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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Whew! I enlarged the picture of the JW Warwick cuff links ..... It's a construction crane, not what I thought!
  2. Well, after viewing that GIF, you've convinced ME! ( pours handful of pills back into bottle, and gives the glass of milk to the cat ....)
  3. You have any REAL statistics to support that statement TTH, or are you just guessing, and hoping? I did notice that after my asking THREE incredibly important open questions, you did NOT address any of them. SURPRISE! (not) Be a sport ... give it a go! I will wait while you stop spinning. If you pray for your wife to not die, and she DOES die ... but you get more junk mail ... ..that does NOT count. I must admit, however, ... it is entertaining to watch you paddle a canoe up a dirt road into the woods. Perhaps you have a Spindizzy? (... and yes, it is a legitimate word)
  4. Apparently not... you misunderstood a sentence that was crystal clear.
  5. If memory serves, it was Bill Cosby who related that he had a car he named "Captain America". HINT: (It was a car ... not a person).
  6. Most people are wrong about almost everything they believe. You may find one of Jehovah's Witnesses somewhere, that believes the Holy Spirit is a giant tree frog, and expound on that at length, so your reference proves NOTHING. I once met a very fine, theocratic Sister, who believed that demons came into her house over the cable TV line, into her television set. Infinite variety among all humans ... most are NOT troubled by insanity ... they rather ENJOY it. I agree that "pneuma means wind ... irregardless of gender. ( The song from the movie "Paint your Wagon: "They Call The Wind Mariah", comes to mind.). I would expound more, but I have bronchitis, which may become PNEUMONIA, and I have to re-inflate one of the PNEUMATIC tires in the hand truck I carry concrete in. In case you missed it ... that was a common sense HINT. .
  7. Your reading comprehension skills are at their usual nonexistent level, TTH. clouded by a fantasy agenda. Jehovah God is a "someone". Read over my statement once again, from your quote of my post .... ... "... and the end result be merciful, and just ...". It is Jehovah who defines what is Justice. If you are deliberately unjust, it is a challenge to his sovereignty. Get it? When I was younger, I screwed up several peoples lives with agenda driven advice ... of which I am forever ashamed ... and know from whence I speak. The principles behind my advice in the my original post you quoted, and I copied here, predates Adam and Eve ... and in principle even applied to the pre-human Cavemen and Women, etc., that existed hundreds of thousands of years before "Homo Theocraticus" were directly created by Jehovah God. .
  8. Mostly during the mid-week meetings, my head also nods up and down continuously, as does my wife's. Sometimes I will pat her on the opposite shoulder, or she will discreetly stick me with a ball point pen
  9. Look at that article again, and see the inset note at the bottom of the page. The whole article is to get your head nodding up and down, so when you get to WHY they chose that topic, your head will STILL be nodding up and down. Like the man said to his wife when watching the televangelist on TV jumping around and telling them they had been healed of their tongue warts, then looking in the mirror ... "Hees widte! .... Gebt de theckboogh !" The Society has STILL not recovered from the 2015 "Red October Meltdown"
  10. Hmmmm.... the Muppet Fozzie Bear was a Presbyterian and he also was a comedian. ( you have to see the original circa 1980 "Muppet Movie" ...) Dwight David Eisenhower was also a Presbyterian, after he became President of the USA, but he was raised in a family of Jehovah's Witnesses. Coincidence ?
  11. I noticed in the "New System Weekly" , under "Pets", Item 2, that someone wants to swap his tiger for a kangaroo. Probably has a LOT of straw piling up that the carnivores are not eating and many of his other pets have ........ "vanished mysteriously".
  12. I agree with that 100% ... but it is based on the assumption that down here in the dirt streets, we are on the RIGHT street ... and the dirt has not evolved into ruts and quagmires of mud. However, at the current time it appears that Jehovah's Witnesses are the "only game in town", but like Bethlehem, even Joseph, Mary, and Jesus had to flee to Egypt for awhile when things got to dangerous for them when the wrong people were ruling Israel. They returned later, after the cruelty had subsided.
  13. I think this was mentioned somewhere in Revelation .....
  14. How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel when they knew every one of their 8 MILLION or so friends outside of Russia sent an average of five letters each, and sent perhaps 100 million heartfelt prayers to Jehovah for the Russian courts to allow religious freedom for them in Russia, and NONE of it was effective? How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel if they knew every one of their 8 MILLION or so friends outside of Russia sent 56 MILLION DOLLARS to the Russian Government, and that their mail was NOT delivered, or even read, but sits somewhere on a railroad siding in Russia to be burned as fuel for Russian furnaces this winter, or taken to a landfill somewhere and thrown away? How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel when they realized that their earnest and heartfelt prayers and the prayers of 8 million or so Jehovah's Witnesses for their religious freedom in Russia was NOT ANSWERED? Spin THAT one!
  15. I have the advantage over you, Cos, if you are less than 50 years old. In 7th Grade English they taught us to diagram sentences to be able to determine EXACTLY what was being said in written communications. It has proved valuable to me my entire life. My wife tells me that in High School now-days no one can understand script writing ... how to read an analog clock, or Roman numerals. It is not taught in public schools anymore. She teaches High School Algebra, and Calculus. Neither is how to diagram sentences, and that has not been taught for apparently many decades. The sentence structure determines what is actually being said ... the BOLD type is used for visual emphasis, much like spiking a football AFTER the touchdown, therefore ... The sentence structure determines what is actually being said.
  16. TTH: I suspect that you, as usual, have misunderstood what I said. Since I don't remember saying that ... the burden of proof is on you to quote what I actually did say. So far ...your accusation has no basis of reference. THEN we can BOTH see what is the REAL case. Your credibility so far is zero, so I am not going to worry about it. When you actually provide a quote to look at, I will look at it, and give you a fair and complete explanation, of what I meant by what I said ... if it was too abrupt for you. Oh, and since AGAIN you avoided the issue being discussed ... Please ... disprove any statement I made about Prince. OTHERWISE ... your credibility REMAINS at ... "ZIP - ZERO - NADA"' again. .
  17. Speaking of collections of dumb people who surround themselves with other dumb people ..... where incompetence is its OWN reward! ( I knew he was fake when he did rock, paper, and scissors!? ) Obama reportedly paid this guy $40 thousand Dollars for this. Â Â
  18. Why should those suggestions (they are NOT "rules"), be rebutted? Would we not (usually) do the exact same things if Catholic Priests came to OUR door about once a month? Sounds like good ideas to me! One man's terrorist ... is another man's "freedom fighter". I put signs on my fence gate every Halloween, "Our Family does not celebrate Halloween .. please try next door". In 27 years I have NEVER had a problem. You would almost think they could imagine me on my front porch, in the dark, with a rifle ....
  19. The Governing Body's job is just as important as an Airline Pilot's Job. How many mistakes is allowable for the pilot when you are sitting in the back of the airplane at 37,000 feet above the ground?
  20. Don't worry ... remember in 2014 when they collected an average of $16 from every Brother and Sister on the planet to cover such things in full? I probably missed the mid-week meetings where this was done in 2015 and 2016, and if precedent follows, the NEXT $16 collection won't be until this coming November. However, It might have all changed and I missed it. That, and/or their multi-billion dollar stock portfolio which can be liquidated is MORE that enough to cover EVERY damaged Kingdom Hall, and other Company property there is ... No problemo!
  21. Of course ... evidence of THAT will be unmistakable .... no need at all for any interpretation or explanation. It will be instantly self-evident. Until then ... they are having a grand old time spending the 56 MILLION DOLLARS they were forwarded by the Universal Postal Union as their share of the 80 MILLION DOLLARS in international postage spent to send them letters to help with prayers to achieve religious liberty for the Brotherhood in Russia, recently. ( The terminal duty for Russian International postage ... the amount they get for delivering mail from other countries to addresses in Russia is 70% of the face value of the postage affixed...). And the 11 boxcars filled with mail ... sitting on a railroad siding somewhere in Russia, will keep a LOT of Russians in "fuel at the proper time" in their cast-iron pot bellied stoves this winter. If they DO send a thank-you letter to the governing Body in Warwick, they can send it by diplomatic mail franking, and not spend a single kopeck (1/100 of a Ruble ... their equivalent of a penny) for postage. They may have to spend SOME of the money the Brotherhood gave them for meds to stop the uncontrollable laughter.
  22. Yes... excellent and valid points .... assuming you are not lulled by endless repetition into the Pubspeak that it applies to ANYTHING, but allegiance to Jehovah God and His Christ.
  23. You think the ruling Russians care one iota about any speeches of denunciation that don't topple their leadership positions, put mushroom clouds over their cities and military installations, or have tanks and infantry roll across their borders? HahahHAHAHahahaha ! That's what happens when you live in a fantasy world of a million words where words CAN destroy you. Even questions can get you put on "The List". You need to get out more ... read more, and talk to intelligent, informed people in the REAL world more. The reason the Russians CAN do what they do ... is because words mean NOTHING to them. Only bayonets.
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