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Moise Racette

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Everything posted by Moise Racette

  1. This poster should prove once and for all his obtuse ideology about WAR and SUICIDE that is NOT murder. Explain why readers should refuse to accept biblical admonition? (James 4:1-3) 4 What is the source of the wars and fights among you? Do they not originate from your fleshly desires that carry on a conflict within you? 2 You desire, and yet you do not have. You go on murdering and coveting, and yet you are not able to obtain. You go on fighting and waging war. You do not have because of your not asking. 3 When you do ask, you do not receive because you are asking for a wrong purpose, so that you may spend it on your fleshly desires. The other point would be, of course, a disfellowshiped person would think, anyone that goes against bible principles is a person in good standing. That would be a bunch of nonsense coming from a person that lacks bible knowledge.
  2. @AnnaNana Stated: The organization publishes a lot of material about how to deal with abusers, but their actions don't match what they publish. I know this from personal experience. I've seen three bodies of elders, two circuit overseers, and scores of Bethel elders totally ignore evidence of abuse, reject the pleas for help of a victim, and then finally disfellowship her. @Moise Racette Rebuttal: Why should anyone take the word of an apostate that doesn't see facts for what they are. This poster's unrighteousness condemns the poster. Yet, this poster fails to answer any question placed before the poster, another reason for readers not to believe the words of an apostate.
  3. For the reader. This is an example of what the Watchtower has thought about "Child Abuse" before the occurrence in 2014 that plagued ALL religious institutions and government run institutions. These world government's decided to use religious sect as scapegoats for their failures to make correct laws that not even today can guarantee the safety of children under their old or new laws enacted, not to mention, there are still provisions within those government laws that shield lawbreakers. TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN CANADA CONFIDENTIAL Dear Brothers: Awake! has drawn to our attention the problem of sexual molestation of children (see January 22, 1985, pp. 3-10). It was appropriately described as a "growing horror." This is further evidence of the depravity of many in the world around us.-Rom. 1:20. These situations are rare, and we are glad that most of you will never encounter the problem. However, recognizing that such may come to your notice in your role as spiritual shepherds, we want to advise you of a legal responsibility that is now placed on ministers who learn of such abuse. Provincial law in all provinces of Canada requires that child abuse be reported to child welfare officials so that immediate steps can be taken to protect the children. Jehovah's Witnesses certainly support the objective of protecting children. The difficulty is to balance between your obligation to report such matters and your congregational duty to maintain confidentiality. We have asked our Legal Desk for some comment, and the following legal opinion is passed on to you. This message was given in LB:LSB July 29, 1988. 26 years before governments of this world started acting upon the issue just to silence their critics. Is it any institution's fault that man has become morally corrupt and evil in the last days (2 Timothy 3:2)? How about parents that abuse their own children? Can we blame the government for that abuse? It is truly sad and pathetic how some people think.
  4. Scripture makes clear what hail is while the poster needs to educate oneself about what the poster misrepresents. Fast-forward to the NT, and learn why Jesus sacrifice was so important to mankind. If the poster fails to understand, simply put, judgement. Even simpler, judgement is made against the established Anti-Christian power which apostates are part of.
  5. Once again, poster, PROVE your post about 1914? Prove the Watchtower by direction of the Bible Students, Russell meant the "end of the world" in 1914. Scripture is specific about the day or hour which not even Jesus knew. That has "nothing" to do with the gentile times. If people read the Bible Student era publication correctly, and not like a confused former member of Bethel. Russell, since 1904, was signaling "time of trouble" would begin in 1914. Yet, the day or the hour has NOT been shown, unless this poster can prove it. Now, modern day Bible Students are spinning their yarn to align themselves with the Jewish Nation by suggesting 1914 was a turning point in human history. Now this poster sounds just like @Witness with the false claims of child abuse. If you apostates read the Watchtower articles along with "past" letters to the Elders that apostates have published without the consent of the Watchtower like thieves, this poster will understand how false those claims about child abuse you apostates are. Now, what part of this poster's world is perfect, as well as the poster? If this poster truly believes in such self-pity, I'll recommend some meds.
  6. I would say, it was more agenda driven. If those two wanted to reach out to the church to repent, they would have been given that opportunity. The fact they wanted to seek counsel from a body of Elders that were not part of their original church, makes me think, they weren't willing to repent but instead wanted to sidestep themselves into being accepted at a different KH. That happens only to often with people that believe, they have nothing to repent about. Elders can't read the hearts of people, but God can. The actions of Bonnie and Clyde also worked to that end, where they thought they could somehow tarnish the Org. Foolish last thoughts.
  7. What's foolish is to think, this poster somehow lives in a perfect world. It's therefore, this poster's foolishness since it condemns the human race. That kind of authority, no one on earth has. However, apostates and many immoral actors within the Bethel house have claimed, there is homosexuality at Bethel to include one or two in the governing body. Since nothing has EVER been PROVEN, it continues to be speculative by obtuse people. Yet, this fake anointed smear's with contempt. Not even Christian, how laughable!!! 😅
  8. I don't need to be acknowledged by a pedo!!!😅 Just remember admin, this crackpot (d'fd) started it!!! Who let the dogs out? Who, who, who, who, who?😛
  9. Oh! Yes, from ignorance to more ignorance. Now the morally bankrupt come out to play. Yet, fake anointed continue to mistake the bible student era just like people here do with the Watchtower under the direction of Witnesses. However, NOT one apostate has proven otherwise, about 1914, because they CAN'T. More nonsensical noise. 😅
  10. This is true. People just need to remember bible times to see the same events happening over and over. Just like the Israelites wanted to kill the prophets for speaking the word of God and his commands, and then the Jews that actually killed the son of God. There has always been a messenger the devil doesn't like. So, that meaningless group is just part of Satan's plan, nothing more. What they fail to understand is God's Kingdom will Stand, and its messengers will be gloried just as Jesus mentioned. They have become a curse to their own souls, and they will be judged by God. There is NOTHING those people will be able to do, to prevent the good news from being preached, and they can't prevent the faithful from glorifying God and his son. It's a meaningless endeavor they have in every twisted way.
  11. Actually, the subject has nothing to do with the nonsense the poster has posted. Just wants to make noise and doesn't accept. Good luck to those critical thinkers going nowhere. 😅 I come home in the morning light My mother says, "When you gonna live your life right?" Oh, mother dear we're not the fortunate ones And girls, they wanna have fun Oh girls just want to have fun Who let the dogs out? Who, who, who, who, who? Who let the dogs out? To viewers, there are no real witnesses here, and posters here are heretics.
  12. That makes the posters argument even worse, since the ENTIRE human race is imperfect. That just proves, this poster thinks this poster is above others and beyond reproach. What a bunch of nonsense. Those that agree with that kind of human condition are also creating a sense of false pride. I'm just glad God can see the hypocrisy among the brethern. That kind of nonsense should stay in the JW closed club, where d'fd people are also defended, and d'fd people can defend outlandish meaningless opinions.
  13. There seems to be a poster that thinks EU people are better than Americans. What a sad and ignorant way of thinking. Especially coming from a professed witness. What a disdain on the Org to have such proud people among them. Now, when it comes to d'fd people that posters like and go against bible principles, that pride is misplaced. This ideology should be kept in the JW closed club where sinners can continue to sin. Prov. 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.
  14. Regardless of what the motive is for the clock to move, 2023 is slated to be a starting point.
  15. I love the constitution of fake anointed, here Ephesians 5:11 Matt. 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, "there am I among them.” Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. John 12:26 If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
  16. Personally, I'm glad @Witness posted that nonsense. When subpoenas start being issued, this site, along with every other site, will have to disclose the poster's origin. Personal data. There will be no hiding the truth. Even if the post gets removed, it's too late. It's been forwarded. Unless that useless group has the kind of money trump has, I doubt they will stop any investigation that probably already started. 😏
  17. As people have stipulated here, the poster can post whatever the poster wishes, just don't make in the name of the Org or as a witness. However, the topic is about AL and the role of the governing body. What does the book of Apocalypse have to do with AL? Let's not confuse politics with prophecy. There's enough of that dysfunction about that here. A better place for that is JW closed club where every discussion about man relevant or not can be discussed unchallenged.
  18. Why should witnesses care about man's politics? It's apparent the weekly bible study hasn't driven in. Can this witness give one good logical reason why witnesses shouldn't obey Christ's instructions and actions? *** w23 January pp. 6-7 par. 15 Be Convinced That God’s “Word Is Truth” *** 15 Because they apply Bible truth, Jehovah’s people are united. (John 13:35; 1 Cor. 1:10) Our peace and unity are especially noteworthy when compared with the political, ethnic, and social disunity in the world. Seeing the unity among Jehovah’s people profoundly affected a young man named Jean. He grew up in an African country. When civil war broke out, he joined the army but later fled to a neighboring country. There he came in contact with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Jean says: “I learned that followers of the true religion do not get involved in politics and are not divided. Rather, they love one another.” He continues: “I had dedicated my life to defending a country. But when I learned Bible truth, I was moved to dedicate my life to Jehovah.” Jean changed completely. Instead of fighting against people of a background different from his, he now shares unifying Bible truth with everyone he meets. The fact that the Bible’s advice works so well for people from so many backgrounds is powerful proof that we can trust God’s Word.
  19. Yes, I understand, dysfunctional disfellowshipped people don't care about Christ teachings. That's why they should keep it in their pants. Another reason to keep such dysfunction in the JW closed forum, along the rest.
  20. When will false religion and witnesses here learn that God doesn't care about man made politics? Jesus didn't, why do witnesses here continue to insist? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/catholic-church-urges-drc-citizens-to-vote-as-election-looms/ar-AA16GhtJ?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=808549cbbd82481b9053abea654b32e9 That kind of dysfunction should best be kept in the JW Closed Forum, where hypocrisy can flourish at every level.
  21. While the name of God has been challenged for decades and even centuries, the Greek scribes that replaced the YHWH or the actual translation of Yahweh in the 3rd century should not be an absolute that in ancient times, or in Jesus’s time, God’s name was not well known. While the NWT makes an effort to not confuse lord and God to mean Jesus in the NT, the Aramaic Bible in plain English continues to use God’s name in the NT as well. Therefore, it is not a probability, but a fact. What I have recommended here, is not to use God's name in vain. Meaning in debates or arguments that takes away God's sovereignty by blasphemy.
  22. On the contrary, 2023 is a very good year for apostate dishevel.
  23. Unfortunately, the sad poster decided to specifically use the phrase "governing body" as if. There is no substitution nor moral argument about who services God and who God chooses as his responsible body of ministers. Therefore, the AL effect is just a rouse! Once again, if people here are agreeable to that projection, then its faulty logic that should best be kept in the JW closed forum.
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