a multi- billion dollar real enterprise in California … but the basis for the “House Of Mouse”, is a carefully constructed fantasy.

    …. like your non-specific wish list of nattering nebulosity.

    … like perhaps the greatest Science Fiction book of all time, “The Stars My Destination”, by Alfred Bester. I feel very strongly about that, but human teleportation is not a real thing, and although I could spend several pages gushing about it, it would be ONLY my strongly held opinion about a fantasy.

    ….. like your carefully constructed word salad fantasy about what is really going on.

  9. I am having trouble with the concept that humans sinning against God reflects badly on the reputation of God.

    That assumes weakness and vulnerability..

    Humans can never “get it right” anyway.

    The Dinosaurs failed at spirituality, and the whole thing just didn’t work out.

    Did their failure reflect badly on God?

  10. “Pimple head”?

    That is the first time in my entire life I have heard that expression.

    The only puppets of ANY kind that I have is a posable Kermit the Frog, and several Kermit the Frog hand puppets I got from the “Birthplace of Kermit the Frog” gift shop in Leland, Mississippi, 17 years ago.

    They look EXACTLY like the TV and movie Kermit.….. If I recall, they were somewhere around $28 each.

    …. perfectly flawless felt green complexions !

    1 hour ago, BTK59 said:

    Feel free to criticize and form your own thoughts. It's not surprising that your opinion, much like Pudge's old sock puppet that became known as "pimple head," was obnoxious, just like you, Pete.

    Do you EVER make statements about ANYTHING that is not completely delusional?


  11. 12 minutes ago, Miracle Pete said:

    I guess the problem is, if everyone is banned as you suggest, it would just be you and your numerous aliases/ imaginary friends talking to and upvoting each other or in other words you telling yourself how great you are. It’s must be depressing enough as it is. That would be spectacularly tragic. 

    With my sense of humor ( … grew up on MAD magazine …) I might appreciate the Keystone Kops humor. A real life Monty Python sketch gone berserk.


  12. Good!

    No one ever cared about your jealousy inspired compulsive busybodying, EVER.

    Everything you “advised” anyway was uncalled for, or completely irrelevant, or just plain flat WRONG!

    The ONLY dispute is in your own mind, Georgie.

    You have shown repeatedly you cannot even read a simple paragraph without totally screwing it up.


    57 minutes ago, George88 said:

    @Pudgy Since you keep mentioning me:

    While I understand that you may not have a thorough understanding of the law, I feel compelled to clarify a crucial point. Please, allow me to explain that "deferred adjudication" constitutes a felony conviction in any state. If this was indeed your sentence and there are no further actions recommended by the Grand Jury for the prosecutor to pursue, it is important for you to grasp the repercussions of your situation.

    That does not mean that those charges cannot be dismissed once the court is satisfied with the probation period imposed on an individual, provided that person complies with the conditions established by the probation department without any violations.

    If you are suggesting that the charges were dropped and that you didn't receive deferred adjudication or any other sentence that didn't include a reduction in charges such as a misdemeanor and the judge didn't need to accept a plea deal, then that changes things. That's a tough sell, if they had electronic proof of the charges. I don't see a Judge dismissing those charges unless that person is racist, and doesn't want to convict due to race. However, it's important to note that your arrest and felony charges will still remain on your record with one acception, it will include in charges, dismissed.

    Now, if you pleaded not guilty and are waiting trial, it is crucial for you to understand that your behavior here won't do you any favors. Anything you say or do in this context can be used against you in a court of law.

    Allow those with a legal background and expertise in ethical matters to make those decisions. I have no interest in your questionable history or in you personally.

    Do not drag me into your dispute. I hereby declare this to be an end to my forced participation caused by Pudgy.

    It is so full of errors, presumptions, and false premises the collossal arrogance of which is  embarrassing to even read.


  13. 7 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    BTK59, you have a very selective memory, and what you remember is WRONG.

    It’s as simple as that.

    “… I felt sorry for the man who had no shoes, and then I met a man that had no feet.

    I felt sorry for the man who could not read, and then I met a man who WOULD NOT read.”

    … and then there is George88, who reads things and beats to fit, and paints to match his craven need for self aggrandizement, with irrelevant threats.

  14. BTK59, you have a very selective memory, and what you remember is WRONG.

    It’s as simple as that.

    2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Georgie, you live in an agenda driven fantasy that is severely distorted.

    I suspect to a certainty that you and BTK59 are the same person but to SAY so I require proof. 

    That is what I was demanding of BTK59 … proof for his continuous stream of lies.

    He COULD have provided that proof that I was a convicted felon, and had been sentenced to prison … if it had been true … but it wasn’t, ( a few phone calls would have determined that ). 

    He made it up out of thin air for his own agrandizement.

    BTK59 lied about me.  Really simple. It was an evil, malicious lie because HE KNEW it was a lie, and his motive was evil as well.

    THAT’s what agenda driven thinking does.

    By the way, Georgie, your reading comprehension skills are terrible.

    “… I felt sorry for the man who had no shoes, and then I met a man that had no feet.

    I felt sorry for the man who could not read, and then I met a man who WOULD NOT read.”

  15. Georgie, you live in an agenda driven fantasy that is severely distorted.

    I suspect to a certainty that you and BTK59 are the same person but to SAY so I require proof. 

    That is what I was demanding of BTK59 … proof for his continuous stream of lies.

    He COULD have provided that proof that I was a convicted felon, and had been sentenced to prison … if it had been true … but it wasn’t, ( a few phone calls would have determined that ). 

    He made it up out of thin air for his own agrandizement.

    BTK59 lied about me.  Really simple. It was an evil, malicious lie because HE KNEW it was a lie, and his motive was evil as well.

    THAT’s what agenda driven thinking does.

    By the way, Georgie, your reading comprehension skills are terrible.

  16. I suspect there are a lot of mislabeled “apostates” (actually heretics) that are not evil in any way whatsoever. Honorable men and women in a tough spot.

    They just expect their religion to be as advertised, and not demand something that is flat, be recognized as being round.

    Remember what just recently occurred ….

    It was those nasty evil “apostates” incessantly hammering on the Watchtower for 60 years about beards that created the Liberty and Freedom the Brotherhood now enjoys.

    It was like tightly compressed spring being released!

    Defend TRUTH, and wonderful things happen.


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