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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Not true.  More than enough evidence has been provided by Nehemia Gordon. He personally went and investigated each occurrence of the name in the  extant, manuscripts in the Hebrew language.
  2. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Thank you for the extra information.
  3. Like
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I have never tried to contact him, but in his own comments, and his writing, videos, interviews, etc, he has already answered every specific  question I would have wanted to ask of him. 
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Our “English” letters have come to us through a variety of sources. Most people who learn to speak multiple languages have more acceptance about this variety. For example, you probably know that in German, a man named Johann Walters would spell his name with the J and the W and would therefore pronounce his name Yohan Valters. (But if a German word starts with a V then it is usually pronounced more like the English sound “F”.)
    Many copies of the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible (LXX) were made about the time that some of the Maccabees had already campaigned against pronouncing God’s name in Hebrew or Aramaic. Curiously, the OT book of Joshua in the LXX is called the book of Jesus, because Joshua was already being spelled "Iesous." The initial letter “I” was pronounced as a “Y”. The German word for Jesus is Jesu, pronounced Yay’zoo. (As in the two English words yay! + zoo. )
    Jewish persons who wrote Greek in other countries and who were outside the influence of the Maccabees campaign or other campaigns to avoid pronouncing God’s name would write it in Greek in a way that indicated it was being pronounced Ya’ho.  Even non-Hebrew writers wrote about this pronunciation as the common pronunciation among Jewish persons when Jews referred to their Hebrew God. (As in the two English words yaw + hoe.)
    In English most of us don’t mind the fact that we speak of the book of “James” even though the NT Greek actually says “Iakobos” (Jacobos). But Spanish speakers will often replace this this word “Jacobos” with “Santiago” and hardly anyone is offended. Even the NWT uses “Santiago” instead of "James" or "Jaime" or "Jacobo": https://www.jw.org/es/biblioteca/biblia/biblia-estudio/libros/santiago-informacion/
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Nehemia Gordon, Blotting Out the Name  2020
    Scribal Methods of Erasing the Tetragrammaton in Medieval Hebrew Bible
    Part 2. Early rabbinic interpretation of Deut 12:4 prohibited erasure of the Tetragrammaton, which required Jewish scribes to employ creative methods to resolve extraneous instances of the divine name. This may be foreshadowed in the writing of divine appellations in Paleo-Hebrew in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Medieval Jewish scribes employed diverse methods to deal with errors involving the Tetragrammaton. In codices this involved marking God’s name with dots, rectangles (also used in liturgical scrolls), lines, and supralinear circelli. Some scribes indicated the Tetragrammaton’s erasure by leaving
    it unpointed and recording a correction (usually Adonai) in the margin, without any additional notation. A special procedure involved a nonstandard usage of the Qere notation. All of these methods were performed in accordance with rabbinic strictures. Part 2 of this study will consider exceptions to the rule and the special case of liturgical
    Torah scrolls.
    Part 1 of this study considered how the rabbinic prohibition against erasing the Tetragrammaton led to scribes performing diverse procedures to resolve scribal errors. In part 2 it will be shown that special procedures were performed in Torah scrolls, namely, skiving, excision, and removing sheets. Washing off the divine name was not found in the corpus examined. Despite the rabbinic prohibition, medieval Jewish scribes occasionally marked the Tetragrammaton with a strikethrough or erased it through abrasion. This may have been the handiwork of Karaite scribes who did not see themselves bound by the midrashic interpretation of Deut 12:4. The scribes who wrote the Aleppo Codex may have abraded erroneous instances of the Tetragrammaton in order to create a model codex. Scribes in the isolated Jewish community of Kaifeng, who erased erroneous instances of the Tetragrammaton, may not have been familiar with rabbinic strictures.
    〈The scribe who〉 was supposed to write the 〈divine〉 name, 〈mistakenly〉 wrote “Judah” with intention, but had not yet placed the dalet; he erases it and writes the 〈divine〉 name. Rabbi Judah says, “He traces over it with
    the pen and sanctifies it …
  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Bible Scholar "Nehemia Gordon" might shed some new light into the name of God in the New Testament.
    https://midwestoutreach.org/2018/02/01/is-gods-name-jehovah/#:~:text=On January 21%2C 2018%2C Bible Scholar Nehemia Gordon,Hebrew name of God was originally pronounced “Yahweh.”
    If you have no problem interacting with scholars, you can email him at, and see what his take is on it. Just remember, scholars don't always see leading questions.
    Nehemia Gordon
    Bar-Ilan University, Israel
    His earliest find with the vowels added, as he claims, are from 894AD, well before the common knowledge of a Monk in 1100AD. 
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to BroRando in Who Invented Carry on luggage?   
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I would have no problem at all with the pronunciation "Jehovah" (or "Yehowah" or even "Yahweh" or "Jahveh") although I think that Jehovah is the best alternative considering the evolution of the English language.
    But I have never understood why you have repeatedly said that English does not have the "Y" sound. Of course it does.
  9. Like
    Arauna reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Many Religions have removed God's Holy and Sacred Name claiming Jehovah is a made up Name. If that was true, then why leave names in the Bible that bear witness to the Name JEHOVAH, like Jesus, John, and Elijah along with many others??
    Jesus means 'Jehovah is Salvation' John means 'Jehovah has been Gracious' Elijah means 'My God is Jehovah' Hallelujah means 'Praise Jah" which is short for Jehovah
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Peter Carroll in The truth about Armageddon...   
    You do not call him Jesus but always you write Yeshua - which is a bit affectatious.... but we leave it at that.  You also refuse to call the god of the bible, Jehovah. 
  11. Like
    Arauna reacted to Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I don't get your rationale. You're not blaming God and insist the 1000-year doctrine belongs to an organization, when it belongs in the bible, which in turn belongs to God.
    Bible writers wrote, Adam and Eve made a choice of disobedience. How does that inspired word that's in all the bibles, including the KJV, belong to the WT?
    We are all imperfect, including you. Should this mean, it's okay to sin? You seem to be at odds with what is written in Matthew 5:48. Why do you believe people should continue to be sinners and disobey God's words as Christians?
    I think we are "all" overreaching on this topic. We should stick to the topic at hand.
  12. Like
    Arauna reacted to Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    If this is true, commentator, why continue your hostility if you have peace of mind? Your personal action of down voting facts as described by many bible writers and experts indicate, you only believe what your hate dictates. That's not healthy in any case.
    Sorry if the truth hurts your feelings. Perhaps this bible forum isn't suited for your kind of hate. You are making it personal and taking it personally. I to feel that way at times. This is why, I noted that in a previous post, perhaps it's time for me to find a better bible forum.
    It appears hate runs both ways and the show here. If that's the case, I don't need Satan to control my life.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Jesus - set the example for us to obtain the best results.  I have read extensively throughout my life (next year I will be 50 years baptized) .... I learnt the truth while I was at university.....  Many of us can challenge people we meet with worldly knowledge....... but this is not the way Jesus taught us to teach. Paul tells us we must not try to convince people with worldly knowledge but with the Truth and the Spirit of Jehovah.
    Of course there is a time for everything!  So, at times use good logic and  with a little help of our secular knowledge to convince people...... but the Sacred Secret is our most valuable possession to share.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I think I have been on this forum since 2016..... (I have not checked it).   In that time I  have come to know the remarks of  of some of the extremely nasty apostates on here.  I usually ignore them. It is rare that I answer them unless they get into their usual MO. I then point out to them that they are acting in character. 

  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The truth about Armageddon...   
    This is why I usually avoid this person.  Logic has evaporated.... 
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I have never been uncomfortable in answering scathing remarks but it is a matter of showing wisdom in each situation.  We follow Jesus' example do we not?  Is Jesus' example not timeless? ... and wise? "
    ASV "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet."    We know that Jesus used this saying as well: If you say that someone is casting pearls before swine, you mean that they are wasting their time by offering something that is helpful or valuable to someone who does not appreciate or understand it.   
  17. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I think I have been on this forum since 2016..... (I have not checked it).   In that time I  have come to know the remarks of  of some of the extremely nasty apostates on here.  I usually ignore them. It is rare that I answer them unless they get into their usual MO. I then point out to them that they are acting in character. 

  18. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Full blown hate=OCD again.....    ....  Same old same old rehash , rehash MO. 
  19. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Commentator. The only thing your list can prove is imperfection that existed in Jesus time. If you look at your list, you will find, plenty of bible proof that many things in your list are actually taken from the bible. While your passion is to condemn a certain Org, you are actually condemning the words of God.
    Now, some in your list, are schemes, as you put it, are made by men to discredit the Org. That's not the Org's fault, that is a misleading interpretation from the opposition. 
    However, Those are personal views that a bible discussion can do without. 
  20. Like
    Arauna reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    This is wierd. An apostate claims if we see things from her viewpoint that somehow we can begin to understand?
    @Patiently waiting for Truth 
    accusses several posters of having the same multi-aliases claims to have left the organzition when she was actually disfellowshiped for threatening the Governing Body refuses to name the Children Home Center where she claims she was a victim refuses to name the person or persons that engaged in Pedophilia with her Aren't Children Home Centers funded by government agencies and various churches of Babylon the Great?  
    JW.org and the Governing Body condems such horrendous acts of violence.  Many people whom we come into contact with have been victims looking for solace, comfort, and hope for a better life.  If you are a victim or contemplating hurting yourself or suicide. Please seek professional help.
    Seeking answers to why this happening can provide you with a much better outlook...
    Brother Rando is in a worldwide effort to reach those who are suffering from depression and the anxieties of life. Share this Blog Post on your social media and save a life. https://www.brorando.com/post/don-t-give-up-you-have-a-reason-to-keep-on-living
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org
    1 (800) 273-8255
    Have you come to know Jesus Christ? https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/VODBibleTeachings/pub-jwbcov_201505_11_VIDEO
  21. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The truth about Armageddon...   
    People have good reasons for being in disagreement with the Watchtower / GB / JW Org. 
    1. The Child Sexual Abuse / Pedophilia problem within the org earthwide.
    2. The crying wolf of the Watchtower / JW org concerning Armageddon.  1941, the 1960's - 75, before the end of the century/ year 2000, et al. Putting a date on it, when Yeshua said 'no one would know'.
    3. The restrictions placed on the Anointed by the GB.. The GB exalting themselves from 2013, calling themselves the F&DS, but saying that the rest of the Anointed were not.  Then the GB telling others of the Anointed not to meet together for prayer or Bible study, and saying that the Anointed would be working against the Holy Spirit if they did meet together.
    4. Misusing the Two Witness rule. 
    5. Shunning and disfellowshipping unfairly, without showing mercy.
    6. Continualy changing teachings / doctrines, pretending it is 'new light'.
    So, in fact, the GB and the Org does promote man made schemes. 
    If you could prove your points purely by scripture, and by comparing those scriptures in different translations, then you would be working with God through Christ. For it is the Word of God that is sharper than a two edged sword 
    Hebrews 4:12 
    Berean Literal Bible
    For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even as far as the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrows, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 
    And if you could be balanced and see things from the viewpoint of those you may call apostates, then maybe your heart could become warm and you may begin to understand. 
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I have preached this many times when I have reached this teaching  stage of  discussion regarding Jehovahs purpose and justice.... because it shows the LOGIC of Jehovah (every aspect of his actions have been well planned. ........Having the foresight to plan to test all "perfect" humans like he did Adam.   Him having the foresight to rule humankind in complete justice and remove those with an incomplete heart.   At the end of thousand years jehovah will test each perfect person, just like he did Adam....... as a perfect human being they will have the wonderful  opportunity to prove their faithfulness.
    The bible itself shows that jehovah will release the demons again and an indeterminable number of people (like sand of the sea), will rebel ( like Adam did)......or in greater numbers and with similar intent  as Gog and Magog  -  to disrupt Godly rulership.... but Jehovah has proven that humans cannot rule the earth successfully - so they will go straight to second death.... by their own "perfect" choice. 
    I see your point too! But we cannot be covering  all "possible scholarly arguments" when talking to people about Jehovahs' purposes.  Jesus is a good example to us. He knew the pharisees were argumentative and likely to divert attention from his message when they put themselves amongst the people.  
    Consequently, he knew their bad intent, so he only answered them when the ordinary people, who were genuinely interested, could benefit from his reply to the learned pharisees. 
    I have already preached to a group of Muslims where they all keep on listening ... despite the fact that one person is saying out loud that I am a false prophet.  If they want to listen .... they will listen and go and think about it! 
    We preach to those who want to listen and to those whom jehovah is drawing to Himself.  We are not better than Jesus are we? We know that very few rich and powerful individuals listened to Jesus.  They did not need him.... they wanted to destroy him. 
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Yes, commentator. That's why I mentioned the KJV, ESV, and NAS on my previous post. They have the same interpretation. The point about these bibles, it confuses the issue in verse 8. There cannot be any conspiracies with the bible's interpretation. That was the reason I posted the lexicon that refutes that understanding. It doesn't mean, the saints in heaven, but the holy ones on earth after they become sinless. They, of course, become God's holy saints on earth. A blemish free temple of God.
  24. Like
    Arauna reacted to Chioke Lin in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Then it's not just the Org to have similar understanding. Once again, the discussion shouldn't be about an individual, but how we prove it to the public. How we arrive with our conclusions. It shouldn't matter if a commentator is an opposer.
    20:7-8. John was told what would happen at the conclusion of the thousand years. Satan will be released from the Abyss, his prison, and will make a final attempt to induce nations - called Gog and Magog - to come and battle with him against Christ. Satan's release will produce a worldwide rebellion against the millennial reign of Christ. The armies will be so vast in numbers that they are said to be like the sand on the seashore.
    Who are these who will follow Satan? Those who survive the Tribulation will enter the Millennium in their natural bodies, and they will bear children and repopulate the earth (Isa 65:18-25). Under ideal circumstances in which all know about Jesus Christ (cf. Jer 31:33-34), many will outwardly profess faith in Christ without actually placing faith in Him for salvation. The shallowness of their professions will become apparent when Satan is released. The multitudes who follow Satan are evidently those who have never been born again in the millennial kingdom.
    (from Bible Knowledge Commentary/Old Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook All rights reserved.)
    Is all this commentary correct? Some of it is, some of it is speculation of the writer. But, what is similar to prove, it's not just the Organization interpreting the bible correctly.
    Apparently, you commentators think, I'm refuting your understanding. I'm not. I'm questioning whether it conforms to how the Organization interpretation of the bible. 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Peter Carroll in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Good for you! Witness is known here as an apostate and most of us ignore her - although she has some followers who think like she does. 
    It is called Gog and Magog because the situation will ge very similar to Armageddon, wherein the enemies of Jehovah's rule will unify and form a coalition to destroy those who are faithful and holy  here on earth.... those who obey instructions from Jehovahs appointed king. . Jehovah will once again step in and save those loyal to Him. He will remove all those who have been seduced by Satan - all  opposors finally. No prolonged rebellion will be tolerated since the original issue, of who is the best ruler for the earth, has been proven.
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