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Anna last won the day on July 20

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  1. Pudgy

    I had quit the JW Open Club, so as not to be a cause for dissension …. which if I am not careful I can take over a conversation … as TTH ALLUDED to that, and he was correct.

    Under the circumstances, I feel if I do not comment, it would solve at least 3 points of concern.

    I have been thinking about this for several days and decided it would be appropriate to “belong” if I only commented if asked a question, etc.,and not post cartoons.

    Basically, the same rules at the Kingdom Hall, except I will be courteous to anyone that is courteous to me, except that for d’fd people, not to discuss any theocratic issue or “what’s going on”, etc., realizing it is a double edged sword that should cut both ways.

    With all that in mind, I again request approval to join the closed club mainly as an observer.

    The open club has evolved into a bat cave of crazy people.



    1. Pudgy


      ….. sometimes, the answers to life’s questions are more complicated than they first appear …..


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