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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Anna: I agree with your varied assessments 100%. I have a great capacity for unlimited cruelty and destruction ... but I do not exercise it ... so I fully understand the psychology of cruelty, and I recognize instantly when it is being used for the consolidation of arbitrary and capricious political power. If a person is justly disfellowshipped ... that is an agreeable thing with Jehovah. What is being practiced today, under threat of similar cruelty .. is just plain cruelty to generate fear among the cowardly, and loathing among those that love Justice. ... including Jehovah.
  2. TTH: Just for your information .... everything I said about Prince is absolutely true .... to the extent it was such a serious charge that in order not to drop ANOTHER 1,000 pound weight, my last three paragraphs of that specific post concerning the same subject... money buys dispensation ... concerning Michael Jackson' s Organizational "Get out of Jail Free" card, I tried to lighten up combining fact with satire. You, of course, have an open invitation to prove me a liar ... but you cannot focus on the issue actually being raised, and always take a canoe up a dirt path into Booger's Woods. The last six times I challenged you to prove I was a liar with just ONE instance out of 7,000 or so posts, you choked, and were not able to do so. Please ... disprove any statement I made about Prince. OTHERWISE ... your credibility REMAINS at ... "ZIP - ZERO - NADA"'
  3. W My only concern is that it violates Exodus 20:4-5, and is BRAZENLY offensive to Jehovah God, apparently with no concern whatsoever. NONE. Â Well, that, and the pain and suffering that we do to OURSELVES by destroying whole families to perhaps legitimately discipline ONE person. .... there is THAT.
  4. Of course. Once ANY organization becomes sufficiently large, with real estate, a huge treasury of money that never stops rolling in ... to spend as they see fit, they start to worship themselves. This is NOT new. It's not even unique. It is the normal evolution of human practices. The next step is they begin to "eat their own" for not worshiping at the Altar of "Caleb and Sophia", in whatever form it takes specific to that organization. This is NOT new. It's not even unique. The Catholics have been doing that for millenia. It's worked so far. Â
  5. Cos: Cos: In the REAL world of establishing FACTS .. ( remember FACTS? ... ) there are criteria to determine the credibility and applicability of those facts to any questions needing answers. Some facts are incredibly important .. some are completely irrelevant.. and only fuel for idiot word games. If I ask you how many oranges you have ... and you reply your car needs to be repaired ... that does NOT count as a legitimate answer. There are Good Detectives There are Bad Detectives Bad Detectives do not detect much. .................................................................................. Your quote of my post still stands on its own, as follows. Cos: It APPEARED to me at that point in time that you were lying ... I did NOT call you a liar, a point you missed in avoiding making a legitimate focused reply. A reasonable person analyzing your foggy unfocused and choppy replies would conclude .... YOU DID. .
  6. ... just one complex thought ... destroying whole families to discipline one person is philosophical familial genocide. Shunning should NOT be an institutional mandate ... or why do we even NEED a conscience at all? There is a REASON "The love of the greater number will cool off". Cruelty.
  7. The rewards program goes like this, as an example ... The JW singer Prince (PBUH) contributed about $38 thousand dollars a month to his local Kingdom Hall. Most of this was sent to Brooklyn, which was then the JW Headquarters. In exchange, he lived a lifestyle, and had associates both personal and professional that you and I would be disfellowshipped for. When he died of drug overdose, you could almost hear the salivating over his estate across State lines. You have heard that after you die, you have to pay for your sins? Down here on Earth there is an unofficial "good ol' boys" price list. And don't even get me STARTED about the Australian JW Michael Jackson Day Care Centers!
  8. That is how control is maintained ... fear through arbitrary punishment that makes no sense, for fear you will be NEXT. The same thing happened in Vietnam ... the logic was "we have wasted so many lives, we need to send more to validate them."
  9. (With that statement it makes me wonder if you would recognize the difference between lightning, and a lightning bug.)
  10. Of course it's all politics ... and the current policy is also cruel, and unscriptural. That is how control is maintained ... fear through arbitrary punishment that makes no sense, for something someone else did, for fear you will be NEXT.
  11. Some people go to college six years to make some reaaaaaly cool candles, man. Some people go to college because it was expected of them, by parents who paid for it. Some people go to college because they KNOW through pain, disappointment and many tears they are not sharp, intelligent, or coordinated and strong enough to survive any other way. Through the genetic lottery, and no fault of their own ... they are naturally incompetent at everything, and need to be TRAINED to do something that will pay the bills, or to become educated enough to be able to survive in a normal conversation without being pitied or being made fun of. Through grit and hard work, incredible years of hard work, they LEARN to survive in a hostile world without being a burden on others, and have productive lives of true worth, REAL self respect, and REAL earned dignity. Those are the people that NEED college ... and have my REAL admiration. ... also the REAL admiration of employers. Not everyone can be a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs .... and that is a fact. They changed the world .... most of us just do not want to be buried early. .
  12. You would have to add polygamy or unlimited sexual partners to the sales pitch... THEN you "gots a winnah!" 10% tithing would be cheaper than dating, and alimony!
  13. You want to tick off a Morman ... in the nicest way ... ask him how Joseph Smith received the Bible ... then comment "Well, that's not a religion you could just "pull outta a hat!". I did this. VERY hard to keep a straight face. I suspect the "Angel Moroni" was a Joseph Smith inside joke, between him and the church treasurer.
  14. As Muppet Ralph the Dog sez: "Can't live with 'em ... can't live without 'em ..."
  15. Wikipedia has a good insight on this "phenomenon" of children taking stands BEFORE it becomes company policy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minersville_School_District_v._Gobitis As these Passport Applications, each requiring a pledge of allegiance show .... Everyone is equal ... but some are more equal than others.
  16. It's VERY HARD to keep up ... there is a LOT going on ... but, like the old Soviet Union Newspaper "PRAVDA ( that translates "TRUTH") the only news you get on JW.ORG is "Good" news. Approved news. And people naturally reacting to our nuttiness is evidence of "persecution". It is a crying shame that the nation's civil authorities have the moral high ground! Couple that with the fact that actively searching for TRUTH, about ANYTHING that is not from the .ORG is considered tantamount to apostasy and disloyalty, may Brothers and Sisters have deliberately decided to remain ignorant, to avoid censure and punishment. Ask too many questions and you will be invited into the "little back room". We all know this is true .... "Big Brother" knows everything about everything .... and NEVER admit when they are flat wrong. .That's why there are gag orders for adverse court settlements .... they pay a LOT of money for .... silence.
  17. Remember ... Richard Nixon was forced to resign before his certain impending impeachment as President of the United States ... NOT because of the Watergate burglaries ... but BECAUSE OF HIS TRYING TO COVER IT UP. The Society is being FORCED by OUTSIDE agencies and events to make changes ... and I do hope they will not only be "appropriate", but will be effective, but as of this day, they are STILL trying to cover it all up as "Apostate Lies", at the same time thousands of hard facts are being uncovered by government subpoenas. AND they are actively attempting to subvert Justice by through legal trickery and lies, make it difficult for victims to get Justice, as has been shown many times, most recently in the State of Delaware. Yeah... "stuff happens", everywhere ...always has ... but people that ignore it, blame it on others, lie under oath in courts, impose news blackouts on those who might otherwise find out what is really going on, and try to cover it up at the expense of Justice, and disfellowship and threaten to disfellowship people that go to the police ... are DANGEROUS ... as well as EVIL. We all know how Jehovah feels at the perversion of Justice. When the people responsible for policy and its implementation CANNOT be fired .... change is slow, if at all. The money still keeps rolling in. .
  18. The article does not show a date of death. It states he was born in 1919. I have noticed that Lawyers seem to live longer than normal people .... ... perhaps to give them time to repent. I know that there is NO record of a Lawyer EVER being eaten by a Shark. ... professional courtesy.
  19. TTH: Perhaps I will fire up my old software, "Dragon Naturally Speaking, Version 12", (DNS) which I bought to write MY books with, and it will transcribe my voice almost as fast as I can speak with about 99.5% accuracy, and get into a phone book long debate, just for the fun of it. I have been trying to use previous versions over many years, and it (for me) was all hopeful thinking junk. I wasted money on all that came before version 12. Version 12 evolved into a TERRIFIC piece of software. So good, I have NOT considered an upgrade. Remember though ... I used to do Solar Insolation calculations for a living, at $105 an hour ( plus per diem ) ... and if I did not understand what I was doing the engineering firms I worked for would fire me in an instant. I am also an avid amateur astronomer and amateur astro-physicists only to the level of popular science magazines such as "Scientific American" BUT I can naturally visualize energy transfers between materials, and thermal inertias and dynamics .... it drives my wife crazy I gush about how light and energies beyond visible light bounce off, and is absorbed by things, when I am driving. I use Reverse Polish Notation math, and she teaches Algebra in High School .... a completely different way of thinking. One problem with extended debates is that the watchers often do not have enough background to understand ANYTHING ... except that someone appears to be losing, and someone appears to be winning ... and If I did it .. it would be to teach physics and astronomy, and the laws of thermodynamics, for the fun of it. I care NOTHING about winning for the sake of winning. Except perhaps in a gun fight. Besides, one of my dogs had an "accident" in the corner of my writing room, and I have to clean up dog poop. After that, I am fixing us blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I will try not to get those three jobs mixed up. In the meantime ... see if Ebay will sell you an old version of DNS version 12, cheap ... it's worth the search, and you may want to carefully read Wikipedia's article on Milankovitch cycles, at the following link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles Those two are extremely helpful. So is winning a gun fight. .
  20. ... that is a mashup of a famous quote: "Those that can ... do. Those that can't ... teach." My observations amend that. "Those that can ... do. Those that can't ... teach. Those that can't teach, teach Gym. Those that can't teach Gym, sell real estate. Those that can't sell real estate, disappear." .
  21. I often cite myself for convenience to bring ideas into the pool the eyes are swimming in at the time, and not having to have someone scroll up , say, 15 posts to try and FIND the basis for my current reply, or idea. As has been demonstrated many many, many times over the past months when you attack something I have said, it is based on the fact that you did not even understand what I had said to begin with, and were ranting against your projected mis-interpretation of what you THINK I said. I expect to be challenged on EVERY WORD I say, as I disagree with almost everyone on almost everything ... so no problem with THAT ... ... but mashup false premises attributed to me can sometimes be avoided if I "use hand puppets and crayons" for that great majority of people who cannot visualize sentences, and therefore have low reading comprehension skills. In grammer, as in real life, often .. "Quod est necessarium, est licitum" "That which is necessary, is legal".
  22. Cos: You are trying to shift the burden to me, because it is YOU that lacks reading comprehension, and do not THINK about what is actually being said For your convenience, I quote my original post you take umbrage with ... I don't know if you even understand what a "qualifying statement" IS, now. The only alternative I see is that you have a complete lack of reading comprehension skills so I will isolate it for you, thusly ..... (ahem!) ... and highlighted in RED, from your quote of my post. You could ask the Greek speaking village idiot, and that would have no value whatsoever. Without evidence to the contrary, it appears that you LIED about having asked anyone at all from the Greek speaking community about this. You avoided the actual issue. I look forward to your complete, rational and comprehensive details of the experiment YOU ALLEGEDLY ran, if you really did .... which I currently doubt almost to the point of certainty ... and I am being generous.
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