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Posts posted by Dmitar

  1. 15 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Is all wars (every events) in history just one war, because in fact they always “overlap”? So we can talk about earthquakes, diseases, crimes, famines and the like. If we are going to solve everything with the help of the “overlap” offered to us by WTJWorg or others on this forum, then there is no need to point out any year in which things change dramatically and fulfill biblical prophecies.

    I would say, friend, it is in the eyes of the beholder how they wish to conduct themselves in life. Some might view history by the frequency and progression a generation might experience. I certainly cannot pretend to think how people experienced 1914 in their lives, and how they took their spiritual knowledge to a level of acceptance. In Noah's day, humanity experienced a catastrophic event. How many events such as that has humanity experienced? There has been wars, famine, disease throughout the existence of man. What is the frequency of those events compared to the ones after 1914. I am sure you would agree that in a short span of time, there has been more wars, famine, disease and natural disasters than all past historical events combined. 

    When brother Russell was alive, he viewed anyone calling themselves Christian were worthy of being heard. Does that mean he accepted what was said, not at all. But he respected the fact they called themselves Christians, and they were willing to learn something new, like himself as a student of the bible.

  2. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But what was the life expectancy of Jews when Jesus was on earth ?  Not 120 years I think. 

    The hypothesis starts with Noah, not necessarily how long a person lives. I however use a more progressive calculation by events. By events and natural history, perhaps by 2023/4 we will have a better understanding by global events. Some link their thoughts to 2021/2 which we are now seeing how fast humanity and this earth is deteriorating quicker than before. These are all hypothesis for entertainment purposes, not to be viewed as literal or by any other form. Students of the Bible need to wait and see, just like Christ himself.

  3. 22 hours ago, BroRando said:

    It would make sense some of the overlapping generation (remnant) would witness the End of the Last Days before being SUMMONED to heaven by the glorified Jesus Christ. 

    The easiest way to explain Jesus words in Matthew is, one generation literally heard Jesus speak of Jerusalem destruction, while another generation actually saw that destruction. In the case of JW’s, the generation of 1914 has literally seen the commencement of the last portion of the final days of God's judgment, while the message of Christ continues until the last generation will see Jehovah’s day.

    How can we be sure of this? We just need to remember the past. Jehovah spoke to Noah and instructed him to prepare for an impending destruction. While Noah was faithfully executing those commands, he was also warning people of this impending destruction. If they didn’t want to get caught up and consumed by it, they needed to repent.

    When Jehovah’s final day of judgment came, was Noah and his family the “only ones” to literally see it? No! Everyone living on earth saw that judgment. Were they the only ones to experience that judgment? No! The spiritual world experienced that destruction. That means, Jesus, Satan and all the angels, good or bad, saw that judgment.

    How many generations passed before all of human creation saw that destruction. Did any humans pass away? Would those who died before that judgment raised again after Noah settled in the land?


    Another view can be seen with Jesus. Was Jesus actually present when judgment came to Jerusalem? How about some apostles. When Jesus walked the earth. Were all of Jesus generation present in 70 CE? Did Jesus raise “all” the dead in 33 CE? Peter raised someone from the died, Acts 9:36-42, so did Paul in Act's 20:7-12. So, how much authority did God grant at that time and was Jesus the sole recipient. By 1914, Christ heavenly enthronement gave him FULL authority over the living and dead. How can, we be sure? Has anyone after 100 CE been raised by Jehovah’s authority? Has Paradise been restored after 100 CE? No! That future generation that is spoken in Matthew has not seen the son of man’s full power and authority granted to him by his sacrifice. That is the debate Brothers Russell and Rutherford were bringing forward in their books.


    1920-Millions now living will never die! Page 12

    We therefore propose to prove in this argument that the social order of things, the second world, legally ended in 1914, and since that time has been and is passing away; that the new order of things is coming in to take its place; that within a definite period of time the old order will be completely eradicated and the new order in full sway; and that these things shall take place within the time of the present generation and that therefore there are millions of people now living on earth who will see them take place, to whom everlasting life will be offered and who, if they accept it upon the terms offered and obey those terms, will never die.


    1:4. Cod designed the earth to be the permanent home of man. and although now the generations succeed one another in death yet death shall cease, as other Scriptures show. P-115



     SECOND COMING--Present or Future?

    Q636:1:: QUESTION (1911)--2--In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew, Christ tells his disciples of many signs of his second coming, and in the thirty-fourth verse, says, "This generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled." How is this statement reconciled with the belief that his second coming has not yet occurred?


    ANSWER--A full answer of this will be found in the fourth volume of Scripture Studies. If my memory serves me right, there are about eighty pages on that one subject, and anyone interested would do well to read it very carefully. Briefly answering the question as it is here, we would say that Jesus in the narative carries the mind of his hearers down from the day in which they were to the time when these things will happen, and when these will happen, and these, and so on, pointing clear down to the end of the age, and then indicating that the generation that would see these signs down in the end of the age would not have fully passed away before the consumation of this age. Not the generation he was talking to, surely, but the generation respecting which he was talking, the generation that would see these signs when they would be fulfilled--that generation would not pass away, it would not be a long enough time to be more than a generation from the time certain things would be seen until the full consumation of the age.

     This holds true today inasmuch as it did back then.

     Have people seen a vaster deterioration of humanity after 1914? YES! This is literal and not a made-up assertion by historical accounts.

    This would also strengthen a weak point by someone asserting that somehow Jesus was made King in either 30 CE or 33 CE. If the apostles had Jehovah’s authority to bring the dead back to life and Jesus was king, it would have undermined his Authority as king in heaven and on earth.

    The concept of overlapping generations is not found as a searchable concept with JW’s, but can be found in the mind of an unreasonable person. JW’s should be confident their understanding of Matthew 24:32-24, Mark 13:28-31, Luke 21:29-33 are correct. 

  4. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I don't understand how we could be living together with people we aren't living together with.

    If we are dead, and they haven't even been born, how are we "living together?"


    2 hours ago, Arauna said:

    You are right... I read too fast! But say, I die and my grandchild is 10 years old.... there is enough time to have an influence in the life of that child

    Perhaps your argument could be made clearer if you explain the "hope of eternal life" each generation exposes to the other. Therefore, linking that hope to everlasting life. You can use John 3:16, 1 John 2:25, Titus 1:1-2, Romans, 12:12, 1 Peter 1:3 etc. as an aid to the afflicted.

    It would also be helpful with how Brother Russell felt Christ invisible presence in 1874 by understanding how someone might feel Christ presence in their lives. To Brother Russell, it was the harvest work that he actually saw as positive and expanding. Does that indicate "Christ invisible Presence" was only felt in 1874? No! Throughout recorded history, people have felt Christ presence in their lives, even today. John Calvin spoke of Christ invisible presence in his 1762 The_Institution_of_the_Christian_Religion page 670. Does that make a renown person a Student of the Bible, or Bible Student? How about people who believe in the holy sacrament. The "Eucharist" right of ritual. Some believe, within this sacrament, they feel Christ invisible presence. Does that make them part of the Bible Student Association? It's been going on for centuries. 1871-The_True_Doctrine_of_the_Eucharist page 215 

    2014-The Second Vatican Council Message and Meaning (page 96) 

    "Even pre–Vatican II ecumenical councils recognized by Catholic Christianity had not totally ignored the doctrines, ways of life, and sacred rituals of “the others.” Citing a classic passage from the prophet Malachi, the Council of Trent acknowledged “the clean oblation offered in all places” to the name of the Lord, and understood the sacrifice of the Mass to be “prefigured by various types of sacrifices” not only in the Old Testament but also “under the
    regime of nature.” The eucharistic sacrifice “includes all the good that was signified by those former sacrifices; it is their fulfilment and perfection” (DzH 1742; ND 1547). This teaching from Trent (that belonged to a defense of the sacrificial character of the Mass) allowed for much which was deemed good in the sacrificial rituals of other religions and which was fulfilled and perfected by Christ’s sacrifice. Sadly, this teaching was normally ignored by Catholics who in later centuries wrote about the world’s religions.."

    Does that mean Brother Russell was a Calvinist because he felt Christ invisible presence in 1874?

  5. 5 hours ago, BroRando said:

    It's possible that the restitution began in 1919 with the spiritual paradise.  Enjoy your reading of the following explaination.

    It was not lost in Brother Rutherford. In his book that you are debating, there are many instances on the restoration also. 

    Millions now living will never die! Page 100

    Not only will those living on the earth when restoration begins have the opportunity of life, but all the dead shall be awakened and brought back in their regular order and likewise be given an opportunity for life. It was the great Master
    who declared: 'Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth". (John 5 : 28,29)

    Clearly, the blessing here intended is life, liberty and happiness-a restoration to the very things Adam had forfeited by
    reason of his disobedience. All the prophets who thereafter wrote foretold the coming of such times of restoration and blessing. P-72

    However, he hit that home with his 1927 book Restoration. He gave a full account and explanation on the subject. Since we are dealing with understanding Brother Rutherford works, it is good to expand on the why. Should that stop us from understanding the bible any differently when the source is the same? 

    His works of course are misconstrued by many unmentioned characters. This by no means shouldn't be a reason to fully appreciate the effort he contributed as a student of the bible. The Living, the dead, Restitution, Restoration, Heaven, Hades, Hell, Sheol etc. Intense subject matters that have the same meaning in scripture if understood correctly. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    We also have to remember the state of which John was in concerning visions

    Perhaps Peter's words can also help your argument in Act 3:21. 

    21 For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration (restitution) of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets.

    The view in the late 19th century was synonymous with restitution, rather than the modern view of restoration. That was the purpose of Brother Rutherford's book. It would be the adequate assumption for this time period of this debate.

    What were other Christian sects preaching about eternal damnation and how the wicked would be condemned forever without the possibility of being granted clemency from the original sin. They referred to those wicked ones, the second death. But, what about repentance and at what time? What was Christ words recorded in Luke 23:43? While none of us can forecast who will be saved, we do know how we can guarantee our own destruction. By not obeying God and not listening to Christ by God's inspired words.

    That was the message of that period.

  7. 15 hours ago, BroRando said:

    There is a Judgement of the living and dead. Today we are in the Judgement of the Living.... it's pre-millennial


    5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Jesus Judges “the Living”

    *** w65 3/15 p. 181 par. 16 Earthly Opportunity Opened Up by Resurrection ***
    16 The High Priest Jesus Christ is the “One decreed by God to be judge of the living and the dead...(Acts 10:42, 43; 17:31; 2 Tim. 4:1) In order that there may be a righteous judgment of the dead as well as of the sheeplike people who live through the battle of Armageddon, the dead must be resurrected from Haʹdes or Sheol.

    I would say, unless there is a clear understanding of Christ restitution, the formidable will continue to be hazy. It is clear the same subject is being presented by opposite ends. But still lacks a comprehensive explanation. 

  8. 19th century arguments

    Eternal damnation, Eternal Punishment, immortality? Restitution

      Isaiah 26

     14 The dead do not live; departed spirits do not rise up. Indeed, you have punished and destroyed them; you have wiped out all memory of them.


    26:14 A contrast exists between this statement and v. 19. In this verse, the wicked dead stay dead. God’s judgment will not be reversed. A fuller understanding of the afterlife awaits the NT period (though it is anticipated in passages like Dn 12:2).

    Colossians 3:9-10

    ONLY in our minds, in our wills, have the old things passed away, and all things become new. Actually, this change will be accomplished when this mortal shall have put on immortality, when this corruptible shall be raised in incorruption--raised in glory, in power, spirit beings. But meantime, in order to be counted worthy of a share in the First Resurrection,
    it is required of us that we shall demonstrate our willingness of mind, our earnest desire to be all that the Lord would have us be; and in no way can this be better demonstrated to the Lord and to ourselves, or prove more helpful, than by keeping a strict surveillance of our hearts and of our thoughts. Z.'04-25 R3307:4

  9. 8 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    The Bible explains who have the opportunity for salvation.

    It would appear the question of salvation has not been properly answered by JW’s here. There is a major difference between salvation and believing on your own religion. Is your religion preaching the true gospel?


    *** w08 11/1 p. 28 Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe That They Are the Only Ones Who Will Be Saved? ***

    Our Readers Ask

    Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe That They Are the Only Ones Who Will Be Saved?


    *** w82 11/15 p. 20 Who Are God’s Ministers Today? ***

    God’s Ministers Today


    *** w71 6/1 p. 330 Are You Waiting for “The Call”? ***



    *** w66 5/15 p. 299 Save Both Yourself and Those Who Listen to You ***

    Save Both Yourself and Those Who Listen to You


    *** w59 9/1 p. 525 Walking in the Name of Jehovah ***

    Walking in the Name of Jehovah


    *** w13 5/1 p. 2 Table of Contents ***

    READ MORE ONLINE | www.jw.org

    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES—Do You Feel That You Are the Only People Who Will Be Saved?

     Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe They Are the True Religion? | FAQ (jw.org)

    The ones seeking God through Christ have that hope. Would it matter if that person is alive or dead?


    1.  An unrepentant pedophile that dies in a car crash?

    2. A repentant pedophile that dies in a car crash but hasn't heard about the gospel?

    3. A repentant pedophile is killed by a vigilante? Who?

    4. A repentant pedophile is killed by a vigilante who got the information from the internet? Who?

    5. An unrepentant person that dies of natural cause?

    6. A Christian that preaches the gospel but mislead people with the teachings?

    7. An unrepentant Christian that now promotes anarchy?

    8. A person who has never heard about God? Etc...

  10. 39 minutes ago, BroRando said:

    Today, there are many dying the second death as King Abaddon orders his angels to bundle up those who are stumbling others.  And that is a very good thing.

    It appears, you are the only sensible person here so far. It would seem, it doesn’t matter how Brother Rutherford views are handled, it points to the same conclusion with his written works.


    1921 Joseph Rutherford The Harp of God page 239

    These books are the first clear explanation of the divine plan ever published. In addition to the above, he published and widely circulated various booklets, 'What Say the Scriptures About Hell ?" “Spiritism," "The Bible Versus Evolution," 'Tabernacle Shadows," and many other tracts, pamphlets, etc. He was the author of the Photo-Drama of Creation, as well as the scenario used for this drama, which gives an outline of the divine plan from the creation to the times of restitution. He organized and conducted a lecture bureau which employed a large force of Bible lecturers who traveled and who yet travel throughout the world, proclaiming the message of the divine plan.

    Therefore, this statement to Noah is a positive promise that never again will the earth witness the destruction of every living thing. Seeing, then, that we are at the end of the old order and the opening of the new, and that according to the Scriptures many must pass over to the new, it can be confidently announced that MILLIONS OF PEOPLE NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE, because these being offered restitution blessings the presumption must be indulged that many of them will accept and be obedient to the new order of things. Page 333


    1924–Hell-What is it? Page 51-52

    The apostle Paul plainly states that the death and resurrection of. Jesus, a guarantee that the dead in their tombs shall come forth. (1 Corinthians 15:12-25) Again, he says : Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by man whom hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."-Acts 17 :31.

     St. Peter says : "Times of refreshing shall come from the face of Jehovah ; and he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began."-Acts 3 : 19-21.

  11. 9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The IBSA was an Association, whereas the JW's is an Organisation.

    I can understand how misconception can be attributed to how the Bible Students operated. The word "association" is a superficial word for the sake of legal standing, nothing more.

    [R4593 : page 119]


    FOR many years the dear friends who regularly meet all over the world for the study of God's Word, using WATCH TOWER publications as helping hands, have been perplexed to know how to advertise themselves. We have continually warned against everything simulating sectarianism and Churchianity. But we have been at a loss to know what to suggest to the friends along this line. It is true that wherever two or three are met in the Lord's name, they would be entitled, if they chose, to speak of themselves as a Church. But if the name Church be used our friends and neighbors inquire, What Church, What denomination? And we find it impossible to explain to them in a reasonable time that we do not mean a sect or party separate from other Christians. Indeed, there is danger of our losing sight of the fact that we are non-sectarian—that we acknowledge all as brethren and members of our Church, Christ's Church, the Church of God, who give evidence of full consecration to self-sacrifice, following in the footsteps of the Redeemer. There is a disposition on the part of [R4593 : page 120] some, unconsciously, to fellowship only such Christians as are outside of all denominations. Our true position, nevertheless, is that we recognize all loyal to our Redeemer, whether babes or fully-grown, whether in Babylon or out of her, whether they follow with us or indirectly speak evil of us.

    Now in the Lord's providence we have thought of a title suitable, we believe, to the Lord's people everywhere, and free from objection, we believe, on every score—the title at the head of this article. It fairly represents our sentiments and endeavors. We are Bible Students. We welcome all of God's people to join with us in the study. We believe that the result of such studies is blessed and unifying. We recommend therefore that the little classes everywhere and the larger ones adopt this unobjectionable style and that they use it in the advertising columns of their newspapers. Thus friends everywhere will know how to recognize them when visiting strange cities.

    Under New York State law, it would be run under the People's Pulpit Association. Other denominations in that era spoke of themselves as Bible Students, even though Pastor Russell claimed to be a congregationalist.

    Some might ask why? For what Jesus spoke of as unity, and the prophets as oneness.

  12. On 10/7/2021 at 1:22 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So it would be good to know exactly who Rutherford expected to 'continue living'. 

    Those stuck in internal damnation and those who didn't know God and Christ. He should have said, BILLIONS now living will never die. The restitution applies to all, not just the saints. Pastor Russell was focused on the saints. Brother Rutherford expanded it to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, his wording can be misdirected by many, even the Bible Students. 


    Reconstruction page 90

    The Apostle Peter at Pentecost, speaking under divine inspiration, and referring to that time, said: "Times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; and he shalI send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: whom the heaven must receive [retain] until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets

    since the world began". --Acts 3:19-21.

    There is a phrase that has captured the minds of a few. 


    1899-Tabernacle Shadows of the better Sacrifice page 109


    Not, however, of themselves would these lessons of faithfulness in the past be valuable to us, but only by, through and associated with the sin -offerings of the Day of Atonement, to which the Apostle refers in the same connection- the blood of bulls and goats." And not only are

    the remembrance and lessons of the faithfulness of the ancient worthies (typified by the ashes of the red heifer) of sanctifying power to us now, but in a much larger sense they will be applicable and a blessing to the world of mankind in general during the Millennial age. For, as we have elsewhere seen, the divine arrangement is that these ancient worthies, the greatest of which is less in honor than the least one in the Kingdom, will nevertheless occupy a place of high honor and distinction under that Kingdom of God, -as its agents and representatives.


    This phrase "ancient worthies"  suggest to some to mean, literally. This is why, unmentioned conspirators believe, this is why Brother Rutherford built Beth Sarim.

  13. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    It's all the evidence that he has been able to gather. He does a ton of the legwork. You are free to come to your own conclusions about what the evidence can mean.

    I see. It's like Wikipedia, then. Thank you for the correction. I imagine the person that submitted that mistake must not have been well-educated in the history of Pastor Russell in particular, not necessarily the association that consisted of many denominations. I suspect, that is the reason certain Bible Student groups do associate with Adventist, while Russell personally rejected it as a form of pluralism.

  14. 15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    . I figure that if B.W.Schultz ever gets up to the 1914 era in his research on Russell he will likely attempt to make the identification. If I thought it was important enough, I'd ask on Schultz' blog.

    Unfortunately, B.W Schults is not all that reliable. His blog mentions, the Russell was a dispensationalists. That perception is certainly misleading. History can show how the Foundations of Calvinism, Dispensationalism and futurism can be applied even premillennial. The reformation started defining how Biblical prophecy could be seen through modern eyes. The definition of the word would therefore indicate, all Christians can be seen in such a manner. 

  15. On 9/27/2021 at 10:47 AM, Space Merchant said:

    I made this point, they are not unified, there are different groups who are independent, different views, even those who hold 1914, or that similar to it, to some significance be it Jesus being crowned as King or the latter. The CSE thread brought up the 1843 chart because the question was asked if anyone outside of JWs hold this 1914 view, identical or similar, and the groups were brought up, some who held the view, others who may have shared the view or had something different, reasons why those 2 groups were mentioned because they were listed. JWI added others of which not related to any of the mentioned Bible Student groups, for it was always assumed others outside of JWs and Bible students viewed 1914 in some light, but not many can bring forth the name of said groups.

    The understanding here would be, there is evidence that can go back to after the last apostle died. The mere would "advent" makes no difference since we are "all" awaiting the second coming of Christ. To the point, was it supposed to be a literal advent or a spiritual advent. Pastor Russell realized Brother Millers assertions were not correct. If he felt that about a person he never met, Then Adventism was not part of his personal choice. True, He first heard about Adventism in the 1870s by disappointed Advent member's, but his interest was on other factors not solely on the second coming of Christ. Stetson, Storr, Wendell, and even Barbour were interested in restitution and other aspects, However, Stetson, Storr, Wendell didn't have such an impact as several bible student associations think it had. Those Bible Students associate Miller as part of their past when there was none according to Russell, and he made it clear, he was not an Advent. 

    If anything. Pastor Russell as he himself claimed was a "congregationalist" nothing more. That history can go back to Calvinism, and before the reformation. JW's need to understand their own history before they can apply any theory about the diversity of the Bible Student Movement.

    Now, the AD 1843 was simple to attain in the era of "Millennialism" not to be confused with the Miller Movement even though the ideology is the same. Millennial meaning 1000 years. It was just a matter of the starting point. The 1260, 1290, 1335, 2520 were relevant before Miller spoke of it in 1814, 1829. Even The famed John A. Brown spoke of AD 1843 in 1810. 

    People enjoy to discredit Miller and the Advent Movement because it suits peoples need to apply it to JWs. Miller was the most outspoken person in America, but there were a few others before him in other parts of the world.

    Once again, this is the true history. If anything, JWs are no different than the Martin Luther Reformation movement. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    I believe this was addressed in another forums.

    I didn't use the wiki. More so, there are a few connections that I know of who are Bible Students, mainly the neutral ones like Reslite.

    That being said, those 2 Bible groups of which you quoted from my command, are still existing, but have minor activity, some of their members, although not organized, are lone Bible Students - Hence my remarks.

    You seem to fail to understand the complexities of how the Bible Student association work. They are independent of each other with their own understandings. Some enjoy being compared to the Advent Movement, while others enjoy their autonomy.  Pastor Russell was different in may respects. That is what JWs should focus on. My point about Wiki was simple. It's unreliable since anyone can "edit" the content.

  17. On 8/18/2021 at 3:25 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Association of Free Bible Students of France


    On 8/18/2021 at 3:25 PM, Space Merchant said:

    The New Covenant Believers (Berean Bible Students Church)

    There is a parallel with the Bible Student history chart that is relevant for this discussion that does not align with some opinions here as well.

    Two of the listed association renounced it’s fellowship with the Bible Student Association in 1909. The Free Bible Students. That association formed the New Covenant Believers, Christian Millennial fellowship, Free Bible Student Association.

    Paul S. L. Johnson was skeptical about Russell’s teaching since 1905 and subsequently lead the Free Bible Students to depart from Russell’s teaching in 1909 as depicted in the chart. This error and lie is not noted in the Bible Student history with that point of departure, since “Henninges” wrote to Russell trying to persuade him to change certain views and when Russell refused, Henninges and the Melbourne congregation left to form their own movement which was called “ the New Covenant Fellowship” in 1909 that is not mentioned in that chart?

    That chart doesn’t include how, pilgrim M.L. McPhail and A. E. Williamson from the Chicago Bible Students actually formed the “New Covenant Believers” in 1908 and started their own publication The Kingdom Scribe?

    These groups are not mentioned in that chart since it try’s to depict in a simplified manner the major known groups of all the “independent Bible Students. Keep in mind, Russell didn’t agree with many of the understandings independent congregations were offering as insight. Some of that insight included Millerism, which Russell did not accept nor support.

    I just thought this correction should be included here. Not everything written in WIKI should be considered factual.

  18. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    peaking of keys, most people do not realize who gave him the key and or where he got it prior to tossing Satan into an abyss for 1,000 years.

    *** it-1 p. 12 Abaddon ***
    In the Hebrew scriptures just considered, it is evident that ʼavad·dohnʹ is paralleled with Sheol and death. At Revelation 1:18 we find Christ Jesus stating: “I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.” 

    I was afraid. However, Christ holds the keys to the first and second resurrection. That is the theme in Revelation. When Jesus died as a man, he was granted immortality where he cannot be destroyed as an angel, while other angels can.

    Here's an example coming from another Christian interpretation, which Jehovah's Witnesses refine. ETERNITY

    Therefore, the first resurrection is for the people of God; the second resurrection is for the judgment of unbelievers. The difference between these two groups is based on one's relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It is essential for every person to hear the good news and be saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) to receive eternal life (John 3:16).

  19. What is the common theme by different interpretations?


    Harper Collins


    Abaddon (uh-bad′uhn; Heb., “destruction”).

    1 In the Hebrew Bible, a place of destruction for the dead (Ps. 88:11; Job 26:6; 28:22; 31:12; Prov. 15:11). The term is typically regarded as a synonym for Sheol (cf. Prov. 27:20); if there is any distinction, it might be that people are sometimes said to be “brought up” or rescued from Sheol, but never from Abaddon. See also abyss; Sheol.

    2 In the NT, the Hebrew name for the ruler of the Abyss, whose Greek name was Apollyon, “the Destroyer” (Rev. 9:11). See also abyss; Apollyon.

    Apollyon (uh-pol′yuhn; Gk., “the destroyer”), a possible allusion to the Greek god Apollo or, perhaps, to the angel of death (Rev. 9:11). See also Abaddon.


    Catholic Bible Dictionary


    ABADDON (Hebrew, “destruction”) The name is used with several meanings. These include ruin and destruction in a broad sense (Job 31:12), a place of destruction, and the abyss in the sense of the abode of the dead (Job 26:6; Prov 15:11). Other references are found in Psalms (88:11) and Job (28:22). Abaddon is personified in the New Testament (Rev 9:11, presented in the Greek as Apollyōn) as an angel with authority over hell. Abaddon in this sense is the ruler and author of havoc and destruction on earth. (See also Asmodeus and Sheol.)


    Oxford Dictionary of the Bible




    In Hebrew = destruction, and in Job 26: 6 and Prov. 27: 20 denotes the abode of the dead, also called sheol or Hades. In Rev. 9: 11 it is personified to mean the destroyer of all life and peace.





    The depths of the sea. Because the Hebrews disliked the sea (cf. Rev. 21: 1), deep waters were regarded as the abode of demons. It was the appropriate destiny for the Gadarene swine when the demons had entered into them (Luke 8: 31, 33), and from the abyss antichrist will rise (Rev. 11: 7). In Rom. 10: 7 Paul refers to sheol, the abode of the dead, as ‘the Abyss’, which he seems to take from Ps. 71: 20 (‘earth's watery depths’, REB).


    The New Unger's Bible Dictionary


    ABAD´DON (a-badʹdon; Gk. Abaddon, “destruction”). The angel of the bottomless

    pit (Rev. 9:11), and corresponding to Apollyon, “destroyer.” The word abaddon

    means destruction (Job 31:12), or the place of destruction, i.e., Hades or the region of

    the dead (Job 26:6; 28:22; Prov. 15:11).


    Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary


    ABADDON  Name meaning “to perish.” In the KJV Abaddon appears only in Rev. 9:11 as the Hebrew name of the angel of the bottomless pit whose Greek name was Apollyon. Abaddon occurs six times in the Hebrew Bible (Job 26:6; 28:22; 31:12; Prov. 15:11; 27:20; Ps. 88:11). The KJV and NIV translate Abaddon as “destruction,” while the NASB and RSV retain the word “Abaddon.” See Hell.

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