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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. https://ukhumanrightsblog.com/2021/03/25/jehovahs-witnesses-congregation-vicariously-liable/ In The Trustees of the Barry Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses v BXB [2021] EWCA Civ 356, the Court of Appeal has offered further guidance on vicarious liability following Supreme Court decisions last year in VM Morrison Supermarkets PLC v Various Claimants [2020] UKSC 12 and Barclays Bank v Various Claimants [2020] UKSC 13. As set out in these posts by Robert Kellar QC and Anna Williams, the ‘law of vicarious liability is on the move’ (in the words of Lord Phillips). This case, however, illustrates certain settled principles emerging. In this case, the decision that Barry Congregation was vicariously liable for the rape of Mrs B by Mark Sewell, an elder of the Congregation, in 1990, was upheld. Mark Sewell was convicted of the rape (amongst other offences) of Mrs B in 2014. Mrs B suffered episodes of depression and post-traumatic disorder. She brought a claim against, amongst others, the Trustees of the Barry Congregation for the injuries suffered as a result of the rape claiming they were vicariously liable. There was a second limb to the claim related to the investigation and ‘judicial process’ undertaken by the congregation when Mrs B reported the rape to elders in 1991. However, because the High Court found that the Barry Congregation was vicariously liable, the second limb was not considered. Taking these features of the relationship together, the following conclusions can be drawn: (a) The fact that Mark Sewell held a position in the Congregation (initially, ministerial servant) was an important part of the reason why Mr and Mrs B started to associate with Mark and Mary Sewell. (b) But for Mark Sewell’s and Tony Sewell’s position as elders, Mr and Mrs B would probably not have remained friends with Mark Sewell by the time of the rape. There was, therefore, the ‘strong causative link’ referred to by Lord Phillips in the Catholic Child Welfare Society case at [86]. (c) The Defendants created or significantly enhanced the risk that Mark Sewell would sexually abuse Mrs B by creating the conditions in which the two might be alone together through (i) Tony Sewell’s implied instruction that she continue to act as his confidante (an instruction which carried the authority conferred by the Defendants because of his position as an elder) and (ii) investing Mark Sewell with the authority of an elder, thereby making it less likely that Mrs B (or others) would question his motives and emboldening him to think that he could act as he wished with little fear of adverse consequences. (d) The rape took place in circumstances closely connected to the carrying out by Mark Sewell and Mrs B of religious duties at a venue – Mark Sewell’s home – which was ‘approved’ by the elders of the Barry Congregation. (e) One of the reasons for the rape was Mark Sewell’s belief that an act of adultery was necessary to provide scriptural grounds for him to divorce Mary. His mindset, in which he appears to have equiparated rape and adultery, was closely bound up with his position as an elder.” But still JWs say it isn't the Elders or MS that commit these crimes.
  2. Actually what Xero means is, his life is so much better when he turns his back on truth . His choice of course, if he cannot face reality. Maybe he is going back to his mother's basement now.
  3. And this person says he is an Elder. @JW Insider has already called him out about D O's, asking him when he was last in the Org. And once again this person presumes it knows what I'm doing or not doing. I have made known and will continue to make known what future this 'world' has and what future the Earth has. i make known who is the ruler of this 'world' and why. And of course i make known who Almighty God is and who Christ is, and what they have done, what they are doing, and will do in the future. BUT i don't pretend to know the 'day or the hour' of the coming Judgement. But xero's comment is really sad and unfortunately shows some kind of mental instability.
  4. So when you go door to door you offer people free BIBLES do you ? No, you offer the words of men, not the words of God. You promote living by the GB / Watchtower / JW Org rules, not living by God's standards. And yes I can promote God and Christ and the Kingdom, without being part of an Organisation. I do wonder what JWs think that followers of Christ called themselves or were called by others. Oh yes it was Christians. But being called a Christian isn't good enough for JWs because they have to prove that they serve the JW Org.
  5. This is so funny........ It's @TrueTomHarley all over again. Tom is xero your AKA ? Firstly he lumps all so called 'Opposers' together. Secondly he thinks he knows exactly what those Opposers would think or do.
  6. Basically leaving yourself wriggle movement. But the True Anointed won't need to do that because their information will be through Holy Spirit. JWs will be shocked when it happens.
  7. The Org once taught that people should serve God because GOD DESERVES TO BE SERVED, not for the gain of everlasting life.
  8. Yes, the Watchtower / JW org relies on MONEY to keep them running. The money comes from dragging in more innocent people that believe the lies about 'Only baptised JWs will survive Armageddon'. So those Orgs have to keep pushing the lies that Armageddon is coming in five minutes, so you'd better get baptised in this Org.
  9. Does anyone see the problem with Xero's comment above ? Well, he deliberately confuses the issue by putting the BIBLE and denomination in the same 'pot'. Adherence to the BIBLE is NOT the same as adherence to any particular denomination. But xero trys to pretend it is all the same. Xero, you are wrong.
  10. Matthew 28 : 18 & 19. Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, It was a straightforward command from Jesus himself.
  11. JWs might know that worship belongs to God but, 1. the GB call themselves the F&DS and 2. the GB say that God and Christ trust the GB. Hence JWs serve the GB. Xero made some important comment about an 'authority' demanding that it's followers believed even things not understood. Then Xero extended that by saying that those people that were forced to believe, had to tell those things not understood, to other people. Basically, doing the ministry or cart work. Here in the UK we have (or did pre-lockdown) car boot sales, where people sell their own belongings. At these events JWs have a table displaying literature. NO bibles, just literature. Those JWs are not offering the word of God, they are offering the words of Men. In that way those JWs are worshipping the GB and the Org, and so are people on the door to door work that give out magazines or tracks, giving men's words not God's word. The misuse of the Romans scripture WAS bad. Russell had it right in earlier days. So that 'new light' was obviously not guided by Holy Spirit. The Anointed, Quote " You expect them to be either perfect, " So you argue with God if you wish. Matthew 5 : 48 You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Quote or led by holy spirit ... John 16 :7 Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you. John 14 : 16 And I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, 17 the spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive, because it neither sees it nor knows it. But the ones you consider to be the Anointed, your GB, do not have this 'spirit of the truth'. The CSA in such a large quantity and in so many countries in the JW Org, does prove that wickedness has developed and grown within the JW Org. And the GB withholding the USA 25 + year database of Pedophile accusations proves wickedness. Add to this that the Charity Commission here in the UK are still saying that the UK branch of the JW org is still deliberately blocking progress in the CSA investigation. Once agin if you wish to argue with God that is your chioce. And the big difference is between making mistakes and, deliberately being dishonest.
  12. BUT, you have just mentioned that all so called Christian religions use this same idea. So are you telling Catholics to to be obedient to the Pope ? How would you JWs get new recruits if everyone was obedient to the ones taking the lead in their religions ? No one would listen to you because they would be being obedient to their vicar or priest etc.. . However, firstly the scriptures are for the Anointed ones, secondly the scriptures do not apply to false religions. Otherwise that scripture would take away a person's own conscience.
  13. Does an Elder really react this way I think not. Just another AKA for someone. But i can tell you are badly hurt. You seem to write a lot about other people's mental state, I'll leave it there................ I forgive all your insults and laugh at them too.
  14. This comment is VERY SAD. Xero is using this persuasive idea that people that think in this way must have mental health problems. It is in fact just what the GB use to trick JWs. Remembering that the GB state that they ARE the F&DS, and that the GB state that GOD AND CHRIST TRUST THEM, then Xero wonders why the writings of that GB should be questioned. Those 8 men give themselves so much praise and give themselves bold titles, but then they write lies and false predictions. So this lady and everyone else is right to say exactly those words "If they didn't mean what they wrote, then why did they write what they wrote?"
  15. This is fantastic, because this has some deep meaning. So, a person has their own conscience..... But who decides on a person's 'scriptural responsibility' ? Does that person use their own conscience to decide on their own scriptural responsibility ? OR, does a person rely on 'an Organisation' to tell the person what that person's scriptural responsibility is ? Next we have this idea of : actively being told by authority that some non-obvious thing is true and that one must believe the non-obvious thing is true... The GB are such an 'authority' and they give themselves this authority by stating that they are the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave'. The GB have thereby given themselves power and authority. So JWs are indeed actively being told by authority that some non-obvious thing is true and that one must believe the non-obvious thing is true. So in this manner JWs are told what to believe. Now this gets even more serious when JWs are told to teach someone else in the same manner that this non-obvious thing is true. This is how lies snowball. Tell a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it. The next paragraph is equally interesting. But unfortunately Xero doesn't make it clear between the words organisation and AN Organisation. Xero is stating here that it is wrong to defy organisation even if a person is being faithful. However Xero does not say faithful to whom or to what. I presume xero means faithful to God. In this case I'd say, be faithful to God and defy organisation if the need arises. Things that are organised are not always right, and Organisations are not always right. but as Xero has mentioned, a person's conscience may not always be right. However, for my part i will work WITH my conscience. If i am to be judged I want to be judged on working with my conscience. I would not want to be judged for blindly obeying a Human authority as mentioned above.
  16. Nice to see this scripture. it proves it was written for the Anointed. while in the body obviously means in the human body before they become spirit beings.
  17. Thank you for this joke, it is sooooo funny The problem here is that CC is presuming he knows the minds or 'Ex JWs'. BUT, when direct orders come down from the GB through the ranks, then the GB / Watchtower ARE responsible for JWs actions that follow those orders. For instance when the GB states that "The Anointed will not want to meet together or if the Anointed meet together IT WILL BE WORKING AGAINST GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT"... Now that is directly from the GB, therefore the GB are responsible for the actions of the Anointed on this issue. Those 8 men cannot be the GOVERNING BODY ( the body which governs) without being held accountable for their direct orders and instructions.
  18. It isn't a 'collective conscience', it is dictatorship by your GB down through the ranks. That was made very clear in the misuse of the Romans scripture years ago. What this simply means is that JWs have found their comfort zone. They are happy because everyone in that 'zone' tells the same lies and is dishonest in the same ways. And they are all happy to serve the GB and the Org. It is similar to Catholics having their own comfort zone and all believeing their same lies. It actually sends the conscience to sleep. That must surely have been proven by the amount of Child Sexual Abuse allowed to happen in the JW Org Earthwide.
  19. A person's conscience has to be that person's individual conscience. And as @Srecko Sostar has said the other option is the Artificial conscience. But in reality the Artificial conscience is not a conscience, it is a person's life being controlled by other people. This is how the JW Org works for men. Rewards of Ministerial Servant or Elder for obeying the orders from the GB downward. The JW Org also uses this and it is a threat to all those baptised into the Org. Small consequence = Reproved. Big consequence = D/fed.. You do realise of course that Christianity was NEW back then. Completely new. There had never been anything like it before. We are now 2000 years into Christianity. But the JW Org takes over people's consciences. The GB makes rules, the congregants obey those rules. JW congregants just become a number, just like 'boots on the ground'. Reports put in to count numbers. Memorial attendance, to count numbers. As for : if we refuse to be a part of organization, how can we expect to prosper? That depends what you mean by prosper. BUT A person can be part of organisation, with out of being part of AN Organisation. I notice you did not say We never see Jehovah NOT use AN organization. Quote - Could be like one brother said "He doesn't take counsel." This is an Elders way of saying that a person 'does not do as WE tell him'. They would say it about me when i didn't wear a jacket and tie to meetings. . Quote - Will your conscience work right if it doesn't get recalibrated by scripture AND by others who admit to the same scriptures? Will your conscience work right if you just follow orders coming down from Leaders that are NOT inspired of God's Holy Spirit. And others that are seeking rewards from men as mentioned earlier in the comment.
  20. You will note that the 'coming to an accurate knowledge of truth' is written after 'should be saved'. So maybe the 'accurate knowledge will come later, after Armageddon for the Earthly class. But does anyone here on this Earth have accurate knowlendge right now ? Millions of people have Bibles. It's big business printing and selling them. But that hasn't brought about the 'accurate knowledge of truth'.
  21. But, this does not detract from the fact that, the Watchtower / Leaders, used a Greek manuscript, which one would presume they believed to be true, which included the word ME. Then those same Watchtower / Leaders decided to leave the word ME out of their translation. The question then arises, why did they use such a Greek manuscript ? IF, the Watchtower / Leaders say that their translation is 'spirit guided', why would they use a 'false' Greek manuscript ? However, from a personal viewpoint, i would never pray directly to Jesus. My prayers will always go to Almighty God through Christ. I honestly don't know if it should be different fof the True Anointed ones that ARE the Body of Christ.
  22. In 'the world' each country will have an army. The soldiers will be issued with guns. The guns are issued for the soldiers to use in battle. In some countries the general public can obtain guns. Those guns are often used for wicked deeds. Some owners of guns have no self control and no knowledge of using a firearm for good intention. We can relate this to God's word, the Bible. There was protest in the past that said everyone should have access to God's word. But we can see the results to everyone having access to guns. The results were not always good. The Devil has made use of the Bible being freely available. Thousands of different so called 'Christian' religions. Millions of individuals doing their own Bible study and putting their own interpretation on it. So, has this done more harm than good ? What if, only the truly Anointed ones, should have had God's words. But that in itself would have caused problems, because who would know which group of people had the right to 'own' God's word...... But even on this small forum, we can see how just a few people that possess a Bible, each have differing opinions. I do wonder exactly who God wants to have access to His written words.
  23. Because the 'something that smells bad' to you, is giving you a warning. Then you, make choices as to how you deal with the warning.
  24. But it doesn't have the Greek for ME or for THIS in that Interlinear. Whereas the New World Translation Commitee, in the 1985 Edition says the Greek is 'in the original Greek' by Wescott and Hort -1881. And it includes both the words, ME and THIS. But the Watchtower / Leaders do not include either in the English rendering. There must be something here relating to 'anyone adding to or taking from scripture'...................
  25. John 14 : 14 (Bible Hub) New International VersionYou may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. New Living TranslationYes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it! English Standard VersionIf you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. Berean Study BibleIf you ask Me for anything in My name, I will do it. I have the 1985 Interlinear and the word ME is removed.
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