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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Sharon: I love that "outer garments" story. I have found that to cater to the borderline inane and clueless never works with discussion. It's like the old story of the talking mule that never talked when the farmer wanted to show guests he had a talking mule .... a section of 2"x4" lumber across the head gets 'em talking. I don't mind following the chariot ... wherever it goes, but I am apprehensive about following the circus clown car. There is a difference.
  2. The Lone Ranger preferred Silver. When people start throwing their gold and silver into the streets, I will write them a big check, and throw IT into the street.
  3. Sometimes things are so insane that you think someone is repeating a Parody off of "The Onion" .... but then you realize .... these folks are dead serious.
  4. I must admit ... I do enjoy the dual edged bladed agenda driven conversions on this topic. It reminds me of what author Stephen King said about writing one of his books ... I think it was "The Strand", where he had so many characters running around on the pages he could not keep up with them ... so he wrote in an explosion that wiped most of them out. 18 pages of debate to support something that may or may not have happened outside the physical Universe 100 or so years ago ... that was, or is invisible, to me (here comes a variation on one of my favorite expressions ...) is like milking a mouse because you need to make five pounds of cheese .... which has already been sold in advance. That's a LOT of work ! So .... what's a simple Barbarian like myself to think with all these arguments and counter-arguments ... I think I will make a bucket of popcorn! .... and watch the show! Carry on Troops!
  5. I had occasion, many years ago to see a male ostrich chasing a female ostrich who clearly did not want his amorous advances, and for about ten minutes I watched ..until it was clear that he was going to catch her ... so she stuck her head into the sand, believing that he would not be able to see her. He came to a screeching halt about fifteen feet behind her, slowly approached, and looked all around and said "Hmmm... I wonder where SHE went?".
  6. This is where Freedom and sanity, and peace come from .... when you disregard people who have proved they have no credibility whatsoever ... and STOP BEING AFRAID OF DYING. Every living thing that has DNA dies ... and there have never been any exceptions... not one... from a mosquito to a Brontosaurus ... and we did not exist at all for about 14 BILLION years ... and my guess is no one worried about it. We should serve Jehovah because it is the right thing to do .... not because someone is generating artificial panics to get the troops to march faster.
  7. When I dance, people move back. When I sing, it fills the room and people leave to make MORE room ... and when I grin, food falls out! People point, and whisper to each other ... "Uh ... oh, he's ...um ... "special".
  8. If you want to be politically correct in the .ORG ... just remember this basic rule ...... EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED, IS FORBIDDEN. This varies from place to place, and from time to time, and from person to person. ..... but not very much.
  9. I think I read this book circa 1962, in Jr. High School, and don't remember much, except that the PROOFS were so sloppy as to make the book almost unreadable. It was in Paperback.. I remember it as being fair quality Science Fiction.
  10. Of course, Ann ... I was of necessity giving a very abbreviated synopsis with the emphasis on what happens with Carbon, only, because of the often bandied about phrase "Carbon Footprint". It does not affect me at all if you believe it all takes place because of elves and mushrooms ... I just hate to see honest people scammed by the stampeding herd mentality, and them being cheated through intricate webs of lies that will make the Carbon Certificate Brokers incredibly rich .... at gullible peoples' expense.
  11. It's a win-win-win situation for everybody ! 1. You get to "save the planet" by giving them money ... or having the government confiscate it and give it to them. 2. They will assume all of your artificial guilt, liberating you from feeling helpless. 3. They will become rich beyond the dreams of avarice ... due to the scale of the "problem". Even better than the Catholic Church selling Indulgences for criminal sins, and FAR more profitable. The greatest scam ever conceived by the mind of man. ...makes me jealous I did not think of it first !
  12. You want to know WHY everybody is trying to convince you man caused global warming is a reality, and not a fantasy ? The article you posted shows the motive ... after all the snow job is done.
  13. Most of the Planets sequestration of carbon through photosynthesis ... and the resultant release of oxygen when the CO2 molecule is broken up, is done by Ocean plant life ... NOT land plants ... but about that... there are more forests in the United States now than there were at the time of the founding, due to wildfires that are controlled by man. The planet has been devastated by fire many times. ... and when it rains, the carbon mixes with the rain and becomes acid rain ... clearing the atmosphere. ( and eating your cars paint job). As a person who has calculated land areas for a living, I can tell you that unless your quote: has hard data done by actual measurements .... AND those measurements are accurate ... that quote is a meaningless lie. Do you REALLY think the author of that quote ACTUALLY counted the trees, and the cars, trucks, and such? And that is just the BEGINNING or rational basis to START such calculations. NO. You have been duped.
  14. I think the principle applies here ..... Just because all prostitutes wear shoes ... does not mean that everyone who wears shoes are prostitutes. Some of what you say is true, Witness ... but not all of it. Your "list" of characteristics should be compared to reality to see what applies, and what does not. The basic rule about cults is .... "A cult is the church down the street from YOUR church". My wife went to a Catholic Girl's School, and has her OWN horror stories of idolatry, and evil to tell about. Pesky Humans!
  15. This is complete and absolute total crap ... Learn about Earth's Precession, and it's cycles. The Earth slowing down is by nanoseconds a year and has absolutely no effect. The Earth has been spinning for somewhere around 3.5 BILLION YEARS, and every year the wobble gets more stable... not less stable, but the Earth, due to centrifugal force, is an oblate spheroid, NOT a sphere. Everything is a mystery to the author of this video, as he is uneducated. He is making stuff up out of THIN AIR! The purpose of Education is NOT to make a lot of money... that is a nice side effect. The purpose of Education is to not be duped by the agenda driven stupid, like this author, because we are MORE stupid.
  16. Think about this .... the wood in your home comes from the AIR that plants use as food ...CO2. CO2 is ...PLANT FOOD ! Plants extract carbon from the AIR to make wood, etc, and poop OXYGEN. The pure oxygen we breathe is merely tree poop.
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles I used to do solar insolation studies for a living ... THIS is why we have climate change. Milankovitch Cycles. ...and the fact that Sol is a variable star. BECAUSE it is getting warmer ... bacteria are pumping out more CO2. The only REAL greenhouse gas is water vapor ... clouds. A mile thick blanket ...shiny on top ... and black on the bottom ... covering three States is REAL. Banning the propellant in asthma inhalers and refrigerant in air conditioners is politics. ..and gross stupidity.
  18. Global Warming being mankind's fault is all about money ... and the transfer of money via Socialism to the poor .... with the brokers of Carbon Credits getting filthy rich acting a mediators of economic equality. Mankind is being guilt-tripped into the NEW Religion of "saving the planet" .... after all... the Priests have to have their 747 personal jets. Â
  19. The best thing I saw about this is that people with NO construction , building or design experience are being patiently trained to do learn new and valuable skills .... and that does not even include the most important skill of all .... how to do difficult hard labor under relatively painful conditions, without noticing overmuch... and on the other end ... to develop patience and skill in teaching people how to think ahead. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love That competency is not acquired except after many years of risk, experimentation, and frequent failure ... and in this case ... a few hammer smashed thumbs.
  20. Immortality of a human soul is the biggest lie ever perpetrated on humanity ... "global warming" caused by man is the second biggest lie.
  21. ...but does your car have lifting hooks on the roof so when you stop for a break at McDonald's for a hamburger, you can have a helicopter take you back to the Territory?
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