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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. @George89 "bible says no-one will be able to buy or sell. This is part of a financial system of control. This video discusses the new money system and possible scenarios how they will bring it in.
  2. @George89 I appreciate your concern. Scammers are everywhere and they can get into your phone without you clicking on a link. I have managed to stay free from scamming up till now.... I think it is because I do not have much money...... However, "they" could make deep fake videos by using a photo of you and your voice to ruin your reputation. But they can do it with the governing body too if they wanted to..... so all of us must stay vigilant and keep close to Jah and his laws to distinguish a fake from truth. The time is coming when we will be accused falsely and "evidence" produced to put one in jail; or even execute you when you do not worship the "image of the beast". The digital panopticon is almost completed. By end of this year, 95% of news will be AI generated and AI is now powerful but NOT fair and just. It has been programmed by people who are following UN directives and any word you utter which is not in line with UN policies will in future be punished. The truth about the future is that the Sauron-eye (digital-technology) has been on all of us for about 15 years. They can analyze all your data in two seconds and get a profile on you. The internet surveillance and collection of data has already been completed on each one of us and resold many times. Today's gold is the data collection on all "objects." Humans are the objects. There is no place to hide once the next lock-down comes (just like Jerusalem, when the disgusting thing of destruction is in place, UN can call peace and security and turn against all religions.) When they turn against all religions - they know where each person lives and who you are. They know each person's network and friends. I unfortunately, knew from the start of the first lockdown that this is coming because I had been watching the historical history of the UN and all its policies. Next month the BIG meeting is happening. I will now copy and paste a few paragraphs I wrote to friends recently: "Bible prophecy is visibly going into fulfillment. The latest development on the world stage is this: the nations of the world (194 nations), adopted amendments to the existing UN Health Treaty of 2005 on 1 June 2024. A new treaty, which was supposed to replace the 2005 treaty, this did not pass, but the adopted amendments have given the WHO considerable oversight over all its member’s responses during the next declared illness of concern in animals and humans. In addition, every country will now have more laboratories for research into new pathogens; the manufacturing facilities for more adapted MRNA products; and a large share in the profits. The next step is to obtain environmental *emergency oversight over all UN members, and this will be decided in September 2024 at the UN World Assembly. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs for climate change) will be accelerated; peace and security will be discussed; and world governance: Jacob Nordangård, PHD researcher, says it will be advised that all life supporting systems – “the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), biosphere (life), lithosphere (land), and cryosphere (ice)” – be administered collectively by a “global governance body”. This means total control of the earth system (Planetary Commons) and the establishment of a global government. If world control over all issues of health and environment are not given in 2024, it will pass in future, because Bible prophecy predicts that the ‘image of the beast’ (UN) will receive enough power to compel nations to follow all its detailed instructions. The UN goals are set out in a document called Agenda 2030 – goals to be completed by 2030. Individuals who do not comply with UN directives (according to prophecy), will face dire consequences. The UN has adopted ‘health and environment’ as the two major issues of our modern era. It justifies an emergency need for ‘world oversight’ because health issues and climate change potentially can cross over all borders on earth, jeopardizing humankind’s future. Revelation 17:17 “For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.” It is not normal for nations to hand over their autonomy (or follow only one organization’s dictates so easily), so, they must believe that their ideas will somehow bring a large benefit, either to themselves; or to the world. These rulers, firmly believe they can bring their brand of ‘peace and security’ to the world; and unite all humans under their ‘one set of moral behaviors which includes SDGs, DEI (LGBTQ and equity for all). They hope that these rules will unite humankind. (Equity means: exactly the same outcome for all humans.) 1 Thess 5:3 “Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves...” Note: * The German Fuhrer ruled for 12 years under ‘emergency rule’. The D.O.D wrote the contracts for the pandemic after the pandemic emergency was declared. I suspect the final world emergency will be under UN-rule.
  3. I have argued with you before that the Assyrian and Babilonian chronology was set in stone by Champollion - the father of Egyptology. Today the world of archeology is like the transgender science - set in stone and no-one can argue against it even if the science is flawed. One cannot even go and dig in Egypt if you believe in the bible and advocate for a different chronology. Champollion's wrongful assumptions not only set the entire Egyptian chronology on the wrong track and most of the PHD- degrees which have been obtained on this lie....but all the other chronologies had to be adapted to the Egyptian chronology. For western scholars it would not make sense for Pharoah Necho to go up to fight Nebuchadnezzar on the wrong date, would it? So biblical chronology and Assyrian and Babylonian dates were adapted to the now accepted (peer reviewed) secular dates. The Greeks figured time by means of four-year periods called Olympiads, starting from the first Olympiad, calculated as beginning in 776 B.C.E. This is a steadfast way to calculate years whereas the Sumerian and Babylonian records are extremely messy and hectic.... they cannot be trusted because they are not written as chronologies, merely lists. "Thus, the ancient document known as The Sumerian King List begins: “When kingship was lowered from heaven, kingship was (first) in Eridu. (In) Eridu, A-lulim (became) king and ruled 28,800 years. This excerpt goes on with highly exaggerated years and claims. The above gives one a taste of these lists - most unreliable. The timekeeping of the Israelites were more reliable than any pagan writings because of the timetable of sabbath years and Jubilees. If one gives more credit to pagan records, (individuals are welcome to privately do so), be aware that any serious student of the bible will do better to realize there are serious flaws in the secular chronologies. Scholars would rather throw out the bible chronology and accept a pagan date - which was mostly written as propaganda to enhance the king's battles and deeds and not provide a proper accurate chronology. The Egyptian chronology is about 300 years out of whack at the time of the Exodus and narrows down to a difference of 20 years by Necho's time. But I personally would still stick to biblical chronology to be safe. Read under the Egyptian chronology in the Insight Book. It makes some good points- some revised. Also read under Assyrian and Babylonian chronology and you will see excellent examples of how the 'lists' were "adapted". Excerpt: “So we can consider our document not even a history in the true sense of the word, merely an inscription erected to the glory of Ashur [Assyria’s chief god] and of his people . . . When we take this view, we are no longer troubled by the numerous mistakes, even to the order of the kings, which so greatly reduce the value of the document where its testimony is most needed.”—Assyrian Historiography, p. 32." Insight book quote: "The date of 539 B.C.E. for the fall of Babylon can be arrived at not only by Ptolemy’s canon but by other sources as well. The historian Diodorus, as well as Africanus and Eusebius, shows that Cyrus’ first year as king of Persia corresponded to Olympiad 55, year 1 (560/559 B.C.E.), while Cyrus’ last year is placed at Olympiad 62, year 2 (531/530 B.C.E.). Cuneiform tablets give Cyrus a rule of nine years over Babylon, which would therefore substantiate the year 539 as the date of his conquest of Babylon.—Handbook of Biblical Chronology, by Jack Finegan, 1964, pp. 112, 168-170; Babylonian Chronology, 626 B.C.–A.D. 75, p. 14; see comments above under “Babylonian Chronology,” I challenge you all to go and read any historical book about Cyrus the Great. You will find that the year of his death is without a doubt set at 530BCE.... The Insight book also claims that the eclipses are NOT a good way to determine dates and goes on to demonstrate the flaws and says: "The accusation that the Assyrians juggled the years of their campaigns and credited kings with receiving tribute from persons no longer living might reduce even more the supposed value of the synchronization." "The great majority of the astronomical diaries found were written, not in the time of the Neo-Babylonian or Persian empires, but in the Seleucid period (312-65 B.C.E.), although they contain data relating to those earlier periods." In fact - based on 530 BCE as the year Cyrus died (just look it up on Google), all articles will give this as the date he died. This gives one solid date to calculate 607 BCE, given the information I wrote out above.
  4. This subject is opened up just about every year... over and over. I think it is to sow doubt. I will just say this: There is some "scholarly" deviancy going on here because JWs use 530 BCE to calculate 607 BCE not merely babylonian sources...... which is the impression given above. . The only date that is secularly "absolute" is 530 BCE ..... and this is the date JWs base calculations on. Look in the Insight book.... I saw it there about a year ago. By irrefutable Greek sources, the death of Cyrus the Great was in 530 BCE. Cyrus ruled for 9 years starting in 539 BCE DARIUS the MEDE was appointed Satrap of Babylon following the victory.... . ...And the following year, in the first year when Cyrus became the RULER OF THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH during the 14-day Festival of Akito.... the decree was given for them to return home. This gave them a year to organize from all corners of the Persian empire - to pack up and trek for 3-4 months back to Jerusalem. 537 BCE. I hope this bit of information sows some doubt as to the "reliability" of stating that the info JWs use for these calculations is babylonian. ...and leaving out the absolutely reliable and proven secular date, namely 530 BCE. The babylonian source says that he ruled for 9 years.
  5. The GB are careful but not perfect. I have seen so many people on here who have grudges. They themselves, in what they write, seem very imperfect and often absolutely unreasonable, picky and often short sighted. It is a classic case of wanting others to be detailed and perfect when they themselves are more than imperfect because they start to beat fellow slaves. This "unforgiving" and unrepentant way of life can cost them their own everlasting lives. "Righteous and upright is he.g 5 They are the ones who have acted corruptly.hThey are not his children, the defect is their own. They are a crooked and twisted generation!j"
  6. Ah, I have never feel angered if others have something I do not have. The GB and wives often give up their right to have children and grand children, they give up careers, they give up many things to serve. They often serve for years in broken down third world countries under very difficult circumstances before being invited back to Bethel...... to serve there......when they are older or needed.... So I detect envy. Romans: 2 "if you judge; for when you judge another, you condemn yourself, because you who judge practice the same things." however, for those who are contentious and who disobey the truth but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and anger.j You just look at the things you do not have. The master is master over his workers. He is one who gives good things to his servants when they have proven faithful. I am not saying that one of these cannot develop a bad heart. Recently a GB member was removed. He is still an elder - so we cannot speculate was is the reason.....it could even be ill health... but we can be sure that Jehovah's spirit is everywhere and the cleaning of Jehovah's house is near!....... and this includes all of us!
  7. the first time you partake you are accepting the anointing.... as part of the body of christ. One remembers this contract every time you partake.
  8. Well - we are taught not to but some still do..... which is a human fault for those who do not understand. One person told me: we have an anointed in our congregation , would you like to know who it is? I said no -because I like to treat all the same.
  9. Jesus said you must do it in remembrance of him every year (when you are accepting your part of the contract and your life is reflecting a life of sacrifice like Jesus). If you are not in the contract you do not partake. What is so simple to understand about that?
  10. What she is saying - use your imagination in this case - is that any contract needs two parties. I one receives Holy spirit by Jehovah to become and anointed, one has to partake of the emblems to close the contract. Then it is a two-sided contract and not just from one side. Similarly - Jesus died for all humans who ever lived - but if one does not use the ransom to get sins forgiven or do not believe in it - you are not in this arrangement. It is like going to the bank when you have a lot of money deposited there and then refuse to draw the money to use it. Jesus died for all but they have to show faith in the ransom otherwise it does not work for them.
  11. Actually the new covenant was inaugurated by the death of Christ as mediator (Moses was mediator of a covenant with Israel as a dedicated nation and the Law were given to them - plus circumcision). The new covenant are all those who benefit by his sacrificial death which replaced the schedule of animal sacrifices at the temple. The kingdom covenant is for those who are part of the secondary seed.
  12. I agree with all you have said - only that the great crowd are also part of the Abrahamic covenant - the part that would be blessed by the SEED. In what way are all humans blessed by the seed? The opportunity to benefit from Christ's ransom sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. So I like the words - kingdom covenant - because that pertains to those who are the co-rulers and under priests which do the jobs for which they were anointed. People are anointed for a specific job as king-priests to work towards the restoration of Jehovah's purpose - to make the earth a paradise with perfect people. After this they hand over the kingdom back to Jehovah and they may then go on to do another job in the heavenly realm. So Jesus's ransom is for all humankind and the kingdom covenant for those who will do a specific job. For this they have to meet certain criteria. So the death of Jesus and the kingdom covenant took place on the same night but signify two prongs of Jehovah's purpose.
  13. You have no clue what manipulations and contradictions are because you do it yourself all the time. The core teachings of JWs are constant such as the name of Jehovah, the kingdom, the mortality of the soul, the prophecies of the beast and the image of the beast, the theme of the bible, the new earth, the purpose of Jehovah and respect for life etc. As far as I know the other Christian denominations do have constant teachings such as the trinity, Jesus is God, immortality of the soul, hellfire, all people go to heaven and the earth will be destroyed etc. They never revise anything because all these false teachings remain constant since a few hundred years back.... except the morality. They stick to false teachings..... and the morality changes such as abortion and LGBTQ acceptance and many more. Good luck - join them - you will do well there!
  14. Of course the slave is the one who is providing the " pure language of truth" to the entire earth in 1078 languages. UN has only 6 languages. They teach all the core truths.... such as jehovahs name. Jehovah has always used willing imperfect people such as David and Moses. WERE they perfect - NO! Are MODERNDAY servants imperfect while doing the will of Jehovah by proclaiming worship of his Him only and his Son as the quarantee of His ultimate purpose of restoring the earth to original purpose? YES. That is why the bible (our authority) asks a question in Math 24: 45... and I paraphrase the question..... "Have you identified the slave who gives food at the proper time?" Have you recognized that its magazines in 1078 languages is a mouthpiece?... to give food at the proper time. A prophet is someone who preaches jehovahs word and brings unpopular messages of judgment. Soon the modernday slave will act like a prophet and bring the final judgment message to give people the last opportunity to switch from false worship in various religions and worship of government institutions to the only side of protection. Worship of jehovah... the only true God.
  15. The anointed and great crowd benefit from the death of Christ which is part of the New Covenant. Jesus replaced the animals that were slaughtered for forgiveness of sins. The covenant of the kingdom and to be born in the death of Christ are those who are part of the seed and secondary seed. BUT as I said before ..... all nations will be blessed by the guarantee of the ransom sacrifice,
  16. So you are trying to say that the teachings I mentioned in my comment are only "interpretations|".... when I made sure to only mention those which cad been verified by evidence?
  17. Romans 5 :18 - 18 So, then, as through one trespass the result to men of all sorts was condemnation,+ so too through one act of justification the result to men of all sorts+ is their being declared righteous for life. The Kingdom covenant is part of the new covenant. however, the mediator of the new covenant died for all humans on earth. The ransom sacrifice under the Mosaic law was replaced by Jesus' sacrifice. Abraham was not circumcised ...... the scripture was fulfilled that says: “Abraham put faith in Jehovah,* and it was counted to him as righteousness,”+ and he came to be called Jehovah’s* friend. The great crowd benefit from the covenant made with Abraham - that all nations will be blessed by the "seed" - Jesus was the primary seed and mediator of the new covenant.
  18. I did studies on the the Book of Abraham - and if ever there was a fraud - this is it. I advise Mormons to look into this.
  19. I save my eyes from reading through all the comments - it is hard if one has problems with eyes. I do not pick up small spelling mistakes either
  20. If I use a quote (which happens to be a quote within a quote), it is merely to reply to a thought I had and not to attack an individual. I am famous for taking a quote where I find it, even if it is within another quote.
  21. Christians are no longer under law. The book of Romans clearly shows that we are now under a new covenant. The Law covenant was replaced with Christian principles and love. The principles in the mosaic law are still very important and they all are in total harmony with the principles Jesus taught us. Do not commit adultery and do not commit murder are two laws/commandments given to Moses for Israel to follow. BUT - Jesus taught us that looking at a woman with a passion equates to adultery; he taught that when ones hates another one is a murderer - so this teaches us that the Christian must not just follow a law without thinking but that he must always regulate his own heart as to what he allows in his thinking processes. So his heart must be circumcised not just the flesh. So you are right - we must think about these principles and how to apply them so that we can understand why. Jehovah, through Christ gave us the 101 on how to live in harmony with one another. The best philosophy ever! If I love you more than my own selfish wishes and you willingly do the same for me.... the world will be a wonderful place. Unfortunately, most people are not self-sacrificing but do their own bidding and follow their own desires. Jehovah will eventually remove those from the earth as they are disrupting his purpose.
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