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Posts posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. 3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    No. My guess is that when the software for the forum has to be reloaded now and then for maintenance issues, there were a couple of yours that got lost during updates due to attempts to include too many items of special characters and punctuation.

    And what about Dr Inhibitor’s nurse, Hep See? Where is she? No special characters at all in her name, though she herself is a character.

  2. 22 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I didn't remove anything though.

    Oh yeah? Well, what about the profiles I can no longer find?! Seriously, guys like Dr. Max “Ace” Inhibitor, Bob “Hammer” Urabi, and Bill Ding (an LDC brother). I search for them, but can no longer find them!

    Seriously, I lost track of some of them. Some I probably forgot. Some I probably misspelled. Is there an easy way to locate them? Do you have a master spreadsheet that gathers them all so you can tell me? I miss their upvotes.

  3. 52 minutes ago, BTK59 said:

    If we are all imperfect, back in the day when the Watchtower had proofreaders like perhaps you were part of in the writing department, and you made an error like sometimes you actually do here, who would correct your mistake as a proofreader?

    I ask because it appears that you are asserting your superiority in judgment, despite being an imperfect human being.

    One more outrageous claim like that and it is off to Worm City for him.

    And, what’s with the angel that was able to spring Peter from prison, opening doors right and left, but was not able to spring the one at Mary’s home, leaving Peter knocking in the street. Have him write Bethel about that.

  4. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I did my one-month penance away from this site, and I'm ready for another 10 years here. LOL.

    Oh sure! Here I was thinking that George had finally tracked you down and burned you at the stake! So much for the funeral talk I was preparing.


    2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I hadn't realized that Pudgy also stopped posting the same day.

    Oh sure! Here I was taking advantage of the situation to posit you and he were the same! (and then afterwards that I had banned you both) So much for my reliability profile.


    2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Looks like JR invoked some of the rules of the forum which may have raised a flag to a moderator.

    Gasp! You don’t think JR was banned, do you? He could get pretty outrageous, but underneath it all  he had the heart of a pork chop. I mean, George, yes—of course—but there is hardly a point with him, because like a Whack-a-Mole, he is instantly back. But JR—his sense of honor would prevent him coming back under any guise.

    He was so reckless in his posts, I guess I should be glad. But somehow I am not. To be sure, I muted his comments. But I usually ended up checking them out one by one anyway.

    Oh wait . . .  You mean Juan. Yes, he almost blew a gasket responding to G’s vitriol. He did it well, too. Not that it had the slightest impact on the latter. (But now I am back to wondering what became of the pork chop. Hope he is well.)

    Also hope you have been behaving during your absence and that family is well. Now that you are back, turn on the fire-waterworks: 


    (Oops. My bad. I should not have posted video from the last theocratic gathering. We’ve been asked not to do that.)

  5. 12 hours ago, George88 said:

    You are absolutely right. When someone insults me, I will not hesitate to return that insult in kind.

    Try to find a more Christian way to conduct yourself.

    “Do not pay back injury for injury or insult for insult.” 1 Peter 3:9

  6. 3 hours ago, George88 said:

    However, Tom, it is high time that you abandon your foolishness and put an end to it. I used to hold you in high regard until

    until I corrected you on the most insignificant of points, after which a rabid porcupine from K-Mart could not bristle the way you did. It has been Grudge City ever since.

    I notice that it happens with everyone.

  7. 15 hours ago, Juan Rivera said:

    Pretending to represent Jehovah's Witnesses is not a game. It is a sacred task. Jehovah doesn't use Monikers or fake Avatars or faceless disembodied usernames to correct other Witnesses. Stop pretending your a messenger of light.

    I would 100% embrace my theory that he is himself a disfellowshipped person exacting revenge but for the strong possibility of mental illness. 

  8. 1 hour ago, George88 said:

    Tom, it's time to move on and stop using fake accounts to try to get me banned. We both know that you have the ability to do that. So, let go of the excuses that you and JWI, together with James, have never actually had anyone banned here. It's clear that it's your alter egos that are causing all the trouble. Be responsible for your actions and face the consequences.

    What do you think happened to JWI and James? I banned them. I’m beginning to come around to your point of view. That’s how keen your powers of persuasion are.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Juan Rivera said:

    I have already revealed who I am. Juan Rivera is not a Nickname.

    this is true. I recently met in person a brother named Jim, who hosts a blog and you have mentioned him before. I brought up your name and he confirmed he had met you.

  10. 16 hours ago, George88 said:

    You are on par with Many Miles, JWI, Xero, Tom, and numerous others in the closed club.


    16 hours ago, George88 said:

    I understand that you want to take on the responsibility of representing individuals like Pudgy, JWI, Tom, and others


    1 hour ago, George88 said:

    you are just condensing like Tom and JWI.


    1 hour ago, George88 said:

    It seems like you're starting to resemble Tom.


    1 hour ago, George88 said:

    Tom, JWI. There's no need to involve an unsuitable person


    1 hour ago, George88 said:

    Regarding Tom's nickname

    You wouldn’t be trying to get my attention, would you? Don’t you have any life at all?

  11. 2 hours ago, George88 said:

    Given JWI's fondness for traveling, perhaps he's on a trip to the British Museum to explore the latest additions to its collection of artifacts.

    Nah, I just saw him grabbing coffee and doughnuts at the Gas n Go, making his way to the Tommy James and the Shondells concert.

  12. 1 hour ago, George88 said:

    James appears to be on sick leave or possibly occupied in court. It will only be a matter of time before his animosity resurfaces. In regards to JWI, he remains the unyielding apostate-driven person he has been for more than ten years. This is unlikely to change. He convinces himself that God approves of his contributions, thus giving him a free pass to cause others to falter, much like a particular faction within an exclusive enclave. 


    You have just expressed the common and pedestrian viewpoint which typifies the shallowness of those who reside in the open club. However, your statement also provides opportunity for the rare person who possesses true wisdom and insight to let his brilliance and intellectual rigor shine brightly beneath all the sun. This is crucial to recognize. But where in the world is there in the world a man so extraordinaire? C’est moi, who resides—where else?—in the closed club.

    The nugget of pure wisdom to be revealed today, which you would do well to write upon the surface of your brain: @Pudgy and @JW Insider are one and the same. They both have commented here forever. They both disappeared at exactly the same time. What further proof could anyone ask for?

  13. 54 minutes ago, George88 said:

    In order to establish my true identity as BTK and others that JWI thinks are the same, it would be essential to showcase a comprehensive understanding of the psychological makeup, which might not be readily evident to everyone. Mere resemblance in writing style and tone alone lacks the impact and meaning that one with keen perception and discernment would seek that no one in the closed club posses.

    I think it has become clear in the last few weeks that @JW Insider and @Pudgy were the same person. Both have inexplicably vanished after years and years of constant activity. 

    I should have spotted it from their similar writing styles and tones. I admit, I did not recognize their identical psychological makeup, despite my keen perception and discernment.  My bad. I think @Juan Rivera is just doing a little forensic work, trying to find out what happened to them. I admit, I would like to know, too. 

    JWI has long been sending signals that he thinks his work here, in the main, is done. Plus, he has aging parents to care for, as well as grandchildren to distract him. Pudgy was getting up there in years. I hope the old boy is okay, outlandish though many of his posts were.

    54 minutes ago, George88 said:

    Who is ringing the bell now Tom?

    Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!

    Oowhooooo! Wooruuffff, wruffff, bark bark bark woooorrrrfffffffff!!!!!!!

    “Pudgy, shut up! Shut up! It’s just George! You know George. Will you stop it already!? You mangy mutt! Stop it! Shut up!”

    But now he’s gone, along with JWI. Whatever happened to those two?

  14. On 5/5/2024 at 9:51 PM, Pudgy said:

    I suspect on the other side of the BB is what we refer to as “Heaven”, where there is no entropic “arrow of time”

    No. However, I would appreciate if you do not reveal to all and sundry the secret meeting place of the closed club.

    (I do feel someone bad stomping on Sci’s little thread. But I see that has already happened.)

  15. 5 hours ago, George88 said:

    Either that, or remain in the close club where people are indifferent to causing offense.

    Oh, yeah! Is he obnoxious? Send him right over! We thrive on people like that! Just doing our bit so the open club can stay pristine.

    I hear next on the 10-year list is that blogging’s okay, provided you avoid those ne’er-do-wells in the closed club

  16. On 4/12/2024 at 9:20 AM, JW Insider said:
    On 4/12/2024 at 6:41 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Journalists who go rogue often do it for me.


    The link was excellent. I remember my parents going to pbs and npr but only after Walter Cronkite was no longer THE source. In those days I trusted the NYT the way my doctors still trust the Lancet or the BMJ. 

    Rogue reporters have explained a lot about how we were fooled for so long. Tucker

    They fired him:


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