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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. The Russia ban issue is far deeper and more complex than one realizes, I brought this up before here, especially to Robert in one of the threads. What is a key element in all this is the recent election of Vladimir Putin, which was expected by some, as well as those who didn't like how Russia was going down a Soviet Era like path. At this point for Jehovah's Witnesses, it will not end well for them there, JW opponents think of the ban as a victory, but what they didn't realize is what went down 2014 and onward regarding the Kremlin, the Duma, and the Russian Church, and how, hellish things are going to get for the Russian people - which has already spawn conspiracy. Just know that regarding the ban of JWs, other parities were also involved, an example would be France, specifically NGOs of France in combination with Alexander Dvorkin, Patriarch Cyrill, and a number of other key players among the Kremlin and the Duma, in addition to how the JWs have proven to be an inconvenience to the Kremlin weeks prior to the election. Speaking about Child Abuse, it is also ironically as to how no one speaks of the child abuse done to JW children in Russia by opponents, but apparently no one bats an eye about it. That being said, this is a reminder for me to delve back into the Russian part of media again, for now since Putin has been re-elected, there is bound to be new information.  Other then that, it is unlikely you would hear anyone talking about JW children being abused by people outside of their faith or how now they'll be treated, which is being talked about by Orthodoxy and Non-Orthodoxy Christians in Russia who didn't like what was done to the JWs. In short, it will not be a good time for anyone who is not on the side of the Kremlin, the RoC and the Duma. I know JWs do not do politics, but these leaders will be somewhat of a obstacle for them in Russia - perhaps prove more of a threat to Americans also. If you can be jailed and marked as an extremist for making a joke, being a poet or playing Pokemon, it will only continue to get far worse from that, and it will get bad for the JWs. But seeing they pushed through the Soviet days, endurance is key for them, and surprisingly the hundreds of protesters who were taken down by the Kremlin notice who the JWs are and how they endured in those days.
  2. I believed we talked on this before in one of your other posts and I understand your position after reading various comments from you, but child abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses is happening in several countries, I wouldn't say worldwide among them though, mostly in the European Countries rarely does it happen in countries and even if it did it is very very low, examples being Asian countries such as South Korea and or Japan due to the filial piety and child laws, the Congo and or parts of Africa, for it is known fact that African Christians tend not to do such stuff, especially if they are devoted to a Christian faith and profess it, Middle Eastern and or Syranic JWs, as well as those living in Tehran, Yemen, pretty much most of the Arabian Emirates of where they can be found, and they tend not to do anything regarding child abuse, however, Christians are subjected to their opponent's attacks, even in some cases children of a Christian family end up getting kidnapped and auction off as a bride and or sex slave and is subjected to vile forms of abuse known to man. Some JWs, by law can be targeted to be killed and or beheaded in some cases, therefore, not a whole lot of preaching can be done in a malevolent Islamic community. The reality is the child abuse epidemic that also affected the Jehovah's Witnesses is more centered in areas like the UK, Australia, and the US, for those, and evidently it is a problem, and child abuse when combined with all groups and institutions is a globe problem, of which some people are ironically in denial of. I do not like to use race in this, but what is said is true regarding pedophilia and child abuse. Other then that, it won't stop a person from joining them or any faith. A pastor lured a child with a bible into a classroom, violating a child, even though the abuser was dealt with, it didn't stop people from becoming Christians or did anyone went out of a church in droves when a pastor shoots a man dead, who was only speaking aloud for he had been wronged, in the chest inside a crowded church, the same can be said about Jews, Muslims, etc. Just keep in your mind that eventually when Jesus returns this will change. God by means of his chosen Christ, of whom he has given authority, will judge those who do wrong, and them alone will be punished. No man, woman or child, be it outside or in the womb, is perfect- all is imperfect. The Bible teaches this, be it in a religion or not, but profess to scripture, you have to respect what is written and adhere by it, just do not get carried away with it because a small shift can change a man even though if he thinks he is in the right and or doing good. As for Tom, it is safe to say he reacted the way he did because of the response gets, especially in regards to the discussion between the both of you. For this is a discussion of not doctrine, belief and or faith, it is about an issue in regards to a problem this world faces, for we are of God, it would be wise to dose down conflict about an issue than to entice it, I need not have to bring a bible verse or two for such things for it should be evident. In the end, both of you, all of us are against child abuse, just to make sure this is clear for everyone.
  3. Yes, for this is already known, but what I have mentioned other then ARC has to also be taken with high consideration also, for all children are at risk, not just child confined within a single group, and no one is immune to child abuse. Canada has a set of laws and regulations regarding Child Abuse within the very foundation of the Family Violence Laws, which derives from the Constitution Act, 1867, and to them, Child Abuse is considered as an epidemic, as some writers have stated and even within religion, the very place people assumes such does not happen, it is not safe there either at times should an abuser finds his or her way in said religion to reach children, or any institution that houses and or cares for children - all in all, child grooming and abuse can only be prevented by means of internal and outside investigation and the victim's family operation along with those who offered to help said victim. As for the United Kingdom, Child Abuse runs rampant there also, especially from those who join any group of their choice to kidnap, rape and even kill children, just like one of the UK facilities that use to house children to where the abuse took place. The situation with the Charity Commission and JW charity only sparked investigation, which I believe went on for 2 and a half years, was due to claims and or allegations such as: "The charity commission is investigating claims that Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse survivors were forced to face their attackers." "The Charity Commission launched an inquiry into safeguarding at the religion’s main UK charity in May 2014 after receiving allegations that survivors of rape and sexual abuse, including people abused as children, were forced to face their attackers in “judicial committees”." The JW church in question, as some of the articles have brought up was the one located in Manchester New Moston, the press release on the investigation can be found, but I will link an example of said press release info: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/investigation-leads-to-improvements-in-safeguarding-at-jehovahs-witnesses-charity That being said, the Charity Commission focus was the JW church and the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain by a senior member. The JWs have also acknowledged that they “abhor child abuse, and view it as a heinous crime and sin. The safety of our children is of the utmost importance.” They added: “Whether the victim or parents decide to report the matter is not contingent on the number of witnesses to the offence or whether a confession has been made. Congregation elders do not shield abusers from the authorities or from the consequences of their actions.“ But yeah, I know how you feel about Child Abuse, just know that regardless of the person, there will be those who will do what is necessary to protect a child, and help a child should they become victim and do so to the best of their ability, but as we speak, there is and will be probe investigations on everyone, every faith to root out Child Abuse, it cannot be stopped entirely, but saving and or helping at least a child or two is progress, what will prove far difficult for UK is the Underground and more dark and far more violent forms of Child Abuse, which involves authorities and government, excluding religion, educational institutions, etc. Oh and yes, I am familiar with Reclaimed Voices and admire their work, but more can be done for all children, which most child neglect and safety groups tend to ignore at times, for some it is understandable to avoid threats, injury and or death. Other then that, Netherlands is not really a fan of religion anyways. Not all JW churches are the same, just like not every Mosque and or Cathedral is the same. In the end, it usually depends on the people of the church, the leaders of that specific church and how much of chemistry the church leaders and the people have with each other, I do not want to bring up the race card and culture card, but it seems this is the case with who is doing the abuse. But yes, usually depends though, for one church can show support to victims while others, not so much. All in all, how things are handled, perhaps far better than how it was done in the past whereas we didn't have twice as many of support from people and a network to spread information faster and more fluently. But in the end, educating someone and or a group is key to combating child abuse the best way possible. True, but then you have religious laws. What can be done is working with what is already present if scripture prevents one from changing whatever rules they have. No one is going to break scripture sadly, so the best course of action, which was said time and time again by a lot of people, is work with what is already there and do something to make things better - the only issue is JWs will have to be educated and better clarify what some rules and scriptures they are under to those taking the lead of a church. For if God said not to add, change or remove from his word and Jesus said Scripture cannot be broken you have to take that into consideration - for it is said anyone who holds the bible and what it says to a very high regard basically accepted a Nazareth Vow right then and there, and such can't really be broken by any man unless it comes to a conclusion - that is, when Jesus returns. The goal would be is taking the rules itself and working with it to lessen child abuse situations as well as identifying abusers. No, I do not have a different point of view, the people care for both, and it is evident through anything regarding Child Safety and Neglect Prevention by those who adhere to it and what is talked about to young ones in youth clubs that are affiliated with various networks that dealing with child abuse, in my case, as a religious person and a close friend to the community of mind, who has spoken to children who deal with different issues, as well as child abuse whereas the category is violence. Yes, God wants his people to be clean for the one True God we worship, is clean, pure, and holy, Leviticus 11:44, 45. At the same time, he is aware of human imperfection from Adam and Eve's disobedience and onward, even among his own people, present day his people are still imperfect and it is not easy for them to be clean because converts and newcomers, some with ill intent cannot be detected so easily, but God already knows the intentions and the heart of said person, for the bible says so of God need not care about the individual, he cares for what he sees in the person's heart. We know this because God is the one who granted us the gift of free will, the freedom and ability to make choice (Joshua 24:15), and he knows our hearts, regarding to what I had said previously, we see this example in the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 16:7 which reads: But the Lord [YHWH] said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord [YHWH] sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord [YHWH] looks on the heart.” - ESV That verse is easily connected and compared to 1 Kings 8:39, 1 Chronicles 28:9, Psalms 7:9, Proverbs 24:12, Jeremiah 17:10 and Acts 1:24. The Jehovah's Witnesses and other organizations, including the non-religious ones are not clean, and it is impossible for any of them to be clean because of imperfections and abuse of free will by some, to which it ends up affecting others, however, it does not stop those who at least try to do something to minimize and prevent a situation from happening and or attempting to deal with the aftermath of whatever it is they are focused on and it is not an easy task for them, you, me or everyone here. Another issue is not trying to break scripture which is technically a Nazareth/Nazarite Vow (something that can't be broken if set in motion) based on Numbers 6:1–21 and several parts of the Old Testament into the Greek New Testament, for they, as others will not subject themselves to compared to the mainstream Christians who drop scripture and what is written in order to gain new converts. Child Abuse in this case can only be minimized and or prevented by them, and they will their best to try and resolve it, like I said, at least saving a child or two from an abuser is a good thing, for the unfortunate sad reality is no matter where it takes place, you can't save all children, the very reason why Child Abuse is consider a global epidemic to begin with, in some cases, people tend to be subtle when trying to find evidence and or key information regarding child abuse because it can lead to many problems where someone's blood will literal be paid, and for pacifist, Christian ones, wouldn't want to go down the route. No organization is clean, just so we are clear and the JWs, just like everyone else is subjected to the impurities that imperfect ones bring into the group. What can be said however, they are somewhat inexperienced in dealing with abusers among them, but clearly not among the worse that are not really talked about in the media, nor talked about by any Child Abuse Prevention groups. As with everyone else, it is just time and patience of improvement that is needed, as well as better training and educating church leaders on the issue. I said this before, education on the issue is key, if others can educate people about child abuse and working with them on their turf to try and increase prevention, you can do this too. I speak to children within my family and friends inner circle for a reason, as do those within the community of those who share the same belief, culture and or background as me, in addition, you have to take into account how such person(s) are, for people tend to help out without fully getting involved, something I have said time and time again, and this was heavily mention for decades by Child Abuse articles, information and PSAs. It is not a different angle, this is indeed 100% true, which should be evident to you and if need be I know a dozen of articles and news information, in addition to personal experience of mine and others. I have been around and know from experience of such things, as do other Christians who are vigilant and serious. I had seen the JWs and other groups being targeted solely on the same subject (like here), which will result in others chiming in and will attack the whole faith itself, for instance, the Charity Commission regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, the response from some was not to criticize the Jehovah's Witnesses on child abuse, it was comments targeting and insulting God the Father (the things they say of his name deemed too explicit), the Bible, and Christians as a whole, both mainstream and minorities, regardless of doctrine and theology. Some go as far as to make articles for people to read online that insult God the Father and his Son, others have said that the Father had failed and his Son had failed due to the Child Abuse epidemic among religion and to this day, they continue to mock religion, more specifically, Christianity. Eventually it will come to a point, regardless of your faith, the Bible will be attacked, especially regarding of what took place in the Hebrew Old Testament involving Moses and the like, the list goes on, one of the more recent ones today being that the teaching of God should be considered a form of Child Abuse and will reference the whole Jesus camp situation regarding the children. If I am not mistaken, there was videos of JW publications and a large number of Bibles burned purposely by opponents. But there are people (religious and non religious) who are not like this and are dong things the smart way, on both sides of the spectrum they're aware of Child Abuse in religion, including the Jehovah's Witnesses, they know of statistics and prevention rates, such persons will focus on the problem at hand instead of targeting and or condemning a faith because they were caught off guard by the abuse, they know that some denominations will not just sit back and do literally nothing, in this case, some claim that JWs do not do nothing, which is false, for they make an attempt and do so while trying to not break scripture. As for JW opponents, not once have they brought up anything regarding Child Abuse outside of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is evident, but ironically, it had to take an Ex-Bible Student, a Graphic Designer, and believe it or not, a Homosexual, to correct JW opponents, who attacked these persons, one of the attackers being the very man you linked here before via gofundme. But what you can do, and everyone else here is just educate the people to see the signs of child abuse, I said something about that before,a s well as identifying a child who has been abuse, their body language and or if they are keeping what happen a secret, for most of the time they do not reveal such information to even their parents but to someone they trust - and the key role in Child Abuse Prevention taught to a child if they tell an adult and not much is done, tell another, and another, that is what the PSAs teach, and that is what people who know these things teach the children, so even a child can be able to identify anyone their age who has been abused and or recognize the actions of an abuser, in some cases the far more difficult ones to deal with which can be a near miss at times is child on child abuse, which is very rare in a religious space, majority of the time takes place in schools and the very household the victim is in be it a family member and or friend around the same age. In the end, Jehovah's Witnesses, will be subjected to allegations, investigations and the like, spiritually the organization is indeed clean, hence why people are still converting to it, but the people are still imperfect, God knows that as well as the Free Will granted to all of mankind, and he knows people who at least try. Another thing to add is you also have to remember Child Abuse is not always something people want to talk about, mainly if you run up to them and immediately speak on this matter - the best course of action is to just get on their level, know the individual even then talk about the issue when it is comfortable to speak on such. As the 3 individuals have stated prior JW opponents manage to get their videos removed, there are better ways of fighting the problem, better ways of fighting Child Abuse. Lastly, just pay attention to some claims people make, for last I check Jehovah's Witnesses do not have firearms and guns under every one of their churches nor do they own preschools and private schools, a debate I had with 2 women, one who spoke on guns the other on preschool child abuse by JWs, when the reality is, they do not own or contribute to any of such things for JWs sole purpose, the purpose of an organized religion is adhering to the Great Commission. Know that I respect your resolve, but it is necessary to be aware of everything and dealing with the problem itself, and not the group as a whole, for we are to condemn, we may as well condemn, everything else around us. When the end times and tribulations conclude, peace will be among all people even among the JWs and we will not have to worry about Child Abuse, nor the life that we had when we were imperfect. Just endure, and should you educate someone, a JW even, on child abuse and or the signs, be on their level and be mild with them in doing so for attacking one's faith an or its leaders will not help anyone for it is better to speak with someone when teaching vital information to them, for I can already see the issue of child abuse is what angers you, it angers me too, but I know from my battle scars and of the scars of others on how to deal with such issue and waking up to the reality of it in today's day and age. If we can teach a child about puberty, about stranger danger and the like, we can teach them about child abuse. If we can teach an adult to be a good employee, a good family man and or woman, we can teach them on child abuse also.
  4. Yeah, imperfect until the end times conclude and the Son makes his return. Child Abuse is a branch of other issues that cause anger and sadness, which is understandable by some, but people tend to take it a bit too far, but soon it will not be an issue. Endurance is key, for maintaining salvation and faith may seem simple, but it is a really hard fight, Jude 3, especially when the faults of others who do bad tends to be quite a problem. A day will come when people will realize that fighting against something the wrong way, a cause, will reap a very negative effect. Something that is and will be evident and will affect every faith known to man in the US, including the JWs will the men in black starts closing churches, they have spoken about this before about closing any church they want back in the early 2000s.
  5. But then you have Paul and Peter in regards to Civil Disobedience (evident in scripture) should the laws of the land conflict with scripture and or serving God, in this case, of what is written by both of these people. Christians are obligated to respect authorities of such people, as Romans says, but in regards to Civil Disobedience, that too is written by the bible writers for a reason. Last I have checked, rarely did anyone change or ignored Romans 13, if anything, Civil Disobedience is broken down into several categories without going around as to what Romans says and or what Paul and Peter says, and what was on full display in the Hebrew Old Testament and or any of God's law and word found in scripture. What we all can agree on is that God is seeing all that is unfolding in the world, even among his people, however, he knows the hearts of people and knows that people will try to do what is necessary to deal with the problem, even if it is among His people who worship him, in addition, not only we are imperfect, but we have Free-Will, and this gift, to some is seen as both a blessing and a curse, for an individual can use said free will to do good or to do bad, this was the case in the Old Testament with what people were doing with younger ones and how God reacted, even using his people to deal with the situation at hand - it is no different today. That being said, Tom is correct on percentages though, for people do care about the statistics, this is the only reason why child abuse safety and prevention website even post such things to begin with as well as the countries and the like affected in regards to percentage values, all having vital information for the reader to look into and research for themselves. In the end, targeting a group will not reap any fruit because it will spawn comments, insult and reproach to God and contribute to the decline. You also mentioned Facebook information, if you would provide I will look into it myself, as I do with a majority of denominations already. So in short, Christians will obey authority and the laws, but should conflict rise, they will defend their faith in the best and worse situations for they will not change what is written for anyone, as God stated in Deuteronomy 4:2 and what Jesus stated in John 10:35 - We must not add, change or remove from the word nor can we break or assume scripture can be broken (scripture cannot be broken), that being said, ARC has done a job well down on working with what rules and regulations the faith follows, even acknowledging of what these things are compared to others who make it into something that it is not, for we have to remember, of what is written and what is law in the bible, us as Christians must follow and adhere to.
  6. What is the question exactly? Also regarding following the laws of the land, Christians will obey laws, pay taxes, give back things to Caesar as Jesus said, etc, however, they will and always will be ready to not let the laws of the land conflict with either Scripture and or belief, and most importantly, God the Father of whom they pay total servitude and religious worship to, even if in some cases it, a great deal of resistance against various laws that will hinder anything biblical and or service to God, it will not go unchecked by those who follow the bible. Paul wrote something of the like in the Romans epistles during the reign of the ruthless emperor, Nero, of whom Paul had to appeal to for he was wrongly accused and imprisoned (Acts 25:11) and was kept under guard prior to his case (Acts 28:30), and information from Peter also (and a bit of the Tanakh/OT) - for no Christian would want to be put in a position that his or her service of religious worship to the one True God as well listening to His Spoken Word, would be at risk regarding said laws of the land, there's a phrase for it but I went blank on it, but a Christian would not allow laws to stop them having what they put first in their lives, which is God and his Kingdom that is to come. The Law above laws is of God's and only his, should anyone attempt to stop it, there will be those who will resist,for we have examples in the scriptures of such.
  7. Everyone speaks of pedophilia and child abuse and cover-ups, no matter the faith, the background or affiliation, be it religious or non-religious and when such is done, no such persons hold up to any moral superiority (this is a first of such I have seen), especially in an imperfect world who abuses the gift given to them, the gift of Free-Will. I wouldn't say it is an acceptance of who is better and who is not. Church organizations tend to be better in theology, scripture, teachings and the like than others, for they are the shepherds to their flock, those who follow such churches are people of different backgrounds, and since most churches tend to Evangelize people regarding what is said in the bible about making disciples and the like and teaching the gospel to a multitude of people. As for Spiritual Paradise, there is still imperfection no matter who the person is. As for policies, if someone follows what is scriptural, it does not make it messed up, foolish and or ridiculous, for anyone hardpressed in scripture will follow it and live by it, that being said, I take the word of the ARC on how regarding the rules and regulations of said faith and at least come to a conclusion as to the how and why such rules they have are so, in addition to that, if they have information on child abuse to teach to their followers, should the followers accept it, that tells you something, for not many are willing to teach about child abuse unless it actually happens unexpectedly among the community of a faith. Plus elsewhere there has been many, many discussions about the rules, beliefs of other faiths in addition to their policies, with fact and how such is used, I know enough, as do others who really look into it themselves instead of some randoms making a rule out into something that it is not. As for speaking to the members of said issues, it is up to them if they want to keep it among the leaders within that church location and or tell their members this, only if such is okay with the family/victim and the sake of the victim and guardian of the victim, you have to respect that. Some matters at times are kept private, only known by the leaders and the family of the victim, or should the family state they want to time to heal before anything can be said to others, as for the abuser, what can simply be said is so and so has has removed and or no longer with the church, something along those lines and evidently later on they will know the reason why, but again, depends on those in authority within the church or institution and how the family is involved if their child is victim. I say this because some parents of victims tend not to want such information disclosed about what they have been through to be made public to local churchgoers, and respecting one's privacy until their ordeal has been dealt with is a a positive thing. Even outside of a church, parents of the victim will have very few and or specific persons of whom they disclosed the information of child abuse to, which will eventually get on the radar of the police, this has been heavily expressed in PSAs regarding child abuse met to teaching adults, teens, and children alike and options available, teaching them of personal spaces, talking to people you trust (talking to adults on what took place, asking of other adults, etc), for anyone in those age groups witness child abuse or know the signs and or dealing with someone who has already been affected, especially when it comes to young ones, unaware of what happen and is confused, keeping the information secret from others and will only express the truth about the abuse to someone that they trust, it could be parents, other than the parents, it could be a friend, a teacher, a neighbor, etc. In the end, it is there choice of how they want to deal with the situation to have positive outcome for the family and the victim. PSAs and information can easily be found, I would post some here, but obviously what is said in the PSAs is and will evidently be ignored when the reality and truth is expressed through them. For there is a saying, respect the wishes of the family, should they choose to go down that route, no matter who they are or what they believe, to go back should said person bring it up only makes you not a trusted person. But I do strongly agree, Child Abuse is indeed a problem, a big problem, and it is among the branches of other things like human trafficking, sacrifice/killing of children, etc. Other things, even minor things is considered Child Abuse and will result in your own children to be taken away from you, etc. Also you have to also realize it isn't not always an adult that is the abuser, when it comes to that point, it becomes very difficult and complex of how things are dealt with in order to help the victim of this form of child abuse. Another thing to note is you have to be aware that no matter the group or institution, they will most likely do an internal investigation first while on the other hand the victim's family will aid and or seek help outside of the internal investigation if or if not said persons called the police. An example of internal investigation regarding child abuse, a teacher having had intercourse with a minor outside of school grounds (sometimes on school grounds itself), said teacher had been exposed via internal investigation, 50% of the time it is found out via social media or a high probability due to the student who is the victim. The school will zero in on teacher and fire her, and with what is known, the police is contacted by the school and or the victim's parents when the school informs them of such conduct (often times the parents do the investigation themselves before contacting the police) and not many are made known as to why said teacher was fired until months later down the road when said information is given the green light to be made public with the minor and or major evidence against the abuser, that is, the teacher - rarely is police called immediately when a known abuse is present, especially with the recent cases in both public and religious schools in the US. The teacher, now removed, school continues day in and day out, the victim will return should he chooses to and will seek counsel about his ordeal should he accept it, the parents of the victim will be on high alert and learn about child abuse themselves and or is informed about it by the police. That being said, internal investigations is pretty much the norm to religious, business, and educational based institutions, and or secondary groups/activities, etc.
  8. The data is evident on those who do such things, what opponents of the JWs or opponents of religion in general, do not understand is that they are creating a monster that they cannot tame, perhaps already running wild and about from the things I have seen and read, for they fail to see child abuse is all over and target a specific faith because of said faith suffering from child abuse who is obviously not immune to such things, now in regards to the United Kingdom, they will scream, rant and lose their minds on the problems the JWs are dealing with child abuse on their end, but these same opponents will not bat an eye for the children affected by Rotherham Grooming Gang, the Haut de la Garenne, Newcastle sex rings, and a plethora of other groups and institutions with people of bad intent that have mingled among them without being noticed. This also goes for those who claim child abuse and attack Christianity and the Bible (some goes as far as to rip and burn it no matter the translation), or in this case, religion as a whole, so when one attacks a JW, a Unitarian, a Jew or a Muslim, etc, the blame will just automatically be pinned on religion regardless of the faith, some may have it bad than others and suffer from physical harm should they be targeted on the streets because of their faith, for at that point it won't be persecution, it will just be shear brutality on said person, and I am sure the Jehovah's Witnesses are aware of the early 1900s, for ever since the whole NFL kneeling thing, the history was talked about. Now, it is understandable, for those who do bad, we can't have anyone in the weeds, so to speak, but at the same time, to be brutal with a group and twisting scripture against them only contributes to bigger problems, something such persons cannot see, and only few people like me, you and others tend to be aware of people who do such things. For better solutions and better ways on dealing with child abuse has been throw out the window and people seem to stick to just attacking a religion for a problem that is weaved within the very land they walk on. The more the silliness continues, the more of the very people and their supports that were in Detroit a few years ago will only get stronger, and Christianity itself will decline further and religion will be the subject of targeting more and more as the days go by. As for the prevention rate, even with facts before them, they will ignore it sadly - someone brought this up elsewhere and the anti-religion crowd just attacked and ignored the information, for they were not targeting JWs, they were targeting religion as a whole, which is somewhat evident today that most religious people tend not to be aware of at times. I was once told, you can give a sick man medicine for his illness, but he will ignore it and not accept it, even though it can help in dealing with his pain, in this sense, even with facts you provide, they'll ignore and not accept it, and continue on a warpath without having better solutions and ways of going about the issue of child abuse - going as far as to twist fact to tickle the ears of the masses to join the same foolish cause when others are doing it the right and correct way in gunning for the problem at hand and not a specific group of persons. That being said, my opinion, as do most, the best way to really prevent child abuse in most cases if faced with it as best as we can is just to educate the child and or parents, friends, relatives, etc. This has been the case with one of the victims in the JWs in regards to the ARC due to Watchtower articles on child abuse revealing to her what it actually is, and even outside of the Watchtower, this is the position that people have taken, which is smart. Such has helped some people learn about the issue that others have gone as far as to make thousands of videos on this subject for saying at least one child is a plus on anyone's part for educating someone on child abuse be it videos, articles, or verbally, and the like, for when a child is taught on the issue they can identify the signs of child abuse should it starts on them or someone they know. But what to expect by people living in a box, not taking the moment or even having a mere thought of looking and or stepping out of the box for once - that is today's society for you. They'll continue to do what they do instead of talking with the person, they will attack them and or their faith because of said subject, child abuse, and never, not even once (surprisingly), you have seen someone come to common ground on the issue at hand and what can be taught or learnt. Only one time when 3 people stepped up, they were attacked by opponents of the faith, the very man whom got a group of people to seek out and dislike, bash, insult these individuals. I believe John had posted of whom I speak, for the gofundme link was a direct link to who this British man is. One day it is going to come to a point where someone is going to get hurt via influence opponents will spread in public and or online, and surprisingly some have speculated that was the case regarding a hate crime in the UK - but later down the road, who knows how worse it could get, since religion, well in this case, Christianity is not as fancied by some as it was before.
  9. On the contrary, it is nothing to do with position - fact, for anyone is capable of calling out such things on forums of any kind, for if you are probably fairly new to the internet, people will response and or react to grave-digging a post and or a thread (necroposting) and will call it out and or remind the user (often it is people who are unaware and or newcomers to a forums who do such things and are often reminded and or called out for it), for me I am just a mild type of person who calls out to this type of thing, which should be a lucky case for you, compared to the violent ones that will spark flame wars on forums for any person bringing up or bumping an old thread, regardless of what it is - that being said all I am telling you is that what you have done is grave-dig/necroposting, for if this was your thread, it is understandable, it is called a thread/post bump (update), but seeing as the user who made this thread was inactive for more than 600+ days and other comments with the nearly the same span of time, the last comment coming from "Gone Away" a mere comment that does not add to the thread falls in that category of grave-digging or necroposting - therefore being entirely irrelevant and the thread will not get any sort of attention, whatsoever for what is said is done by the final commentor and or user of said thread, after all that is where such terms come from in regards to internet forums, but let it be a reminder, you are not the first. Also I agree, freedom of Speech, but it is common sense to be heard by others on an active discussion than a dead one and or one that has already come to a strong conclusion - such as this one. Grave-Digging and or Necroposting, in addition to calling people out about it is not "Internet Free Speech Police" lol, vastly different from each other by a very large margin, perhaps two margins, for the term you brought up basically does not equal to what I have mentioned - the facts and information, found on the internet of course, automatically solidifies this - of which can be proven should one look up thread grave-digging and or necroposting compared to what you have mentioned, which seems to be an non-existent term and or not relating to anything in regards to forums and or forum function and users. Just next time look at the date and the date of the end comment.  If you like bringing up dead comment sections and or threads, the only place to best do this, other than a forum(s) is YouTube, for there anything goes and you are bound to get a response from even a 6 year old closed discussion, should anyone see what you posted, not being blanked out by Goggle Algorithms in today's YouTube. That being said, both of us can sit back and watch the already high probability of this thread going down into the pages as more active and recent threads are always updated with recent comments and discussion and or made by active users who still log on here, and this 2016 thread will return from which it came prior to the grave-digging done on your part, and it going down is already predicted - as this is 100% common with those who necropost such threads, the public irrelevancy, and said thread just going page by page as new ones are made - and my message will just be a reminder to others anyways, and they aren't the first.
  10. Some people tend to not have a sense of humor when they are running through emotions and or serious, other times, they do not get the joke until later on. To some who are troubled, they rather have a good laugh than another tough and or hard day.
  11. Unfortunately, it tends to get worse for them sometimes, as well as overwhelming. But as one will say, a job's a job no matter how good or bad it gets. But the problem though is society today accepts and encourages such misconduct, which will influence those with such problems to target children even more. As we speak, there are those against such things who are now claiming and or pointing the finger at people of faith/denominations Christians, Jews, and Muslims. That being said, the fight against child abuse and pedophilia only gets far more difficult as the days go by and now we have things like this: http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article204292464.html Mind you, just like the Asia and European countries, it is widespread in the US also, perhaps far more greater than how it was around the last couple of years. The only possible way to prevent such things the best way we can is to educate people, be it verbally or by articles, reading, radio, etc regardless of who they are, this is what people do not understand and when it happens to them or their child then things will end up going on a crazy and bumpy road. For if we can teach a child and a parent about stranger danger, about drugs, about sex, about alcohol, internet, bully prevention, growing up, etc.we can do the same with the likes of child abuse, as well as give warning of pedophilia, so people can see the signs - for this is, for some, better ways, and the common rule should a child be abused, they can tell an adult, if one adult is able to help or not, they can speak to another adult, be it a teacher or a police officer, even should said adult direct you to such persons, which people seem to forget they have a voice to speak on the behalf of the victim, especially parents, a friend and or relative. For any man or woman who condemns isn't doing much to help the problem, for such persons can do what they can to help anyone by providing such information and teaching on the subject. But sadly, I said it before, people prefer the witch hunt and targeting others when there are better ways of handling things. Witch hunts and targeting people will not help any child or at least prevent something from happening to at least one child, but it is what it is today in the US.
  12. Never said you said such a word, I merely said you "for you consider that an error" I said this because what you posted here reflects what you have posted in the very thread I linked, for previously you stated that the WT has been deleting words when the reality is no rule was violated nor was any Strong's changed and or removed at all, but perhaps using "false" or the word "wrong" would have been a better choice - but the response would have been the same regardless, as with anyone who has made or lean on what they deem as errors, falsehood, lies, wrongdoing, etc in terms of the manuscripts used and or denial of the Septuagint or any modern critical editions of the Septuagint, a response from people who knows such information will follow suit. It is you who are naive for I have already stated similar information before, yet you continue to speak as such of a 1900s interlinear that sheds no violation in the realm of textual Criticism, let alone Biblical Hermeneutics, for most Interlinear bibles follow the same rules and rarely do they suffer from any violation unlike its counterparts of several Textus Receptus' that differ from Stephen's. An intelligent man would know the difference and realize what an Interlinear originated from, a blind man will continue to chuck stones at something he considers false. The Bengel's rule; Lectio difficilior potior (Latin for "the more difficult reading is the stronger") for it is the main principle and rule of critical text also known as Textual Criticism, in this case, the Canons of textual criticism in regards to majority of interlinear translations. There is no deception, if you want deception, I can show you right up from from the Hebrew Old Testament to the Greek New Testament of something "added" and or "deleted" and or not matching any of the Strong's at all, for I have already given an example, 1 Timothy 3:16, perhaps several, 1 John 5:7, Acts 8:37, the list goes on for anything not using the oldest and most reliable source when it comes to scripture or those who tend to be leaning towards the Comma Johanneum. As for the Interlinear Bible produced by the Watchtower, there is no deception, no matter the disdain you have for them which is evident, for it is very simple - that bible used a variation of two manuscripts: Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, one can speculate that the 1550 (Stephen) was also used as well, but it is uncertain for most Interlinear translations done by the Bengel's rule tend to be similar to each other, an example would be the Novum Testamentum Graece, but the difference is this one tends to rely a bit more on another manuscript known as the Alexandrian text-type (Neutral or Egyptian). Next time you speak of anything Interlinear, Watchtower's version or whatever Interlinear you want to bring up, know especially what manuscripts it is using before you say what you say in your comment here and on your other post, this way you better understand not just scripture, but also of what is the very things that allows you to even have a bible today - be it in your very hands, or a quick search and a click of a button. That being said, no one can really claim deception of an interlinear expect some of the several TR's available and which translations use them.
  13. There is no difference nor is it their intention, for anyone who understands and respect Koine Greek and the manuscripts, they can see this with their very eyes. For the translation of this verse in regards to their interlinear has not broken any rules whatsoever. For you to consider that an error is quite laughable when one can review what is true online and with the facts placed before them, they will see that the interlinear made by the WT was not in error - which I have said and proven to you before. I said this to you before, and I will say it again, learn your Greek. There is no issue with "upon" for that very word is within the Strong's itself and no Strong's that differ from it, especially its use in said verse - in addition to various translations who uses that Greek word and use a word that derives from that Greek Strong's and that it alone. For it isn't the Watchtower's doing, it is the TR's itself of which said translations from the manuscripts derive from. The fact I have stated this to you before and you ignoring that pretty much proves you ignore the very manuscripts of which the bible originates from. I will re-post that link to my response to one of your interlinear comments, which I have already proven by my information to be fact, correct and true in terms of the sources used to translate such verses to the bible itself:  http://biblehub.com/revelation/5-10.htm http://qbible.com/greek-new-testament/revelation/5.html http://www.greeknewtestament.com/B66C005.htm Revelations 5:10  Now as for the WT interlinear:  Look at also: https://www.blueletterbible.org/esv/rev/5/1/t_conc_1172010 ??? (epi)Greek Strong's  #1909 A. upon, on, at, by, before B. of position, on, at, by, over, against C. to, over, on, at, across, against ??? epí, ep-ee'; a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.:—about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, × have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with.  I won't bother with root words this time because you seem to be ignoring pure facts regarding the very manuscripts that a majority of translators and copyist translates such to a readable verses/sentence, no one else expect the KJV translators have alter words that have Strong's in them, again, Textual Criticism. Once again, I'm willing to even go as far as to find twice as many translations who respects the manuscripts and the Greek language. The silliness with some needs to stop. When you respect God's word, you also have to respect the very thing the bible comes from and or the very thing that is the reason as to why the bible exist today.  An error would be using a word that has no place in the verse to being with, an example if 1 Timothy 3:16 whereas few translations added God instead of HE, to make it seem that the Son was the Father, throwing people in to falsehood entirely and the only known bible to do this falsehood is the KJV/NKJV. Textual Criticism allows one to see this error and compare it to other translations who are in the right for that same verse the King James has altered. I say this always, but it would seem you are not careful at all. But it seems to you if that interlinear was wrong, the very Strong and sources itself are wrong also, therefore, making all bible translation and the Septuagint itself, in error.
  14. Was it that necessary to grave dig a 2016 thread when it is March 17, 2018, to be specific a thread posted March 25, 2016 (about 722 days), with a small comment? It would not have been much of an effort to simply contact the user via pm messaging: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/profile/5857-γιαννης-διαμαντιδης/ or wait until said user of this thread gives an update. Don't let that happen again, for in doing so makes any comment without an update from the creator of the thread, obsolete and or irrelevant, especially if a person who didn't make this thread says something vague. What is gravedigging? Gravedigging is the term we use for reviving inactive threads the name is fitting, because you're basically just digging up things that are long gone. Why is gravedigging so bad? Why exactly shouldn't you gravedig? It's pretty simple: Reviving old threads clutters the forum. If everyone went ahead and posted on threads from a while ago, newer threads would struggle to appear from beneath the threads of old nonsense. If one person revives an old thread, other people end up posting on it too. Those members will continue to bump an old thread, advertising it to even more potential posters. Often, an inactive thread will contain outdated information on a particular topic. We want to make sure that you're getting all the updates you need, and so avoiding bringing up older threads is best. How can I tell if I'm about to gravedig a thread? Knowing when you might be about to gravedig a thread is important. There might even be times where you avoid posting on a thread because you're worried about gravedigging it when it's actually okay. The age cutoff, when a thread goes from being active to inactive, is currently two weeks If a thread is on the first page of a section, you may post on that thread without being at risk of gravedigging, regardless of the age cutoff. If a thread is not on the first page of a section but has not yet reached the age cutoff, you may post on that thread without being at risk of gravedigging. You may also post on guides/tutorials, regardless of activity, without being at risk of gravedigging as long as you're posting something constructive, and not something like "great guide" etc. Pinned threads and staff members are also immune from gravedigging. In a nutshell, you can post on any thread that was last active under two weeks ago, and you can also post on threads that were not active under two weeks ago as long as they're on the first page of a section. This also goes for ignoring Search Bars, in some cases. Source https://www.rtsoft.com/forums/showthread.php?26209-Spamming-And-Gravedigging-Explained Information on this can also be Goggle'd on the Internet regarding ALL forums known on the internet. Remember this, please, for if this was elsewhere, the CSE Christian Community forums, you would have been in a world heavy criticism for pulling that off there.
  15. Aside from UK JWs investigation, they must also dealing with other groups who act under the radar, the no so religious ones, who literally take children underground or in expensive and private locations, to molest, torture and sometimes kill their child victims, at times, the child of the victims, born into this world, who are subjected to satanic sacrifice before they even have 1 month of life, which takes place right under the noses of the people of UK and the government, especially the likes of PM, Theresa May. I do not see why people tend to think child abuse itself is isolated within a single religious group, or just merely religion as a whole, for such is everywhere. That being said, I had some sources I would have posted here regarding the UK as a whole, but the 1984 troop has wiped out that information a few days ago. All in all, it will be the same as everything else in terms of the abused and the abuser.
  16. The sad reality is that some may or may not accept is child abuse and the sickness that is pedophilia is far to great to be contained 100%. Some instances of preventing it or dealing with its aftermath, but it cannot be stopped. In regards to JWs and other faiths, even the so called mainstreamers who I disagree with, all are subjected to child abuse for it has infiltrated everything, even government. There is some stuff that the mainstream news and media isn't telling the people nor made public for such stories of child abuse deem far too brutal and explicit to some, perhaps far more unhinged compared to what is going on in religious, for it has a lot to do with the high and mighty people who partake in such things, the abusers. That being said, it is unwise for some to condemn a group for child abuse, when it is all over. I say this because our schools, our police, our military, our churches, our institutions, our businesses, etc are subjected to child abuse, even our money that has gone to and out of the hands of wicked persons, as well as those committed to spreading child abuse. But sadly, the whole child abuse thing has made a lot of people sad and angry so reactions and bursting how such vented emotions will eventually goes people to target persons and or groups due to child abuse. Very soon stuff like this will end though and we will need not worry about child abuse. But as of right now, the problem is the spreading of child abuse and those who are accepting of it, while on the other side of the spectrum, people are trying whatever they can to minimize and or fight against child abuse the best way they can.  Elsewhere, the only literal fight (at times there has been fist fighting by some) some people are making a decision on in regards to child abuse is doing what they can to fight against people who accept pedophilia as if it is a good thing, people like in this image here, who pose a real threat and being the very persons who influence mentally ill pedophiles to seek out young people as if it is a good thing, there is a good reason as to why the bible says to not be part of the world:  As well as fighting against child grooming and marriage, something of which a majority of this world accepts, when in reality stuff like this is very wrong: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/11/29/pedophilia-in-the-us-more-than-200000-children-married-in-the-last-15-years/ But as someone once said, there are better ways to fight and or combat issues like child abuse, condemning a person or group or disrupting, attacking them is not the best way to go, for it causes the person or group to be targets while the real culprits are at work, infiltrating others and committing their vile crimes - but it seems not everything is outside of the box or thinking critically on this child abuse matter and will just go witch hunting instead.
  17. Child Abuse is a major issue and even if someone does not show such reaction to it, in their hearts they already know it is bad, despite not expressing it on places like the internet or a forum. For people will react the way they do, if they want to act tough at times, but in reality, it hurts them despite not expressing it on a social platform. But I have said time and time again, no one is perfect, no one is pure, for in the realm of sexual immorality and child abuse it is at a global scale, and no matter the organization or the institution, child abuse will exist in some way, shape or form, and the abusers will always find a way to infiltrate such places, especially in, as the JW friends put it, worldly view, whereas pedophilia is deemed okay and normal, some take child abuse as a literal joke and or meme, silly as it seem, they even made a character of it such, which is ridiculous while the people on the social platform see it as funny to tag it, to screenshot it and to merge it with other images as a joke, when in reality, it is very very grim and serious. The obvious truth is that child abuse will not halt and or cease one's pursuits of joining a religion or if said person is a convert to the religion of their choice. In regards to Jehovah's Witnesses, child abuse will not stop someone from joining the faith, no matter how hard you express something these people already know in regards to child abuse and religion - so it is not a good idea to condemn the group as a whole for the actions of a few bad persons, for all we know, we do not even know how the church leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses react to such problems, how they feel and so forth, but someone on the internet can easily take the words of others and being one-sided in this whole situation and attack the leaders head on who have nearly 8.3 million JW Christians with them, as the Muslims put it, the JW Tribe. For if we are to condemn a whole group, then we must also condemn hospitals, educational institutions, the police force and several others for if we are to do the same for a religious group(s), we should do the same for such places too, even going as far to condemn either friends or family members who took part in child abuse. For in the past (present also), police officers have been subjected to child abuse and assault, some take it further by using their position to abuse their victims, either one or multiple victims, the destroying of child pornography images and videos in an botched attempt to destroy evidence, despite the ruins of said material being found via investigation. Despite the actions of such people who are sworn and by law to serve and protect, some of them abuse their power, be race, the sex of the person they target, class and age, and some victims are either children and or teenagers who are not even old enough to know what a Bank Levy, in some cases, some being involved with child and sex prostitution rings, for a change of a few dollars prevents such things to be kept in the dark by the wicked people who themselves partake in such things. In the end, we do not condemn the police force or the leaders of a department, unless they too are involved, hence why we still have the police around and to this day there is always the good cop and the bad cop,for the bad ones tend to get away while others get the book thrown at them, the good cop will continue to do good in the eyes of his/her department, his community and his/her family and friends. The police force and the military are no different from each other in terms of doing good for the community and family, but just like the police, even the military has a few bad eggs, like with recent news about the US military and their Afghan allies. Many Hospitals around the world do not even follow guidelines for child abuse patients, and some are involved in the crime and or just pure neglect. Some doctors and nurses who have access to children and or teenagers tend to be the abusers to their victims also, regardless of this, it doesn't stop the outsiders from going to said Hospital, for the Hospital is a place to get checked out and or treated, the same can be said of a small doctor's/nurse's office, for if anyone in that area is an abuser, they will be dealt with in time, and replaced with someone of the same title and position who has a clean record and no mental issues, and life goes on as it should and such places are still areas of which strangers both young and old dwell in. Same thing goes for other things, social media and online video games (possibly the subtly in these things tend to be very dangerous) to where abusers also use and prey on young victims, especially on popular games the kids play nowadays Minecraft, Call of Duty, etc (apparently old fashion Mario and Donkey Kong is too retro for today's tech kids) for predators will pose as a "friend" in the game to lure their victims, despite such cases already, especially the recent Minecraft one that had a happy ending to it for the child and her family (link here), the games were not commended, but the parent's as do others also, are told to better supervise and educate children of online games, as well as social media, for back then to now, social media was literally haven for abusers - some also who bribe children to do things, at times offering real money just so they can blackmail the victim and record or take images of them, a situation similar to a friend of mine who passed away via suicide due to exposure and blackmail, for I have mentioned this before here. Educational Institutions is tricky, for in normal schools, most of the abusers tend to be female instead of male, and tend to get away with what they have done by prostituting themselves to an adolescent, other times, the female abuser will get a less sentence compared to their male counterparts (In the US, the culprits are mostly Caucasian - statewide). In addition to that, no one bats an eye because of how the teacher physical looks, for how it seems in the eyes of the law who investigate such in the educational institutions, the more pretty she looks, the less of a sentence. But like the others, you cannot condemn a school or the one who runs the school who at least make an attempt to deal with the situation, at times, the head of the school or the board are not always involved and if they are, they just simply say the teacher no longer works here - the same can be said of teacher abusers to students in Universities and Colleges, and I can tell you, there is a good side and a really, really dark side to Universities and Colleges, very explicit. But yes, no one is going to condemn a religion for child abuse, if anything it is merely by choice should one does such or if it is the actual family of the victim or the victim themselves, it won't stop someone from joining said religion, faith and or church congregation, especially those who are or has Evangelicals/Missionaries and try to do what is right in terms of bible scripture. For if we are to condemn a faith, we are to condemn nearly everything else that is involved with government, this includes the American Dollar for some of the money is used in the Deep State in regards of child abuse, despite it being a necessity. In my case, I am a Unitarian, similar to that of Jehovah's Witnesses, but even us Unitarians have several denominations, and when one of them do something, people will not just bash on us for it, they bash on the Christian faith itself, for child abuse is also an issue with us, but it does not stop me from following the faith, nor does become the very thing that keeps me away from bible reading and study. This goes for the church leaders of the Unitarian denominations, for even they differ, but the effect of child abuse has proven to be a problem with them, as do other religions. Other cases, some people become sex offenders for being wrongly accused and or lied to, Zach Anderson being a prime and recent example of such - for he was not a pedophile, but the girl who got him into deep trouble was the root of him becoming a sex offender, avoiding 25 years. His life was obviously ruined,and to this day some side with him while other attack him or accuse him of being a pedophile. As for the Jehovah's Witnesses and their leaders, just like everyone else, child abuse is an issue that is not easy to contain, for since anyone can be a member of their faith, anyone can come and have access to children and but out of the bunch you may have that one guy or girl who has a ill desire of children, and in order to get the trust of others and the kids, they will either work hard to just get a position of authority and use said authority to lure children in, as such is the case with anything pertaining to child abuse - for the bad people can and will infiltrate any religion of their choice just to cause a scene and or take action. And just like everyone else, they will do what they can to minimize the situation, in some cases, internal investigation or the like without breaking religious law, and should they find anything, they will advise the victim and or the victim's parents of the problem if the victim has not spoken up to their parents yet. Since it was said before, the JW elders will advise them to seek out authorities and should authorities ask for the help of the one who did the internal investigation should such an event is raised. You may not be a Jehovah's Witnesses anymore, but what you can do to help them is to educate them on how to identify child abuse, so should an abuser attempt to join them in that church, they will be ready and not be caught off guard, for training on signs of abuse is a thing that people tend to do for sometime now, for educating such persons helps at least one child, which is something you can do like many others, but if you are to do it, be on the same level as the person you are speaking to, as well as being mild with them, and if you have a chance and close with a child or two, you can teach them if someone is bothering them, before any action is taken, the child, who has been educated on what child abuse is, will react - which is the same thing about an adult teaching a child about strangers, you can teach them about child abuse also, as with other things, so they can be aware and alert, for the children I speak to in my family and my friend's family this subject was raised and with what they know, they taught other children also, some who are of a different faith and nationality than them also. Regarding their faith, work with what they believe and what laws and rules from scripture they go by if you have to, for anyone who is bible strict, you have to work with them on their level. Now, your other biggest problem is dealing with the situation of child grooming, child brides, child and or young adolescent forced to marry the very man that raped them, for such things do exist in America due to law, Florida being one of many of the states, while outside the US, such things is all over like wildfire in a forest, human sex trafficking, as well as child to child abuse and a field of other things in terms of abuse. For this world is full of sin and sinners, and should you choose to condemn everything or anyone because of child abuse, you may as well build a cabin house in the woods far far away from civilization, but the reality is, we all have to see this world for what it really is, imperfection and the sins of man, for even a good man can sin and commit child abuse, and their actions will effect those around them and the community. As for pedophiles what they to are danger to themselves, but at the same time, you have to realize that these people are sick in the head too, pedophilia is said to have an unknown origin, but tends to affect such person at birth as some say, and for them, it is as if they are born with a demon, one that cannot be expelled easily and should they go unchecked, they will enact what they see fit in targeting young children, be it teens or even young toddlers, other cases pedophilia of an older child can manifest and they will end up taking action on someone smaller and obviously not stronger than them. For wherever there is children or a child, expect that there is or will be a predator near by, could be a churchgoer, a neighbor, a teacher, a gym coach, that guy at the store who is close with your family, or the obviously disturbed man in the car who is going around the neighborhood seeking to kidnap someone, and in most cases, it is most likely the relative, specifically the Father of the household who is the abuser, rarely it is the mother, but some situations this is the case. As for those outside of what is going on, also expect that they can or cannot help, as I said before, such persons tend not to get involved, especially if it can get them subjected to, injured, and or killed (or become the killer if involved) if it comes to that (a recent story: Lithuania Pedophile Controversy), regardless of their faith and or position, for at times they will simply give advise and or inform you to seek someone who is of better help. I say this because I was a kid myself, all of us were, and as an adult now, I take the word of a child for inner my circle of family and friends, the word of a child is key to truth - especially if the child is raised right and puts a great deal of trust in you. Educate the child or children on this matter, and if you have to, educate the parent of the child or relative, or someone close to them if you manage to jump on that subject in a conversation in an attempt to teach said person about child abuse, the signs of an abuser and or victim, etc. Child abuse can only be prevented in some cases, if after, things can be done to help the victim(s), we cannot fight or stop such a thing, for if we are to think of such, we have to question ourselves if that is even possible for we cannot stop war, famine or racism, sickness, etc and we cannot stop child abuse - a reality we have to accept and be aware of in a world full of wickedness. All we can do is offer help and do the best way we can, some better than others, some will do the best that they can in regard to the problem, but in an imperfect and immoral world that thinks pedophilia is okay when the reality is it is a sickness that plagues the abusers at birth, it is very difficult and to some pose not just a threat, but a daunting challenge to deal with. You'd be surprise that not only the victims are helped, but the abusers affected by the ill desire brought upon them due to pedophilia are also fighting their demons, and there are people who have to deal with keeping such persons in check to prevent such ill desire to overtake them which will soon beget action that can land them in a world of hurt and trouble, and in some cases, exile, as for some victims, they tend to even go out of their way to forgive their abusers, which is rare in some occasions. That being said, all of us have to be aware and vigilant, should we have to, better to educate people about such a matter and accept the fact that child abuse is a thing that has been around for ages and will not go away until God gives the okay for his Son to return to earth prior to end time tribulations, only then we will know that the days of the wicked are numbered, and the battle against child abuse that is an unwanted plague of mankind will most definitely be dealt with, only then we can breathe easy when that day comes when such things will be a thing of the pastas with other troubles and anxieties we have today.
  18. I can't help but see you like mixing verses again, quoting, but vague in the realm of hermeneutal interpretations whereas the eyes can see, in addition to total discernment. That being said, there is a portion of the government that is against several other groups of people, this includes Christianity, even though I am not a fan of the Trinitarians/Modalist, the New Agers, and the mainstreamers, etc, this so called the Deep State (Shadow Government) is indeed a major threat to everyone - especially with what went down with Syranic and Aramaic Christians in the Middle East, and since the topic is about Jehovah's Witnesses, the masterminds behind the Russian Ban, which reinforced of what has been talked about since 2016 to 2017 and onward, the State Duma and the like which swept the country by storm; now already predicted by some which is now a true reality, for instance the Russian Election of this month. The effect is worldwide friend, and it will come for everyone and everything, some will be taken by surprise, some will be aware, some will be easily persuaded by such persons.
  19. What people need to realize is religious child abuse can't be stopped, in some cases it can be prevented a bit, especially in an imperfect world where child abuse and other vile acts run rampant and at times it is deemed "normal" by the general society, something people will find it hard to realize sadly. I, as a Unitarian, know that our denomination isn't immune to the likes of child abuse as well, with some being caught off guard of when it happens or the aftermath of it. But Child Abuse in general is far worse in the UK, regardless of institution, and a majority of the abuse is done by a male, mostly a family man and or relative who does such things. I believe there was a bust on a pedophilia ring right under the noses of UK officials (obviously the corrupt among law enforcement and officials take part in the child abuse): https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/03/11/1000-children-may-have-victims-britains-biggest-ever-child-abuse/ There were some grime things going on with that with children purposely being killed and or sacrificed, as they say. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/services-and-resources/research-and-resources/statistics/ I got more information, even videos of investigation in regards to child abuse (mental also with what the victim had to say), but it may seem a bit disturbing for some here -Â for the victims spoke of not just child abuse, but the killing of other children and human and or animal sacrifices. This also includes some things in the US, which has not really be talked about.
  20. Oh boy, not these kinds of comments and posts again. First, you need to identity what Strong's are you using, seeing we are talking about God's name, it is evident the target Strong's is Hebrew. Also you are breaking apart the name, for all together the very name means to exist, to cause to exist and or I become (I am that I am), etc. That is like taking apart the word/name of others and using the meaning of said separate words as an excuse. It makes you no different from saying Jesus is a false name and taping that up with anything of the occult when the reality is the names Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus/Yeshua is taken apart and merged with other broken up names - This is way some Israelis take issue with Western Christian who, as they say, butcher not just the truth at times, but God's name and Jesus' name. Just to save myself the sanity of explaining such for the 100th time to anyone who says this kind of things I will post 2 videos. And no, God's name has nothing to do with the occult because massive amount of evident proves that God's name, part of it, was taken and used to merge with and or mix with names of false gods, an example would be the name Jaobluen, for JAO is taken directly from the name Jehovah/Yahweh, merging that name with false god names such as Attis, Orisis and several others, a common practice done by occultism groups around the world, especially among those of Freemasonry. Â Â As for the vowels, I can get in to that way in depth if you'd like. For I have a great deal of information on this.
  21. With all do respect, this link you posted about this man, Neil Gardner, also known as the TheGreatApostate, was one of the very people who verbally attacked and insulted, in addition to leading an attack on 3 people on YouTube and Media, one of them who intervened on November 5th of 2017 prior to the protest in Warwick. The blame was pinned on JWs, however, only until Neil and the others rooted out this man, in addition to 2 others who lived in the Passiac and Orange county who defended him and the JWs for they were against church raiding and disruption, with Neil being among those who was on the attack. I wouldn't use him as an example for even after the situation at Warwick, he spoke of the London event, which was not sitting well with others who are neutral with JWs or Christianity itself. I spoke of this several months ago in a thread started by someone here in regards to the JW church disruption. Mind you, the actions of the EX JWs didn't sit well with the non JW churches in the area, they backed out when the EX JWs called them up to help them out, for clearly the Christian churchgoers were nowhere to be seen before the videos were taken down. The former Jehovah's Witnesses, and again as to what I have said previously, pedophiles (article spelled paedophile instead of pedophile) will infiltrate groups and sway their way into a position or trust with the people in order to feed their own sick desires. When the abuse became known the authorities were notified and the authorities took action based on the crime. In addition to that, this was easily zeroed in to that specific congregation of church members in London, hence the victims. In the end, the abuser has been dealt with. The situation can't stop nor will it go away. Pedophilia is rooted deep within our imperfections, the price of our early parents - for we know pedophilia is bad, and we also know it is a major mental illness that has an unknown root of origin, hence why pedophiles who know of their problem seek out aid from those trained in such field of study. But yes, I agree on some things, for no group, organization, as well as the people in such groups, be it educational, religious, institutions, etc, no one is perfect nor can they strive to be perfect, what they can only do is do their best to minimize anything brewing among them and that's that. For the day violence, sexual immorality, wars, death, etc come to an end, as well as the ending of child abuse that is on a global scale, it will be the day when all that is bad will be wiped out and hat is good shall remain for time indefinite. In the mean time, there are people who stick to what is true and endure, as sad it may seem, endurance in truth is what keeps the people going, as for others who know the JWs tend to be strictly neutral with them - for any group that came out of the Second Awakening that continues to push closer to what is true even though at times they stumble, such groups like this some Christians do not attempt to bash or attack because in the end our actions is what God will see, for such actions can lead some to do drastic things, and eventually hatred, like the one who has posted that gofundme. For no one is going to go that far to take out a group and take out Christianity itself (which is happening in the UK and Asia). That being said, all of us have to trend carefully, and endure because in the end, salvation can be easily be lost - we need to stand back up and keep walking and keeping ourselves in check and being careful as well as those around us. In the end however, it is mainly the laws and the government that needs to be checked too, in some parts of the US, child grooming and marriage legal now, which will spawn far more pedophiles than one can realize. So the unchecked pedophiles that do not get their vile desires met in schools or religion, they will jump on this now legal opportunity, which spells danger for far more children in the states.
  22. Yeah a lot of things took place prior to, during and after 1914. You'd be surprise of how many people believe that such year was big to some. In the world of Christianity, there are those who side with what the Bible Student leader, CTR, said. Though some of these groups have already ceased, they did take such a year with high consideration, as well as the aftermath. Nowadays, it is more of mainstream Christians and those who bible bash or don't take into consideration of what the bible says or understand it, will be against what took place that year, as for you JWs, they tend to go open season on you guys on a daily basis without understanding anything at times. There are also those against other things like the fall of Sodom and Gomorah, The chariots under the Red Sea, trying to disprove that pillar of salt was not really Lot's wife, etc., in addition, false doctrines is the reason as to why Christianity is on the decline for some time now, with Islam catching up, especially in both Asia and European countries. The other day, I had to deal with a mainstream Christian who was taught and believes that Homosexuality was okay with God. I told him exactly what the bible says, I also stated I do not hate anyone at all, but I do not like the conduct of such persons and told him that such conduct does not sit well with God, yet he attempts to refute, but fails. I say to myself everyday, the world today will be and is basically like those in the days of Noah, and those who were down in Sodom and Gomorah who did not listen and kept doing vile things in the face of God. In the end, endurance is key and real truth is like a car that gets closer and closer to your destination, eventually some will come to their sense and try to change their ways, for God's hand is always there for those who wants to change.
  23. Depends, back in those days it was like this, but at the same times, things can get shady, and often more people involved, they played dirty, in addition to foul play, for the one who is doing bad will win over the guy who exposes him, and the bad guy gets out free without anyone going for him, or as you said, not being able to be in a discussion for his/her actions. Nowadays, it is somewhat of the same, but a little more of this, a bit of he said, she said, blame games, lying, and a slew of other things. But the same thing, but with a lot of discussion. That being said, the Justice System itself is broken, double standard, kissing up to the higher man, etc. But this goes back from what I have been saying in regards to child abuse/pedophilia, the justice system may at times fight against child abuse, but at the same time they tend to somewhat make it a bit legal, for as of recent news in regards to child grooming/marriage, i.e. a child, mainly younger girls, force to marry their abusers. Elsewhere, laws have been passed that will even get a non-pedophile arrested and charged as a sex offender due to strict broken laws. This is just the United States. European areas have far more explicit things and craziness going within the underground society, and anyone who speaks of this is easily shut down - mainly a reliable source I know Jake of Blackstone Intelligence, to name a few. If anything, one must fight the justice system if they have to (the reason why people consider this a better way), root out their flaws for allowing such to even take place and making those who also partake in child abuse get off Scot-free, which also opens doors for child abusers to infiltrate various groups like bugs to a light, wherever there is children they will find a way to get to them, they will find a way to obtain respect, a position and authority just so they can have it easy to gain access to children. Religious temples, mosques, buildings etc are not safe, regardless of the denomination, schools, clubs and educational groups are not safe (most pedophiles tend to be female in these cases and are left off easy sadly), business that houses and or contains children are not safe either. Since we talking about Jehovah's Witnesses, they have obviously been breached by the storm and it has caused them to stumble a bit and in a position to try and minimize such persons who manage to get in their faith and like other it is not an easy task to deal with anything in regards to child abuse - for some of these cases, like many, tends to take place by means of a family member. Other times in all child abuse cases or any form of sexual/violent abuses, 9 times out of the 10 it is the man and or husband of the household who has done it - then again it is always the husband who did it in regards to any crime. Then we have the double standards which is a whole other can of worms on its own when it comes to race, sex, class, wealth, etc.
  24. Robert Ringer the entrepreneur? Also that is true, but it would seem they do not want to break scripture or any religious law while doing so, hence fighting for justice and what is true at the same time despite being bounded by scriptural law too. For most religious groups who have their own lawyers tend to not attempt to break the religious views of their clients while fighting/defending such persons. The only time there is total pressure against laws based on the bible is in areas such as the Middle East, sometimes in the European countries it varies to the point where at times they get a religious group to cry uncle in some cases. Israel had already had a field day with religious law vs secular law a few weeks ago - in this case, Israelis vs the Jews. Some Lawyers in general tend to be in some cases whereas they are defending someone who should be obviously guilty of their crimes, so the fear of being bitten by sharks is somewhat high and bite mark that at times will leave a scar on them. Speaking of lawyers (a bit off topic) who are not truly fan of people who they are end up defending, an example of recent events involve this clown: Martin Shkreli, for his very lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, who said the following"Sometimes I Want to Punch Him in the Face" even admits to federal officials, however he did add that the sentencing was harsh - for the very man, Martin, is hated by literally majority of the US, is getting 7 years. But yeah there is a really big line between civil, secular and religious when it comes to the law, and lawyers will do what is best to not attempt to break at the same time, trying to avoid getting bitten by said sharks because there is a lot of them - for a single bite or two will leaving a scar and a reminder.
  25. Clearly a typo, as I expected you would go for that exact mistake I was unable to edit that day for I didn't spare much time to re-read my comments in regards to trying to reason with John. Plus this is exactly the very reason I said the following:  I can tell you right now straight up, I do have a few typos elsewhere, for everything prior to debating with Swihili and Cos had several typos. In addition to that, well over a majority of my comments was to not rely on the errors of the KJV/NKJV, even debunking the King James as I did against Cos here, you even saw my response to Allen in regards to Textual Criticism (pretty much meaning anti-KJ Bible), as to which I will also link below. For if anyone checks my history, they will see my view on the KJV/NKJV as to not be 100% inspired due to its errors, but to use a typo compared to the hundreds of comments I made, half of them against the KJV/NKJV, you have no ground here, therefore, my numerous comments pretty much shows the KJV/NKJV isn't accurate, it is not 100% inspired, it has errors, etc. For Textual Criticism comment to Allen:  For if I truly felt that is was the best translation, I would not have said what I said to Allen.Nor would my comments debating with shiwili and Cos would bear any ground. In addition to that, my comments on your thread would something else other than the ESV. For if anyone who adheres to Textual Criticism, does not 100% adhere to the KJV/NKJV, to anyone who takes into account of Textual Criticism, will know that such is a direct focus to the KJV/NKJV being in error and not accurate, for the addition of uninspired verses with what is inspired, thus blinding people and the falsehood that is taught from false verses. Another thing to add, clearly in that very thread I had several of my typos in, I quotes directly from the English Translation Version of the Bible for every single one of my responses to your response, which consist of Watchtower publications and KJV scriptures from bible-gateway, some of which that contained the uninspired verses that you linked to fit the response you were pushing then, hence John's response - to which I said the following in my response to you before I spoke to John: The fun factor here is I am the only one on this forum (minus all content) here who ever stated such and if you look up Textual Criticism, all of those comments are made by me, so you assuming I think the KJV/NKJV is somehow more accurate when 100% of the time I quote ESV and I speak against the King James, you are mistaken - nor are you even aware of my "other" comments to John. That being said, using my older comments that consist of typos (ignoring my response to you in that same thread) will not cover too much ground for you, especially when anyone can click my profile and simply look up "KJV", "NKJV" "Errors" "Textual Criticism". Another one against you, for you even knew my view on the KJV bible: My earliest comment to you on Posted February 11 prior to my comment to John (clearly all of this thread and another one, I had several typos here, and elsewhere - as I stated before you even posted a typo in order to accuse me of something of which I fight against every single day):  That being said it is already clear as day that the KJV/NKJV in my eyes is not 100% inspired and I wouldn't trust such a bible in the hands of one who will use it to preach a falsehood - let alone even tough it on bible gateway unless I have to prove something to the KJV-onlyist. There is no such 2 versions prosskuneos, there is only one (if anything "part" of proskuneo is latreuo/latreuó -evidently means the same thing), let alone, there is only a single Strong's number for such word. John 9:38 has an occurrence of proskuneo and it is exactly of what I said previously. proskuneo=proskuneó=proskyne?=pros-koo-neh'-o=????????? I wouldn't really have to include them, for regardless of how it is pronounced, it means that same thing, one Strong, one Greek. The Strong's says it all, for if you clicked on the link it will be there. For 2 different cannot can't have the same Strong's. It is somehow ridiculous to think as such. Not really, for proskuneos is render to either of the words it is related to, for no one is foolish enough to trade religious worship of God to the Son because someone decided between adorn or worship, but ending up sticking with "worship", and there is only one denomination who will do such a thing. Jesus in the NWT? There is only one Jesus, and there is only one Septuagint. As I said before, there is only one proskuneo, one Strong's, there is not another version of it, nor is there another Jesus, nor is there another God. Revelations 5:12-14 - Proskuneo. Plus we see who is saying that word, and it was not God the Father. What is said in Revelations was that: verse 12 is the angels and myriads saying what is said, for they have said the following: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! The next verse: To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!, continues with the four creatures saying “Amen! and onward, the elders fell down and worshiped (proskuneo). Why is this so? The verse points to Matthew 28:18, for Jesus has been given authority and power, next, we know he has become Lord and has risen because God has resurrected him, next, we know God had exalted him, made him above the angels in Heaven, therefore God's only command is seen in Hebrews, and the Angels bowed down to him or in this case, proskuneo. Now after the Messianic reign, it is a totally different situation, thus making God's true objective become known, for his original plan will be set in motion. There is a reason as to why such verses point back to the Four Gospels quite often and occasionally Hebrews. God didn't say a word here in regards to John's vision, well in this specific chapter of course. Facts: In the Septuagint – the Greek Old Testament – ?????????? is used to express the concept of bowing to show respect to a person in a position of authority; but it is also used to convey the concept of showing reverence and submission, either to the true God of Israel or to the false gods of paganism. About seventy-five percent of the occurrences of ?????????? in the Septuagint express the concept of worship, whether it be of the God of Israel or of the gods of paganism. The following are examples of this word being used to express the concept of worship to the God of Israel: the servant of Abraham bowed down in worship (??????????) of the Lord after he found a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:26); the Israelites in Egypt bowed in worship of God when they heard that God was going to deliver them (Exodus 4:31); during the dedication of Solomon's Temple—when the people saw the temple filled with the glory (remember what I said before about temple dwelling) of the Lord—they fell face down upon the ground and worshipped (??????????) the Lord (2 Chronicles 7:3). The Septuagint, the very manuscript that enables us to even have bibles today, it isn't hypocrisy for that is what we have for the originals have been destroyed. What is hypocrisy is those who tampered with the scriptures over time, something I stated here time and time again, Textual Criticism and the use of the oldest source possible. I believe, as do many others, Satan did have involvement with having his agents tamper with scripture, this is why today translations that try to restore bible verses to its original form, well from the copy, omit verses that you would normally find in the KJV/NKJV, for the verses found, there is quite a few, are not biblical canon - and such persons add to the word uninspired things not of God, examples like the poison and snakes, that Jesus saved an adulterous woman, things like that, to which believe believe to be true when in reality it is false. But Hebrew and Greek professor even acknowledge that in some translations, worship is throw into places it should be - the reason for this is some translations are attempting to pain Jesus as Yahweh/Jehovah, in doing so. Already obvious from my older posts. By honoring the Son, you honor the Father, vice versa. this reflects what is seen in Luke 10:16, John 15:23 and 1 John 2:23. But for John 5:23, Greek Strong's #5091 is being used here, 3 times it has been used. ???????, not ???????????.
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