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John Lindsay Barltrop

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Posts posted by John Lindsay Barltrop

  1. Wen doing my pre-study for the mid-week meeting the last verse of this weeks Bible reading seems to fit here rather well, I thought.

    (Jeremiah 16:21)  “So I will make them know, At this time I will make them know my power and my might, And they will have to know that my name is Jehovah.”

     So! Watch out the powers that be.........not only in the Russian Federation, but, also, governmental authorities world wide!!!

  2. “THE nostalgia for paradise is among the powerful nostalgias that seem to haunt human beings. It may be the most powerful and persistent of all. A certain longing for paradise is evidenced at every level of religious life.” So says The Encyclopedia of Religion. 

    A very interesting comment, I can recall watching at least two movies on this subject, (more than once.......before I came into the truth), one was" Shangri La," and the other up-dated version (I think) in the 60's, "Lost Horizon"...........even then I used to think wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world was like that...........and then I found out........it will be.

  3. How right you are, due to our inherited sin and imperfection, it is, unfortunately, a fact of life...........however the most important thing to do, after we stumble and/or fall, is to get straight back up again.........and carry on, on that road to the best life ever.

  4. When I went down to post my letters at the local post office, I happened to see the postage stamp book on the counter and sitting on top of it were the A$2.95 International Economy Air Mail stamps. The Post Mistress asked, "What is going on? I have had numerous requests for these stamps this morning." She does know that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, because I do that Post Office when I do business territory.

    I explained to her what was going on in the Russian Federation concerning our brothers, and how they are supposed to have freedom of religion, etc., she did not know anything about it............well she does now!!!


  5. Listen!!!...........I am nearly 77 years old..........this modern technology is rather confusing to me.........when we moved into a new college in the mid 90's i came up from the workshop to my office, and there were 2 admin young women installing a computer on my desk..........I said to them take it away, because I can guarantee it will have a nasty accident within a week.........when I came up for lunch - behold no computer..............I heard later, the girls went to ask the Principal what they should do.........they were told in no uncertain terms, don't do it because it will have an accident (the Principal knew that I would keep my word)

    To cut a long story "shorter".....hahaha......we had been using overheads in our teaching, (I do not know how we managed???).  When the subject that I was teaching, (marine engineering), went over to private industry, I went with it.........i soon learnt how to produce power point programs.......WOW! what a difference..........I can handle "word"  alright because i wrote and printed student resources in word........I can surf the net......I have a mobile phone that I us as a phone and I can text, even if I am slow........I also have a Apple iPad for witnessing and I can show interested householders a video..........even if I may take a bit longer than I should........."all due to situations beyond my control".........that's my story and I am sticking to it!!!!!

    Hey!..........Donald Duck.........or should I say President Donald Duck..........he twitters or tweets........or whatever it is, doesn't he?????

    Fancy that a president carrying on like a "teenager"!!!!

  6. Thank you my dear Sister............the day we are having today could have been a little better..........my car thermometer registered 380C and it is very humid...........we used to have a very dry heat in South Australia, but the last few years, particularly this year, it has been very humid......tropical, is probably a better expression...........BUT, Donald Duck says that Climate Change is all a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese,.............well I have news for Donald Duck..........and none of it is good............Even with my groaning about the weather, its always a wonderful day, when we can attend meetings and/or go out into the fields!

  7. "AGAIN,  Jehovah has  HIS  plan.  Lets wait and see !  To force is useless...  We can pray for the NW, the Brothers and more, thats all, but alot"

    How true that is Queen Esther.............we leave it all to Jehovah........and we do know that Jehovah answers his peoples prayers, if it it is in his divine purpose.

    As an example take this weeks WT Study when the unnamed prophet of Jehovah delivered the scathing message to Jeroboam.........Jehovah caused the king's hand to wither..........after the prophet prayed to Jehovah to restore his hand........this Jehovah did, because it fitted in with his will, even though Jeroboam had lacked real faith in Jehovah and even instituted false worship in the 10 tribe kingdom

  8. The colourful illustration of Jehovah's Chariot, outlined in Ezekiel's vision, brought back pleasant memories of when we studied the Ezekiel book..........BUT, please do not remind me of how long ago that was..........YES!  The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah! How?...........HOW, they will find out in the not too distant future, because, we know that ALL that Jehovah promises WILL come true........without fail.

  9. "......... blind leading the blind."

    .........and of course........they "will both (or in this case ALL) fall int the pit" Matthew 15:14

    There was an article that I happened to just glance at that said, (I think), according to Donald Duck, this is Keystone XL pipeline, is the most technologically advanced ever to be built.............BUT, what is it going to transport, Dilbit (diluted bitumen or tar),.........probably the worst polluting "oil" on this planet............let the Canadians keep it!!!!!  

  10. Repetition is, when learning most things, is an advantage, (especially to us as JW's when studying God's Word). We in our imperfect state do tend to forget things and the Brothers kindly remind us of many of the important things, by repetition and we can be truly thankful for that.

    Its like when we use a number of specific scriptures in the preaching work.........once we use have used them a quite a few times we tend to remember them.........even years later, we can generally call them to mind, if the need arises........and, this is why it is important to try to use scriptures in, for example in the segment "Teach the Truth" in our Christian Life and Ministry meetings........it enlarges our repertoire of scriptures.

  11. "Intrepid traveller" You are what one calls an "Internet Troll"............defined as, (by Wikipedia): In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtrl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement............

    My comment still stands "get a life"

  12. "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God."
    (1 Cor 3:19)

    A Scripture I like to use in relation to this is:  Colossians 2:8 "Look out that no one takes you captive (Footnote: or "carries you off as his prey) by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ"

  13. You are right Queen Esther..........here in "little old Adelaide (in a suburban area)" I was talking to one of the Brothers and his wife on the carts, outside a railway station and in the half an hour that I was there 29 pieces of literature were taken by passers-by......this was a little exceptional from the norm, but, it is very successful most days........but Thursday evenings has not been very productive...........possibly, because I have been on the carts then!!!!! 

    In the territory, it has been very productive...........in the last two and a half months I have picked up 50 return visits, so I certainly have seen that the fields are white for harvesting (re Congregation Bible Study).

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