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Everything posted by JJJ-AUSTRALIA

  1. Ohhhh i see it now... lol i havent seen any brother given parts with beards in Australia yet.
  2. Well this is very interesting topic and as a father in my case, i can say, i rather wait for my son to be in his late adulthood before getting baptized then having my child going through adulthood with the chance of disfellowshiped and all that shaming and shunning that comes with all the brothers and sisters in the congregation.
  3. This makes me laugh, making excuses why or not a child molester or a sexual crime should or shouldnt be expose to the authorities or the congregation to safe guard others..... oh well.... 😆🤣😂
  4. Should watch the Australian royal commission on child sex abuse within JWs victims which is available online and you will see first hand how our procedures and everything is handle within the organization, you will be shocked. It has been some years since then and we have heard nothing from it and no 1 policy changed even though many several recommendations were given by the Australian commission to be changed.
  5. Well, not against or pro the JW organization as we (my family) are JWs too, we have learnt to take a different approch to life and religion a more balanced view. We accept we have learnt a lot of great things in the organization but they are not 100% correct in everything and we wont let the organization rule our lifes by the man made rules. Saying that we follow Jehovah principals but other than that we wont slave ourselves down to everything the organization demands on their followers. The other balance approched we have taken is that we dont view the organization as the only way to be saved but more like the way to help eachother and find support during this system. We keep to ourselves, we have learnt not to have too closed friends in the congregation because as soon as you do that they will start and try to run your lifes according to the organization rules. Now we have a much enjoyable life and we dont feel the pressure and guilt for not being able to comply with all the requirements from the organization and from the brothers in the cong as they dont see you as a very close friend or member of the cong. It works for us...
  6. I speak for what our family feels as a JW. RE Donations: we stopped donations for 3 main reasons, 1. Wasteful use of money in congregations having seen our congragation and many other congregations having 3 HD flat screen TVs upgraded also having a HD projector for broadcasting i reckon is a horrible way to misuse of funds. 2. Not making public knowledge of funds been used for child sex law suits. 3. At the end of each convention always making an announcement how much more funds are needed to cover all costs running the convention, having donated all funds to the organization prior, so.always running in red at the end of each convention. Re preaching hours; i dont agreed thats how they should count how many active JWs are there as many would just put in any hours just to look good in front of the congregation. I find it weird how there is always a total figures of active JWs what about having a total tally of active, inactive, disfellowshiped, i dont get why the need of just showing some figures but not others. Thats one of the reasons we stopped looking at this figures they are so inaccurate that thereis no point of publishing it. Anyways thats how we feel wrong or right there are many others that feels the same.... 🙄
  7. I'm a JW but not the common one anyways it does amazed me how we had 6 months of Australia Royal Child sex commission founded by the government to investigate all child abuse cases and nothing was published or was announced or made public of the outcome in the JW org. Shameful indeed. Is like nothing happened. And the worst was the answers given at the royal commission by the elders and one GB who had to give testimony.
  8. Well, there were 2 inaccurate points that lawyer made, they have to seat in the second room or at the back of the hall and not allow to enter the hall before prayer and they have to leave the hall before the closinprayer er, also the only thing i know is that if the person lives at home they can still have some sort of interaction at home but if the disfellowshiped person lives not at home there will be not relationship at all till he is reinstated.
  9. But nothing shows that they are witnesses, but i guess is ok if it works....
  10. Really...! Did he just said video 1 option 2 is not pornea? So if i musturbate in front of a brother or a sister is not pornea....! And if there isnt a second witness involve not case either.... ?
  11. Well is quite simple, is not in their priorities and interest plus if all of us knew what went on in the whole royal commisions the great crowd will down to a small crowd, the biggest dissapointment i saw on TV while i was following this was elders admitting of not knowing why they were called in for questioning amd also one of GB answering to a sinple question as "is the GB the only channel that God speaks through in now days" and answering "that will be naive for me to say that" would have a huge influence if this will publicised in JWorg
  12. Oh well, as long what inwear and my wife wears is decent enough im happy with it, if others disapproves thats their problem. Lol
  13. I noticed for the past few years at our convention, i am not sure if i am the only one that finds this wrong but i dont agree with such practices. For example, they will announce $5000 bank balance at the convention account then they will anoounce all donations made to the world wide work and other places and always leaves a balance of $0 then they will announce the cost of running the convention for example $3000 then they will announce donations made by everyone which never covers the cost so then this is what i find disturbing they will say thanks for all contributions but then there make an announcenment on how to make donations to cover all costs and that donations will be accepted till the end of the convention. Is it just me or is this way wrong....
  14. I agreed i dont see anything wrong with it either, i dont agree that we all need to look like that guy in the middle such an old fushion suit and looks, im sure they have better things to write about.
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