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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. …. and because you clearly do not know the difference, BTK 59, as an off-subtopic aside, an apostate is someone who renounces or abandons their religious or political beliefs, whereas a heretic is someone who holds beliefs contrary to the official or orthodox teachings of a religion or ideology. So, while both involve deviating from established beliefs, apostasy is more about abandoning beliefs altogether, while heresy is about holding beliefs that are seen as incorrect or contrary to the mainstream. I hold JW core beliefs, but reject the made-up self-agrandizing and irrelevant crap. That makes me a disfellowshipped heretic, not a disfellowshipped apostate. ……
  2. Oh … by the way … should you decide, BTK59, .to accept my challenge to try and prove your slanderous lies, proof should be something that is self-evident, specific, AND THAT ANYBODY can easily check and independently verify, using the corroborating EVIDENCE and references YOU supply. Specific on topic Proof. Not fantasy wishful projection. …. as has been your custom.
  3. A person who slanders another by telling lies about them might check facts, and find out what is really the case. You have NOT, BTK59. BECAUSE of that, YOUR credibility is zero. …. delusional. And here is a hint ….. I can share any advice I want, on any subject I want, any time I want …. and will. Every statement of fact I make is proven. Here is the test: 1.) List One fact I have EVER stated in my many thousands of posts that was not true. Be SPECIFIC. Do it. 2.) PROVE your accusations. BE SPECIFIC. Do it.
  4. And there, for your inspection, Ladies and Gentlemen … given by George88 IN HIS OWN WORDS, and by his own hand …. is the PERFECT EXAMPLE of someone ignoring what he saw with his own eyes, for Agenda Driven Thinking. What he was SUPPOSED to think ….. controlled his perception. He was exploring a “unique reality”, as always, of his agenda driven perception.
  5. You, BTK, are so divorced from reality it’s truly amazing your brain has enough intact circuitry to make your legs work. Two words describe the entirety of your written opinions: Egocentric narcissism.
  6. That is the best example of egocentric arrogant word salad I have read since … um … Ever!. NO ONE on this planet cares obout what you percieve as an insult, or are disheartened about … except you. … maybe your Mom. Governments do what governments do … THEY have the bayonets. Get used to it. If you accept their money, it’s “the golden rule”. “Dem dat gota da gold, maka da rules”
  7. You know … even Japan gave up after two atomic bombs. Best decision they made in 4,000 years.
  8. Having absolutely no observable sense of humor whatsoever, Georgie, humor and satire are totally unknown to you. Hitler had the same observation when Berlin was beseiged by English, French, American and Russian forces from all sides … ”You know, Steiner, those Allied Forces have absolutely NO sense of humor …”
  9. … OR … be like Georgie, and get sixteen lives! .., reminds me of the time I used the edge of the top of a tin can of black eyed peas to cut a worm into three parts …. …. so he (?) might have some friends.
  10. … does this mean I have to rent a defibrillator?
  11. I agree that everyone SHOULD follow Scripture. Especially self appointed “Sky Pilots”. THE HARD FACTS are that the apostates who published the 2016-2017 Watchtower Parody on beards got it right about following scripture on that issue. 100% RIGHT! THE HARD FACTS are the GB did not get it right for over 60 years, and not until six years after the Parody was published. With many, many scriptures, examples, admonitions, reasonings and policy statements …. the GB got it, for over 60 years …. 100% WRONG! With Governing Body Update 2023-8, of December 15, 2023 THEY ADMITTED IT. A 100%, 180° reversal! THE HARD FACTS are the GB did NOT follow scripture on this issue, and chased tens of thousands of people away BECAUSE BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE KNEW it was arbitrary, unscriptural, and wrong. Simple plain common sense. I agree that everyone SHOULD follow Scripture. Everyone doesn’t. … and contrary to popular belief, simple plain common sense is not all that common.
  12. No one ever answers your loaded, agenda driven, continuous barrage of inane McNastygram questions Georgie. But,like messing with dandruff, some endure it well.
  13. Wow! I am sitting in my car at a typical WalMart mall, with lots of gunfire going on in the distance.
  14. … There is a name for those people who don’t have beards, don’t know how to use tools, and don’t carry weapons. Women.
  15. The Bible does not say if those with diminished intellectual capacity but with the kindest and most gentle and loving hearts will enter into the Kingdom of God …and of course I am talking about domestic dogs … … ever wonder why Armageddon has been “delayed”?
  16. Soon it won’t matter …. the generation that knew the Truth will have all died off, and agenda driven people will win. … as “history” is beaten to fit, and painted to match, one detail at a time. Double-Plus Ungood … but that’s how it goes. (Sixty years from now all JWs will know that JW men NEVER had a problem with beards, and no one will have any idea what the “Overlapping Generations Chart “ was.) … but that’s how it goes.
  17. Choked, sputtered, and FAILED AGAIN when called out to prove your accusations, Georgie. What’s that now… 13 times?
  18. …. perhaps it’s mean ol’ nasty FOXNEWS, CNN, or Donald Trump that causes you to lie and ramble on ….
  19. Prove God wrong? What does that even mean? As usual your 4th grade replies make no sense at all . Your infantile accusations NEVER have any proof, and I have directly challenged you at least a dozen times. You ALWAYS choke and sputter when proof is demanded, so no surprise there. Your quote has FOUR false premisses. Can you find them? … and “Prove God wrong?”. What does that even mean?
  20. Since it is an important date to remember, I have decided as a memnemonic device to celebrate “Beard Day” on the same day as “National Cupcake Day”, and Festivus, December 15, of each year. It's a fun day to indulge in baking or enjoying delicious cupcakes, not shave, and not decorate the bare aluminum Festivus Pole. — which is decoration-free “mainly because tinsel is too distracting,” — and “feats of strength” along with an “airing of grievances” around the dinner table about how others disappointed you over the past year.
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