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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. TTH: You are definitely NOT dumb, just terribly unfocused. This is a common problem of highly intelligent people ..... I STRONGLY suspect that 20mg of Adderall, once a day would sharpen your focus so that you could cut steel with your vision. The "100 ideas at once" was the key that caused me to diagnose that. Of course, I am not a Doctor, although I have seen some on TV. Look up the symptoms of "Attention Deficit Disorder". ... and don't worry about becoming a "speed addict". We are ALL, each and every one of us totally addicted to water. If we do not have our "fix" every day, our system starts collapsing, we have severe withdrawal symptoms, and we will die, without water.
  2. ..... and, because I am a Barbarian ... I don't. Does that make me a cruel person?
  3. Ohhhh ... I am sorry I missed them! Sometimes from the back of the Hall I hear mechanical clicking sounds after the paragraphs are read, and again and again, three successive people giving the same answers, straight from the article .... and hear someone despondently whispering ... I gotta oil this thing........ . shoot me, someone please shoot me....
  4. After 55 years of critical thinking skills being castigated and discouraged .... and sometimes severely punished .... its extremely hard to be smarter ... and that's the fact, Jack.
  5. Siberian Jehovah's Witnesses try to shield property from confiscation JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES' REAL ESTATE DEAL RULED FICTITIOUS RIA Tomsk, 15 March 2018 The Seversk city court ruled a transaction regarding real estate belonging to Jehovah's Witnesses to be fictitious. The property was transferred to federal ownership; similar cases are now being reviewed in another two district courts in Tomsk oblast. How and why this is happening is the topic of this RIA Tomsk article. The prosecutor's office acted as the initiator of a judicial investigation in Seversk (a satellite town of Tomsk). It sent a plaintiff's declaration to the Seversk city court for challenging the real estate deal on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses in Seversk. According to the prosecutor's office's account, the transaction bears a fictitious character and is intended to prevent the transfer of the property to the ownership of the Russian federation. Earlier, federal news media reported that in October 2016, a court issued a warning to the "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" regarding extremist activity. In March 2017, the Russian Ministry of Justice filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court for finding the organization extremist, preventing its activity, and liquidating it, and it also suspended the activity of the movement within Russia. The lawsuit was granted on 20 April 2017. After the filing by the Russian Ministry of Justice (25 March 2017) of the administrative plaintiff's declaration in the Russian Supreme Court for the liquidation of the "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" and 395 local religious divisions that are part of its structure, the organization's property was transferred by the court to state income. However law enforcement agencies thought that local religious organizations, on order from the administrative center, undertook measures for shielding assets on the basis of fictitious transactions. Seversk precedent An example of such a transaction was discovered in the ZATO [closed administrative territorial formation] of Seversk in Tomsk oblast. The oblast prosecutor's office challenged the sales transaction of the premises of a house of worship by the Seversk organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. "The prosecutor's office of Tomsk oblast filed plaintiff's statements in the Seversk city court regarding the illegal alienation of immovable property of local religious organizations, the North Tomsk Jehovah's Witnesses and the Seversk Jehovah's Witnesses, by fictitious transactions. They had been eliminated from the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities in August 2017," a source in law enforcement agencies of the region explained. He said that on 10 March 2017, the Seversk religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses concluded a fictitious contract for sale of a building belonging to the organization and located in Seversk at 3 Komsomolskaia Street. At the same time, funds were not received in the organization's account. The investigation does not rule out the possibility that the money simply was appropriated by the leadership of this organization, which includes local bureaucrats. "The investigation established that Andrei Sergeevich Ledyaikin acted as the seller; he is a member of the committee of the 'Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia,'" the source stressed. The prosecutor's office of Tomsk maintained that this transaction was fictitious and aimed at the prevention of the transfer of the building and land to federal ownership. The court recognized the correctness of the prosecutor's office. In addition, similar cases now are ongoing in the October court of Tomsk and the court of Asino. Religious or commercial structure? According to information from public sources, the parent organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is registered not as a religious but as a commercial structure. More precisely, as a publishing house created in the U.S.A. The activity of Witnesses was prohibited in Russia on 20 April 2017 by the Russian Supreme Court for extremist activity. This was by no means a unique incident; this organization is considered dangerous in 37 countries, primarily Muslim countries. In the opinion of a docent of the history faculty of Tomsk State University, Dmitry Konikov, the Jehovah's Witnesses are not a purely religious organization. "But it is still incorrect to call Jehovah's Witnesses just a commercial organization. The commercialization of their activity is a rather recent trend," Konikov told RIA Tomsk. He said that to define some religious movement as a sect requires understanding from which doctrines its adherents derive. "A sect, like a heresy, is always the denial of belief in some doctrines asserted by a 'mother' church or teaching. At the same time, in the protestant movement there are many kinds of protestant churches and a single canon simply does not exist; there is no main line from which to depart is considered a heresy," the scholar explained. Perhaps the most blatant scandal involving Jehovah's Witnessses occurred several years ago in France, news media write. There a court ruled them to be a commercial structure and ordered recovery from the organization of unpaid taxes of more than four million euros. In the opinion of French authorities, the Witnesses conducted not religious but commercial activity. Of course, they appealed the decision to the European court. Some history According to historical information from TASS, the Jehovah's Witnesses are an international religious organization. It was founded in the 1870s in the U.SA., in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, by a preacher, Charles Russell. The Jehovists deny a majority of Christian doctrines, including the creation of the world, the immortality of the soul, and the doctrine of the Trinity. Characteristic of this religious movement is the expectation of the imminent end of the world and the establishment of paradise on earth, where those whom the Jehovists consider to be worthy will live eternally. At the same time, it should be noted that none of their predictions of the end of the world have come true. The doctrines of the movement have frequently been revised. Jehovah's Witnesses maintain that while studying the Bible they come to new conclusions and reject older "mistakes" (for example, veneration of the cross). Jehovists do not recognize governmental institutions and civic obligations, they refuse service in the army, and they forbid blood transfusion, including for children. Unconditional submission to the will and goals of the organization is required from each adherent to the teaching. Nobody has the right to depart from it independently. The movement cultivates and supports among its devotees hostility to those who do not acknowledge its teaching. Because of this, Jehovists are often accused of inflaming religious hatred and many call it a sect. The main activity of Jehovah's Witnesses is the spreading of their teaching and the sale of their own literature. In the U.S.A. they have the possibility of conducting propaganda on radio and television. In order to advance its goals the movement uses a number of legal entities, the oldest and most well known of which is the "Watchtower Society." The funds of the organization are collected by contributions and sale of printed products, purchased and produced by adherents. The movement has a multi-layered administrative structure, headed by the Governing Body, consisting of ten to fifteen persons; as a rule, membership in it is life-long. The total number of active members of the movement is estimated to be about eight million persons. Jehovah's Witnesses' activity is forbidden in many countries, including China, North Korea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq. (tr. by PDS, posted 15 March 2018) Editorial disclaimer: RRN does not intend to certify the accuracy of information presented in articles. RRN simply intends to certify the accuracy of the English translation of the contents of the articles as they appeared in news media of countries of the former USSR.
  6. I also hear that "Hanoi Jane" Fonda was there, and is a Pioneer Sister in that congregation.
  7. In post WWII Germany the U.S. Army commanders MADE the German townspeople excavate the mass graves of Nazi Victims, many of which had not fully decomposed, and drag them with their bare hands to areas for identification for grave registration. Along with really pulling the Nazi's and Imperial Japan's teeth, and completely destroying both systems ... that worked ... so far. We are now into a period of time that historical commentators are calling "The Long Peace" ... as historically there is now more "Peace on Earth" than there has ever been in the history of Civilization ... and has been since the end of World War II. That war was over in 1945 ... that was 73 years ago ... and by comparison there was nothing like it before, and has been nothing like it since .... a truly global war waged around the world. ... but then again, I am just a Barbarian.
  8. .... she's the one in the bottom left ... looks a LOT like Bill Gates.
  9. One day someone will want to do a scholarly dissertation on your life, for their Doctoral Thesis, and search the electronic media sites for your history, and nothing will be there. What to do? What to Do? They will probably make something up that cannot be contested, like the time you got a mail-order bride (or groom as the case may be), from some 5th world country, and she (or he) was delivered by ground shipping in a large cardboard box, and after hosing out the box, you both lived there happily-ever-after, on the verge of starvation until the other died ... then you ate B.L.Ts for two weeks, before you slowly, and painfully, died of trichinosis !!
  10. Perhaps the United Nations could influence the United States Army to supply dehydrated water for these poor souls. Each sealed plastic bucket has enough powder to make a gallon of pure fresh, crystal clear water. You just tear off the bucket's plastic seal, and add a gallon of fresh milk. Seriously though .... If I knew where I lived would be out of water in about a month ...I would go somewhere else where there WAS water. Those who stare at trees for a solution do not do well. Adapt and Improvise!
  11. WOW! It's amazing what some people get out of an obvious shaggy dog story ! I felt sorry for a man who had no shoes ... ... until I met a man with no sense of humor, and who misunderstood EVERYTHING!
  12. The point is (sigh....) that while anthropologists called them "humans" (Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens, etc. ...) If God only considered pre-Adamic humanoid animals .. then they would be considered by God as "pre-humans" and not as humans .... the first humans having a capacity for true spirituality .... and the first humans to have the opportunity to live forever, and never die, STARTED with Adam and Eve. We have apes and chimpanzees closely approximating humanoids ... and although they can learn about 300 words and sign language in complete sentences ... they are not humans, and my best guess have no theocratic potential. It's like having a junk yard full of used cars that never had street legal registration documents ... yes... they are fully functional cars... but without documentation ... they are not allowed the privileges of fully documented and licensed cars. You cannot with any semblance of intellectual integrity ignore thousands of TONS of hard evidence of prehistoric hominids ... so how does it all fit in? I have given this years of thought, and this is what I came up with. To say that a half million years (or whatever the number really is...) of humanoid fossils do not exist is as intellectually dishonest as saying with a straight face that Dinosaurs never existed. With my concept of a created "Homo Theocraticus" (Adam and Eve), you can have your cake, and eat it too, without being intellectually dishonest! It is only a theory, but it fits BOTH the other two. There is a LOT more, but you get the basic idea.
  13. If you consider the fossil record, which besides this specific instance, consists of thousands of TONS of hard evidence that only an agenda driven person would ignore ... and the emergence of "Homo Theocraticus" about 6,000 years ago by direct creation of Jehovah God, it becomes VERY clear who Cain "married" and had children with after he was judged by God for killing his brother, Able. The Earth had been filled with pre-direct-creation human prototypes before Adam and Eve were created .... by various gene pool groups. I do not have Polaroids ... but this theory solves ALL the problems with reconciling the Bible record, with literally TONS of hard evidence that cannot be ignored .... except by the determined ignorant.
  14. In my considered opinion, those that lose a war should be MADE responsible for clearing the mine fields. In post WWII Germany the U.S. Army commanders MADE the German townspeople excavate the mass graves of Nazi Victims, many of which had not fully decomposed, and drag them with their bare hands to areas for identification for grave registration.
  15. I usewd to do that ... before I found out about Asthma Rescue Inhalers devices. .... Luke.
  16. I once raced Paul Newman from the stoplight at the Malibu pier, to Ventura County on Pacific Coast Highway, but that is another story.
  17. That's ONLY 10.529 people a year! And strictly speaking, pedestrians are not really participants. Even so, that is only 0.0288 people per day, which is ONE person per 34.6648 days. So, more or less .... one person is killed on average about every month street racing in a City and County the size of Los Angeles, and in reality is one giant city. I am amazed it is such a LOW number. Â The population averages somewhere around 4 million for Los Angeles County, so in a month's time only 0.000025% of the population gets killed in car races. That is by inspection less than your normal everyday car accidents. By the way ... if memory serves, this I believe is the FIRST time Harrison Ford was in a movie. Â
  18. Green manikins have special training to stay out of your peripheral vision ... always in your "blind spot". There are six in the room now , behind you.
  19. Is this a purified BLOOD FRACTION? From Wikipedia: History In 1905, Paul Carnot proposed the idea that a hormone regulates the production of red blood cells. After conducting experiments on rabbits subject to bloodletting, Carnot and his graduate student Clotilde-Camille Deflandre [20] attributed an increase in red blood cells in rabbit subjects to a hemotropic factor called hemopoietin. Eva Bonsdorff and Eeva Jalavisto called the hemopoietic substance 'erythropoietin'. K.R. Reissman and Allan J. Erslev demonstrated that a certain substance, circulated in the blood, is able to stimulate red blood cell production and increase hematocrit. This substance was purified and confirmed as erythropoietin.[16][21]
  20. Yeah .... I grew up before vaccinations, which we did ourselves with muddy sharp sticks, and even so, I got every "childhood disease" known to man. The Health Department put a QUARANTINE poster on the front door, so I would barefoot at the age of eight, sneak out the back window to the top of an oil tank , and drop to the ground into piles of broken Coca-Cola bottles, the impact spreading disease and vermin that fell off, leaving a trail of blood to the community playground, where we would swing cats in buckets in our version of "horse shoes", which is a whole other subject. The concept of child abuse was totally unknown.
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