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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. I don't use opinions. Facts can be verified, opinions cannot. Not once have I ever used an opinion here at all, for if I had, you'd quote it. The facts and evidence shown derives from context and Biblical hermeneutics. God's Order has not changed at all, even concerning widows, the Bible is very clear on said structure concerning the union of people in the Church, Body of the Christ. The Bible makes it clear who the head is concerning God’s Order in regards to the church as is the family. Granted the Men and Women are of the body of Christ, they, as is the head, cannot function on its own. It is as dependent on the rest of the body as the body is on the head. God is careful to define headship by comparing it to Christ and the Church. That headship role is best fulfilled by those in that order of which Paul had conveyed correctly in Scripture. The Traditions Paul was referring to is instructions of which was passed down, put into practices for others to follow. These Traditions were properly acceptable concerning true worship, hence the reference for the verse, which is 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6. An example of this is the Lord's Meal, which is something acceptable to Christians, something of which we are to follow, then you have the opposite, hence Mathew 15:2, 3; Mark 7:3 and various references. You should be looking for context concerning what Paul said, do not interject something without understanding what he was referring to. Another verse of which you do not understand. You do realize as to what head coverings is in relation to? Verse 16 is in regards to God's Order concerning headship and subjection, it was pretty clear in the pervious verses, as is what came forth in the following. Paul also went on to convey woman with long hair as is what that entails concerning her position vs that of a man, hence why head coverings were a thing in the early church, for concerning women when it comes to praying, etc. This action is continued in the early church, even before Christianity, the Prophetesses of old, took this into account, such as the likes of Deborah and Anna. The JWs doing this is no issue as to those who understands the full context of Paul's Word. What you are attesting to is cherry picking and breaking away of what was already applied in practice. Men and Women are members in the Body of Christ, be it earthly or heavenly, God's Order has not changed, nor did God himself change. As we all can see, you are interjecting your own Exegesis into the passage, this passage was brought up in our last discussion concerning this and you were corrected. This is concerning the Chosen, not of God's Order of which Paul addressed. As said before, it does not change what God put in place. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with JWs, it has to do with what Paul said as is what was written - literally in the opening of 1 Corinthians 11, as it being noted even referenced many times in Paul's other Epistles, even tracing back to what the Order God put in place concerning the creation of Adam, and later, Eve. No one can change. Not even you. It is not about saying, it is about context, of which you are ignoring, when you read the Bible, you study it, you observe it, understand the context of what a verse or a passage entails, to go around, with your own Exegesis is a dire call back to what Paul stated in Galatians 1:1-11. There is no distinction. Men and women are in union in the church, but the roles are different despite being of that Body. Equal in faith, but in role and operation, many differences, even in a biological sense. Women can teach, to prophesy the Messianic Age that is to come by means of the good news gospel, even with the spirit, however, they cannot lead in regard to Religious Office. If that was the case, you'd see that in context in the Scriptures, primarily the Greek Text. There are Prophetesses, and there are women who are Ministers, there are no leaders ever mentioned that are women. Paul even mentions some, therefore, as what is written about the early church, people such as Prisca, Euodia, Syntyche, Phoebe, Persis, Apphia, etc. All of them are Ministers, Preachers so to speak, of high regard. She does, but the head of a woman is still a man. Likewise, to the head of a man being the Christ of whom all are under, and above all, is God. The Order has not changed, and it seems you are leaning on the modern view of submission, something of which even some JWs are guilty of. What you assume, is not of what the Bible entails. Yet concerning God's Order of which Paul conveys, regardless if the woman is chosen or not is clear. Apostle Paul focuses and concludes on the primary headship of God, the Head of Christ, as is the headship of the man over the woman, an Order of which is maintained and upheld in the early Christian Church. For the woman recognizes that the Most High is the one who ordained headship of man, hence the notion of head coverings by wearing a head coverings, as is roles. There isn't anything anyone can do to change that.
  2. It does makes sense concerning what was in that article. Of course, you post it on purpose, but you were never going to address what was in that article to people, namely to @Pudgy. Pearl literally spoke of having visions where angels were involved speaking to her in a sense, an ability, those before 100AD. Granted the Apostle Age ended many, many years ago, it is highly unlikely Pearl every communicate with an Apostle of old to even gain such abilities around the time such gifts were to serve the early church in growing. Unless she had some sort of Time Machine, perhaps you have a case. Pride is dishonorable, as a Christain, even by means of my culture. So, I would not go around culture, or the Bible for something that the paradigm expresses to a great deal. Therefore, the accusation, is an appeal to motive. That being said, last time you tried to save something that of a similar effect, you were not aware of the Cultural mannerisms of Religious Caribbean people. Nice try though, although a failed attempt. To speak truth is not arrogance. To defend something that is not Christian Core, someone will say something, as is do something. God's Word, as is the Early Church and how they operated should not be defiled by Mainstream ideas, let alone something out of core teachings that had a Biblical purpose concerning the Church. Hence why you fail to see what the one whom you defend is saying, unable to think on your own concerning what is core and what is not. Your Pearl in her article swayed people to the fact that she deems herself an inspired prophet who is capable of having visions, a miraculous gift of the Apostles of old. At this point it makes JWs irrelevant because now there is someone who claims divine inspiration. How are you sure about your last remark? If you took into account what Babylon did in a span of the last 3 weeks, it should be obvious of whom he referenced here. The enemy is the one who seeks Peace by means of Conquest, as far as I had seen, since tracking Babylon, your former faith community is nothing more than a minority, and minorities are common targets of the threat itself. Like I said, those who do not know how Babylon operate, are the ones who fall victim to it. I stated this to many in 2016 and look where they are now, Babylon continues to sweep away such people, using tools, people such as yourself, to do it. That being said, @Kosonen as is Solider of God, are known to be chosen themselves, but unlike Pearl, they would never make the accusation of somehow receiving miraculous gifts if no Apostle existed for a long time, let alone came into contact with any of the Apostles in the modern age.
  3. It should be noted I cited Reslight/Reslite. The thing is the CSA thing is an issue that plagues both JWs and former JWs, often times manipulated by a fringe group among EXJW who's warpath isn't making anything better. In @Patiently waiting for Truth's case, the primary issue of his is CSA, even interjects it at random and unnecessary times. The reason I gave the same solution to him is due to the fact Child Abuse prevention and all affiliates attest to the same thing, even by those who are well equipped to recognize not just abuse, but the actions of an abuser. This is why I told him and @Srecko Sostar to actually be grounded in this regard on different platforms to speak to both sides rather than attack. Granted @Srecko Sostar is from the Cedar crowd, him and that group are not fond of seeking grounded solutions with anyone, even JWs, laughed and bashed it in the past, when coined again, he tried to deviate from something that could be beneficial to reduce the problem in any way possible. In @Patiently waiting for Truth's case he uses a platform, even attested to it now. Although I do not like Big Tech granted their view on CSA and what they do, Butler actually can speak on the issue, however he is not grounded, this is parallel to someone such as @Equivocation (as is some aware EXJWs who are outcast in their community) who is - granted he is able to see that not all in his community is equipped to deal with the issue whereas Butler assumes otherwise, for the CSA situation, Bystander Syndrome, is a global thing in all issues. As for Facebook, it has a CSA problem granted over the internet it is a complex issue. Therefore, it is always wise to go on the correct path to profess such solutions rather than go on a warpath as it seems to be the mentality of the majority of EXJWs. That being said, often times you mentioned visitors, some had come here to translate what I stated about CSA after Srecko laughed it off, granted he was shown later to coined IICSA. For if there not too many people who are grounded concerning the issue, CSA will be a problem for the unaware, and when abuse happens, a domino effect of problems and a headache for those involved as is indirectly. The videos I speak of, is extremely difficult to track after the EXJWs ran the person in question off of YouTube. To be brief concerning him, he had said something that was extremely vital for current and former members, he was defended by JWs, EXJWs who are not disgruntled and passersbys, but the people who succussed in eradicating such information were the disgruntled bunch of EXJWs who kill something critical, to continue their warpath against the Watchtower itself. For if @Patiently waiting for Truth had such information, perhaps as his last tenure, JOHN BUTLER, his tune would be vastly different today concerning CSA. Conversation and discussion would be different. More so, such information in combination with prevention would make people equipped to be vigilant of would-be child abusers, and or, understand the mannerisms of someone abused. At the same time, such information would have to be conveyed in a way whereas a Leftist Big Tech platform does not erase it.
  4. The EXJW community is not only a collection of persons, but the ideas that spread about in the community and those around it. For there are things of which they profess you agreed with on occasion in the past. But their ideas you've had adhered to in the past. This is also the reason why there are 2 factions of EXJWs, the ones who can discern what is right and what is wrong, even in regard to what is correct, whereas you have the ones, the disgruntled, on a warpath, of which they influence the masses. This goes back to the EXJWs I mentioned, the one who spoke the truth concerning 1975, as is the others concerning the UN and the Economical status of the JW faith, both of them, were attacked by the Disgruntled, the one who spoke of 1975 got his life ruined as is his income, and granted he suffers, he was another casualty of the EXJW community, going back even further, there were the ones who not only joked about God, but they joked about wanting a total annihilation of JWs, not just the faith, but the people itself, terminated. This is was early on whereas the shift in said community took place, and when some speak their peace, the community erases them. Even in @Equivocation whereas his JW Church was infiltrated. Then you have the manipulation from Trinitarians and Atheists, for we already have one example of the thread concerning a spoofed website. The reason you do not heard stuff like this is because even the EXJWs in the community can suppress such things and continue to spread their ideologies in which people take up. This also makes it harder and harder for the common issue such as CSA to be dealt with if those who seek to be grounded are suppressed. We see this via the ARC situation and similar cases, namely the ongoing on, King's County. This should be quite obvious to you of how stagnate the community is concerning CSA.
  5. Should be noted that those who abuse children manipulate others to get to them, even people in institutions. For not all among their church members are child abusers, and a great deal of them are not equipped to handle abuse, this is why it was professed, even suggested by CSA prevention to teach people. Granted you just mentioned your Facebook issue of spreading the message, you can do your part in helping others to prevent abuse by teaching them - reach one, teach one. As for the police, Bystander Syndrome is an issue, not in the churches only, but other areas too. For if not a teacher or a pastor who contacts them, the parents are capable too as a secondary. Because when Bystander Syndrome kicks in, consequence and a list of things come to mind, especially when such persons had never been in an abuse situation at all. For instance, you can't expect a new pastor, probably around the age of 24, to handle something that he has never dealt with, granted, the person could have been raised as a Brady Bunch child. That being said, this is why I am trying to salvage 2 videos concerning the events of Warwick, an actually CSA solution that disappeared when the EXJWs attacked a Bible Student. For this information coupled with CSA prevention is vital. Other than that, CSA is going to be a problem because as of late 2021 into 2022, child abusers are simply being let go, in the US and in the UK in which they can repeat an attack on children, this leaving people vulnerable, even JWS due to how broken US and UK laws are. even recently, in the US, there is a CSA situation in regard to a Woke Leftist named Ketanji Brown Jackson, as is the recent situation concerning a man released from jail after 5-6 days, Jussie Smollett. Stuff like this only emboldens CSA, therefore, use the solution provided by sources, like your IICSA to reach people. Like I said, JWs have a CSA problem, be that change, do not sit on a fence, be grounded with both JWs and EXJWs concerning the situation. For it would be wise to listen especially when someone who dealt with abused children is telling you this. As a warning to you, your government released several abusers in a span of several months. Just be aware because they can go anywhere, be anywhere. That being said, look at the thread where I gave information concerning Warwick Protest to @Equivocation, the name of Cedar's friend is the only clue to those CSA videos that has solutions, but you really have to dive into archives to find them, or whatever is left of them granted the EXJW community wiped everything.
  6. This is known, but concerning the Pastor, I believe JWI is aware of this, I recall even at one point he attempted to contact Reslight (also called Reslite by some) who is a Bible Student who knows a lot about Russell. Although he disagrees with JWs on some things, anything regarding the Bible Students he will defend, but even in Reslight's case, EXJWs come after him, as do the Trinitarians, likewise with Oneness believers. I don't use opinions. Facts and evidence, literally. That being said, concerning Witness, I already rooted out the problem concerning Miraculous gifts as to why she is on a defense concerning something that ceased. The image in my last response shows that the one she follows legitimately claim to having visions in her all explanation, something of which that concluded when it served it's purpose.
  7. You were added because you reacted positively without knowing what she was defending. No one question you concerning the view that isn't core. For if that is what you stand on, you should have seen what she said right from the start, as is whatever Srecko pushed concerning Chloe. As do I. Men and Women are invited by God to be Chosen, as in the 1st century and onward. Christians, regardless of sex don't keep God's comfort to themselves. As mentioned before when you were JOHN BUTLER, whatever Elders in the churches of JWs differ from one another, hence the smoking example I told you before, even more so, them, as with all men and women, are imperfect. What I have been saying all this time, when I speak of the Church, I refer to the same one of old, The Early Apostolic Church. The same one that is in the Holy Bible, the same one of which was spoken about in the Didache, by the Apostles in their age, their students, and the Church Fathers before the Roman Emperor shifted everything for the worse, creating both factions of Christendom. For there is the early church, Babylon's Church, is the opposition. Hence the early church of where Christianity was birthed. Not only it is a body under the Christ, but the people of the Spiritual House, unity among them, regardless of sex or status, Jew or Gentle. They paved the path for us to follow, as did the Apostles, as did the Christ. You have to also proclaim the gospel of the good news, which was the primary command of the Christ. There is a reason behind this, as to why. It is a shadow of what is to come, a level of Section 203 in Media and social media, across all platforms. Eventually, this will be on the forefront when Babylon makes it's move to deal with those against her who speak of Scripture and against Brazen conduct. The Left will use people as tools, mainly the unaware for their own agenda, as soon as they reap some form of benefit, they will cast you out, or do it instantly if their agenda is ongoing. That being said, it is far grander than that, too much to explain, but it is something I dealt with for years out of the paradigm, hence the view against the MSM. The gospel has to be proclaimed to the people as well. So much one can do from a platform vs legitimate proclamation of the gospel itself, moreover, it is far natural and organic to do such in a way verbally or in person. Although other forms are alternatives, the primary is usually best. You can still converse. Proclaiming the message of God's Word, even casually. However, my case is far more different vs you or your former faith whereas a constant threat is the other faction of Christianity.
  8. @Dmitar Yes, but as always, EXJWs, Trinitarians and KJV-Onlyist are miniscule, the legitimate threat is Babylon and the bigger fish that reside with her. As are the ideas and out of core ideas that never originated with the early church.
  9. Possibility, that is, if the dominos continue to fall or a Dead Hand Trigger takes place. Meanwhile, situations like this will increase the chances of Systematic Warfare. I mentioned Preppers who are above Truthers, and these guys are 120%++ ready for these type of situations compared to the average person. Fighting for a can of Tuna will be quite the event. Speaking about that, the indirect effects will hit everyone who is unaware and or not prepared. As we speak, the MSM continues to blame Russia when Inflation in conjunction with jobless reports, and sanctions contributed to this. Therefore, a Food Riot is going to be very violent. As for the Russians, the video shows you how they are doing, this is an old video, but you can see the example:
  10. Regarding the situation with 1914, the Pastor of Bible Students never made claim to being a Prophet Inspired. So much so Reslight, who studied the Bible Students, being one himself, gave ample information on this matter, as did the people of CSE and to credit, even the successor of bible Students, the Jehovah's Witnesses. Moreover, you have those who dabble in history. Therefore, it would have been a problem 100% if he did claim inspiration of that magnitude. We know God talks to his people, even helps them, but the fact he offered specific gifts was for a reason. Your other assertion is irrelevant. Everyone knows that, but he did more than the notion of Repentance. If you knew as to why he baptized people in the Jordan River, you'd realize the major reason behind it, it was not only concerning Repentance. They did, which is known, but their gifts are no more, hence the history after 100AD. That being said, now I know why the defense of the Mainstream belief other than the Unisex one. Because Pearl Doxsey herself claims to have miraculous gifts to produce Visions. For instance, the mention of being taken by angels on flight, Angelic Guides... So much so her Acolytes, even attested to this too, comparing her to legitimate Inspired Prophets example below: And now the cracks of the armor, is seen. For Pearl, noted several times of having various visions, even so, attempted to share it with Jehovah's Witnesses. If anything we see the fulfillment of many of the inspired visions of old, we do not produce them ourselves, nor God gives them today granted the purpose of such was already established. As for you my dog loving friend, @Pudgy as you can see, the reason for the defense: Claim of inspiration in this regard, to have such abilities, I do not think the latter or her friends can defend this. But granted this was found, of which was of her own design, now we understand the ideas of Pearl. Constantine the Great, The Ghost of Fátima, Ozman etc. and now this.
  11. Some could, but granted on how enticed people are by the Propaganda the MSM is putting out, it is hard for them to detach from it. This same Propaganda has gotten people killed, especially those who seek to volunteer. In this sense, going there, and doing things on social media effectively ended the lives of volunteers directly and indirectly.
  12. @Equivocation The Tiktok community, or the influencers should know that dancing will not help soldiers or stop a war. But yes, @JW Insider and I brought up the whole trap situation. As for the high Russian officials, they are missing, granted, they are in connection with the Nuclear option, so people are speculating, even some assume Putin to have taken them out so he has access to the Nuclear option. Then there is the other scenario, The Dead Hand Switch whereas such an option could automatically trigger via systems should anyone having access to the Nuclear option to be taken out. Speaking about memes, there was this one cited by an Independent Journalist, the meme is called we are all laughing until we see the mushroom cloud. Although memes have their time, the super powers are playing a dangerous game.
  13. This is what I said when it came to being spirit led. Granted your faith community go house to house, the latter of which I speak is rare concerning your faith. If out and about in a debate situation you will see many. It would not be a surprise if that was the case. Constantine was the primary one concerning Christianity. However, there had been others after that. Examples like people seeing a ghostly version of the Christ, or of Mary, some attest to seeing visions of an apparition emerging from an idol of Mary weeping, to others, something conjured up with a statue of Christ on a Cross. Outlandish things. The one I often see a lot is Fatima situation for people assume such an event to be a great one, not realizing this is something bad, possibly demonic, granted this is a call back as to why my Father did what he did. Here is an example, possibly sometime before Bible Students - Agnes Ozman spoken of to have spoken in tongues, which was claimed. Well of course, Srecko knew what he did try and fool people not realizing he fooled himself. Cedar is quite miniscule and irrelevant, just like David Wood. Other then that the Pastor is not favorable towards women and sees them for only one function, nor does he believe that they can be Ministers when the Bible has examples.
  14. She is a misguided Christian who is shown to lean towards Mainstream ideas without realizing it. For this I can say everyone is correct concerning Pentecost 33AD, even the likes of @Patiently waiting for Truth granted these gifts essentially began by means of the spirit however, they somehow believe that after Apostle John that these miraculous gifts continued afterwards, like prophesying to predict or have visions. I asked myself, many times, yet none of them can produce.
  15. Then why make an assumption? Wouldn't it be best to know what Unitarian you are referring to? that being said, having Biblical knowledge enables me to not adhere to the Unisex idea of which you preach as a truth. It is not of the early church, nor is it from the Bible. Likewise with the miraculous gifts. That being said, there is no way be it you, or myself can speak in tongues, left alone go raise someone back to life like those of old. Preacher is a Biblical term, not a label. Do not confuse the notions. A Preacher is rooted from a Minister [diakonos (διάκονος)] as well as rooted from Herald [kérux (κῆρυξ)], which is linked with Minister, one of whom who a person proclaims the Message of God, speaks truth, etc. Most importantly, they speak the good news gospel of the Messianic Age of the things to come, they adhere to and respect the Great Commission. Aside from that a Preacher and or Minister teaches people about God from the Bible itself, in addition to maintaining a moral stance, and examples of which can be applied in today's age; give lessons to people so they can learn, apply, in turn teach to others, for not only this examples spreads, it also spreads applying God's qualities of which the Christ applied, likewise with the Fruit of the Spirit. My own labeling? @Witness are you aware of what a Preacher is? Ironic, for this is common knowledge, perhaps the term Christian would be confusing if brought up also. I call out falsehood and misinformation, this is something I am akin to doing all the time. You need to see that the Unisex idea is NOT of the Bible or of God. The fact you are defending it speaks volume. For someone who told me once you knew Strong's, I can't help but say this was quite the fail, on your part. https://biblehub.com/greek/2783.htm https://biblehub.com/greek/1249.htm Anymore remarks, Witness?
  16. It is clear you do not understand the context of Paul's Words, granted of what was quoted to you before. Prophesying in regards to predict by means of visons had ceased. Along with tongues, the knowledge noted in the passage. This knowledge is by means of the holy spirit of which majority of Christian had in the 1st century, even around during and after Pentecost 33AD. It is in association with miraculous gifts, granted these gifts have ceased because they played a particular role in redemptive history in accrediting the ministry, during that time, it never continued afterwards. Sprit Led ones are capable of prophesying, but primarily of the gospel message, coming of the Messianic Age, etc. not of visions and or similar. I don't mislead, so please spare yourself of accusations. That being said, there is a reason as to why the 1st century is noted as the Apostolic Age (33AD - 100AD) And? Paul and John were still alive during that time, the purpose the Apostle and those with such gifts were active until the the near of the 1st century. More so, they had partial knowledge. You are not understanding nothing of what Paul is saying. Prophesying in terms of predict by means of visions and or similar miraculous gifts - Yes. Hence the difference An inspired prophet possesses the miraculous gift of prophesy, inspired and infallible utterance and predictions, as proof they are having the Holy Spirit. A normal, Spirit led Prophet who is clearly not inspired and not infallible have the gifts of the spirit regarding prophesying. It served it's purpose when the the Christian was starting up, and ended around the near end of the 1st century, around that same timeframe, Apostle John, the last Apostle, had passed. He literally says it in the verse you quoted. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 40AD-60AD was still the 1st century, so the miraculous gifts persisted still, but evidently, it came to an end. For in that time, not only the people were convinced by the words of the Apostles, but the gifts of what the spirit gave, to push people in the direction of the Christ.
  17. It isn't that hard. But the main thing is the idea is to assume all Unitarians are the same. @Patiently waiting for Truth and @Srecko Sostar made that mistake before, even @Cos who is known to alter history to benefit the Trinitarian belief.
  18. Unfortunately I do not use opinions. Facts, ample evidence concerning bible truths, only that, as is, the truth of whatever Mainstream or paradigm try to conceal. Knowing Scripture does not make anyone cold. Nor do I like faith. Granted, I am able to understand what the Greek text conveys what transpired from the days of the early church into the 2nd century. If you want to speak of being cold, one can simply bring up your Ebonics past, even though a teenager told you to cease. Jehovah's Witnesses are irrelevant. What matters is concerning what the Bible says concerning Miraculous Gifts of old, the truth concerning what took place. I follow the early apostolic church. You asked me in the past this same question, and it has always been the same. He isn't a follower, but he himself stated what I conveyed to be true, as is @Arauna. I am, not pretending to be right either, granted, I hold truth and evidence to the highest regard possible, even concerning the Holy Bible. One does not need to be advanced in Scriptural knowledge to see that the Unisex Teaching is not of the Church, but surely, you would not bat your eyes in that regard because of justifiable cause, hence, being hypocritical. The fool is one who cannot convey Scripture or content. But even when it comes to specific words in Scripture of which you were found to be guilty of - as seen here [THREAD] The irony is I have before, but you interject with remarks, many times, this is why by means of discernment, things go the way it is. Moreover, this remark of yours is in err because when my discussion was with Srecko, you made an ill remark which brought you into this position to begin with, hence why I brought up evidence to claim, even the second account, as is the Ebonics claim. My mindset is extremely neutral, but due to position, it is very clear that I make a response to falsehoods, all the time, I literally say it time and time again. I am also clear of mind to the point I can see problems. I am against falsehoods, I am against Conspiracies, Agendas, etc. Therefore, while you yourself await truth, even in regards to a Unisex practice of which has blown past your mind, as is the events of the 2nd century, in my case, I look and look for what is true concerning the Bible. Would it not make sense to fully understand the Word of God? For there was a reason as to why in the Age of the Apostles and in Pentecost 33AD these things happen. The miraculous gifts of the Spirit, including apostleship, prophecy, visions, tongues, healing, resurrections, and miracles served the purpose of validating the message about Jesus during the early days of the Christian Church, but now that the apostolic age came to an end, the scriptural revelation is complete, therefore, the miraculous gifts do not characterize the normal and expected operation of the church body today. The thing is here, you seem to not understand what miraculous gifts even entails, granted everyone knows what transpired in Pentecost 33 AD, but afterwards, is a different story. That being said, I guess throwing Apostle Paul under the bus is only convenient when necessary, hence Srecko and Witness. But you can do more to know his Word concerning miraculous gifts, let alone the New Covenant and the Commission. Speaking of the Commission, Jesus gave command concerning this, but I doubt you or someone else knows what that entails either, or has done did in the last 24 hours. As do I, but in the matter of truth, the Chosen does not have miraculous gifts of the spirit. They're spirit led. This excludes them being on Mount Zion granted, this will be the day they appear alongside the Christ in his second coming. Which is known, but as a Christian, you should be knowing of what the Bible says.
  19. @Equivocation As you can see, he has nothing. And I will point out that even Butler agrees with him not only for his ill remarks, but sides with a man who defends the Unisex teaching which shows that the patiently waiting for truth moniker, isn't being lived up to. He claims JW order or Unitarian Order, outlandish assertions, when in reality God's Order is unchanged, God does not change, and has always been the same since the Garden of Eden, concerning Adam, as is Eve. The Bible’s teaching that the Most High is a God of order, for we understand that his order, for he is not a fan of confusion or disorder as seen in (1 Corinthians 14:33). This verse is part of a rebuke of the Corinthian church, of which was in the original thread in which both @Witness and @Srecko Sostar were shown to purposely twist in conjunction with Pearl's assertions. Their worship services were out of control (1 Corinthians 14:23), hence why Paul came to upbuild the Church. Paul bases the command for order in the church on the fact that God Himself is a God of order, not chaos. Likewise with other remarks of Paul, for Paul understand this: The Head of the Christ is God The head of the Church is the Christ The head of the Man is the Christ The head of the woman is the Man For such order has context, as is the roles of which men and women have in the church, although different, still unified. As you can see in the way both @Srecko Sostar and @Witness responses, they do not understand what Paul conveys here, even by means of the thread. Due to what they say here, As I told @Dmitar perhaps I may make a refutation thread in regards to Pearl Doxsey's Unisex view, and will do so using the Bible. Normally it is due to Trinitarianism, but in this case, those who protect and defend teachings that is not core to the early church, and not only the thread will be made, as in all debates, an example must be made concerning them as it was done with @Coswhich will harmonize with what Kel stated concerning former members of your faith. that being said, the same reaction gained from Trinitarians, I already know how the reaction would be here, but it makes no difference because truth cuts through falsehood and those defending.
  20. Then why even make a claim in the first place that you know nothing of? It would have been best on your part to actually have the information, but clearly, you did not have said information. Well it is obvious, look at your quote. Clearly if you do not know something, in this regard, it would be best to not say something at all. And yet sudden, Srecko you cannot attest to what you alluded to. Regardless, unlike @Cos you didn't butcher the history, of which one can assume you'd do it if given the chance. That being said, me being a Biblical Unitarian is already known, but the attempt to evade the Unisex idea is quite jarring. As is persons, such as yourself, who butcher God's Order with an ideology that isn't of the Core Teachings itself. Also your other remark, Order of the Unitarian Church... I do not know of what gave you the idea, but if you forgot, I rely on the Bible itself, as is your attempt to compare me to the Pastor I mentioned in the other response, which makes no sense, therefore the claim of mindset, processed by you, it false. For a former Jehovah's Witness, I guess Brother Kel was right, for when it comes to the Bible, lacking reaps problems. For the record, God's Order has nothing to do with Unitarians or JWs, it is solely in regards to what the Bible says, even in regards to the events of Eden. Unless, you do not know Adam and Eve, then that in of itself is a problem.
  21. A lesson he will now learn the hard way. Trinitarians tend to get Unitarian groups confused and utterly gets corrected in the end. Now, @Srecko Sostar will replicate those who have done the same. I await his response.
  22. And what does @Witness comment has to do with me? Her assumption did not do her anything good, but shows she is misguided. I advocate for God's Order. Unitarian Church? The funny thing with these remarks is that you are not being specific. Yes, I am a Biblical Unitarian, which is True. I am not of the Unitarian Church, also true. Granted you are not clear of which Unitarian you are referring to. My path to being Biblical Unitarian was by means of my Father, who taught my brother and I granted a serious situation the family was under, also true, hence in house learning of the Bible. As for the situation, it could have reaped death or critical harm. He also did this because granted there was no churches, the notion of Black Magic was mixed with Christendom on those who did not know the truth of the Bible, so this was not only a defensive move, but to protect my brother and I, as is my mother. A history I made known here several times, even in this thread. The fact you had to go through great lengths is also reaching, so much so you are now running from your claims. That being said, your reaching to evade your own assertions is a silly one. But please cotninue. What specific Unitarian Church you speak of, to this I will wait.
  23. There are, but the Methodist are the ones who have this spotlight on them; to push the idea and practice. There is a history in regards to it also. They sought to be diverse whereas others use Mary as a justification. For these ideas are not Core. And that is the point of what I addressed before, something Srecko and cohorts cannot comprehend. Paul was clear and concerning him such gifts had ceased, so Constantine, and some of these Pastors today who assume otherwise, even state they had visions and do other things, I take issue with because it goes around the Bible. The ability to heal and raise the dead is associated with Spiritism in the modern age, after Apostle John, into our day. I am sure many, many people who claim to be inspired will have to answer for themselves on in front of the white throne, likewise to practitioners of Black Magic. But as pointed out, although we do not have these gifts specifically, we have God's spirit, of which can led us to profess what is true.
  24. In the Bible there was no woman or House Head noted as a Shepherd. So unfounded, for if that was the case you'd have a verse/passage concerning a noted Shepherd who is female, but clearly, you do not. Shepherdess is a female term whereas the male term is Shepperd, likewise to Prophetess to Prophet. A Shepherdess tends to Sheep, Goat and or other livestock (the sex of the animal is irrelevant), which is something in the modern day even old times, however, never noted in Bible Times - at all. Some try to argue Rachel's role, but only do so by ruling out her household, her father.
  25. This isn't my mindset. Nor have I displayed the wrong attitude towards women, therefore, your lie as been shut down in less than a second. Nice try though, attempting to not quote me entirely. There are people who are like this towards women who are of the Church. I even quoted a Pastor and a Debate rival who were wrong ion what they have said. That being said, God's Order has not changed, likewise with those who twist what it actually is, granted said order began in Eden. Really? Show me anywhere in the Bible that God's order has changed because Prophet Malachi was accurate in what he said in the Hebrew Text. God is the same before, and is the same now.
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