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Everything posted by George88

  1. I don't think about perverts, but it seems that I am occupying a rent-free space in your mind. So, keep acting like what you desire. At least I'm not defending you.
  2. In your case, it must be truly gratifying to receive upvotes from women in an exclusive community in your defense. However, this actually speaks volumes about their moral compass and its alignment with genuine human values, rather than the perceived accomplishment they associate with identifying as Christians.
  3. It's truly remarkable how you believe that your existence and words hold any significance to me. In my perspective, you lost your sense of humanity the moment you turned into a pervert. So, rant away!
  4. In this thread, your main focus should be on Paul's words to the congregation of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 3:5-17. Let's dive into the depths of the Ministry: Watering, Working, and Warning. If there's one verse that should be thoroughly grasped, it's verse 15. It becomes evident, with each instance of banning someone like me, that you persistently refuse to acknowledge the Lord through your actions. And so, it speaks volumes about your deceitful ministry, rather than casting doubt on my application of biblical truth. The guilt of shedding innocent blood rests upon your hands, while mine remain untainted by it. What is the moral of the story for those who build upon God's temple versus those who willfully tear down that temple? Are you seriously suggesting that God will favor such behavior and reward it in the end? Friberg, Analytical Greek Lexicon [Fri] πῦρ, πυρός, τό fire; (1) literally, as an earthly phenomenon (MT 17.15); (2) figuratively; (a) in the future, of divine judgment place of punishment (MT 3.10); (b) as a destructive force (JA 3.5); (c) of trials as a purifying force (1P 1.7); (d) as a sign of the divine presence (AC 7.30; RV 1.14) Then you can relate to chapter 4. Stop distorting God's love to fit your own apostasy; it simply doesn't work that way. If anything, you should be protecting your brothers from it, not defending it. Unless you can biblically demonstrate from scripture that God accepts apostasy or any form of unrepentance, you need to show that as a biblical fact. It's crucial to consider the biblical perspective on this matter before promoting it.
  5. It wasn't me who rang it, it was your accomplice, so if you need someone to hold responsible, point the finger at JWI. I'm simply responding to these baseless accusations. I don't see why you keep defending the indefensible.
  6. James, once again, you've failed. My goal isn't to win an argument, but rather to reveal your apostasy, which I have successfully accomplished. Given that your opinion holds no value, your analogy is even more insignificant.
  7. Don't forget who initiated this discord and conflict. It wasn't me, but your arrogant response as a former Bethelite and once ministerial servant. It is your group of people who consistently fail to recognize your own ad hominem attacks and insults. Quit attempting to portray yourself in a positive light when in reality, that image is pitiful.
  8. You and your cohorts are not exempt from employing those tactics, as you try to appear innocent. There are countless instances of deceptive tactics that stem from you, JWI, and those within your exclusive group who persistently replicate your unfounded allegations and distorted interpretations. Hence, your persistence in following this misguided path and claiming that I have not provided any evidence holds no ground. Your baseless accusation is as futile as your deceptive strategies. It is noteworthy that individuals like yourself, namely Tom, Anna, Xero, Thinking, James, and several others, resort to these very tactics of diversion. However, rest assured that concealing the truth from God is an impossible endeavor. I already made it clear: if you cannot provide any intellectual biblical support for this topic, please refrain from participating in the discussion, and keep your dog muzzled.
  9. The precise date of Jesus' birth is a subject of speculation, with some suggesting it occurred in either 2 BC or 4 BC. If we consider 2 BC, there is an interesting discrepancy with the calendar months. In Tishri, the festival celebration takes place, but Jesus commanded his followers to observe Nisan 14. According to the Jewish calendar, this corresponds to the Passover Sacrifice (Pesach) on April 18, 2 B.C., which adds further significance to Jesus' birth. The scripture does not mention the celebration of Jesus' birth on the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) on Tishri 1, 3760, which falls on September 29, 2 B.C. As you have confessed to secretly celebrating your own birthday, which is no longer a secret, it would be up to your conscience if you want to celebrate Jesus birthday. However, since the date isn't determined, by accepting the possibility of Jesus being born in 2 B.C., you will need to make some adjustments. As I mentioned before, since the exact date is unknown, it is reasonable to consider anywhere from 6 to 1 B.C. There are biblical scholars who suggest that John the Baptist was born approximately 6 months before Jesus, which would place John's birth in 1 B.C., according to Wiki. You can also take into account the age at which Jesus started his ministry, you can even trace back from that. Shhh! Don't spill the beans to your friends, family, or fellow believers outside this forum. Just kidding, I'm just teasing you.
  10. In Luke, the outward demonstration of repentance serves as a clear indication for observers to recognize and accept it. Deceitful repentance, on the other hand, holds no validity. In essence, simply stating "I repent" lacks justification without a visible demonstration of sincere remorse. A person doesn't need to read minds or hearts, they just need to SEE it. However, one crucial point that your analogy lacks is that God can read the minds and hearts of people. If someone shows a deceitful tendency by simply saying "I repent" without meaning it, God will find a way to expose that deceitful heart. None of us can hide from God. The key understanding in this situation is how the divine essence operates within individuals who bear the weight of responsibility, while remaining elusive to those who do not.
  11. The message in 1 Peter 3:15 does not extend to individuals who persist in deceitful behavior like yourself JWI. You use tactics like bluster, obfuscation, distraction, and pretense to hold onto anything that could be mistakenly seen as backing your own interpretation. This aligns with Paul's mission to uncover those who deviate from Christ's teachings, such as yourself, claiming to understand scripture when in reality you do not. If you don't have anything valuable to contribute, please refrain from commenting on the thread.
  12. Bravo! You've touched upon the core issue here, just as the apostle Paul did in his time. When presenting facts as truth, it is crucial to rely on God's understanding rather than solely on man-made perspectives, as you suggest. This sort of dogma has persisted here for far too long, and it is high time we address it. This is a good reason to bring it to the attention of sincere and genuine witnesses who enter this forum seeking truth, only to find apostasy fueled by a small group of resentful witnesses who, due to their long-standing service in the organization, feel they have the right to complain without proper justification or reasoning. Many of us have dedicated over 60 years of service to Jehovah and have encountered numerous reasons to express our concerns. However, as you rightly stated, we are all imperfect. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for anyone to believe that their perspective is inherently superior to that of the responsible individuals within the Watchtower organization. It undermines the message of Christ that Paul was entrusted with the "mission" to guide the faithful followers of Christ by trivializing, exposing, and otherwise rebuking those who tried to lead the followers astray with their own interpretations, similar to the Pharisees who added to the laws of Moses. So, it was crucial for the apostle Paul to not only gain acceptance for his ministry, considering his past as a persecutor of Christians, but also to reinforce his message to those who might cause their fellow believers to stumble. After all, apostasy is just another form of stumbling. I hope that your fellow members in the closed club will adopt a rational mindset and enthusiastically welcome your proposal for this forum. My aim is to prioritize the presentation of biblical truth with a focus on accurate interpretation, rather than excessive speculation, and with this, I joyfully welcome your analogy, thank you.
  13. I did, but you are too arrogant to accept when you're wrong. I guess that's why you're still in the legal system for being obtuse. Now figure out how to refute the article passage I posted about a bomb being placed in a kingdom hall entrance while claiming if there is no entrance an apostate could not place one which is just your ignorant spin just to hide your lying posts. Since you're not an intellectual, someone with harmful intentions could easily figure out how to throw a pipe bomb through a window of a kingdom hall if the entrance was not a first choice, and a window was accessible at a distance, if we were to take Matthew's risky suggestion of including windows in kingdom halls. There are Kingdom halls with windows, and unfortunately, there have been incidents in which someone has thrown a pipe bomb through them. That was the incident you people were so captivated on that happened in Denver. Keep deflecting and persuading your followers in the closed club that you are winning.
  14. Remember to take your medication, old man. It is important to embrace your humanity and avoid degrading yourself as a dog, even though it's a better fit. I chose not to engage in the frivolous discussion, but I cannot ignore your misguided perception, even when expressed through your puppet, Matthew. Your tendency to twist situations to your own benefit is both predictable and misleading, leading only the most irrational individuals to believe you. Keep up the good work. You, as a proven liar, have made the nonsensical argument about eliminating an entrance that apostates couldn't leave a bomb on, which has resulted in incidents in Italy and other parts of the world to actually be factual, that you can't refute being wrong but want to deflect to other ignorance to hide the fact you are wrong.
  15. Could you clarify how you plan to debunk the claims made by journalists? Are you implying that they were deliberately being dishonest? Italy: (11.04.2023) – A bomb exploded in front of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in San Salvo where, overnight, a person with a covered face cut through a fence and placed the bomb in front of an entrance door. The damage, yet to be precisely quantified, is extensive. According to investigators, this was not a stunt but an actual bombing. Those who defend savages and believe it to be acceptable are the truly insane ones. James, it's time for you to get back on your medication.
  16. So, it's good to know that you consider trying to kill approximately 50 of my fellow brothers and sisters, who likely included innocent children and teenagers, as a sign of paranoia. It's truly disheartening to hear such sentiments from a heartless individual. But, I don't put it past you.
  17. You mean like the slanderous and malicious accusations you levy against the Org under your alias Matthew, what a riot! Why bother asking when I already knew that you were trying to provoke another argument? You and your group also discussed in great detail the murder-suicide in Colorado, in which the police discovered an explosive device in the perpetrator's vehicle in 2022.
  18. Which one? Research. The most recent news comes from the Kingdom Hall in Austria, which gained international and online media attention on March 30th, 2024. I used the term "pipe bomb" as an example, but they are actually referring to it as an "explosive device," which, in the larger context, includes any type of homemade explosive device. Why make it easier for apostates to find targets? The local police have not yet identified who placed the bomb at the Kingdom Hall's entrance. Therefore, apostates and disgruntled ex-witnesses, driven by their hatred, are under suspicion. You should also consider the one that happened in Italy in 2023 with a comparable situation. Therefore, let's not underestimate the possibilities of someone like Matthew are capable of doing.
  19. Why should disgruntled apostates be given easier access to target honest Christians who are trying to live by God's rules? There have already been instances of pipe bombs being used, if I recall correctly.
  20. Tom, I use Nuance for dictation, which is where maybe you guys think it's AI generated. However, Dragon does not include AI unless there is an external link that comes with a price tag.
  21. I was intrigued by the opening statement of this poignant comment that was made in another thread just recently. "Can someone tell me what is the point of this thread? Oh never mind, ignore (the) question. Sorry I asked." Could someone shed light on why this comment is not employed by numerous, if not countless, apostate posts that have been produced here in the past or present? Even those that are not explicitly labeled as apostate carry subtle undertones, as they originate from professed witnesses who express grievances. But why are these posts necessary if disseminating misinformation contradicts the teachings of Christ? What is the purpose behind engaging in endless, distorted debates that serve no productive end? Can visitors see the irony of the question? I have come to terms with the fact that finding genuine, respectful conversation here is unlikely, as there are certain individuals who relish in criticism and seek to create discord within God's organization. They label themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses, but their actions bring shame upon Him, much like they believe mine does and strangely enough, they appear unfazed by this reality. But is there a difference in God's eyes with the actions that we take? There certainly is? I uphold God's truth while they fight for their personal honor, not as Christians but as individuals. So, it will be of no surprise, then, that they will perceive this post as negative and expect others to reciprocate in kind. "Can someone tell me what is the point of this thread?" I believe there was a discussion thread regarding Galatians 1:8. This thread complements the previous one, offering a genuine understanding of Paul's words. It reflects the attitude people adopt in other threads when engaging in arguments. This thread is titled "No Other Gospel," and it delves into the profound message of Galatians 1:6-10. Previously, much emphasis was placed on a single word: "accursed." This word carries immense weight, as it not only serves as a critique directed towards those in Galatia who had strayed from the teachings of Christ, but it also serves as a fervent condemnation of those who engage in apostasy. The contrast between Jesus and Paul is truly staggering. Jesus initiated a transformative ministry that eventually became known as Christianity. His mission was to demonstrate that God's love for the Jews had not been forsaken. On the other hand, Paul played a crucial role in upholding and furthering this ministry. Not only did he work tirelessly to maintain its momentum, but he also strived to shed light on any potential deviations from the true message of Christ. Paul's words were often exceedingly harsh, resonating with unparalleled dissonance. They were a powerful rebuke to those who sought to seduce others by betraying the teachings of Christ. He saw them as perverted to the truth and the gospel. This was because Christ had already established the standards for living a Christian life, and no one was to undermine those standards. Some fake witnesses here have falsely claimed that the Watchtower Governing Body can be considered "accursed." These people, without proper evidence, allege that the Governing Body is deviating from the gospel of Christ. The challenge then becomes: how can individuals who lack a deep understanding of scripture discern when someone else is deviating from Christ's Gospel? In truth, they cannot. However, many have conditioned their minds and hearts to embrace a false conclusion. This is precisely what Paul vehemently rebuked - those who mistakenly believe they comprehend Christ's gospel, yet possess an erroneous perspective. Such individuals, who dissent from the truth, are indeed deserving of condemnation. Therefore, Biblical Scholars would view this as "A Apostolic Curse." After Apostle Paul became skilled in delivering warm greetings and salutations to the congregations, a question arises: why do conflicted Christians fail to perceive or comprehend the striking contrast in which God permitted Paul's Ministry to persist, despite His potential displeasure with the stern rebukes Paul directed towards his fellow Christians when he deemed it necessary? Once again, God observed the repetition of disobedience to Christ's mission, just as the ancient Israelites did, after they deviated from their commitment to follow the one true God. Even today, we can still observe the same parallel: there are those who, in their arrogance, choose to rely on their own understanding instead of being guided by the spirit of the gospel, as exemplified by the Watchtower GB, which they unjustly condemn. How did Paul approach the situations in Galatia and Rome? Galatians 2:21 New International Version 21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing! Romans 6:14 New International Version 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace. Jehovah's Witnesses must be cautious about whom they consider a brother, as they might unknowingly be dealing with someone who distorts the gospel's message. It is important to "rebuke" dissenters and reveal them as deceivers, as the gospels instruct. While they dislike being labeled, they are quick to falsely label the Watchtower GB. What should not concern us is when a dissenter rebukes, for self-justification rather than biblical justification. 1 Timothy 5:20 Christian Standard Bible 20 Publicly rebuke those who sin, so that the rest will be afraid. Luke 17:3-4 New International Version 3 So watch yourselves. “If your brother or sister[a] sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. 4 Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” The operative word here is "repent." Without it, there is a limit to God's forgiveness. Romans 6:19 New International Version 19 I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations. Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness. 1 Corinthians 8-9-13 New International Version 9 Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10 For if someone with a weak conscience sees you, with all your knowledge, eating in an idol’s temple, won’t that person be emboldened to eat what is sacrificed to idols? 11 So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12 When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.
  22. So you should be able to comprehend my reaction when someone else provokes. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Throughout my life, I have encountered individuals of that nature, be it those from within the Watchtower or those outside of it.
  23. Her final comment has sparked the idea to initiate a new discussion thread. This thread will focus on addressing the posed question. "Can someone tell me what is the point of this thread? Oh never mind, ignore question. Sorry I asked." Similar language used by Xero, lol!
  24. Indeed, it is an undeniable fact that your uncontrollable guard dog has been lacking proper training for an extended period of time. Given the circumstances, I must confess that I have become indifferent to the idea of putting it to rest. It's regrettable that your group persists in the same fallacy that you are so set on. Anna happens to exemplify the tendency to interfere when it is unnecessary. Consequently, it is a direct result of your own actions. Consider the disrespectful comment made about me being a 15-year-old juvenile, despite the fact that the person making such remarks is the one behaving like a juvenile. I did not compel her to be disrespectful. Her opinion holds no weight with me, yet she is eager to engage in this manner. Still, I must confess, I find it rather flattering, as she has used similar language in the past. Therefore, in her perception, I hold the secret of eternal youth. I always strive to engage in civil debates. However, when criticism is unidirectional and individuals think they are exclusive in their right to criticize, it creates an atmosphere of opposition and hostility, disregarding civility completely. In such cases, I address the situation as it is presented to me. If someone disrespects me, I will respond in kind. Nobody here holds superiority over others, and any notion of superiority is merely a construct of one's own mind, rendering it insignificant. Before critiquing the Watchtower for its operation, performance, and understanding of scripture, it's essential to take a careful look in the mirror first. Only after self-reflection can one engage. After that a deep understanding of scripture will be necessary.
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