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    Shiwiii reacted to JW Insider in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    I'm not speaking for any of the other persons who have questioned it, but the only scripture that was used is this:
    (Exodus 1:6) 6 Joseph eventually died, and also all his brothers and all that generation. The problem is that this scripture does not support what Brother Splane is saying. In fact, it more likely says exactly the opposite. Just look at the context to see that "all that generation" refers to Joseph and his brothers and all those who were alive at the same time as all of Joseph's brothers. It did not include all of Joseph's parent's generation, or his children's generation, or his grandchildren's generation. In fact, if you back up just 10 verses in the Pentateuch, you read in Genesis 50:23:
    (Genesis 50:23) Joseph saw the third generation of Eʹphra·im’s sons, also the sons of Maʹchir, Ma·nasʹseh’s son. They were born upon Joseph’s knees. The third generation was contemporary with Joseph "born upon Joseph's knees, in fact. But they were not in the same generation as Joseph. They were, just as it says, the "third generation."
    But first there is an even clearer reason to see that this explanation is wrong. In fact, Brother Splane accidentally ruined his entire explanation using his own words in the talk. Listen closely to the video above from the point marked 2m:38s to 2m:53s. These fifteen seconds prove that his reasoning is false.
    He says:
    But now what did Joseph and his brothers all have in common? They were all contemporaries. They had all lived at the same time. They were part of the same generation. So a quick test: Was Joseph Rutherford part of that first group? Was A. H. MacMillan? Was W. E. Van Amburgh? The answer is YES, according to Brother Splane, at the point from 7m:38s to 7m:54s in the video above. Who else was part of that second group? At 11m:16s to 11m:28s, he adds: "...in addition, there are Karl Klein, John Barr, Albert Schroeder. All the current members of the Governing Body are also part of 'this generation.'"
    Now it's easy to see what's wrong with this picture, and why Exodus 1:6 actually disproves the currently proposed theory:
    Were the current members of the Governing Body contemporaries of Rutherford, MacMillan and Van Amburgh? NO!! Of course, not! Rutherford died in 1942 Brother Sanderson was born February 4, 1965. He was baptized just days after he turned 10, on February 9, 1975. So it's not likely that he became "anointed" (a requirement to be in the second group) until 1975 or after. That's 33 years after Rutherford died! So this alone proves that they were not all contemporaries. The same is true of all members of the current Governing Body. They were not all contemporaries with the persons in the first group. We could paraphrase what Brother Splane said about Exodus 1:6:
    But now what did the members of this first and second group of brothers all have in common? They were NOT all contemporaries. They had NOT all lived at the same time. So they were NOT part of the same generation. In order get this flaw in the logic past us without too many people noticing, some "sleight of hand" was necessary. It was important to interrupt the identification of the first group with their obvious contemporaries while still under the definition based on Exodus 1:6  that they ALL had to be contemporaries. Then the word "all" was changed to "some" and was slipped in quickly without any emphasis on the word "some" at the 8m:20s mark. Then the word "some" was slipped in again with just slightly more emphasis at around the 9m:40s mark. Here's how:
    He does OK up to 7m:54s while still speaking of real and actual contemporaries in the "first group." Then, at 8m:20s into the video Brother Splane gives away the first clue that shows where the reasoning went wrong. In speaking of the second group and mentioning Knorr, Swingle, Suiter, Henschel and Gangas, he says that "They were anointed contemporaries of some in the first group." He does it again at 9m:40s to 9m:54s, where he says: "In order to be part of this generation, someone would have had to have been anointed before 1992, because he would have to have been a contemporary of some of the first group."
  2. Like
    Shiwiii reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    So, not a single scripture that shows Jesus understood a "generation" to be as currently defined by the Governing Body.  
    Anything that is not THAT, is looking into an empty basket, and seeing it overflowing with wisdom ... a self induced FANTASY
    NEWSFLASH !,  Jesus understood a generation to be the EXACT same way that EVERYBODY in HIS time understood it ... All civilization marks he time between one statistically average persons' birth and his death .. ONE GENERATION. 
    That is the way it has ALWAYS been understood ... since civilization began and they started counting years, AND counting children.
    That is the way EVERYBODY, and I do mean EVERYBODY that is not delusional and trying to CYA with a fantasy explanation understands it now.
    You can have overlapping generations between peoples, sure ... BUT THAT IS NOT THE SAME GENERATION..
    It only takes ONE sentence and plain old common sense to understand this !
    " A generation is the time between ONE statistically average persons'  birth and his death. ".
    That's IT ... one simple sentence explains it all.
    Every life Insurance company in the world will pay you the policy benefits specified when you reach 100 years of age, even though you have not actually died.
    If you are alive at 100 years old, you get the money ... yourself!
    Previous threads did answer those concerns, and yes, I did not like them, because ....
  3. Like
    Shiwiii reacted to Noble Berean in Is this legit? Is there a kingdom hall/assembly hall in Helsinki, Denmark shaped like the Eye of Providence (Illuminati)? Perhaps our Denmark brothers/sisters could chip in...   
    This is what the "assembly hall/kingdom hall" looks like on Google Maps.
    Here's a link to the Google Maps listing. I've never seen a kingdom hall with a Facebook Page either. I also noticed there is an image of peculiar private rooms on their FB page.
    If this is true, it is very concerning to me. I do not agree with our organization using a masonic/illuminati symbol and would like an explanation.
  4. Like
    Shiwiii reacted to Srecko Sostar in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    Anna you have answer before eyes :))))
  5. Like
    Shiwiii reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    ..... human capacity to believe two or more entirely different and contradictory things at the same time ... unfortunately, is what defines us as being human.
    AGENDAS supply the focus ... not searching for TRUTH.
  6. Like
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    Hey, wasn't there something about money in this weeks meeting? Something about the average amount a publisher should be contributing? And you say they don't ask for money.......lol

  7. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Noble Berean in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    i'm in i'm in!      Wait.................... which generation is this for? 
  8. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Noble Berean in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    Tell me how the overlapping generation is a matter of personal opinion? 
    Didn't everyone think those old folks on the cover of that mag were not going to die? This was doctrine. Then it became those who were alive and could perceive the events of that time would not die. Next it was those who were born then would not die, and now it includes people not even in the same generation? how absurd. I can dig up the wt references if you'd like. 
  9. Like
    Shiwiii reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    I STRONGLY suspect that in the great majority of cases where a person professes loyalty to those that deliberately pervert Justice and Truth in order not to be embarrassed, or sued, and to maintain their positions of authority, and keep the money rolling in  .... it is because they themselves are afraid of punishment for "disloyalty" ... having their reputations ruined, and their families destroyed.
    No one LIKES being "burned at the stake for a witch".
  10. Like
    Shiwiii reacted to Anna in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    Well I'm assuming it's the 23rd of this month this year so it appears no one living today will be left out!
  11. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    It's thoughts like these that make me question the devotion to each and every teaching that comes from the wt's mouth as if it WERE from God. Obey or else! Why is there no allowance for personal opinion/understanding? What about all of those folks who thought that it was probably ok to take SOME blood fractions, or organs prior to the change made by the wt? Doesn't really matter now, they're dead.....well you get the point. 
  12. Haha
    Shiwiii reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    The rewards program goes like this, as an example ...
    The JW singer Prince (PBUH) contributed about $38 thousand dollars a month to his local Kingdom Hall.  Most of this was sent to Brooklyn, which was then the JW Headquarters. 
    In exchange, he lived a lifestyle, and had associates both personal and professional that you and I would be disfellowshipped for.
    When he died of drug overdose, you could almost hear the salivating over his estate across State lines.
    You have heard that after you die, you have to pay for your sins?
    Down here on Earth there is an unofficial "good ol' boys" price list.
    And don't even get me STARTED about the Australian JW Michael Jackson Day Care Centers!
  13. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Witness in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    I thought that the wt did't ask for money? Or is it literally about a plate being passed? 
    I noticed that in the past few years, lots and lots of property has been sold in Brooklyn and surrounding areas as well as some kh's. Why this sudden grab for money? In addition to this, we can see in the screen shot above that credit cards are now an option? Really? Whatever happend to what Russell said way back when? Here is a quote from next weeks wt study that quotes yesteryear: 
    chapter 18 of "God's Kingdom Rules."
    “It Will Never Beg nor Petition Men for Support”
    7 Brother Russell and his associates refused to imitate the money-raising schemes so common in the churches of Christendom.  In the second issue of the Watch Tower, under the heading “Do You Want ‘Zion’s Watch Tower’?” Russell stated: “‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He.........fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.” Over 130 years later, The Watchtower and the organization that publishes it are still going strong! 
    8 Jehovah’s people do not beg for money. They do not pass collection plates or send out letters of solicitation. 
    This also reminds me of the relatively recent change in mortgages on hk's. No longer are there mortgages on some property's (kh's), they were paid off by the wt, but they are still required to continue to pay the same amount as they did before, but now pay it to the wt for an indefinite amount of time. Where do they get these funds to pay the "fake" mortgages? regular donations from the locals. 
    Lastly, what is the rewards program listed in the screen shot above? 
  14. Downvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    see previous post about where satan quotes scripture. Also, there are a plethora of scholars who do not, most of which are trained in Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic and Latin. 
    This is because it NEVER occurred in ANY ancient Greek manuscript of the new testament.
    Again, the Septuagint is the greek old testament, not the new testament. So it is of course likely that it was in the Septuagint because the old testament is where we find YHWH and the like.
    who can say ANY of it was? There is a reason why the translators remained anonymous, so they didn't get laughed at. This is a classic attempt at humble-bragging by the wt. 
    you're right, why do we need to know if someone if qualified to do anything? I mean it doesn't matter if elders are qualified to counsel people on things that they know nothing about, like PTSD from child sexual abuse, right? It must be a good thing to have a 6 year old questioned by their accuser and other men with whom everyone that child knows bows down to......err does obeisance.   
  15. Confused
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    Can you show me where I said he was a scholar?
    You must think two years of Greek is all it takes to become a scholar. So that means, to you anyway, that 'sufficient' and 'scholar' are synonyms. And you were going to guide us through the translations from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English? lol
  16. Haha
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    wrong, I was asking what did they believe not what language they wrote in or how many languages they played "telephone" in. 
    What I choose not to do it allow you to try and create a convoluted mess to try and distort what is written. 
    You like the nwt because the wt said so. You know as well as I that there was never a true scholar on the translation dept to create the nwt. It has been admitted by the gb as well as proven in court. 
  17. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    see previous post about where satan quotes scripture. Also, there are a plethora of scholars who do not, most of which are trained in Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic and Latin. 
    This is because it NEVER occurred in ANY ancient Greek manuscript of the new testament.
    Again, the Septuagint is the greek old testament, not the new testament. So it is of course likely that it was in the Septuagint because the old testament is where we find YHWH and the like.
    who can say ANY of it was? There is a reason why the translators remained anonymous, so they didn't get laughed at. This is a classic attempt at humble-bragging by the wt. 
    you're right, why do we need to know if someone if qualified to do anything? I mean it doesn't matter if elders are qualified to counsel people on things that they know nothing about, like PTSD from child sexual abuse, right? It must be a good thing to have a 6 year old questioned by their accuser and other men with whom everyone that child knows bows down to......err does obeisance.   
  18. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    Can you show me where I said he was a scholar?
    You must think two years of Greek is all it takes to become a scholar. So that means, to you anyway, that 'sufficient' and 'scholar' are synonyms. And you were going to guide us through the translations from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English? lol
  19. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    This is only within your own mind, which is ok.  Numerous scholars disagree with you. F Franz was a very educated man, but...
    According to Raymond Franz, only Fred Franz had "sufficient knowledge of the Bible languages to attempt translation of this kind. He had studied Greek for two years in the University of Cincinnati but was only self taught In Hebrew." Raymond Franz, Crisis of Conscience (Atlanta: Commentary Press, 1983)
    Two years of Greek does not compare in the slightest to the Greek scholars who disagree with Franz and the nwt. It really doesn't matter too much, as I'm sure you have convinced yourself otherwise. I'm just not wired that way, I choose to search and see for myself if things are true or not. 
  20. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    wrong, I was asking what did they believe not what language they wrote in or how many languages they played "telephone" in. 
    What I choose not to do it allow you to try and create a convoluted mess to try and distort what is written. 
    You like the nwt because the wt said so. You know as well as I that there was never a true scholar on the translation dept to create the nwt. It has been admitted by the gb as well as proven in court. 
  21. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    This doesn't make much sense to me. So you are suggesting a translation from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English? Now why would you go and do all of that? We already have the Aramaic to Greek and the Hebrew to Greek, so why insert another language into the mix? Not necessary. Don't you think?  
  22. Like
    Shiwiii reacted to Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    Mr. Ewing
    When studying Latin, I was struck with the directness of the language.
    Google translate is good only to a point, not something I would use or rely upon.
    You cannot translate the Latin of John 1:1 with “a” at the end as you suggest.
    “Deus erat Verbum” translates directly to, “Word was God”
    It cannot in anyway translate to “Word was [a] God”. <><
  23. Like
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    distract???? What was the understanding prior to the 1500's? What did the founding fathers understand and write about? Do you mean to tell me that God Himself allowed misunderstanding from 100 ad until the 1500's for the world to be in confusion? Really? Why would God allow ANY misunderstanding? Isn't it your belief that the Word of God is in fact complete? Why does it take a group of men to change the meaning of the Bible from what gods people, ANYONE WILLING TO READ THE BIBLE AND ACCEPT IT, to what the wt says it means? 
  24. Upvote
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    just a drop of poison won't hurt will it? 
  25. Like
    Shiwiii got a reaction from Cos in Demonism and the Watchtower   
    yes they were and were used in publications as support. 
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