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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. I always remind people that when Russell was studying the Bible and learning about truths such as 1914 (they did not have the 'whole' truth about 1914 but only some of it) the rest of the world was still in the time of the industrial revolution. People in America were still moving West in wagons and they were shooting each other because there was not much law and order.... they were still fighting Indians and this time was quite some time before WW1 (No cars or the modern conveniences - only trains and the telegraph were on the horizon). Similarly, when we look at the seventies and some people thought the 6000 years were almost done - they naturally made assumptions. This is normal human behavior (to speculate) if one is very interested in the Bible. So when we evaluate the past - we must always evaluate what was said within the time frame (environment) that these things were said. What was the rest of society like in this time? What was their level of knowledge compared to the light that Jehovah was slowly revealing? As the light is getting brighter - we now understand so much about the future Kingdom and how it is going to function. We also understand the qualities that we need to develop if we want to be part of that future government. It seems the governing body is now mainly focusing on strengthening us for the nasty world events which lie ahead. We need to always be ready. If one looks at the escalation of violence in the world, the aggressive posturing of nations, and one looks at the preaching work done in the entire world - reaching even the remotest places - then one remembers where one learnt these Truths regarding the mortality of the soul, the earth being a paradise, and many more truths. Jehovah is using the governing body, which was only appointed in 1919 with the commission to preach to the world. Thank Jehovah for knowing the truth and giving it to us in little bites so we can absorb it - because without it - we are lost. Always remember that people are people and they are imperfect individuals.... (prone to speculate).... but they are drawn to Jehovah because he sees something good in them. Without Jehovah's spirit no-one can come to him. This is why we as witnesses should never think we are better than others because we know the truth. We must always remember who gave us the truth and who gives us Spirit to understand it.
  2. Nothing is safe these days. Government spends 36 billion a year on cyber warfare to keep our banks safe..... but for how long... These hackers do not think: if the world banking system falls, or a strong country like America falls into economic chaos, it will be contagious and spread to the entire world! The wicked of this world are being drawn out by Satan and Satan is being drawn out - for sure! Satan does not want the end to come - but he cannot help himself - and his wicked supporters - the same.
  3. Proud to be a Witness of Jehovah - to stand united in our neutrality regarding this worlds divisive affairs and politics. I know we are the custodians of the Truth because no other nation has the insight to understand this: we are in this world but no part of the world. We all are loyal only to Jehovah and his enthroned king and a peaceful, self-sacrificing lifestyle of which Jesus provided an excellent example. Let Jehovah find us all in peace and without spot from this world!
  4. More of the same - but do not be mislead....... these things are a sign that we are deep in the times of the end....and things are still going to get much worse.
  5. Globalization started when deregulation gave large corporations the power to expand and gobble up smaller companies. At first it brought prosperity in the time of Reagan and Thatcher but the aftermath has brought the consequences we see now. Companies are so large they control legislation (in many countries) as they now have the money to lobby both sides of the political isle and make sure that both parties adopt their policies. Absolute capitalism looks the same as communism - a few with power at the top and the rest of the populace, plebs. Absolute capitalism exploits the poor. There is no financial system or political system that can bring true justice to this planet. This is why the world needs Jehovah's government where people willingly care for each other and willingly make sacrifices for the common good of all.... Together we will be making sacrifices to restore the earth to its natural beauty in future and work together to educate the resurrected ones to show self-sacrificing love. Most will accept this ideology when they experience the wonderful consequences of this way of life - and see the glory that the restored earth (with the world population in love, peace, justice and happiness) brings to our grand creator.
  6. Just read her profile online - and some of her hateful, hateful words...... How can a mother do this to her child? The ideology is hateful and spews hate ... and yet one is not allowed to criticize it objectively because you then may be labeled as a hate monger.
  7. Music is a difficult subject to teach because pupils need to regularly practice what they learn otherwise they do not learn anything at all. I understand the poor man's frustration.... especially if he is graded on what students have learnt in class and how many have passed their subject. What is the world coming to? The teacher was using a non-violent, non-invasive (don't know how to express this) way to chastise a group of uncooperative children ...and they still have so much power that they can ruin your career? Writing letters to parents rarely works these days as most parents leave the total sum of the children's education (moral and academic) solely to the school. If you ignore the child and allow him to mess up his life, you have failed at being a good teacher; and if you talk to him/her too much to help them - you may be perceived as "picking" on the child by singling them out. The world has really gone crazy. The secular world has left the values of the bible behind and replaced it with "humanitarian" or "politically correct" values which is useless for any form of training because there is no negative consequences for uncooperative or bad behavior.
  8. Just about every year many people die in the stampedes/accidents. By the way close to this city in Mina there are 100,000 air-conditioned tents with water and lights to accommodate the attendants to the yearly Hajj. Saudi Arabia did not offer any of these accommodations to the Muslim refugees that belong to their faith. They make too much money during the Hajj.....
  9. Don't be mislead! Assange is getting enough fame, support and attention by his website! I have never seen the news talking about documents that he has published from Iran, North Korea, Russia (or other renegade states). These countries have terrible records regarding lies, deceit and human rights abuses! ... If I remember correctly, Putin was only once implicated when information about secret banking was released. Assange seems to be getting information mostly from the west where there is a measure of freedom of speech.... Be careful that one is not taken in by his releases! Russia was recently involved in the release of timely information to influence the American election. This world is now a nest of nasty propaganda and one cannot get to the truth anymore because most journalists have a hidden agenda or work for powerful organizations that curb their freedom of speech. We are in the time that the Bible speaks of as the 3 frogs (propaganda) leading to Armageddon Rev 16 : 13 + 14. How long it will be - we do not know but the signs are clear....like a pregnant lady..... the birth is eminent but one does not know the date and time.
  10. This type of posturing between nations went on quite a long time before the first world war - and then suddenly out of nothing....
  11. In the new world Jehovah will bring equity - when each individual will be valued for who they are. I love to use the word equity because there is no equality when it is not accompanied by true justice.....
  12. It is an obnoxious song. It compares different religions and their use of God as a kind of a talisman from evil (spiritism) - which of course is absurdly true of most religions - especially the hidden spiritism in Islam. The fact that Islam takes offence at almost everything is going to make our lives very hard in future. Those who adhere to this ideology may take offence at our preaching work if it sounds in any way like a small criticism of Islam. Islam's influence is spreading throughout the western world and is eroding freedom of speech. The west is tolerant of all humans giving their opinions - even if it is obnoxious. Islam is a political religion which at its core controls all aspects of peoples lives - right down to the laws on going to the toilet....
  13. Apostate Christians and their second amendment rights and their guns ....... Jesus did not condone/approve of anyone to use a weapon on someone else. When Peter used his sword on the soldier who came to take Jesus into custody, Jesus immediately healed the soldier's ear and gave Peter a lesson which future Christians must take to heart because it reflects the mental attitude of a true Christian. Peter was most probably carrying the sword to protect himself and the group against wild animals..... or he may have had the wrong idea about self-defense (He seemed quite capable and quick to use it against a soldier). But there is no mistaking Jesus' words when he kindly corrected Peter. The problem about carrying a weapon is: you must be absolutely prepared to use it to defend yourself against the perpetrator who can take the weapon away from you (an added risk) and use your own weapon against you. If you are not prepared to use it you lose it. Jehovah often corrected Judean kings because they trusted in the sword and alliances to protect their territory. Christians similarly must trust in Jehovah (especially in the time of the end when people will be taking weapons into their own hands to kill each other) to give the right protection and not get involved in human conflicts.
  14. Thanks for picture - did not know there were problems in Belize... will read up more about what is going on. One assumes that former Dutch speaking colonies will have more understanding of "freedom of religion" and choice." The world is in a downward spiral with so many oppressive regimes suddenly rising up and freedom of speech/religion being controlled. Soon they will control our thoughts. London mayor has introduced a 'thought' police recently..... people who will prosecute people who say negative things about another religion. Soon all freedom of thought will be gone in first world countries. In third world countries anarchy is taking over when the oppressive regimes fall. We are really getting closer to Armageddon.... especially when I evaluate how respect for life is disappearing and how cheap life has become. We are becoming accustomed to mass killings, indiscriminate bombings of young children and seeing atrocities on TV every day. It reminds me of the time before the flood - which was wicked, with dangerous conditions for those trying to serve Jehovah..... The meaning of Nephilim is: fellers of men - if I remember correctly.
  15. This is so sad.... when fictional characters in a show become like real live family to people. It demonstrates the emptiness of their life.
  16. I think seeing the picture often (and so big) will burn it into your mind so you can think back on it and remember it when you are in a difficult time - especially in future when we expect persecution.
  17. I see the video has been removed by the user..... to be expected. Truth has now become a new curse word.
  18. Thought police? Will this help them to catch the Jihadi's before they perpetrate murders? Or will things go on as before in Britain. Example: for 10 years young girls were sexually abused because British police in one city were too afraid of being called islamophobic...
  19. This kind of scare mongering is all over the internet and the radio as people are waking up to the threat of Islam's world jihad (imperialism) and the fact that big money has been manipulating just about everything for a very long time. People do not like to find out that they are pawns in their economic and information environments - that they have been lied to. Different conspiracy theories are rife everywhere. Even if all this propaganda were true (and an awful lot of it has part of some truth in it) - what can be done about it. The egg cannot be unscrambled. It has been prophesied and their religious leaders have let them down because they have no clue of what is coming. They are still putting their trust in "man" and the fabricated systems that is holding everything together because they think that somehow "fighting or resisting" these threats (on its different levels) will solve it. These propagandists, who are exposing the 'threats' , their voices will get louder as we get closer to the end. They remind me of the "three frogs" (propaganda) that will draw everyone out into the situation that will be called Armageddon. (Rev 16: 15+16). They are all getting ready to fight and they will eventually get to the point where "brother will kill brother" as the bible indicates. All these things were predicted in the Bible such as the politicized religions (harlot) which is riding the beast (political system). Now, more intensely than before. Islamism (political Islam) is a definite threat to world security... but so is all the other polarized/politicized religions that are ready to defend its "rights" with their guns. Buddhists killing Muslims at present and Hindus becoming more violently riled up with killings when they are bombed by suicidal jihad Muslims. All this is an indication that "every word of Jehovah is true." It will not be long before the world reaches this point: Zach 14:13 JKV" And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor." We will stay neutral in all of this and trust in Jehovah to intervene and complete the fighting for us when they start to attack us. There is no "human" solution to these problems. It is good to be informed about the things going on in the world but do not let yourself be riled up by them.... These things must take place for this world to pass away but we must be found busy in the work of Jehovah and in "peace" when Armageddon arrives.
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