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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. The impossible burger contains a couple of oils, also an ingredient that they use in laxatives. and Heme that was discovered using stem cells (human) to replicate the juices in the patty. On the other side, I’m sure Burger King has a policy to clean the grill between real meat and plant based material. Anyone know if Beyond Meat is the same?
  2. In northern Russia, seven men have come forward to claim they were tortured by police because of their religious views. The men are all Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their organisation was banned by Russia’s Supreme Court in 2017 as extremist and dozens of Jehovah’s Witnesses have since been detained across the country. Officials in Surgut initially denied the reports of torture, but now say they will investigate. President Vladimir Putin has called the prosecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘utter nonsense’ and asked the Supreme Court for clarification on how the law is applied. BBC correspondent Sarah Rainsford reports.
  3. You know how they always make jokes about how "any trained monkey" could do this or that?.... Well..... here is your trained monkey: getfvid_10000000_2770717826306973_1345826056581414912_n.mp4
  4. Look at the Harlot!!! (An even bigger one than Stormy Daniels) "Get out of her my people! ..... Here we see "Babylon the Great" (false religion) whoring herself with the "Kings of the Earth"...... her hands literally stroking the President. This will be a photo for history books.
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  6. “As for me, in my integrity I shall walk.” (Psalm 26:11) "Divine Will International Assembly" of Jehovah's Witnesses held in the Yankee Stadium and New York Polo Grounds simultaneously1958 Watchtowerg-E * Awake yb-58E * Yearbook of Jehovah’s WitnessesFrom Paradise Lost to Paradise Regainedbi-isa * New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures IV: Isaiah – Lamentationsgr * God’s Kingdom Rules - Is the World’s End Near?yw * “Your Will Be Done on Earth”Branch Office Procedure of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of PennsylvaniaLearn to Read and Write (Spanish)Report of the Divine Will International Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses1958 Photos Part of the archive:
  7. "Divine Will International Assembly" of Jehovah's Witnesses held in the Yankee Stadium and New York Polo Grounds simultaneously, July 27-Aug. 3rd. On Aug. 1st. an audience of 194,418 adopts the resolution, which from paragraph 5 onward calls attention to the wicked world build up "since the founding of the city of Babylon." On Aug. 3rd., a public audience of 253,922 hear the Watch Tower Society president speak on the subject "God's Kingdom Rules - Is the World's End Near?" On July 30th. 7,136 were baptized, also the president released volume IV of the New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures to a crowd of 150,282. [653,273 publishers with 164 countries reporting in 1957, 10% increase over the 1956 service year, 16,883 congregations.] see w58 vol., pgs. 28-30. getfvid_10000000_2213169195642208_6198202385874026496_n.mp4
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  9. A Year in “the Good Land” In 1908 an exciting discovery was made at the site of the Biblical city of Gezer, which lies toward the coastal plain west of Jerusalem: a small limestone plaque, or tablet, believed to be from the tenth century B.C.E. On it, in ancient Hebrew script, was found what is thought to be a simplified version of an agricultural year, or cycle, with its various operations. This tablet has come to be known as the Gezer Calendar. The tablet bears a signature: Abijah. Though not all archaeologists agree, many consider it to be a schoolboy’s exercise set in verse.*(see footnote below) Would you like to see the passing of seasons through the eyes of a boy who lived back then? Doing so might help you to recall some Bible events. Two Months of Ingathering The writer of this ancient calendar began with the general ingathering. While it was listed first in this calendar, you can understand why the Israelites considered this ingathering to be the climax, or the end, of the major part of the agricultural year. The month of Ethanim (later called Tishri) corresponds to September/October on our present calendar. With the bulk of the harvesting finished, this was a particularly festive time that would have involved young Abijah. Imagine his excitement while helping his father make the booth that would become their home for a week as they joyfully thanked Jehovah for the fruitage of their fields!—Deuteronomy 16:13-15. About this time, the olives were nearly ready for Abijah’s family to harvest them by beating the tree branches, a job that may have been too hard for young Abijah but fun to watch. (Deuteronomy 24:20) They would then pick up the olives and take them to the nearest stone press to make oil. Or a family might obtain some oil by a simpler method—that of placing beaten or cracked olives in water and scooping up any oil that floated to the surface. In any case, this precious liquid provided more than food. It was also used as fuel for lamps and to treat bruises and wounds, such as a lad like Abijah might get while playing. Two Months of Sowing When the early rains began, Abijah might have been happy to feel the cool shower on his skin. His father probably told him how important rain is for the land. (Deuteronomy 11:14) The soil, baked hard for months by the sun, would soften and become ready for plowing. The ancient plowman skillfully guided a wooden plow, perhaps one having a metal tip, as an animal pulled it along. The goal was to make straight furrows in the soil. The land was precious, so Israelite farmers even made use of small plots, including slopes. But there they might have to use handheld implements. Once the softened soil was plowed, wheat and barley could be sown. Interestingly, the next entry in the Gezer Calendar refers to two months of such planting. The sower might carry the grain in a fold in his clothes and spread the seed with a wide sweeping movement of his arm. Two Months of Late Sowing “The good land” never ceased producing food. (Deuteronomy 3:25) During December, the rainfall reached its peak and the land became green. It was the time for a late sowing of legumes, such as peas and chickpeas, as well as other vegetables. (Amos 7:1, 2) On the tablet, Abijah called this the “spring pasture” or, according to another rendering, the “late planting,” a time of delicious dishes made with many vegetables from this period. As the somewhat cold season warmed up, the almond tree, a harbinger of spring, blossomed with white and pink flowers. This could start at the slightest warming, as early as January.—Jeremiah 1:11, 12. One Month of Cutting Flax Abijah next mentioned flax. That might call to your mind an episode that happened centuries before Abijah’s time on the east side of the Judean hills. In the city of Jericho, Rahab hid two spies “among stalks of flax laid in rows” that had been put out to dry on her roof. (Joshua 2:6) Flax played an important part in the Israelites’ lives. To release the flax fibers, the plant material first had to rot. This would take place slowly with the dew or more rapidly by placing the flax in a pond or a stream. Once separated, the flax fibers were used to produce linen, which was then made into sails, tents, and clothes. Flax was also used for lamp wicks. Some object to the idea that flax was grown in the Gezer area, where water was somewhat scarce. Others maintain that flax was grown only later in the year. That is why some hold that in the Gezer Calendar, the word “flax” was a synonym for fodder “grass.” One Month of Barley Harvest Each year, close to the spring equinox, Abijah observed the green ears of barley, the crop he mentioned next on his calendar. The corresponding month in Hebrew is Abib, meaning “Green Ears,” possibly referring to the stage when the ears are ripe but still soft. Jehovah commanded: “Let there be an observing of the month of Abib, and you must celebrate the passover to Jehovah.” (Deuteronomy 16:1) Abib (later called Nisan) corresponds to parts of today’s March and April. The time of the ripening of barley may have played a role in determining the start of this month. Even today, Karaite Jews observe this ripening to establish their new year. In any case, barley firstfruits had to be waved before Jehovah on the 16th of Abib.—Leviticus 23:10, 11. Barley had a very important place in the everyday life of most Israelites. Cheaper than wheat, barley was often preferred for making bread, particularly by the poor.—Ezekiel 4:12. One Month of Harvest and Measure If you think back to Abijah’s time, you can imagine that early one morning he might have noticed the heavy clouds dissipating—no more rain for a while. The plants of the good land were now dependent on the dew. (Genesis 27:28; Zechariah 8:12) Israelite farmers were aware that many crops harvested during the sunniest months of the year needed a subtle balance of winds until Pentecost. The cold, wet wind coming from the north might have benefited developing cereals, but such were damaging to fruit trees once they blossomed. The hot, dry wind from the south helped the blossoms to open and pollinate.—Proverbs 25:23; Song of Solomon 4:16. Jehovah, the Master of the elements, had set in motion a finely tuned ecological system. In Abijah’s day, Israel was really “a land of wheat and barley and vines and figs and pomegranates, a land of oil olives and honey.” (Deuteronomy 8:8) Abijah’s grandfather may have told him about the extraordinary period of abundance under wise King Solomon’s rule—clear evidence of Jehovah’s blessing.—1 Kings 4:20. After mentioning harvesting, the calendar contained a word that some take to mean “measuring.” That might refer to measuring the harvest to give portions to the owners of the field and to the workers or even to pay as a tax. However, other scholars understand the Hebrew word to be “feasting” and see in this an allusion to the Festival of Weeks, which fell in the month of Sivan (May/June).—Exodus 34:22. Two Months of Leaf Plucking Abijah next wrote about two months of tending vines. Might he have helped to pluck the abundant foliage off the vines to allow the sun to reach the grapes? (Isaiah 18:5) Then came the time to gather the grapes, an exciting period for a youth back then. How delicious the first ripe grapes were! Abijah had likely heard about the 12 spies sent into the Promised Land by Moses. They went in the days of the first ripe fruits of the grapes to see how good the land was. On that occasion, one bunch of grapes was so large that it took two men to carry it!—Numbers 13:20, 23. One Month of Summer Fruit The last entry on Abijah’s calendar referred to summer fruit. In the ancient Middle East, summer was the part of the agricultural year that focused on fruit. After Abijah’s time, Jehovah used the expression “a basket of summer fruit” to illustrate that ‘the end had come to his people Israel,’ using a wordplay with “summer fruit” and “end” in Hebrew. (Amos 8:2) This should have reminded unfaithful Israel that it had reached its end and that Jehovah’s judgment was due. Figs were no doubt among the summer fruits that Abijah was referring to. Summer figs might be pressed into cakes to eat or used as a poultice for boils.—2 Kings 20:7. The Gezer Calendar and You Young Abijah was likely in direct contact with the agricultural life of the country. Farm activities were widespread among the Israelites in those days. Even if you are not in close contact with agricultural activities, the references in this tablet from Gezer can help to bring your Bible reading to life, making it more understandable and meaningful. *[Footnote] There is not full agreement about the correspondency between the list on the Gezer Calendar and the months generally followed in the Bible. Furthermore, some agricultural operations could take place at slightly different times in the various areas of the Promised Land. photos & info are from pgs 8-12 of the 06/15/07 Watchtower.
  10. What would Moses think of this type of dancing when coming down from Mt. Sinai? Instead of spending the time choreographing and practicing these dance moves.... should they try to pioneer? hold bible studies? Maybe more personal study? This type of display is discouraged by true servants of Jehovah who always strive to show "Godliness" This type of display started a few years with dancing in a Kingdom Hall in Katy, Texas and has now spread worldwide. Brothers and sisters.... "Quit be fashioned after this system of things".... and "go on perceiving what the will of God is" Do not waste time on such fruitless activities such as this. Remember the counsel we gave to the 16 year old child who wanted violin lessons at the 2016 Regional Convention? READ GOD's WORD THE BIBLE DAILY..... and you won't have time for such frivolous activities. Become a missionary..... build Kingdom halls..... help the aged..... clean the KH..... Stop wasting time dancing around trying to convince the world it is FUN to be a JW. Fun will not save millions from Armageddon. Can a young brother be considered serious enough to be an elder or MS if he is seen dancing around at conventions? Did Jesus dance around in public like this? Can you imagine Jesus and the 12 Apostles putting on a showy display while being filmed at the Sermon on the Mount? Regain your senses. Be fruitful and become wise....
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  12. OPPOSERS GROUPS • Jehovah’s Witnesses and Biblical Discussion Group • Loyal followers of Jehovah’s Organisation JW (please note the ‘s’ instead of ‘z’ in title) • Jehovah’s Witnesses Come Out of Her My People • Jehovah Witness End Time Prophecy • JW Preachers of God’s Kingdom • Walk With Jehovah • AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND EX-JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (also Canadian, Portugal, New England, New York, NY Capitol Region, NORTH DAKOTA, ONTARIO, PENNSYLVANIA, Pittsburgh, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH AFRICA, United Kingdom, U.S. Southern, WASHINGTON, ) • JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES PORTUGAL AND BRAZIL • Silver Sword, New World Translation • CHRISTIAN AND JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES BIBLE DISCUSSION GROUP • Jehovah’s Witnesses History and Beliefs • YHWH JHVH Jehowah, Jehovah, Yeshuah and Jesus is God the Father • Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide (With Lex Gerald Oineseb Quibuyen as an admin) • JW Answers • JW Awake • JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES HELPING THE UNEMPLOYED • JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES:COMFORT IN THE DEPRESSION • JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES: ONLY FOR SINGLE GROUP • JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES. RUSSIAN • SERVE JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES IN (ARGENTINA/SPAIN/MEXICO) • JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES. VIDEOS ONLY • JEHOVAH’S WINTESSES AND ISLAM • The Vast Apostate Army • Theocratic ministry school • “This Generation Will Not Pass Away’ 100 Year Anniversary • WORLD UNITED BROTHERHOOD • JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES. GERMANY • JHWH/YHWH • ANY group with the following people in them, either members or admins: Barry Martin Augustin Astaciao Barbara Anderson Timothy Schultz Wilbur Schultz Christian Freedom Craig Perry Mason Stevens Marina Lopez Roy Milton Sheryl Lamb Sylvia J. Smith Zecora Sparlock (also known as Captain Sparlock, or any name with Sparlock in it) Brenda Lee Jim Moon Adam Pryzblyz (or similar spelling) Mimi Doria Thomas miner Wendy Scott
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