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Daily text; for Saturday, May 7. 2016

Queen Esther

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The Kingdom of the heavens is like leaven that a woman took and mixed with three large measures of flour until the whole mass was fermented.—Matt. 13:33.

This illustration refers to the Kingdom message and what it produces. “The whole mass” of flour represents all the nations, and the fermenting process pictures the spread of the Kingdom message by means of the preaching work. The spreading of the leaven is initially unseen. It is not until some time later that the effects become evident. Jesus used this illustration to show that the Kingdom message has power to spread pervasively and to cause changes. The Kingdom message has reached “the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) However, the changes caused by the message are not always discernible; some of the effects may even go unnoticed at first. But there is change—not just change with regard to numbers but also change in the personality of those who accept this pervasive message.—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22, 23. w14 12/15 1:10, 11


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The Kingdom of the heavens is like leaven that a woman took and mixed with three large measures of flour until the whole mass was fermented.—Matt. 13:33. This illustration refers to the Kingdom m

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