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Tennyson Naidoo

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  1. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in WE GET 4 NEW SONGS... 151, 152, 153, 154 !   
    Song 151 ?
    Song 152: Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence
    Song 153: How Does It Make You Feel?
    Song 154: We Will Keep Enduring
  2. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Melinda Mills in Sisters and Pants   
    I have gone to an international assembly in a country with East Indian culture and the losts of sisters were elegantly dressed in Punjabi dresses with pants under them. Check out the dresses on the Internet.  They are very elegant.
  3. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Melinda Mills in Naming a child "Jehovah"   
    Thanks for your interest. Here is some research on it. Please check the scriptures  and note that in the King James version where it says LORD in uppercase the translators are refusing to use the Divine Name YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah). You are free to agree or otherwise. This will be my only reply.
    *** w83 10/15 p. 30 Exodus—From Tyranny to Theocratic Order ***
    •6:3—Since Abraham, Isaac and Jacob used the name Jehovah, in what sense had God not made it known to them?
    The name Jehovah literally means “He Causes to Become,” that is, according to God’s purpose. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob used the divine name and received promises from Jehovah. Yet they did not know or experience Jehovah as the One who caused these promises to be completely fulfilled. (Genesis 12:1, 2; 15:7, 13-16; 26:24; 28:10-15) However, Jehovah’s name soon would take on greater meaning for their descendants, the Israelites. They would come to know its real meaning when Jehovah carried out his purpose toward Israel by delivering them from tyranny and then giving them the Promised Land in fulfillment of his covenant with their forefathers.
    *** w14 7/15 p. 27 “You Are My Witnesses” ***
    14 To enhance our appreciation for the honor of bearing God’s name, it is good for us to meditate on its meaning. Commonly translated “Jehovah,” the divine name comes from a Hebrew verb that can describe action and can be translated “to become.” Thus, the name Jehovah is understood to mean “He Causes to Become.” This definition well fits Jehovah’s role both as the Creator of the physical universe and intelligent beings and as the Fulfiller of his purpose. As events unfold, he continues to cause his will and purpose to be realized no matter what any opposer, such as Satan, may do in an attempt to thwart the progressive outworking of God’s will.
    15 When commissioning Moses to lead God’s people out of Egypt, Jehovah revealed an aspect of his personality by using a related verb to describe his name, this time in the first person. The Bible record states: “God said to Moses: ‘I Will Become What I Choose to Become’ [or, “I Will Prove to Be What I Will Prove to Be”]. And he added: ‘This is what you are to say to the Israelites, “I Will Become has sent me to you.”’” (Ex. 3:14; ftn.) Thus Jehovah, in any circumstance, will become whatever is needed to accomplish his purpose. To the once-enslaved Israelites, he proved to be a Deliverer, a Protector, a Guide, and a Provider who satisfied all their material and spiritual needs.
  4. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, for Tuesday, May 10. 2016   
    Yes,  like a  *Convention - Mottto*...  we will do that Blanchie. Then we've the big chance, to meet us all in the NW ;o)  and still much more?  Healthy and happy forever, what a privilege from our loving God Jehovah❤️
  5. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Tuesday, May 10. 2016   
    Keep on the watch................. and be ready.
  6. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text for Monday, May 9. 2016   
    Who are you to be judging your neighbor?—Jas. 4:12.
    Humility restrains us from overstepping our authority. If we recognize that we are not authorized to sit in judgment, we will not be quick to criticize others for their faults or question their motives. (Luke 6:37) Humility helps us to avoid being “overly righteous,” looking down on those who may not have the abilities or privileges that we have. (Eccl. 7:16) Humble elders do not view themselves as superior to fellow believers. Rather, such shepherds “consider others superior” and conduct themselves as lesser ones. (Phil. 2:3; Luke 9:48) If we are truly lowly in heart, our words will reflect humility. (Luke 6:45) In conversations with others, we will avoid focusing on our own achievements and privileges. (Prov. 27:2) Instead, we will look for the good in our brothers and sisters and commend them for their positive qualities, abilities, and accomplishments.—Prov. 15:23. w15 2/15 1:8, 10
  7. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Never give up ! SWEEEEEEEET..... ❤   
    Never  give  up !   SWEEEEEEEET..... ❤
  8. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text; for Saturday, May 7. 2016   
    The Kingdom of the heavens is like leaven that a woman took and mixed with three large measures of flour until the whole mass was fermented.—Matt. 13:33.
    This illustration refers to the Kingdom message and what it produces. “The whole mass” of flour represents all the nations, and the fermenting process pictures the spread of the Kingdom message by means of the preaching work. The spreading of the leaven is initially unseen. It is not until some time later that the effects become evident. Jesus used this illustration to show that the Kingdom message has power to spread pervasively and to cause changes. The Kingdom message has reached “the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) However, the changes caused by the message are not always discernible; some of the effects may even go unnoticed at first. But there is change—not just change with regard to numbers but also change in the personality of those who accept this pervasive message.—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22, 23. w14 12/15 1:10, 11
  9. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Queen Esther in Daily text, for Friday, May 6. 2016   
    Great , Wow  what a illustration . Thank you 
  10. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, for Friday, May 6. 2016   
    [David] foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he forsaken in the Grave nor did his flesh see corruption.—Acts 2:31.
    God’s Word foretold the resurrection of Jesus. For example, David wrote that God’s chief “loyal one” would not be left in the Grave. (Ps. 16:10) On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter applied that prophetic verse to Jesus. (Acts 2:23-27) A reason why we know that Jesus was restored to life is that we have the testimony of many witnesses. Over a period of 40 days, the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples in the garden where the tomb was located as well as on the road to Emmaus and elsewhere. (Luke 24:13-15) On those occasions, he spoke to individuals, including Peter, and to groups. Why, the resurrected Jesus once appeared to a crowd of more than 500 people! Testimony involving so many eyewitnesses cannot be discounted. w14 11/15 1:11, 12
  11. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in AGAIN A WONDERFUL LITTLE HELPER FOR ONE OF OUR LAST CAMPAIGN ! All humans of sure will *STOP* here & take a tract ;o)   
    All  humans  of  sure  will  *STOP*  here  and  take  a  tract...  ;o)
  12. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Mr. W.W.W in Daily text; for Tuesday, May 3. 2016   
    I like this.  Long live the Queen   
  13. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text; for Monday, May 2. 2016   
    They are subverting the faith of some.—2 Tim. 2:18.
    Timothy and other faithful ones were likely perturbed by the actions of brothers in their midst. Some Christians may have questioned why such individuals were allowed to remain in the congregation. Faithful ones might have wondered whether Jehovah really distinguished between their resolute loyalty to him and the hypocritical worship of brothers. (Acts 20:29, 30) Paul’s letter no doubt strengthened Timothy’s faith by reminding him of what happened when faithful Aaron was vindicated and hypocritical Korah and his companions were exposed, rejected, and destroyed. In effect, Paul was saying that even though there were counterfeit Christians in their midst, Jehovah would recognize those who really belonged to him, just as he did in the days of Moses. (Num. 26:10) Jehovah never changes; he is dependable. He hates unrighteousness, and in due time he brings unrepentant wrongdoers to justice. w14 7/15 1:3, 10-12
  14. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Josh Groban - To Where You Are   
    Our  Brother   *Josh Groban*   -   To  Where  You  Are...
    A  wonderful  song  ( with  text )
    When  you  just  lost  a  loving  person,  take  better  a  'hanky'....
    Its  very  heart - touching ❤
  15. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Saturday, April 30. 2016   
    Great Day Text with all my brothers and sister listening to Jehovah words..  We are waiting for the paradise
    in anticipation  . Thanks you sister 
  16. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Queen Esther in Daily text, for Saturday, April 30. 2016   
    Great Day Text with all my brothers and sister listening to Jehovah words..  We are waiting for the paradise
    in anticipation  . Thanks you sister 
  17. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, for Saturday, April 30. 2016   
    The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.—Isa. 60:22.
    Worldwide, there are now well over 7,900,000 Witnesses, with millions more associating with them, especially during the annual observance of the Memorial. We do not boast in numbers, for it is ‘God who keeps making things grow.’ (1 Cor. 3:5-7) Nevertheless, it is evident that the great crowd is growing and becoming greater with each passing year. (Rev. 7:9) There has been remarkable growth in the number of God’s servants because Jehovah himself is backing his Witnesses. (Isa. 43:10-12) At one time, the anointed remnant were like “the little one,” but their number grew as other spiritual Israelites were brought into God’s organization. (Gal. 6:16) Because of Jehovah’s blessing over the years, the increase continues with the gathering of the great crowd. w14 5/15 4:7, 8
  18. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, for Friday, April 29. 2016   
    When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.”—Jas. 1:13.
    We may become impatient when a trialsome period seems to have no end. Suppose you are driving a car on a highway and get stuck in traffic. Trying to find another route, you might get lost or end up taking more time to reach your destination than you would had you patiently remained on course. Similarly, if you stick to the paths outlined in God’s Word, in time you will arrive at your destination. Jehovah may hold off from intervening in our trials because he wants us to receive vital training. (1 Pet. 5:6-10) No, God does not cause trials. “Your adversary, the Devil,” is causing most adversities. Yet, God can use a difficult situation to help us grow spiritually. He sees our suffering, and “because he cares” for us, he will make sure that it will continue only for “a little while.” Do you appreciate Jehovah’s watchful care when you suffer trials, confident that he will provide a way out?—2 Cor. 4:7-9. w14 4/15 5:15, 16
  19. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to The Librarian in 2016 Convention Video Trailers   
    2016 Convention Video Trailers
  20. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Tuesday, April 26. 2016   
    Thank you, 
    For such beautiful Illustration  with picture .   & Scripture application 
  21. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in “Look, you will be with me in Paradise ?” ( Luke 23:43 )   
    Look...  you  will  be  with  me  in  PARADISE ? 
    Luke 23:43
  22. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Queen Esther in Daily text, for Tuesday, April 26. 2016   
    Thank you, 
    For such beautiful Illustration  with picture .   & Scripture application 
  23. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, for Tuesday, April 26. 2016   
    Deaden . . . your body members . . . as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion.—Col. 3:5.
    The word “deaden” indicates that we must take strong measures to fight against immoral fleshly desires. We will avoid anything that might arouse in us sexual desire for someone other than our mate. (Job 31:1) As we conform our lives to God’s will, we learn to “abhor what is wicked” and “cling to what is good.” (Rom. 12:2, 9) The new personality reflects “the image of the One who created it,” Jehovah himself. (Col. 3:10) What blessings result when husbands and wives fortify their moral defenses by clothing themselves “with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience”! (Col. 3:12) They also enjoy greater marital harmony when they “let the peace of the Christ control [their] hearts.” (Col. 3:15; ftn.) How rewarding it is for couples to “have tender affection for one another”!—Rom. 12:10. w15 1/15 4:10, 11
  24. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Queen Esther in Daily text; for Monday, April 25. 2016   
    Thank you sis, really appreciate your thoughts and the hard work in producing this photo's 
  25. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text; for Monday, April 25. 2016   
    29 The righteous will possess the earth,
    And they will live forever on it.
    You should no longer go on walking just as the nations [do].—Eph. 4:17.
    If we make the right decisions, we can have a satisfying life now and put ourselves in line to “inherit the earth”—to have everlasting life. There are so many wonderful blessings in store for us that we cannot even imagine them all. (Matt. 5:5; 19:29; 25:34) Granted, God does not give us things automatically. He requires something of us. (1 John 5:3, 4) But to serve him faithfully now is definitely worth it! What a great privilege it is to have received so much from God! We have accurate knowledge of his Word and a clear understanding of the truth about him and his purposes. We enjoy the privilege of bearing his name and being his Witnesses. God promises us that he is on our side. (Ps. 118:7) May all of us, whether young or old, show our appreciation by living our life in a way that manifests a keen desire to give Jehovah “the glory forever.”—Rom. 11:33-36; Ps. 33:12. w14 12/15 4:19-21
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