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Γιαννης Διαμαντιδης

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  1. Αχ αυτα τα καημενα τα παιδακια που πρεπει να βιαζονται και να το κρατουν κρυφο για να παρουσιαζει καλο ονομα η Εταιρια Σκοπια στους εξω και να εχει περισσοτερα κερδη ... τα αποτελεσματα της Βασιλικης επιτροπης για τους 1000 παιδεραστες σας στην Αυστραλια τα εχεις διαβασει ? ξερεις οτι αποκαλει τους Μαρτυρες του ιεχωβα επικίνδυνους για τα μικρα παιδια? ξερεις οτι στην Αμερικη αποκαλουν δημοσιως την εκκλησια σας ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΟ των παιδεραστων? http://www.koolnews.gr/diethni/i-ekklisia-ton-martyron-toy-iehova-apekrypse-pano-apo-1000-periptoseis-sexoyalikis http://jwsurvey.org/child-abuse-2/royal-commission-findings-watchtower-policies-place-jw-children-at-significant-risk-of-sexual-abuse
  2. Αχ αυτη η Σκοπια ... αυτη η εκδοτικη Εταιρία ... ολο προφητευει και ολο εξω πεφτει ... κατα τα αλλα ειναι ο μονος αγωγός επικοινωνιας ... το καλυτερο ειναι αυτο με τη γενεά που πηδιέται απο την αλλη γενιά ( ετσι ακριβως μεταφραζεται απο τα αγγλικα overlaping generations) .... ελπιζω να το πιασατε το κορόιδεμα που σας κανει η Σκοπιά
  3. Και εσεις Μαρτυρες του Ιεχωβα μην κρινετε ΕΠΕΙΔΗ ΘΑ ΠΕΣΕΙ ΑΓΙΑ ΡΑΒΔΟΣ ! Στη Σκοπια του 1970 σελίδα 766 διαβαζουμε οτι απογορευσατε σε ομοφυλοφυλο Μαρτυρα του Ιεχωβα να παει στις συναθρησεις για 3 ετη. ΕΡΩΤΗΣΗ: θεο δε φοβαστε εσεις που προκαταβολικα κρινετε τους αμαρτωλούς και ξερετε οτι τα επομενα 3 χρονια δεν θα μετανιώσουν ? Απο αυτο και μονο φαινεται ποσο αδικες ειναι οι δικες που κανουν οι πρεσβυτεροι με αντιγραφικο τροπο επειδη γινονται "κεκλεισμενων των θυρων" ... ενω στον αρχαιο Ισραήλ επρεπε υποχρεωτικα να γινονται στην πυλη της πολης ωστε ολοι να μπορουν να παρευρεθουν και στην πρωτη Χριστιανικη Εκκλησια η γραφη λεει οτι γινοταν ενοποιών ολης της εκκλησιας
  4. Γιατι οι Μάρτυρες Ιεχωβαδες οτι απο το 1983 βαφτίζονται με αντιγραφικό βάφτισμα ? Διαβασα στη σελιδα του ΟΟΔΕ απο εντυπο τους (βιβλιο οργανωμενοι) οτι βαφτίζονται στο ονομα του πατρος του γιου και του πνευματος που οδηγει την οργανωση ( η αγια γραφη λεει μονο στον πατερα στο γιο και το αγιο πνευμα)
  5. yes only pistols are ok .... just like the students of the Lord had always shords with them specially yhe last night with him in the mount of olives
  6. GOOD LUCK FROM GREECE and shame on you hypocrites JWORG you want 2 witnesses for your selves but not for the others Shame on YOU
  7. if you dont like the exaple of the case of prodigal son out of the mouth our Lord Jesus ... then you can read James 5:14: "Is any one of you sick? He should call theelders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in thename of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. The Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.…" Let us read your scripture ... Acts 26:20 "but declared both to them of Damascus first, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the country of Judaea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance". The bible here talks generally about people of the world (Gentiles) who "should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance". This verse of the bible gives no excuse for the unscriptural use of disfellowship in the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses. You say: "A person is disfellowshipped for NOT repenting his sins". You are wrong here... The penalty of disfellowshiping is applied also to those who don't agree with the uscriptural modern laws of the watchtower who are constantly changing .. I will give the example of the organ transplant ... In 1967 according to watchtower was cannibalism ... In 1980 it was all OK without even a sorry. Vangelis a Greek brother who needed a kidney transplant in 1977 left the organization in order to do it and live and when he wanted to come back around 1985 they didn't accepted him back. They told him that he deeded to show "works that befit repentance". WOE to YOU Jehovahs Witnesses ... Children of Pharisees ... "You weigh men down with heavy burdens, but you yourselves will not lift a finger to lighten their load". The wrath of God will be heavy on YOU JWORG on his day of vengeance.
  8. there is a big possibility to be demons. A friend of mine had the same problem and tried to solve it by being a good Jehovah's witness and repeating the name of God (she thought Jehovah is the right version) as she been told by elders. Of course no improvement. then she went to some other religious sect (I don't say not to promote anyone). They told her that the solution is to pray in Jesus name and to avoid food (nesteia). demons left her one day later ! Ever since she stop attending the kingdom hall and she went to this other sect. Matthew 17:19-21 19Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not drive it out?" 20And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. 21"But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."
  9. JW Insider I would appreciate a honest answer to my question: where is the scriptural proof of hiding the reason of disfellowshipping or dissociation? It is rude to transfer my question to a place deliberately named "Parking Lot for Controversial Posts" in order to degrade and hide my question from the public. This place (Parking Lot) could have a serious name like "Controversial questions". As for my previous questions you are free to go and comment to each one of them, not here. If you want to make a point... I would like to make a point too. I cannot belong to a religion or organization, that put harsh unscriptural rules just for the fun of it and later to change this rules like nothing have happened! Yes some people have died because of this rules... and I am referring to the religious prohibit of organ transplants inside the congregation of Jehovah's witnesses, that you say " it only happened a couple of times". Even if one person died because of the shameful rules of the Governing Body.. the GB is guilty of murder. You say " Over time, many of the views that opposers have held, have finally been accepted".I say I cannot be part of a religious circus that chanches opppinions just like the wind blows, full of hatred to their own members who regret their sins, come back for acceptance, and being treated with disrespect and being kept disfellowshipped for a year or two according to the appetite of local elders and overseers. How do you think Jesus is feeling seeing his little shipp treated like this? of course this is a retorical question. I would preffer an answer to my initial question.
  10. Hi I would like to disassociate my self from Jehovah witnesses but I would like also my brothers and sisters to know the reason why. Is it scriptural to hide this information from the congregation? I am certain that some sisters who dislike me will find opportunity to gossip with lies behind my back and my ex brothers will see me like a monster when in reality I make one step closer to my creator by establishing a new and direct connection to him like he wants ... without human mediators.
  11. I think the question is not so stupid. Ask any Jehovah's Witness in Greece and will tell you that the voting was forbidden in the past. And even now some brothers and sisters advertise in the preaching work that we go to vote but we vote with a white paper... and of course the people answer:... then why go voting in the first place.... because in Greece the winner takes all neutral votes... so is like voting the winning party. Anyway I think God will not be displeased if I will vote a good mayor who will fix the road in front of my house over a mafioso who will go to elections for mayor just to steal people's money. I mean there is no connection between my mayor and God's kingdom.
  12. I think Eoin Joyce's answer is the right one which is NO (is not ok to celebrate it), but still I cannot understand why Bethel in Greece lets brothers even all elders go and celebrate it. I hope someone from the headquarters will see my question and will help on the matter. Thank you Eoin for your answer!
  13. I liked very much the http://healthandmedicine.org Yes avgolemono in Greek and agristada in Ladino, I think is a Jewish sauce !
  14. I want to say that if we don't want to accept the added month that Jewish people use, that will put us always one or more months behind Jewish calendar, and it is impossible for the two celebrations ever to coincide. I mean there is a practical reason for putting an extra month and we must accept that ! Or you say that Jewish people are not clever enough for doing this?
  15. thanks for answering in this part with a yes or no. --------------------------------------------------------- As for that you never said anything negative about the Watchtower in all of your answers .... I was asking you... It was a question... I had a question mark too....Anyway, you try to get away like if you had anything to hide.. so I am asking you again .... why always when the Watchtower makes mistakes you try to defend a group of people in Brooklyn (or wherever) and not Jesus? --------------------------------------------------------- I must disagree with you, In the east people use bread as a spoon so they will not get their hands dirty from the more liquid foods. When somebody makes that gesture FOR YOU it means this person is very close to you... a spouse or a dear friend.. in our case a dear friend and this action of Jesus, of dipping the bread on Judas's behalf was irony and made Judas feel ashamed (because he felt that he was not the friend that he should be). Thats why he left right after this action of Jesus. You say all the others on the table did not dip their breads (like if you was there), It seems that you know nothing of the ways of the east. I say to you that in the east it is a great insult if the Lord of the table do not provide something liquid for the dipping of the bread. Its just impossible to eat only bread in this dry environment! For the above reasons I believe that the bread Lord Jesus used was an everyday leavened bread and since He chose to establish this Memorial other day than the passover day also tells us something.
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