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20 Negative Calorie-Effect Foods That Boost Metabolism

Guest Nicole

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Not every food is created equally and not every calorie is burned equally in your body. According to Dr. Neal Barnard, author of Foods That Cause You to Lose Weight: The Negative Calorie Effect, there are a variety of foods that create a negative-calorie effect, which improves your metabolism and helps you lose weight effectively. These foods are usually plant-derived foods that are high in water content and rich in fiber: grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits, except for fatty fruits like avocados and olives. Since your body takes a longer time to burn off fibrous foods, your metabolism continues to stay revved up, giving you a jumpstart to your weight loss. Get started by adding these 20 foods into your recipe rotation.


Fruits like apples are high in dietary fiber. Keep the skin on apples to retain the full amount of fiber in the fruit, which can have up to 2 to 5 grams of fiber depending on its size. Snack on an apple midday.


Aside from being a good source of potassium, bananas are also a good source of fiber. One banana has around 3 grams of fiber and half a banana is a great part of a balanced breakfast option.


Black beans are a staple in many meals and for good reason; one cup of black beans has up to 30 grams of fiber! This adaptable legume works in a wide array of recipes from salad and casserole, to brownies.


Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are another good source of fiber. Get your daily serving of vegetables with one cup of cooked broccoli as a side dish or as part of an entrée like beef and broccoli or broccoli and leek soup.


A great source of vitamin C and fiber, enjoy both red and green varieties in salad,  a smoothie, as a wrap, or in a soup.


Well known for its beta-carotene, carrots are also available in various colors ranging from white and yellow to red and purple. Try them as a potato substitute in baked fries or roll it up into vegan sushi.


Do you always cook with cauliflower the same way? Skip boiling and try roasting it or using it as the crust to your homemade pizza.


Perfect as a crunchy snack, celery is also delicious in a curried salad, pureed into soup, or blended into a green juice.


Whether cut fresh from the cob or flash frozen, corn is a basic vegetable that’s easy to stock up on. One cup of boiled sweet corn has approximately 3.6 grams of fiber and you can easily add it to a satisfying morning omelet, stir it into soupor salsa, or include it with your next chicken dinner.


This refreshing pink fruit is high in vitamins and helps curb a salt craving. For a quick snack, bake it in the oven with sugar and cinnamon or use it to add zing in sauce.


Red kidney beans are rich in fiber with up to 20 grams of fiber in one cup of cooked beans. They’re a great foundation for vegetarian “meatballs” and chili.


Another nutritious legume to add to your grocery list is the lentil. A cup of cooked lentils has up to 16 grams of fiber, making it a good choice for a flavorful lentil bowl or in a meatless lentil burger.


Keep calories in check with the help of lettuce. From Bibb to romaine, this vegetable is an easy swap for bread in sandwiches and wraps.


Stock your pantry with whole grains like oatmeal. You can also experiment with oatmeal in muffins or pancakes.


Similar to grapefruit, oranges are a satisfying and energizing snack. You can also use it as a garnish on cake or dip segments into melted dark chocolate for an extra indulgent treat.


In addition to being a great protein source, peas are a good fiber option with anywhere from 5 to 11 grams of fiber in each cup, depending on the variety. Use it as a risotto topping or enjoy it as a spicy snack.


One pineapple has up to 13 grams of fiber, making it an ideal option for a mouthwatering, infused water or high-fiber green drink.


If you can’t go without rice, choose brown over white, which has double the amount of fiber, at around 3.5 grams per cooked cup. Make a quick meal of it with this spicy chicken rice bowl.


Packed with nutrients and fiber, spinach has up to 7 grams of fiber in a half-cup serving. It’s a tasty snack option and can even be baked into brownies.


Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and have up to 4 grams of fiber in one small tuber. Add it to tacos, broth, or keep it traditional and whip up a delicious casserole.


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