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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. Simple answer, It is in Scripture. Matthew 7 : 15 - 17 Berean Study BibleBeware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Deuteronomy 18:22 Berean Study BibleWhen a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD and the message does not come to pass or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him. From the time of Russell the Leaders have thought they are the 'Faithful and Discreet Salve'. They have thought they were giving the 'proper food at the proper time'. But the food they were giving was LIES. The scripture above proves it. The Scriptures judge the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses. Therefore I am not placing myself above Christ. But, as I've been told before on here, there is no one in the JW Org above the GB. No one in the JW Org can get the GB to confess or repent. No JWs can remove the whole GB from that Org. So the Org contiues to dominated by a Wicked Slave thet beats their fellow slaves.
  2. Maybe JWs think they help people, but the same as the mainstream churches, most of it is false promises. Telling a person they have to be a baptised JW to be saved and that they must do it before year X, and calling that help ??? Teaching people the words of your GB instead of the word of God, and calling that help ??? I don't think so ...............
  3. Sorry Srecko. I can see what happened. You had quoted Thinking's comment complete, and I took the quotes from your quote, hence they came up with your name. I'm sorry, it's my fault, I got lazy. I should have gone to Thinking's original post for all of his comments. I cannot amend it now as it won't let me make changes. sorry. I will learn a lesson from this and be more careful in the future.
  4. Being an ex-JW is not a bad thing. It is not a sin. Because it is plain to see that God and Christ do not work through the JW Org, and do not work through the GB.
  5. Yes, my heart is not good. I am not the man I would like to be. I will reserve comment on this. but you already know my feelings Have a nice day.
  6. What you actually have IS JWs that are slaves of the GB. 1. Because the GB say that they are the 'Faithful and discreet Slave' 2. Because JWs have always only used GB material to witness to others. 3. JWs standing by a cart / trolly giving out GB propaganda. They are not handing out Bibles, which IS the word of God. They are handing out Watchtowers, Awakes, tracts, books, ALL written and/or approved by that GB. 4. What are supposed to be 'Bible Studies' but in reality are Book Studies with the possible mention of a few scriptures. Those books are written by the GB. Proof of such is simple when certain books are removed because certain GB members were also removed. Look at the history of the JW org. And Moses DIDN'T enter the 'Promised Land'. Neither will the GB. But the GB state as fact that they WILL go to Heaven. A bit presumptuous ????? No indeed. In fact you comply. Continuing to hide Pedophiles in the JW org. Continuing to shun innocent victims and others that have been 'thrown out' just because the Elders do not like them. Wrong. You are not exactly mentally in or spiritually in if you know that the GB are not inspired and that you do not always believe what they say. Because if you were totally in you would believe they are the F&DS and you would follow their every word. So you are telling all JWs to remain in an immoral Org and to dish out the lies from the GB. Come on think about it. The mid-week meetings used to tell you (probs still do) exactly what to say to people 'on the doors'. The Sunday meetings comprised of a 'Public Talk' with a GB outline, and a Watchtower written by the GB. It was all the GB's words. Not the word of God. And because the GB and all the other hierarchy including Elders are so self righteous, Child Sexual Abuse probably still happens in congregations and is still not reported to the Police or the 'superior authorities'. I'm still waiting to hear what has happened to that 25 year + Child Sex Abuse Database that the GB / Lawyers are hiding in their USA HQ. You really expect JWs to invite young families into the JW Org when the JW Org is such an immoral dangerous place to be right now ???? No, what they do is make excuses, just as you have done, and why ? Because you and others are frightened to 'go it alone'. That shows where your faith is, in the Org and not in God through Christ. JWs would have offered their children to a false god, and then JWs would have said 'but we didn't burn as many children as the other nations did'. That is exactly what JWs are saying about Child Sexual Abuse. JWs are saying 'But we don't abuse as many children as other religions do'. I've read it on here and I would think you have read it to. That is the Org you are part of. That is what you defend.
  7. What it says is, that I am capable of taking an individual comment, and either agreeing with it or not. It matters not who is making the comment. That's why i don't block anyone here. Everyone is capable of saying something 'interesting'. The presumption comes from you. That seems to bother you. It does not bother me as I know the GB are fake anointed. Or at least have lost their station. And this is exactly why a True Anointed Remnant are needed. If it is only you people that think you are so clever that have any hope, then most of the people in this world are lost already. Jesus did not go to the highest educated. He taught basic people. Do you think they could all translate Hebrew into Greek ? I don't think so. I am no better, but my sins are different. I do not abuse anyone, not have I ever. I am not a danger to others. I do not spread false teachings or lies. None of us are any better. We are all sinners and all deserve to die. I am ready to die, are you ?
  8. If you were corrupted by individuals here then your Christian conscience and your faith must be rather low. There is far more corruption out there in that 'real world'. Or are you at home permanently ?
  9. I asked you for proof that the person to whom you accuse, is actually a pedophile. I don't see proof yet just more waffle. I have said I am not worthy of life in the 'new world', which is true. That seems to bother you. The GB of the JW Org have been presumptuous enough to say that they WILL go to heaven. I only stated fact, that the writings from Matthew onward were written in Greek. Though I have heard that Matthew may have actually written in Hebrew, but I have no proof of it. But if you wish to call it the New Testament, so be it. And what, in your opinion, am I willing to accept ? My hatred of Pedophilia is well known here. But if you are part of the JW Org then you support Pedophilia because the GB of the W/t - JW Org make it possible for Pedophiles to hide within the JW Org. And I still don't read any news about that GB handing over the 25 year + Database containing names and addresses of accusations about American Pedophiles within the JW Org. So if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.
  10. @Dmitar I'm still waiting for your proof of this. I like you words here. it shows your stupidity. People here know who I am, and I know it was you that got me removed Billy + all the other AKAs you use. I think you must have around ten AKAs here and for what ? I am on a sort of mission, as all Christians should be. To make known the Good News of God's Kingdom. You mistake warnings and interpret them as vengeance ??? Your choice.
  11. I didn't know that I was 'associating with a known one'. I await your proof of this. But be careful or you will be giving away your AKAs.
  12. https://www.waheagle.com/story/2021/12/23/sheriffs-report/sheriffs-report-december-23-2021/20219.html Sheriff's Report, December 23, 2021 December 14 — 12:02 p.m. A caller, concerned that a person in the Elochoman Valley area had been using drugs and was not himself, requested a welfare check. A deputy responded and reported that the individual did not appear to be under the influence of drugs. 2:40 p.m. A caller reported that someone was riding a dirt bike around Glengate without a helmet. A deputy responded and spoke to an individual who admitted he had been riding without a helmet. He said he wouldn’t do it again. 5:56 p.m. A caller said a woman in Cathlamet had been screaming at her daughter. She wanted the woman to leave her family alone. 6:40 p.m. A caller reported three suspicious men, including one man in a wheelchair, going door to door in Cathlamet. He later said they were Jehovah’s Witnesses. 8:22 p.m. A caller said she had lost her phone, and that the “Find
  13. I'll just repeat this here But my advice to you, if you do not like my posts, is just 'scroll on by'.
  14. Ha Ha, I was just going to ask yo if you were so angry that you needed to post it 4 times That comment was funny however. I leave the sleeze to your JW org thanks. The place where Pedophiles roam free to harm young children.
  15. It only fails with BLIND JWs, because YOU want it to fail for YOU. Truthful Christians would see the truth in what I've written and would see the sly way you try to hide truth about your Leaders and your Org. But what you seem to be saying is your Leaders and your Org are no better and no different to the rest of the 'world' that belongs to the Devil.
  16. You are the one playing the 'fool's game' by living in that Org that is run by 8 men that pretend to be the Faithful and Discreet Slave. You are a slave to the ones you serve, and those ones are the Governing Body of the Org. For over 100 years the Leaders of that Org have deliberately told lies. The Watchtower writers, Leaders, helpers, then the JW set up, JW Org, all telling lies about what they pretended to know. We don't need to write details here of the lies as it's all been written here before. BUT you and others blind yourselves deliberately from all those things. Things which have been proven, not just made up stories. You crafty way of writing only fools those who want to be fooled. For instance this sentence of yours above. "It is a fool’s game to base judgments on the flaws of those taking the lead anywhere,...." We are not talking about ANYWHERE, we are talking about 8 men that say they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave. We are talking about 8 men that say "God and Christ trust us, so all JWs should trust us" We are talking about a GB that have told the Anointed 'not to gather together because if they do gather together those Anointed ones would be working against the Holy Spirit. This is who you follow. These are Your Leaders. Those wicked men who do not serve God through Christ but serve themselves and make slaves of you all. How can i say that ? Well for instance, on the ministry (when it was street work and carts) JWs didn't often go out with Bibles. JWs didn't often speak from their hearts. JWs handed out magazines and tracts. JWs stood by carts / trollies full of the GB's written words. It was all the GBs / helpers written words. It was not the Word of God... And so called Bible studies, were really a book study which might possibly include a very few scriptures. Remember that your JW Org is all based on the teachings which come from those ones you say "It is a fool’s game to base judgments on the flaws of those taking the lead anywhere,. Because those taking the lead are the ones you follow.
  17. Because you know who he really is and you even hinted at it previously. You and James have always liked each other.
  18. I can only presume that you were a very drunk dog when you wrote this rubbish. You can't get much worse that PEDOPHILE ELDERS RAPING YOUNG CHILDREN And then you add to this horror by having a GOVERNING BODY THAT HIDES THOSE PEDOPHILES IN THE JW ORG.
  19. It is good to note what is going on around the 'world', the Devil's 'world'. We are advised through scripture to 'Keep on the watch'. Each 'restriction' in each country, is a step toward the complete banning of human rights and the banning of the Christian 'religion'. It should matter to every True Christian as it becomes part of the 'sign of the times', the 'time of the end' of this wicked way of life here on God's Earth. But my advice to you, if you do not like my posts, is just 'scroll on by'.
  20. You describe the Governing Body of JWs very well in this sentence above. And the Leaders of the Watchtower have been doing this for over a hundred years. They play ping pong with scriptures, changing their view of interpretation. They play ping pong with their predictions for Armageddon. They've played ping pong with the 'blood issue' and fractions. In fact they ping pong with people lives.
  21. I watched this video but I've no idea who he is or if he was reading from a book. Therefore I've no idea if what he was saying is true. Can you give me more details please, references etc.... Thanks.
  22. https://www.dw.com/en/russia-orders-closure-of-human-rights-group-memorial/a-60273615 Prosecutors accused Memorial International, the country's oldest human rights NGO, of distorting history while investigating crimes committed under Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Russia's Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the closure of Memorial International, one of the country's most prominent NGOs. The organization faced charges under the Russia's controversial NGO laws, which demands groups which are funded from abroad to clearly mark all their material as issued by "a foreign agent." https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211228-russia-s-supreme-court-orders-the-closure-of-memorial-country-s-best-known-human-rights-group Russia's Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the closure of Memorial, the country's most prominent rights group, which chronicled Stalin-era purges and symbolised the post-Soviet democratisation. Judge Alla Nazarova ordered the closure of Memorial International, the organisation's central structure, over breaches of its designation as a "foreign agent" by not marking all its publications with the label as required by law. Prosecutors also accused Memorial International of denigrating the memory of the Soviet Union and its victories and rehabilitating "Nazi criminals". During Tuesday's hearing a prosecutor said Memorial "creates a false image of the USSR as a terrorist state and denigrates the memory of World War II". https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/12/28/russia-rights-memorial-liquidated/ Russia’s International Memorial Society, which documented Soviet-era repression, was liquidated for breaches of the country’s law on foreign agents MOSCOW — Russia’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the liquidation of the country’s most prominent human rights organization, the International Memorial Society, in a decision that dismayed rights advocates. The ruling signaled the Kremlin’s determination to obliterate dissent, after a year in which authorities have jailed and harassed hundreds of opposition figures, activists, journalists and human rights lawyers, forcing dozens of them to flee the country for their safety. The International Memorial Society, known as Memorial, was set up by dissidents — including renowned Nobel Peace Prize laureate Andrei Sakharov — during the final years of the Soviet Union. 3 reports about the same thing, but sorry folks they are all from 'main stream media', which some of you don't like. I just thought some of you might find it interesting. I do.
  23. India bans Mother Teresa charity from receiving funds from abroad https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/dec/28/india-bans-mother-teresa-charity-from-receiving-funds-from-abroad The Indian government has blocked Mother Teresa’s charity from receiving funds from abroad, just days after it faced a police investigation for “hurting religious sentiments of Hindus” amid rising intolerance towards Christians in India. The home ministry, which made the decision on Christmas Day, said it had come across “adverse inputs” when considering the application. The rejection of the application comes less than two weeks after Hindu hardliners accused the charity of carrying out forced conversions of Hindus to Christianity in a home for girls it runs in Vadodara in the state of Gujarat. The accusations, which the charity fiercely denies, were that the charity was “luring” poor young Hindu women into becoming Christian by forcing them to read Christian texts and take part in Christian prayer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesus statue smashed in spate of attacks on India’s Christian community Amid growing intolerance to India’s Christian minority, several Christmas events were targeted by Hindu right wing groups https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/27/jesus-statue-smashed-in-spate-of-attacks-on-indias-christian-community Festive celebrations were disrupted, Jesus statues were smashed and effigies of Santa Claus were burned in a spate of attacks on India’s Christian community over Christmas. Amid growing intolerance and violence against India’s Christian minority, who make up about 2% of India’s population, several Christmas events were targeted by Hindu right wing groups, who alleged Christians were using festivities to force Hindus to convert. “As December comes, the Christian missionaries become active in the name of Christmas, Santa Claus and New Year. They lure children by making Santa Claus distribute gifts to them and attract them towards Christianity,” said Ajju Chauhan regional general secretary of Bajrang Dal, one of the right wing Hindu outfits leading the protest. Speaking to local media, Father Anand, a priest at the ashram, said the protests were indicative of the increased attacks that Christians in India have been facing in recent months, as allegations of forced conversion of Hindus to Christianity have become rampant and an anti-Christian hysteria has begun to grow across India. “This is a symbol of what is happening because these people have impunity, and it creates tension,” said Anand. “Every Sunday is a day of terror and trauma for Christians, especially those belonging to those small churches.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course JWs don't celebrate Christmas and True Christians wouldn't celebrate Christmas either. But this seems to be more than just a Christmas thing. @Arauna has warned of anti Christian behavior around the world. Both articles quoted are a lot longer but the main points are here.
  24. BUT, True Christians would NOT tell lies pretending to know when Armageddon is going to happen. True Christians would NOT insult and degrade the True Anointed ones. True Christians would NOT hide Pedophiles in their organization. True Christians would NOT cast out Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, nor call those children liars. True Christians would NOT allow people to become collateral damage within their Organization, just to keep the outside of that Org looking 'nice' and 'clean'. In fact, True Christians wound NOT be Jehovah's Witnesses.
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