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John Houston

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    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Russia - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action ~ ?????   
    RUSSIA  - The Holy Spirit of Jehovah in action....    ENJOY !
    I thought it would be heartening to share an experience I had while working on the Bethel Chelmsford site   a couple of days ago.
    I worked with a Russian-speaking brother and, of course, I asked him if he had "any updated news about our brothers and sisters in Russia". He has been talking to some of his friends in Russia and told me that "many inactive" had begun to return to the truth when they saw the persecution as a sign of the nearness of the end of this system. He also mentioned that some employers who have witnesses as employees have been interested in the truth, since they can not relate the good behavior of their employees with the label of "extremism". This has made some of them curious about our beliefs and teachings. Also those interested have had their interest reached by what has been happening, so some have increased their interest. Also the fact that some of the law enforcement countries have had to go through our literature trying to find something extremist has meant people who would normally have nothing to do with the truth have come to understand our message of the good news.
    It is amazing how Jehovah has used this prohibition and the unjust treatment of our brothers as a catalyst to get people interested in the truth.
    He also mentioned that there was consensus that the "exemplary family award" that was given to the family of witnesses at the award ceremony was purposely made to be a symbolic gesture that "yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are good people" and as people who have no problem with us Almost nobody believes it was an accident, since nobody can get so close to Putin without the powers to know everything about you, your family, the way you live, including your religion, and everything others about his life and that of his families. The timing was well judged and "it seemed to be a way of letting the world realize that it was trying to be fair and balanced, maintaining its position on extremist activities." :confused:
    The preaching work is done very covertly and they do not go out of their way to mention that they are Jehovah's Witnesses, maybe just a few words in a conversation and then they continue normally. In the smaller cities where everyone knows everyone, there is more persecution than in cities where it is easier   to mix.
    Some brothers are leaving the country and find it very easy to request asylum for reasons of religious persecution even more than asylum seekers from countries torn by war.
    I believe that the spirit of Jehovah is working firmly in Russia, even though there is a lot of religious persecution. Jehovah is using this situation in a very positive way, just as we thought he would. I know that this information comes only from one source and that other sources may have a different opinion on all this, but I found it extremely encouraging to hear the positive effect that this situation has had on the country of Russia.
    ( shared  by  our  dear  Spanish  Brother...)  THANK YOU !! 
                          ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  2. Thanks
    John Houston got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in Can anyone explain this to me?: The rest of the dead did not come to life UNTIL the 1,000 years were ENDED.   
    Hello, DeeDee, think about what this verse is speaking about. It is not as hard as one think. Who partake of the 'first' resurrection? Those of the heavenly hope, and when they are given life, they are immortal, death has no hold there is no last test for them, correct? But those brought back to life during the reign of Christ, what happens when Satan is let loosed upon the earth? We all must past this final test, because if any fail they will end up where? So after this test death will be no more, all who pass has nothing but life in front of them, no testing of where their sovereignty lies, they have proved it. So the writer could put this what he saw in the future in those very words. Everyone else, the dead, would not come to life without death, until the 1000 yrs had ended.
  3. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from DeeDee in Which nations disappear in Armageddon?   
    Verse 11, John wrote, 'And I saw' he did after the fact, this is another totally different vision. Using your reasoning, though, what happens to the heaven and the earth? In order? Because now should I believe my actions now in my life follow me after I die? What actions of the dead are they being judged by, if indeed scripture teaches us that the dead have no works or actions in the Grave? As Matthew writes, 'let the reader use discernment'. If we are going to do deep personal study, we have to have astute practical discernment, and not do it alone. Jesus told us to gather together, not alone, remember his words at Matthew 18:19,20?
    Those trumpets in Revelation, the last one, or final one, did come as Paul stated. During which the anointed were resurrected, and all others would be changed in a twinkling of an eye to immortal life in heaven.
    i have been at this for some 50yrs., there have been many revisions on many subjects, and studying has helped. Those visions chapters 15:1--16:21, is what is considered the  10th vision of this book. And 18:1---19:10 is the 12th vision, 19:11-21, is another vision. There is no controversy that goes with research of God's word and I agree with in is the final authority.
  4. Haha
    John Houston reacted to Israeli Bar Avaddhon in Which nations disappear in Armageddon?   
    Chapters 19 and 20 of Revelation will unveil some significant details about the war of Armageddon and what will happen next. These details will include two major changes to the current understanding and, just as happened with the identity of Babylon the Great, this "change of vision" will be a real stumbling block for many Jehovah's Witnesses. These chapters will be examined in the next article but, faced with such a serious change of understanding for two other subjects, it was decided to treat them separately in the light of the whole Scripture. First of all we must realize that the Revelation speaks of the resurrection at the end of the millennium, and not during the millennium. This will be dealt with in detail in due course. For the moment ... accept this possibility only to make the theme of this article comprehensible, which must answer the question, in fact, "which nations disappear in Armageddon?". It is clear that here we return to the usual "problem" if the book was written in chronological order or not but meanwhile we saw that the 7 seals are sequential, the 7 trumpets must be sequential (the apostle Paul calls the seventh trumpet "the last trumpet") and so also the seven cups of the wrath of God. If all this is sequential ... is it consistent to think that just the last chapters are not? Let's try to read the whole chapter 20 of Revelation and follow the order of events. Satan is dissolved from his prison, then misleads the nations that are at the corners of the earth, these surround the field of saints and then are killed by fire coming down from the sky. After this event, the death and hades return the dead that are in them - Revelation 20: 11-13 The writing of Revelation 20: 4 says that the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were over. "Until" means "up to the moment" and not "during" and this would mean that in these thousand years the elect would rule on the survivors of Armageddon and their families, but not the resurrected ones. The same term, "until", used in Matthew 1:25, we have always used it to show that Joseph did not have relations with his wife Marie until the birth of the child. This should be sufficient to show that the resurrection will take place after the end of the millennium, a concept that seems to be reaffirmed in verses 12 and 13. We will go deeper into these verses but now let's focus on these "rebels" who attack the people of God. Who are they and where did they come from? Revelations 20:7-10 says... "Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison, 8 Â and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Ma?gog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea. 9  And they advanced over the whole earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and consumed them.+ 10  And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where both the wild beast+ and the false prophet already were;+ and they will be tormented* day and night forever and ever". At the end of a thousand years, Satan is dissolved to "mislead those nations that are in the four corners of the earth" and gathers them to war. It seems really incredible that something like that happens! Is it possible that in the new world people still organize themselves in political nations, that create divisions and that even attack the part of that people remained faithful? This is the first hypothesis and roughly represents the current intention. Before thinking that it is nonsense ... is it possible to hypothesize that during the Armageddon war a part of the earth is spared also to allow the survival of the people of God? In several parts of the Bible it is said that during the time of judgment his faithful people escapes finding shelter to Edom, Moab and Ammon (which by the way are also the cities spared from the world war) - Compare for example Daniel 11:41 with Isaiah 16: 4; Psalm 108: 8-10 with Jeremiah 40: 10, 11 These three nations (Edom, Moab and Ammon) were mountainous / hilly and this recalls the words Jesus spoke to his disciples - Matthew 24: 15, 16 Does Scripture warn all Christians in the world to flee to the nearest mountains as soon as they see the disgusting thing about Israel? Indeed, if the destruction of Babylon the Great gave rise to Armageddon (as we have seen) and not to the great tribulation, "fleeing the mountains" would mean that Jehovah would save these mountains by force of things. In fact these "mountains" could be a specific locality of the earth where Jehovah will lead his people just before Armageddon. This or these locations would then be "preserved by judgment". It would not be the first time that Jehovah, in his love and mercy, avoids destroying a certain people because of his servants. According to the account of Genesis 19:21, 22, the angels of Jehovah avoid destroying Zoar for consideration of Lot, and yet, from what is understood by reading the whole story, that "little city" was part of Sodom or Gomorrah and therefore had to be destroyed. The war of Armageddon actually destroys the satanic system composed of the wild beast, the false prophet and his supporters. All those nations that are compact in fighting against the Lamb also fall. The vast majority of people die in this war because blinded and branded by the wild beast but will die all those who are not Christians? The Philadelphia congregation is told that "it would be preserved by the test that must come on the entire inhabited earth" and that this can be done at least hypothesizes that some Christians find shelter in a "free zone" - Revelation 3:10 If we can hypothesize this, then the nations that at the end of the millennium decide to attack the people of God, could be born from these surviving strains. Why, in fact, would you make a distinction between them and "the field of saints"? Are not all the inhabitants of the new world "saints"? In the new world will there be a "field of saints" and a "field of non-saints"? Another confirmation could come from the very protection of Jerusalem above; it is said to "fly in the desert" far from the face of the serpent. When Satan tries to make her drown "the earth comes to her aid" and this means that at least until the last moment of divine judgment there is still a "stable" part of the world - Revelation 12:15 This could also explain why the resurrection does not take place during this millennium; simply because you are not yet in that new world that we imagine even if it will already be a new world and you will already have many reasons to be happy. We should probably make a distinction between "millennial reign" (which will bring many blessings to faithful humanity) and "new world" that will begin after the resurrection, at the moment when Christ returns the kingdom to his God and Father. This period could simply be a period of transition during which human beings can live in peace without the influence of Satan and under the guidance of divine teaching for all those who wish to obey. In fact, one of the questions Satan raised in the Garden of Eden was precisely if man was able to govern himself but man, with the interference of Satan, he never really ruled alone.       Can man direct his steps without God and without Satan? Also to this we must answer   This is related to the words of Revelation 20: 3; Satan is bound "not so misleads the nations" and that it is necessary to give definitively answer to the issue raised in Eden. However, if all the nations were destroyed at Armageddon ... how could he mislead them? Would it make sense to say that Satan is bound to keep the nations that no longer exist? Possible nations in the four corners of the earth, born of this spared stock, could show if man is really able to govern himself in favorable conditions, that is without the influence of Satan. After this last human rebellion, which will have consciously shown that they prefer Satan's government to that of Jehovah, both Satan and disobedient humanity will be eliminated forever. Only after the resurrection of the dead and after their judgment "death and Ades will be thrown into the lake of fire" and therefore we should assume that, throughout the millennium, despite having favorable conditions, we will continue to age and die? It is unthinkable because the anointed rulers will fulfill their priestly functions by expiating the sin of humanity and thus preventing the death of their subjects. Death that, however, will always be lurking and not yet permanently eliminated until the end of the millennium. It will be "the last enemy" to be eliminated in fact, if at the end of the millennium there will still be "enemies to be eliminated" (the nations surrounding the holy field), this should demonstrate that the resurrection, and therefore the definitive elimination of death, it will happen only after that event - I Corinthians 15:26 In this regard the writing of I Corinthians 15:24, 25, if read carefully, seems to specify the order of events, that is, Jesus Christ will deliver the Kingdom to his God and Father when he has reduced to nothing "every government and every authority and power". Obviously if every government and every authority and power were reduced to nothing during the war of Armageddon, He (Jesus Christ) should deliver the government at that very moment, that is, when he had just taken power. Let's reread these last six lines and try to understand their meaning even if "this meaning" goes out blatantly against our most deeply rooted convictions. Verse 25 says ... "For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet". This would seem to mean that there will still be enemies during the millennial reign. So the Kingdom ruled by Christ will be a temporary provision to Jehovah's praise to bring humanity back to perfection and this can also include the destruction of the last governments, authorities and powers, which will ultimately refuse to submit - Revelation 20: 8     Who will truly surround the "field of saints"?     In Ezekiel chapter 38 the verses from 8 on wards it is said that attention will be paid to Gog of Magog after "many days" and therefore suggests that these had been left out that is not taken into account or spared during of judgment. Does not it seem a contradiction that Gog of Magog exists at the end of the satanic system of things and exists again in the new world at the end of the millennium? Does it not reflect that this "coalition of nations" always has the same name and indeed, in the description of Ezekiel, does not the subject change at all? If Gog of Magog is a coalition of nations, does not it seem strange that nations are formed under the reign of Christ? It is a contradiction only if we take for granted that all governments and all people are really destroyed in Armageddon. Evidently Gog of Magog does not exist again but it still exists (ie it has never ceased to exist). If "pay attention to him" after many days it means that they are always theirs and the "many days" are all the years of the millennial reign. Gog of Magog always has the same name because it is always the same subject. The people who "accumulate wealth and property" are obviously the people of God (the "field of saints" according to Revelation) and this indicates the many blessings that God's people will have during the millennial reign and the contrast with other peoples (why specify that there is a people that accumulates wealth if all accumulate the same riches?). Blessings that, apparently, will not have Gog of Magog otherwise there would be no such contrast and there would be no reason to feel envy - Ezekiel 38:12; compare Proverbs 10:22 Why, moreover, would there be this contrast with those who "do not even bar and doors" if we are all in a new world of peace, without thieves or other criminals? - Ezekiel 38:11 If read simply for what it is, the scripture really seems to indicate that, during the millennial reign of Christ, there still exist peoples who have bars and doors and are evidently those who have never been interested in the will of God for whom they must put " bars and doors" and pay attention to their own brothers. The events related to Gog Magog, described in chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel, are full of interesting details but one of the things that stands out right now is the distinction between them and Israel. It therefore seems that Israel, or the holy people of God, will live together with these other peoples for a thousand years - Ezekiel 39: 6, 7 At this point the writing of Isaiah 2: 2-4 acquires a particular meaning. So far we have applied this writing to people who, by accepting the truth today, change their behavior and "make their swords into plowshares" by becoming peaceful people. We have also applied it to the instruction that will be given to the resurrected in the New World, but let us now try to reread it by accepting the possibility of what we have just described. Isaiah 2: 2-4: "In the final part of the days,*The mountain of the house of Jehovah Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,+And it will be raised up above the hills,And to it all the nations will stream.+  3  And many peoples will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah,To the house of the God of Jacob.+ He will instruct us about his ways,And we will walk in his paths.”+ For law* will go out of Zion,And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.+  4  He will render judgment among the nations And set matters straight* respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning shears.+ Nation will not lift up sword against nation, Nor will they learn war anymore".   The mountain of Jehovah's house will be firmly established and raised. When? Evidently when the Satan system is eliminated, it will be clear that Jehovah's way of governing is the best ever. "All nations must flow to it", in what sense and which nations? Many nations have indeed flowed into the people of God, for whom it is recognized that fulfillment could have something to do with our days; nevertheless, it is possible that, at the end of Armageddon, people of the nations survived by the judgment of God (the peoples at the four corners of the earth) decide to flow to the mountain of Jehovah. After the incredible events of Armageddon, it should by now be clear who the True God is and what His people are. In this way, too, Jehovah is sanctified in the midst of the nations. Many people flow and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will certainly walk in his paths" so it's describes as their own initiative and not as someone who has been persuaded through the preaching of the good news. Indeed, they themselves are saying "he will instruct us around his ways". We can imagine that many survivors will flow to the mountain of Jehovah once they have seen the great signs of Armageddon, abandoning their old nation and making the necessary changes to be accepted by God - Compare Revelation 11:13 and Joshua 9: 8-11 Yet it is easy enough to imagine that, despite these unequivocal signs of Jehovah's blessing on His people, not everyone will decide to be part of it. So many people will continue to stay in their nations, with their governments, refusing to rush to Jehovah's mountain. Seen from this perspective, it is no longer so incredible to imagine that, at the end of the millennium, when God's people have accumulated riches and blessings to no end, these nations organize themselves to "take many spoils" - Ezekiel 38: 10-12 Even the writing of Daniel 2:44 should make us reflect. The writing says: "“In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom+ that will never be destroyed.+ And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people.+ It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms,+ and it alone will stand forever". What realms is Daniel talking about? If we read the preceding verses we understand that we are talking about the kingdoms that make up the image of a man with a golden head, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of copper, legs of iron and feet of iron and clay . We know very well that these kingdoms are respectively Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome and, according to current understanding, the Anglo-American empire (but, as we saw in a previous article, the last dominant king must be the king of the north). The same powers, also in the book of Daniel, are described as the lion with the wings of an eagle (or Babylon described in Daniel 7: 4), the ravenous bear with three ribs between the teeth (Media- Persia described in Daniel 7: 5), the leopard with four heads and four wings (the Macedonian or Greek empire described in Daniel 7: 6) and the frightful and terrible beast with the iron teeth and the ten horns (Rome and therefore the last power described in Daniel 7: 7, 8, 19). Why are the same realms or domains seen in two different ways? This is interesting because the beast that John sees "ascending from the sea" has characteristics of all these beasts - Revelation 13: 1, 2 It is in fact similar to a leopard, has the feet of a bear, the mouth of the lion and the ten horns of the last beast seen by Daniel. These are the kings that are destroyed by Jesus Christ and his elect at Armageddon, that is, the kingdoms that will coalesce in the final battle. Obviously it includes his image (the UN) and the false prophet - Revelation 19:19, 20 It includes all those who participated in the war, directly or indirectly, and all those who have persecuted or unjustly treated God's people - Revelation 19:21; Zechariah 2: 8 Surely a good part of humanity will be killed in this war because the ruler of the world will make sure to have as many people as possible, but will this mean that all kingdoms and all people will be destroyed except for Christians? Even those insignificant, small realms? Even those isolated from the rest of the world, like islands or small ethnic groups, including those people who, living in countries that are restrictive of religion or other religions, have never had the opportunity to know the marvelous truths of God's word? - See Ezekiel 39: 6 These are questions to think about. It is true that the "good news" was preached in all the inhabited earth before the end of the satanic system ... but did this really understand all the people and everyone really had the same opportunities? Beyond any human hypothesis, the words that should make us reflect more are those reported in Daniel 7:11, 12. The writing says ... "I kept watching at that time because of the sound of the arrogant* words that the horn was speaking;+ I watched until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given over to be burned in the fire. 12  But as for the rest of the beasts,+ their rulerships were taken away, and their lives were prolonged for a time and a season". What does this mean and how long does it last "a time and a season"? Meanwhile, from the context we see that the horn that speaks great things is referred to the "terrible and terrible beast" that is the last beast of Daniel's vision. There is talk of the period in which "thrones are placed" and "the Ancient of days" sits to judge and therefore can only refer to the time when Jehovah and Christ take power - Revelation 11: 15-18 It is said that the beast is killed and his body is given to the burning fire - Compare Revelation 19:19, 20 It is evident that the scripture is referring to the wild beast of Revelation at the time of its judgment and yet, after specifying that the beast is given to the burning fire (therefore it has been destroyed), verse 12 says ... "But as for the rest of the beasts,+ their rulerships were taken away, and their lives were prolonged for a time and a season". This specifies very clearly that the other domains are not destroyed but allows them to continue to exist for some time after the judgment of Armageddon. We try to stop for a moment and reread the last four lines carefully comparing the cited writings. In fact, if we read Revelation 19: 19-21 carefully, we see that the wild beast, the kings of the earth and their armies gather to make war against Jesus Christ and his army, but who is destroyed among all these? The writing says that the wild beast and the false prophet is taken and thrown into the lake of fire. Then, verse 21 says "the rest were killed with the long sword of him who sat on the horse, which [sword] came out of his mouth." The remaining whom? There are two subjects involved: the kings of the earth and their armies. By saying "the rest" does the vision refer to kings, their armies or both? If he also referred to both of Daniel's writing, he specifies that the domains of these kings are simply removed, not destroyed. Surely die those who are in that position (armies, any generals or kings) in fact the writing says that "they are killed" but they are not said to end up in the lake of fire. We know that the lake of fire means the second death and that is a place from which we do not return so we have the assurance that the wild beast is destroyed so as not to return again but the "remaining" are not uprooted from the earth. Not yet. Those who are waging war against the Lamb are killed, but evidently there will remain something of their kingdoms, that is, the nations belonging to these "remaining" who have been granted an extension for a time and a season. These will have a thousand years to recover and at least a part of them, quite numerous according to the words of Revelation 20: 8, will attack the people of God at the end of the millennium. Gog of Magog existed before Armageddon and will exist even later. Finally, as we have seen, after the destruction of these enemies there is still "one last enemy" to be eliminated: the death - See 1 Corinthians 15:26 This confirms the sequence of events of Revelation.    
  5. Like
    John Houston reacted to TrueTomHarley in Which nations disappear in Armageddon?   
    You did not respond to any inquiries about your ministry.
    Why don't you try the following? I stumbled across it once. It has transformed my ministry. Maybe it will help yours.
    Say something like: "I'm hoping for a minute of your time, no more. I will read a scripture, you tell me what you think, and I am gone! Good idea?" (it may be rude to do this in countries where they insist on palaver, but the U.S. is not one of those countries)
    If they say no, I am true to my word and leave. A surprising number will say yes - it is not much you have asked for and you have put a time limit on your own call.
    Once you read whatever you've selected, add a sentence or two explaining why you read it. At this point, you have given a substantial witness. Punt. Say something like: "the next move is yours and you don't have to make one. If you have observations, questions, comments, we can talk a bit - that's why Witnesses come. Otherwise, thanks for you time, and I'll move on."
    If you truly love the word of God and are suspicious of anything from men, I would think that you would love this technique. You may not like the following, but it is not required: If they indicate they can spare a few minutes, I will often start them a video, with the comment: "this runs almost 4 minutes, but you don't have to listen to it all. The minute it gets boring, hand it back." Some do, but not many.
    The videos are not the last word on anything but they cover an important idea and develop it. You can then go anywhere you want. I often leave at that point, unless specifically asked to stay. I make use of the card a lot directing to the website. 
    Full disclosure: I don't like most of the sample presentations I see enacted at the meetings trying to arouse interest in this or that magazine. I will be happy to see them go. It will mean more emphasis on actually teaching the Bible. 
    I didn't read closely most of your dissertations on prophesy. This is not to disrespect you. But you could be hit by a truck tomorrow and then where would I be? It is not wrong for you to look deeply into aspects of God's word. It is even commendable. But you give the appearance, perhaps without intent, of setting yourself up as a teacher. It is immodest to do so. It is at least immodest to rebuke those who have a great deal to show for their stewardship. You didn't respond to my conjecture that you are a young man. I am therefore more convinced that you are - it shows between the lines. You can tell a lot by not just what someone says but also by what he does not say - places he does not go. A young man need not be told to "shut up." I don't think I have done that, though there may be something that can be taken out of context. 
    But Elihu waited a long long time before addressing older ones who actually did need it. And Moses struck out to fix things, only to find his real contribution would not come for 40 years. And a young Jesus amazed his elders with his answers and with his own questions, not with his dissertations.  Even he did not just spout off before these older ones - he reserved that for later when he was better equipped and had grown and had actually accomplished something by way of kingdom preaching and disciple-making. 
    I am a little worried that while you look deeply into aspects of God's Word, it is the whiz-bang cool passages you delve into. Spend more time delving into the ones less glamorous having to do with putting on the personality of the Christ. I say it not to put you down, but to ensure that your undeniable talent does not become a snare for you.
  6. Sad
    John Houston got a reaction from Queen Esther in A 5 yrs. young girl gave birth to a Baby boy ~~~ (NO fake)   
    Was this not a case of child abuse?
  7. Like
    John Houston reacted to Bible Speaks in We’re tired right out after we ironed 1180 dress shirts in just one day of work in the Central America Bethel Laundry but we’re very happy! ~ ?   
    We’re tired right out after we ironed 1180 dress shirts ?  in just one day of work in the Central America Bethel Laundry but weÂ’re very happy. Haha! 
    Your Loved!

  8. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Four smiling sisters on the way preaching in cold Washington, USA - Seems ALL enjoying !   
    THEY'RE  IN  A  GOOD  MOOD !        ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  9. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Look, our little sister was NOT drawing an Xmas-tree at school... Bravo, well done!   
    BRAVO,  LITTLE  GIRL  -  JEHOVAH  WILL  BLESS  YOU      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  10. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Very new and modern Kingdom-Hall in Danmark, beautiful ❤   
    BEAUTIFUL   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  11. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in PREACHING ON A JAVA - ISLAND ~~~~   
    PREACHING  ON  A  JAVA  -  ISLAND  ~~~~~~~
    seems  little  soft  and  gentle...  very  nice
            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  12. Haha
    John Houston reacted to Bible Speaks in Too long without moving by cart! - Me and Snowman ⛄️ it is! - ???   
    Too long without moving by cart! - Me and Snowman ?? it is! - ???

  13. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Nana Fofana in Can anyone explain this to me?: The rest of the dead did not come to life UNTIL the 1,000 years were ENDED.   
    Hello, DeeDee, think about what this verse is speaking about. It is not as hard as one think. Who partake of the 'first' resurrection? Those of the heavenly hope, and when they are given life, they are immortal, death has no hold there is no last test for them, correct? But those brought back to life during the reign of Christ, what happens when Satan is let loosed upon the earth? We all must past this final test, because if any fail they will end up where? So after this test death will be no more, all who pass has nothing but life in front of them, no testing of where their sovereignty lies, they have proved it. So the writer could put this what he saw in the future in those very words. Everyone else, the dead, would not come to life without death, until the 1000 yrs had ended.
  14. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Queen Esther in ‘Summer and Winter Will Never Cease’ ~ ?????   
    Will we have the seasons as we now know them? The ice,cold and snow? If what was at first was perfect would not Jehovah place things back in order as it was? The canopy that was used in the flood, no one gives any regard to it. It will have to be replaced, it had purpose, before then and Jehovah will have the earth, not as the blue marble we now know as seen from space, but as a covered canopied globe created at creation to have an earth filled with life, in a paradisiac condition worldwide. Temperatures for that paradise not likely with the conditions now, but Jehovah's kingdom will repair this planet and make sure those conditions are there. Canopy and all. The water is too much now, not what Jehovah had in the beginning, he will put the balance back as it was in the beginning. Yes, the seasons will go on, but these are imperfect things, used for benefit now under these conditions. But then in the new system things will be perfect as Jehovah created them and said they were good, with his stamp of approval.
  15. Thanks
    John Houston got a reaction from Bible Speaks in ‘Summer and Winter Will Never Cease’ ~ ?????   
    Will we have the seasons as we now know them? The ice,cold and snow? If what was at first was perfect would not Jehovah place things back in order as it was? The canopy that was used in the flood, no one gives any regard to it. It will have to be replaced, it had purpose, before then and Jehovah will have the earth, not as the blue marble we now know as seen from space, but as a covered canopied globe created at creation to have an earth filled with life, in a paradisiac condition worldwide. Temperatures for that paradise not likely with the conditions now, but Jehovah's kingdom will repair this planet and make sure those conditions are there. Canopy and all. The water is too much now, not what Jehovah had in the beginning, he will put the balance back as it was in the beginning. Yes, the seasons will go on, but these are imperfect things, used for benefit now under these conditions. But then in the new system things will be perfect as Jehovah created them and said they were good, with his stamp of approval.
  16. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Melinda Mills in ‘Summer and Winter Will Never Cease’ ~ ?????   
    Will we have the seasons as we now know them? The ice,cold and snow? If what was at first was perfect would not Jehovah place things back in order as it was? The canopy that was used in the flood, no one gives any regard to it. It will have to be replaced, it had purpose, before then and Jehovah will have the earth, not as the blue marble we now know as seen from space, but as a covered canopied globe created at creation to have an earth filled with life, in a paradisiac condition worldwide. Temperatures for that paradise not likely with the conditions now, but Jehovah's kingdom will repair this planet and make sure those conditions are there. Canopy and all. The water is too much now, not what Jehovah had in the beginning, he will put the balance back as it was in the beginning. Yes, the seasons will go on, but these are imperfect things, used for benefit now under these conditions. But then in the new system things will be perfect as Jehovah created them and said they were good, with his stamp of approval.
  17. Like
    John Houston reacted to Bible Speaks in Offical Stamp in Spain! ~ The Nations Will Know Jehovah ~ Jehova! ~ ?   
    Offical Stamp in Spain! ~ The Nations Will Know Jehovah ~ Jehova! ~ ?
    This stamp is already official in Spain, beautiful truth? I wish we had one like this in this country and around the world! Greetings to all!

  18. Thanks
    John Houston got a reaction from Queen Esther in Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !   
    Yes, this is Jehovah's organization, in the care of men on earth overseen by his Son in heaven. I have always looked at it this way. I would have been grateful for the ark being built and listening to Noah's preaching gained access to board it and survived the waters that destroyed all life. But later whe it came to my knowledge that Noah was a drunk, even for one time, I would not be incensed at him for this reason, but still grateful that he did just so in building the ark and made the way for my salvation. What happens now is between him and Jehovah.
    This organization is the one way through the great tribulation, even with the imperfect men at the helm. What happens after we survive, will be between them and Jehovah, because Jehovah will indeed clean out all wickedness, before any enter into the new world of righteousness. Leaving now would be quite detrimental to any who do, like those who did not give ear to Noah!
  19. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Nice and busy around the Cart - witnessing, on the streets of the US.   
    Nice  and  busy  around  the  Cart - witnessing,  on  the  streets  of  the  US.
                                     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  20. Like
    John Houston reacted to Evacuated in The world's most valuable book': Copy of psalms dated 1640 sells at New York auction for record $14.2M - ?- ? - ?   
    Quite, Especially as Ps 24:1 includes it!. This man made a better job:

  21. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Nana Fofana in 1290 and 1335 days   
    And as I understand my reading the scriptural account of how things began, Jesus was the one having insight, correct? He then taught ones who would go and teach others. He chose 12 close associates who had intimate knowledge, that the others did not have, and even among this group there were some who knew things that the rest did have privy to. Yet they were in union with the love that Jesus stated would be the identification mark of his true followers. These chosen ones, were given certain responsibilities of leadership, trained to do so from the beginning. We all know there has to be such leadership. Are theses ones, the 7 the only ones with this insight? No, by my last count, there were over 8 million of us in that unity of love as Jesus stated at John 13:34,35. We are all on the same page. Yet remember when the fish and bread was fed, how was it done? A run up on the baskets by the hungry people, or organized? Did not Jesus give it to these 'leader' and they passed it out among the people? Would you have turned it down because it came to you this way? Or are you humble enough to accept and let our imperfections take a back seat, because we are trying our very best to leave this plane of existence, either Heavenly or in the new world after the dust settles.
    I for my part want this food, I am hungry and if theses 7 men are the ones with the responsibility to feed us let's eat. If they have squandered the responsibility, who will hold them accountable, us? Where have you read in Bible accounts that the people have successfully changed what was wrong theocratically in Jehovah's service? Did not He take care of things always? Patience, my friends. Love and patience. Eat and take in the spiritual food being served. Our studying of the Bible will show us if there is such deviation that many are searching for. This is Jehovah's organization, not theirs, they are custodians while here on earth. Jesus is the head, correct? If that is correct, then he is aware of all the misgivings everyone here sees! That is what humors me. Many forget that variable many times when the debate things having to with things that do not belong to them! We are not stockholders, we have no dog in that fight. Our own personal salvation is at stake, not theirs. What happened to Korah? I and my family are trying to serve Jehovah and his Son is set up as King. I pray to be among the many who will be there. The sanctification and vindication of Jehovah's name is what is paramount, even for Jesus. Nothing else matters! Comsider and pray about this. Good day, my friends!
  22. Thanks
    John Houston got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Man can make a Paradise – Jehovah Promises it’s return.– ????   
    No, man could never make a paradise. He could never have harmony and peace with the lifeforms which would inhabit that space and the balance needed to correctly imbue the love Jehovah showed when he first created life on this planet; perfectly could not be replicated by man. Only the Original Creator can bring about paradise on earth, and he will do so through his Messianic Kingdom with his only begotten Son as King!
  23. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Noble Berean in Former WA Jehovah Witness charged with alleged historic child abuse offences   
    Are we ashamed when we hear or read about these types of news lines? Why? Are we perfect? Does this type of thing not occur inside our organization also? To shy away from it and not clean it from our midst is wrong to know that it is being taken care of by our judiciary inside the congregation and by Caesar,is refreshing. To any who thinks having this brought to their attention is weak. Paul brought things of this sort to the congregation's attention, and we are taught this was for the betterment of the person and the congregation. So why is it not the same today? Knowing this is happening or has happened and we are doing something about it! Amongst JW in the past and now. Until this system ends we will have such problems, we are sinful people. Nothing has changed!
  24. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from JayDubya in Former WA Jehovah Witness charged with alleged historic child abuse offences   
    Are we ashamed when we hear or read about these types of news lines? Why? Are we perfect? Does this type of thing not occur inside our organization also? To shy away from it and not clean it from our midst is wrong to know that it is being taken care of by our judiciary inside the congregation and by Caesar,is refreshing. To any who thinks having this brought to their attention is weak. Paul brought things of this sort to the congregation's attention, and we are taught this was for the betterment of the person and the congregation. So why is it not the same today? Knowing this is happening or has happened and we are doing something about it! Amongst JW in the past and now. Until this system ends we will have such problems, we are sinful people. Nothing has changed!
  25. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Queen Esther in Dancing in Kingdom Halls to worldly music???   
    Hey, matthew9969, do you even know why this is going on? I was around those 15,20 years ago. We did not dance in the halls. UNLESS, there was a celebration there, a function other than a spiritual meeting. So I ask again do you know why we went crazy in our different hall in certain cities, at that time? If not please try not to hate. The principles have not changed. We put on plays and had certain skits for ones during there weddings and anniversaries. To have clean fun and used WORLDLY MUSIC, as you put. We are not the Amish, or did Jesus send us to the outskirts of the cities to live. We also do not only live among ourselves. We love still among this world. But we must live cleanly midst it. Sorry that you found your live drab and dreary. But I went through '75 and the Franz disfellowshipping and the other shake ups in congregational matters. But I put myself through college, my father taught us the truth per scripture, we did not sell everything we continued to wait on Jehovah and follow the leaders that took the reins of leadership. If they are taking us down the wrong knowingly, like Eli allowed his sons to do whatever they wanted, Jehovah and Christ will clean things up, Samuel did not cry and wanted to go back home to mommie. He stayed because he knew whose organization this was, I was taught the very same thing. I taught my children the very same thing!
    So, I ask again, do you know WHY these things were happening? Not just in the videos you have posted, but in many more in this country and around the world. I await your response. Have a nice day!
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