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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. I don’t read witness for obvious reasons but the only annoited that get stumbled out ..are those with too much pride…in the footsteps of the father of the lie…and they just go on to travel down his path .
  2. We need to do the best we can at this time…..I have come to the realisation that Jesus forgave those who REPENTED…..everyday ask Jehovah to help you with the anger and resentment ….it works!!!
  3. You need to change your font or whatever it’s called ….I go cross eyed trying to read your posts…it’s terrible to read… Im not reprimanding you……you frustrate me more than anything….and yes I notice the problems with in the org…..and I’ve tried to explain to you numerous times about this….. I see some of the things you point out….I’ve lived thru some terrible cruelness that even unbelievers would not condone….and I don’t defend any of it. But I also know that the organization is not all like my old cong ….and tho I’ve absolutely detested with the greatest loathing what was allowed……I also have experienced wonderful moments with a vast array of different personalities with in the org…some of the best memories of my life have been with in the truth….and some of the very worst as well. I remember the good…I see the good…and I choose to stay around those types . The difference between you and me….is I never ever did see the org as something perfect….I went in with my eyes wide open to the errors…fortunately I had enough brothers and sisters around me who were grounded and down to earth. The salt of the earth types….I also had the super apostles…I also looked at many other faiths… Unfortunately and to my utter devastation,,,JWs were the only ones who had all my questions answered correctly….yet even then I saw what I considered a lot of errors….and I wondered why….and eventually I worked it out… Now you have to work it out…..yes they always taught that first paragraph you wrote….I still hear it from time to time…..but it’s a old thought…and old teaching…and I wish we had never taught it….and it will probably take another generation for it to die out completely…….but my guess is it came from Rutherford claiming the ark represented the org….the org is just a huge group of people….from all walks of life..with all different personalities and cultures….somehow when we meet a fellow witness in another town or country …automatically we have a bond ….like it or not…there has to be a captain of the ship….we have eight men who are just men…some I enjoy more than others…..some I take note of more than others …some thoughts I disagree with…overall they have done a incredible job in getting some basic truths out there…and keeping a huge massive family in reasonable order in a world collapsing around them….I don’t worship them and I second guess them all the time…and there has been a number of heart wrenching casualties along the way…..What do you want me to say Sreko…that we are a wonderful bubbly happy lot of people who worship the GB as if they were rocket men ….Like gods from North Korea….some do…a lot dont…and no a lot of us are tired and weary..grumpy..worn out…trying to live in a world run by and evil dictator named Satan… Why are you here..why do you talk with me???…go and be happy with your faith..preach the good news and be satisfied with that…and if we are wrong….we die….
  4. I remember this argument being brought up on another forum..so I dug a bit deeper…..I cannot remember everything but basically..Gods people at the time were acting in a manner not pleasing to him at the time…I cannot remember what they did or their attitude but they bore some responsibility for that judgement,,,they were not in good standing before Jehovah at the time….but I cannot remember what they were doing to displease him……then off course David made it all ten times worse….
  5. Still doesn’t say the ark equals Jesus ….I remember that passage…didn’t like it then and still don’t …..since 2006…the brothers now say only Jesus can decide who will be saved….WE CANNOT…long time in coming I admit,…just goes to show you one must study and reason and not beleive everything written…nor have heart failure and run for the hills screaming ..in panic….one must use the oil in the lamp…..remember…the apostles preached the kingdom had come on their first mission….they no doubt had to eat those words….there are a number of things the WT has had to be humbled on….this is one …. Sereko you are as shallow and panicked out as they come…you must learn to reason….the WT is not the Bible …it is not holy….those who write it are not holy…it’s a tool…it’s a guidance which gets things wrong from time to time…and some who have written some things have had to eat humble pie… I did not get my knickers In A knot over that passage when I read it years ago….I sighed deeply and wondered how they ever passed it..and just who on earth wrote it… Needless to say Bro Luciano gave a excellent talk recently on …..it is only Jesus who can Judge who will be saved NOBODY else can say that or even try to say it….he was politely letting us know..the above statement is wrong….
  6. The Ark DOES NOT REPRESENT THE ORG….that thought was put forth by Rutherford…and it has been corrected…Russell had the correct understanding .
  7. Yeah interesting that…doesn’t sort of fit because Jesus will call down evil on any man even tho a hundred years old thru out the thousand years…..but I’m supposing some will have a evil undercurrent and when the world is at peace may want to start ruling parts of it themselves…start relying on themselves and forgetting ..what it was like….if you stop to reason on it….in the New world …how can one explain….children were cut open often alive for their kidneys or heart…or children were sold for sex…..or children were offered up as sacrifices to the demons….maybye ones who have only experienced peace and bodily perfection will not appreciate what they have and trust in themselves…When Satan is released unfortunately history will repeat itself…..for a time… Pudgy let’s just try to get to the other side of things…even if it’s by resurrection ..but if I see a lot of German Shepard’s and French poodles…I will think of you ….actually no I won’t …sorry
  8. Yes I know the brothers are moving away from concentrating on doctrines ….which suits us Australians….we don’t have to unpack so many doctrines……..but do not undermine your Tangents….they are like nuggets of gold… Overhere it seems to most of us that Americans are unusually religious…and incredibly political…..and you have a high population of Mexicans and hispanics who….are very strongly entrenched in their catholic based faith…..you never know…with the way things are going globally …..you might be called on to one day unload your nuggets of gold….
  9. Anna when you finish watching the family series you will get it ….that show made it clear to me visually and not by just reading and reasonings,,,,,,the religious people are political but if not actively a politician they give power to them because they convince its Jesus using them…and their power in America is ENORMOUS …….and the …want to be politicians must work with them because they are so powerful and so many of them…..take trump….he’s not religious…..but he has the faiths backing him so he acts as if he’s religious..to get what he wants…from what I’ve read..he had to agree to his vice president…who was not his choice but theirs…because he was religious…that was the deal…eventually the next president won’t need the religious back up…and their demands will no Longer need to be met…. That series made me understand how joined the harlot is to the beast..from the American point of view…( world Power) neither can exist with out the other….but I could see how the beast will get rid of her..as she’s to demanding..to irritating…to limiting to the beast … wait till you watch it all….
  10. Probably because the rest of the world are still utterly deceived by those teachings….it’s trash to us…but to them..it’s their whole life…and who’s obsessing over it….but me finding out what was trash and what wasn’t…was nothing short of miraculous… im hoping I misunderstood your post…
  11. But Saul was chosen and then rejected…as was Judas…wouldn’t that be like saying once saved always saved sort of principle…I watched the Family sometime ago…it made me realise the cunning of Satan to pose and seduce people into believing they ( politicians and all associated with them ) were doing it in Gods name and maybe even bring about Peace and security in his name…. I was glad I watched it…as it helped me understand some things.
  12. Yeah well I don’t understand the 1919 stuff…never have felt comfortable with it…but who am I to cause a stir over it…I just don’t get it ….do you?.
  13. No, I don't agree with that. The December 1, 1916 Watchtower says this with respect to the belief already held by thousands: "that he filled the office of 'that faithful and wise servant' and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation." So, was the Watchtower telling the truth when it said that Russell had admitted that he filled the office of that faithful and wise servant? I think he was dead when that was written….he cannot be blamed for what was written after his death……from what I’ve read he admitted others applied that term to him personally ..I shall try to find it, On his gravestone they also wrote and gave him a certain title which he had nothing to do with ….was the WT lying…not sure?…..again going from what I have read he had hoped he had acted in an approved manner….and acknowledged others thought him to be such. And just WHO in the watchtower claimed he said that …..Rutherford???? And even if he did….so what…thank the man for devoting his life as he came out of BTG…thank him for straightening out hellfire and standing strong and fighting against the trinitarian God….Thank him for being fearless in traveling the world and explaining about the kingdom….and the resurrection hope on the earth…. You know what you know because of one’s like him …instead of finding fault…get on your knees with some humility and Thank God Russell found him,,…sheesh talk about finding fault with a brother….. I often wonder about that with you….why I ask myself…you always seem to sow seeds of doubt about Russell…is it the date thing??? I don’t doubt he did a lot of wrong…misunderstood heaps of things…and JWI..I will say this…you so quickly condemn the man….there is nothing humble about you in doing it. Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn Email “God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years has Approached,” 1973, p. 345-47 “The Slave who lived to see the sign” “From this it is clearly seen that the editor and publisher of Zion’s Watch Tower disavowed any claim to being individually, in his person, that “faithful and wise servant.” He never did claim to be such,” (“God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached,” 1973, p. 346). Comment: This contradicts Watchtower December 1, 1919, p. 357 where the watchtower states Russell did in fact claim to be the Faithful and Discreet slave. “Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell’s writings believe that he filled the office of ‘that faithful and wise servant,’ and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation,” (Watchtower, Dec. 1, 1919, p. 357). The best advise I can give someone concerning Russell is get his writings and books etc and read them yourselves…also there are Facebook pages often clearing up certain things he was supposed to say and do…
  14. But Russell himself never claimed to be the one and only faithful and discreet slave…do you agree with that..and it was Rutherford that changed the understanding of the Ark from representing Jesus into representing the organization….the ramifications which even today are huge…..even tho we have changed the understanding back to what Russell understood. sorry I’m not saying anything about your calibrations…but I’m simply not qualified to answer….but I did read that Russell was not dogmatic on everyone believing 1914…one could choose to beleive it or not….I think it should have stayed that way…Rutherford made it a dogmatic doctrine…or so it seems to me.
  15. So sorry Tom…we have buried a few…and the pain is real…I still debate with Jehovah at times about their resurrection….big hugs to you and family
  16. Guess work here….he’s dynamic energy…he cannot sit still…planning discussing with his court and fighting a war with two thirds of his old family and trying to deal with us ratty lot….and listening to millions upon millions of prayers and listen to what Bob wants….and besides his eyes are roving about in all the earth look for righteous hearts 2 Chronicles….but he has rested on the seventh day so maybye you got a point there……hmmmmmmmm
  17. Because he’s got an appointed time he has to meet….and a promise to keep
  18. Me either….but if you could see his face and hear the voice, I think it would be better …
  19. There certainly is a lot I can do…when they come for thinking I can direct them to the dog pound and say she’s in there and you will know her because she looks all pudgy and old…..and pudgy doesn’t speak English so I should be safe …
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