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‘Blessings That Make Us Rich’ Now — ?????

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‘Blessings That Make Us Rich’ Now


? An accurate knowledge of Bible teachings. The religions of Christendom generally claim to believe the Bible. However, they fail to agree on what it teaches. Even members of the same religious group often differ in their views of what the Scriptures really teach. How different their condition is from that of Jehovah’s servants! Regardless of our national, cultural, or ethnic background, we worship the God we know by name. He is not some mysterious triune god. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Psalm 83:18; Mark 12:29


We are also aware that the paramount issue of God’s universal sovereignty is due for settlement and that by maintaining our integrity to him, each one of us is personally involved in that issue. We know the truth about the dead and are free of the morbid fear of a God who is said to torment humans in hellfire or consign them to purgatory.—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10.


Moreover, what a joy it is to know that we are not an accidental product of blind evolution! Rather, we are God’s creation, made in his own image. (Genesis 1:26;Malachi 2:10) “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made,” sang the psalmist to his God. “Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware.”—Psalm 139:14.

?Release from detrimental habits and practices. Warnings about the dangers of smoking, excessive drinking, and sexual promiscuity abound in the media. For the most part, these warnings go unheeded. What happens, though, when a sincere person learns that the true God condemns such things and is saddened by those who practice them? Why, that person is moved to exclude such practices from his life! (Isaiah 63:10;1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; 2 Corinthians 7:1;Ephesians 4:30) While he does this primarily to please Jehovah God, he also receives additional benefits—better health and peace of mind.


Breaking bad habits is very difficult for many. Still, each year tens of thousands are doing so. They dedicate themselves to Jehovah and submit to water baptism, thus making it public that they have eliminated from their lives the practices that displease God. What an encouragement that is to all of us! Our determination to remain free from enslavement to sinful and hurtful conduct is reinforced.

?Happy family life. In numerous countries family life is faltering. Many marriages end in divorce, often leaving behind painfully scarred children. In some European countries, one-parent families make up close to 20 percent of all households. How has Jehovah helped us walk in the way of integrity in this regard? Please read Ephesians 5:22–6:4, and note the fine counsel that God’s Word gives to husbands, wives, and children. Applying what is stated there and elsewhere in the Scriptures certainly strengthens the marriage bond, helps parents to bring up children properly, and contributes to a happy family life. Is that not a blessing to rejoice over?

How does our outlook for the future differ from that of the world?

?Assurance that world problems will soon be solved. Despite scientific and technological know-how and the sincere efforts of certain leaders, serious problems of present-day life remain unsolved. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, recently noted that “the list of challenges facing the world grows ever longer and the time to address them grows shorter.” He spoke of “dangers that transcend national boundaries like terrorism, environmental degradation and financial instability.” Schwab concluded: “Now, more than ever, the world is faced with realities that call for collective and decisive action.” As the 21st century moves forward, the overall outlook for mankind’s future remains bleak.


How gratifying to know that Jehovah has instituted an arrangement that is capable of solving all of mankind’s problems—the Messianic Kingdom of God! By means of it, the true God will ‘make wars to cease’ and bring about ‘abundant peace.’ (Psalm 46:9; 72:7) The anointed King, Jesus Christ, ‘will deliver the poor one, the afflicted one, and the lowly one from oppression and from violence.’ (Psalm 72:12-14) Under Kingdom rule, there will be no food shortage. (Psalm 72:16) Jehovah “will wipe out every tear from [our] eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4) The Kingdom has already been established in heaven and will shortly take the necessary action to affect every affair on the earth.—Daniel 2:44; Revelation 11:15.

?Knowing what brings true happiness. What does bring true happiness? One psychologist said that happiness has three components—pleasure, engagement (involvement in such activities as work and family), and meaning (working toward a larger end or goal than self). Of the three, he listed pleasure as the least consequential and observed: “This is newsworthy because so many people build their lives around pursuing pleasure.” What is the Bible’s view in this regard?


Why, then, do tests and trials befall many of God’s loyal ones, causing them much pain and suffering? Difficulties and distress come our way for three main reasons. 

?(1) Our own sinful inclination. (Genesis 6:5; 8:21; James 1:14, 15

?(2) Satan and his demons. (Ephesians 6:11, 12)

?(3) The wicked world. (John 15:19

While Jehovah permits bad things to happen to us, he is not the originator of them. In fact, “every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights.” (James 1:17) Jehovah’s blessings are without pain.


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