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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. It's clear as day, people will be resurrected with worldly views.
  2. This rant has absolutely nothing to do with the topic, I think it is you who's understanding is challenged..
  3. Jeff Bezoz used to be a jw then decided to start a billion dollar corporation because he couldn't get over being a jw? wow, you are so full of information!
  4. I doubt it. One of the aspects of their continuing high control is making sure the elders are visibly present. It's also a way to make sure the rank and file are not dressing like the world. Not sure about other area's, but even with zoom meetings, jw's are still getting all dressed up, which is really weird.
  5. If the governing bodies faith was so strong, they wouldn't solicit for funds, set up donation arrangements, sell real-estate like hotcakes. That picture is disgusting and in my opinion is slight elderly abuse, as they are insisting elderly people should starve for the sake of giving their last quarter to the watchtower.
  6. I can tell I touched a sensitive nerve in you since you directly resorted to an insult...classical jw style. Non of those people claimed to be prophets in their history, or the current channel of communication between God and man, or the mouthpiece of Jehovah or getting direct information from Jehovah through Jesus. Or do you enjoy worshipping 8 men who are still roaming about in the dark, waiting for new light from Jehovah?
  7. I hope they punish elders as well for threatening the victims with disfellowshipping or disassociation for going to the authorities.
  8. This statement is very telling in that you live in a very small world and have never been inside another church. I remember the old saying, 'if everyone in the world was a jehovahs witness, there would be no crime, no war, etc.' On the other hand there would be no charity, millions of people would die every year due to refusing blood transfusions, and there would literally be at least 1 billion child molesters with free reign to do what they want.
  9. Religion has nothing to do with the census, no questions on religion, or even a hint of religious affiliation.
  10. Ok so I'll take it that at least as far as your concerned, you cannot think for yourself, you have to go to the watchtower to do your thinking for you.
  11. Here is some info if you die hard conspiracy theory governing body worshiping jw's. I dare you to research outside of the watchtower. https://www.census.gov/library/video/2019/2020-census-what-is-the-census.html
  12. The census is something the government does every 10 years. Somewhat similar to what the Israelites did in the old testament.
  13. If a person, who has studied and know the many doctrinal changes over the years, the failed predictions, the overlapping generations and legalistic nature of the watcher....all aka, incompetence, also reading that the watchtower is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the channel of communication between Jehovah and man, etc. That person may seem Jehovah is incompetent because of the incompetency of the watchtower.
  14. I have a question about the national census that's going on here in America. It's basically just counting the number of people in each state so the government will know how much funding each state will get based on the amount of people in that state. My jw mom said she isn't going to fill it out because jw's are no part of this nation. Is this just a extreme personal view of hers, or do all jw's think this way about this subject, so no jw will be allowed to fill out a census form?
  15. Silly me, I forgot you jw's believe children are committing fornication when they are molested.
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