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The truth about Armageddon...


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The truth about Armageddon...


The Bible describes the events that will occur before and after the identification of Gog of Magog. Most have not yet gained the understanding that Armageddon begins as a Spiritual Event and then Ends as a Literal One. The Last Days are cut short in the sense that Gog of Magog's Attack on God's Named People are stifled and held in check, and 'they will not cause any harm or any ruin in all my holy mountain'. (Isaiah 11:9) This EVENT could very well last 1,000 years while Satan and his demons are put in a deathlike state of inactivity. ARMAGEDDON is the beginning of Christ’s Millennial Reign. The Great Crowd enters “the times of restoration of all things” that expands to include physical blessings for faithful humans on earth. These one's keep on living as they come out of the Last Days as Survivors. The wicked continue getting sick, growing old, and continue dying. But their death is a permanent one called the second death of an everlasting destruction. Like Sodom and Gomorrah which was destroyed... those dying are destroyed forever never to return to Life. They may even witness members of the Great Crowd begin growing to perfection as they inherit good health which makes them lament by beating their chest in dire grief to their bitter end.

As Satan controls the agitated sea of ungodly people which now includes previous brothers and sisters (separated as goats) who lost Jehovah's Divine Favor, all those found on the outside of our inner rooms are destroyed by the second death which symbolizes everlasting destruction in the same manner as Adam and Eve. The wicked simply die off. For the most part, the wicked will not be motivated to harm or kill Jehovah's People for the fear of Jehovah will be upon them! "All the peoples of the earth will have to see that Jehovah’s name has been called upon you, and they will be afraid of you." (Deuteronomy 28:10)

With that said, is it over? No. Jehovah will keep providing protection for the earth by means of his Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the 144,000. Notice what occurs at the end of the 1,000 years. "Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison,  and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea." (Rev 20:7) The Climax of Armageddon ends with the destruction of Satan and anyone else who rejects Jehovah's Sovereignty after the 1,000 years have passed. Handing the Kingdom back to his God and Father, Jesus will have brought mankind to the same perfect condition that Adam and Eve had prior to sinning. It is possible that the Great Crowd that Survives both the Great tribulation and Satan's final rebellion be blessed with immortality. I'm not prophesizing this will occur, but all things are possible with Jehovah.

Satan craves worship. EACH one of us must answer a crucial question: Whom will I worship? Those who join the rebellion will quickly be Literally wiped out. Along with Satan and the demons, they will cease to exist—with no prospect of ever coming back to life. Ahead of you is a life of rewarding work and enriching friendships. Never again will you or your loved ones need to suffer. On your own merit, you will stand before Jehovah completely without sin. Every person will have an unrestricted friendship with God. And most important of all, in heaven and on earth, pure worship will be carried out in perfection. That will be the ultimate restoration of pure worship! Either we worship Jehovah God or we worship Satan the Devil. The choice is YOURS to make. Choose Life and Keep on living.....

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19 hours ago, BroRando said:

Armageddon begins as a Spiritual Event and then Ends as a Literal One.

    I suspect you do not read the JW Study bible or our newest magazines.... but use mainly your own ideas.

    The start of Armageddon starts with literal actions  such as "peace and security" . Not "spiritual" events.  This may be a request to work together to obtain "peace and different kinds of security" for the globe  by cooperation and actions.  We know that the "image of the beast" has been put in place to bring this goal about from its specified charter document. 

    Thereafter, the turning against all religion is not a spiritual event.... but literal events which will clearly show where we are in the time-line.  The King of the North will go out of his space.....this is not a spiritual event but a real event with specific results which will be visible on earth.

    I suspect - this is my own thought- that those who die before the call for peace and security,  may still receive a resurrection.  This event will be the sign that Armageddon and the Greatest tribulation has started. Those who die in this time - Jesus will  judge as sheep or goats.

    We have all started to put on the new personality..... Jesus, the man with the inkpot (Ezekiel 9) will mark those with the Christian personality for survival. We all need to have on the white robes according to Revelation 7.  

    We will grow to perfection AFTER we have lived through Armageddon and the full value of Christs ransom will be applied for all humans. 

    The wicked will then have been removed. 

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    4 hours ago, Arauna said:

    The start of Armageddon starts with literal actions  such as "peace and security" . Not "spiritual" events. 

    No.. the trigger for the Great Tribulation is:

    1 Thessalonians 5:3

    Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.

    The UN is poised for this event in its last hour...  get it?  LAST HOUR...

    "United Nations Member States decided to fundamentally transform the development coordination system to better enable the UN teams to support countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." https://unsdg.un.org/2030-agenda

    Matthew 24:39

    and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the Presence of the Son of man will be.

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    6 minutes ago, BroRando said:

    Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction i

    We are all waiting for UN power to take total control to bring to bring "peace and security"  (which almost happened two weeks ago).  Great tribulation is on our doorstep. So we agree on that. And destruction of religion by UN leads to them attacking us after regular religions are all ousted.   These are all literal events of which we will see the physical results visible to all mankind...... They will be in fear of what will be happening next. (Luke 21)

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    7 hours ago, Arauna said:

    We are all waiting for UN power to take total control to bring to bring "peace and security"  (which almost happened two weeks ago).  Great tribulation is on our doorstep. So we agree on that. And destruction of religion by UN leads to them attacking us after regular religions are all ousted.   These are all literal events of which we will see the physical results visible to all mankind...... They will be in fear of what will be happening next. (Luke 21)

    “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for One Hour with the wild beast.  These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.  These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.” (Rev 17:12-14)

    The "Peace and Security" declaration is the marker for those on the outside that begin dying the second death.  You may see it but if a person is lacking faith, they will not be able to discern these things that are happening right in front of them... 

    Revelation 22:15

    Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and those who are sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices lying.’

    Ezekiel 7:15

    The sword is outside, and the pestilence and the famine are inside. Whoever is in the field will die by the sword, and famine and pestilence will consume those in the city.

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    4 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    He as given the authority to do so ,and jehovah is not supporting mans efforts in any way

    The UN will take power for one hour with the ten new kings (or the kings who have not ruled before).  WHO almost took power 3 weeks ago at the UN's WHO health summit but was thwarted by the African nations who do not trust the WHO any longer.  WHO is the only UN organization which has a constitution to rule.  However, the instituted a "working group" who are working behind the scenes to give the UN more power to control countries who did not completely obey orders during the first lockdown.  They will push through amendments to the 2005 World Health Agreement which most nations signed.  It will then be legally binding.

    Yes, they there will be chaos once they have brought about the propaganda for the "signs" we are expecting to see - peace and security and destruction of religion.  The system will collapse and the money lost will make the merchants cry over their wealth as they see Babylon the great disintegrate and anarchy ruling.  The fear of the nations as their societies and organizations are rocked like an earthquake.

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    On 6/27/2022 at 5:37 AM, BroRando said:

    "United Nations Member States decided to fundamentally transform the development coordination system to better enable the UN teams to support countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." https://unsdg.un.org/2030-agenda

    Where have I seen this before here? If it made its debut by someone else mentioning 2030 in another topic. I can't seem to locate the poster. Why, is this time of interest, it seemed more of a correction for the year 2034?

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    1 hour ago, Chioke Lin said:

    Where have I seen this before here? If it made its debut by someone else mentioning 2030 in another topic. I can't seem to locate the poster. Why, is this time of interest, it seemed more of a correction for the year 2034?

    There are several other posters that also pointed to the timing when the UN would make its move.... towards a One World Government (they will have one thought) Rev 16:13-14

    They United Nations are the mouthpiece of Gog of Magog that will bring on the Great Tribulation (1 Thess 5:3)


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    It appears your previous comments are not as specific with that date 2030 before it was mentioned by someone else. That was my observation. I'm just wondering why it is important to mention that date now?

    No disrespect implied, commentator.

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    50 minutes ago, Chioke Lin said:

    It appears your previous comments are not as specific with that date 2030 before it was mentioned by someone else. That was my observation. I'm just wondering why it is important to mention that date now?

    No disrespect implied, commentator.

    If you take a few moments reading the comments, you mght find the commentor you are seeking... all the best. 

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    5 hours ago, BroRando said:

    If you take a few moments reading the comments, you mght find the commentor you are seeking... all the best. 

    It doesn't matter who started the discussion. What should matter, how do you prove the points yourself, with the bible without having to rely on the organization's information, since those that oppose the organization will use that information to mislead. So, who else can be linked to the opinions and theories provided?

    Can "google" be used effectively? In my experience, it cannot, since there is so much disinformation. We have to look at every possible avenue to prove someone is not representing the best interest of the bible.

    Let's look at barns with respect to a topic you have a great passion for, Gog and Magog.

    Persia stands in its proper place; but India, under the modifications of Greater and Lesser, is confusedly repeated at different points, while the river Indus is mentioned in the text as the Eastern boundary of Asia. To the North, the castle of Gog and Magog, an Arabian feature, crowns a vast range of mountains, within which, it is said, that the
    Tartars had been imprisoned by Alexander the Great. The Caspian appears, with the bordering countries of Georgia, Hyrcania, and Albania; but these features stand nearly at the Northern boundary of the habitable earth.
    Africa has a sea to the South, stated, however, to be inaccessible, on account of the intensity of the heat. The European countries stand in their due place, not even excepting Russia and Scandinavia, though some oversights are observable in the manner in which the two are connected together.” pp.654-655

    Hasn't the organization mentioned Russia? What is the implication under barns?

    Isaiah 25:2. For thou hast made This is supposed to be uttered by the Jews who should return from Babylon, and therefore refers to what would have been seen by them. In their time it would have occurred that God had made of the city an heap. p 649

    Of a city, I suppose the whole scope of the passage requires us to understand this of Babylon. There has been, however, a great variety of interpretation of this passage. Grotius supposed that Samaria was intended. Calvin that the word is used collectively, and that various cities are intended. Piscator that Rome, the seat of antichrist, was intended. Jerome says that the Jews generally understand it of Rome. Aben Ezra and Kimchi, however, understand it to refer to many cities which they say will be destroyed in the times of Gog and Magog. Nearly all these opinions may be seen subjected to an examination, and shown to be unfounded, in Vitringa.

    How about Godbey Commentary.

    8. We see from this verse that Satan’s army, with which he essays to conquer the world, is made up of Gog and Magog. Now let us see who they are. In Noah’s family originated the trinity of races. Ham in Hebrew means black; Shem, red; and Japheth, white. Upon the subsidence of the Flood, Noah divided the world among his three sons, giving Ham Africa, Shem Asia, and Japheth Europe. Gog and Magog are only spoken of in this passage, <011001>Genesis 10th, and <263801>Ezekiel 38th. Gog means king, and Magog means the kingly people; i.e., the nobility. <011001>Genesis 10th notifies us that they are the children of Japheth, the ancestor of all the white people. In <263801>Ezekiel 38th they are elaborately mentioned as resident in Russia.

    Is the organization the only Org to suggest Russia? I think not. This is how you prove how the organization is correct and in the right track, regardless if the aggressors believe it or not. The point is, do you believe in the Org and accept the ones that are feeding you, spiritual food at the proper time. That should be the theme for every participant that isn't an opponent.

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    How about Gray's Concise bible commentary.

    The seventh event is the loosing of Satan at the close of the Millenium and the doom of Gog and Magog (vv. 7-9). Here Satan is again seen (this time in his own person) at the head of a final effort to overthrow the kingdom of God on earth. In the Millennial age sin still will be in the hearts of men except as they are regenerated, and Satan will find good soil to work in when his liberty is restored. The identity of Gog and Magog is not revealed, but their purpose is clearly indicated in verse 9. The eighth event is the doom of Satan (v. 10) who, being cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, is not to be conceived of as then reigning in hell. This idea, borrowed from Milton, is not in the Bible. The ninth event is the doom of the unbelieving dead and the last judgment (vv. 11-15).

    There just needs to be a hint of commonality to encourage further study as a student of the bible.

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