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The Faithful and Discreet Slave...


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The Faithful and Discreet Slave...

In response to the apostles questions concerning Jesus Christ's future and second presence during the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus Christ gave an illustration, dealing with a “faithful and discreet slave.” The master would appoint his steward over his household servants also known as his domestics, heavenly and earthly.

Since the full limit of the appointed times was yet in the future and is still in progress, we can now apply that administration to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, also known as the Faithful and Discreet Slave. We now know through the manifestation of prophecies that the full limit of the appointed times is coming to its conclusion.

Let's take a closer look at how this is unfolding in our day: "He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, And we will live before him.  We will know, we will earnestly seek to know Jehovah. His going out is as certain as the dawn; He will come to us like a pouring rain, Like a spring rain that saturates the earth." (Hosea 6:2-3)

Just as Jesus Christ was raised up on the third day in the beginning of that third day, 'the dawn' -- we can be in great anticipation of our dear brothers to be summoned to heaven. Notice the timing from this verse: "However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." (2 Peter 3:8)

Can we apply (Hosea 6:2-3) and (2 Peter 3:8) to the full limit of the appointed times? Absolutely! It's a prophecy that has been unfolding for almost 2,000 years now. This prophecy has a beginning and an end. It's beginning was 33 CE on Pentecost and will come to its conclusion in 2033 CE. This is in reference to the sealing event. Not all anointed ones are in heaven yet. Read this scripture again: "He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, And we will live before him.  We will know, we will earnestly seek to know Jehovah. His going out is as certain as the dawn; He will come to us like a pouring rain, Like a spring rain that saturates the earth." (Hosea 6:2-3)

Yet, there was another manifestation of prophecy that Brother Charles Russell pointed to in regards to the End of the Gentile times that would usher in the Last Days known as the time of trouble. It also has a beginning and an end:

In the first part of 1914, the Bible Students known as International Bible Students Association discussed the “time of trouble” on the printed page called The Bible Students Monthly.

Early in 1914, an issue of The Bible Students Monthly was issued with the large bold heading “END OF WORLD IN 1914? Some have quoted the large headline of this tract as proof that Russell was expecting the “end of the world” in 1914.

However, such neglect the subheading under the larger headline, which states: “NOT THE VIEW OF PASTOR RUSSELL NOR OF I.B.S.A.

  • International Bible Students Association: "Nevertheless, when viewed from God’s standpoint, we are still “shortly after” 1914. Although Russell himself did not think the time of trouble would be this long, he did allow that it could be. It is possible that the time allotted for this period is 120 years (1914+120=2034), but that these days will be “cut short” some time before they are allowed to reach their end. We do not put this forth as a “prophecy”, nor would we feel anything was wrong if 2034 came and went and nothing had happened as far the full binding of Satan and the destruction of his empire is concerned. All things are in God’s hands."

Since Jehovah God is the Almighty God of order, he often uses 'patterns'. Patterns that are duplicated and used so things can take place decently and by arrangement. (1 Corinthians 14:40) The 120 years is a pattern that was used in (Genesis 6:3). Brother Russell was part of the administration the Apostle Paul was speaking about. He may have been the last member of that administration before the appearance of the Faithful and Discreet Slave in 1919. Since he fell asleep in death on October of 1916. It's possible that Brother Charles Russell was the first to be resurrected from death instantaneously, since the flashes of spiritual insight has be flashing brightly ever since from heaven to the earthly slave. (Rev 7:13-14)

If the sealing process ends in 2033 will partaking continue? Those sealed will still be here in the flesh just a little longer. We really need to cherish our dear brothers and pray for them. Do the scriptures give us any evidence how long the FDS remains? It does. Even if it is dissolved, it stands to reason some sort of administration will remain and that the helpers of spiritually mature men will progress. 2034 will come and go just as 1914 did... but don't lose nfaith. If we add 120 years to 1919, we come up with the year 2039 of the remaining ones that are heavenbound. All things are in Jehovah's hands, not ours, keep walking by faith and not by sight. Remember, the a separation work of the earthly sheep will be in the process of coming to its end as our dear brothers are summoned to heaven and those ones come out of the great tribulation as survivors. (Rev 7:14)


A note of encouragement:

When the Apostle Paul began to enter his final sealing, he knew it. "I have fought the fine fight, I have run the race to the finish, I have observed the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7) So as 2033, 2034, and 2039 comes and goes and you haven't received your final sealing, not all is lost. Stay faithful my friends... if you are 70 or 80 now, and you become 90 or 100 in 2039, Jehovah is using you to reveal the sign of the Son of Man. Jehovah loves You very much and will not forget the love you showed for his Name... (Hebrews 6:10)

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9 hours ago, BroRando said:

we can now apply that administration to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, also known as the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

So @xero  there is your beanie wearers. The ones that JWs worship. Your GB fake anointed ones. 

There is not one scripture that says the GB are the F&DS. 

9 hours ago, BroRando said:

Not all anointed ones are in heaven yet.

Are any Anointed ones in heaven yet ?  The scriptures say that they will meet together in the clouds.

9 hours ago, BroRando said:

but that these days will be “cut short” some time before they are allowed to reach their end.

Hence no one knows the day or the hour.

9 hours ago, BroRando said:

Brother Russell was part of the administration the Apostle Paul was speaking about. He may have been the last member of that administration before the appearance of the Faithful and Discreet Slave in 1919. Since he fell asleep in death on October of 1916. It's possible that Brother Charles Russell was the first to be resurrected from death instantaneously, since the flashes of spiritual insight has be flashing brightly ever since from heaven to the earthly slave

What a fake dreamer you are. Russell got so much wrong that he proved he was not inspired by God or guided by Christ. And once again you go on about the fake F&DS. There have been NO flashes of spiritual insight, only lies and deceit. 

False predictions of Armageddon have been stumbling blocks to people that could be true Christians. Child Sexual Abuse being kept hidden in the JW Org also proves that your GB are not the F&DS, because the GB would have been guided to solve the problem if they were being guided at all. 

10 hours ago, BroRando said:

2034 will come and go just as 1914 did... but don't lose faith. If we add 120 years to 1919, we come up with the year 2039 of the remaining ones that are heavenbound.

So now you have moved the goalposts again. What happened to 2034 ?  You now give us 2039. The truth is that you have no idea. 

10 hours ago, BroRando said:

keep walking by faith and not by sight

I'll agree with this. And I like you note of encouragement. But your false predictions just follow the lead of your GB. 

We do not know when, but we are sure it will come. And before it comes there will be a True Anointed to guide us. 

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