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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Check out the video I linked to above ... an especially good "morality play". Especially where the woman and her baby are "disfellowshipped".
  2. Remember the Mercer Road Congregation in the Atlanta Area, with the hyperbola roof? I went there for about six months when I was working on MARTA, circa 1977. ...and thank you for the kind wishes ... we are doing fine!
  3. I disagree ... Ronald McDonald is a fictional character but his symbology has generated BILLIONS of dollars for "his" organization. And I am NEVER offended, even when the INTENT is to offend ... ... and about the GB .. I have already stated my opinion on that ... which you did not correctly discern. " .... The Society's opinions, without backup for a rational basis are as useless as Ronald McDonald's opinion on restaurant clown running shoes." That means that ( even by their own admission, and several recent Watchtower lessons that they are NOT infallible, NOR inspired by God, and make mistakes, [ .. and we should forgive them..]) they MUST have a rational basis, based on hard FACTS to be credible among people that DO think rationally ... which is not very many at all. "
  4. Please explain how that applies to me ... with something OTHER than your irrational fantasies. Go ahead... be a sport ... pick something ... ANYTHING I have actually said that is not a product of your ad hominum imagination. You have somewhere around 7,000 of my actual statements to take issue with.
  5. The difference between you and I, bruceq, is that you are looking for stuff to support your orthodoxy ... and I am looking for TRUTH. I do not care WHERE it comes from. Any time someone tells you NOT to read something, or NOT to hear something, it is a red rocket in the night sky that they are trying to limit your powers of reason and MAKE YOU STUPID ... ... for your own protection ...of course.
  6. bruceq: I have not expressed my opinion at ALL on things that may or may not have happened 103 years ago that were invisible to every living creature possessing DNA. As I have said MANY times in this Arena, I only claim to be a Barbarian interested in Justice and Truth ... and I CERTAINLY do not care to "start a religion"..... and the things you have just NOW accused me of are fantasies from your own imagination. Want to test that statement? Please quote ANYTHING I have ever stated that is NOT TRUE. There are over 5 years of, and slightly less than 7,000 comments of mine you can choose from. PICK ONE ... and challenge me.
  7. . . You do of course (hahaHAhaha!) realize that EVERY TIME there is "new light" on any subject ... that by definition that means you are APOSTATIZING from what you believed YESTERDAY! That is what happens when you search for TRUTH. .
  8. I have been thinking about this for some time ... but I just don't get it. Please tell me why this is funny. Thanks!
  9. To my own astonishment, I am coming to think of him as the house apostate, a warm and fuzzy version of what is really a very bad thing. Very simple test TTH: You have an unbroken 100% consistent record of NOT addressing issues .. instead ... castigating people's morals, perspective, and integrity. PLEASE, for a change .. CHALLENGE what I say about ANY subject, and prove me WRONG. If you don't, you have with your own fingertips on the keyboard ... condemned yourself as a petulant slanderer. .
  10. I don't have any "pegs", but I can recognize a ".jpeg" when I see one. QUESTION: If this ONE WOMAN is the only one that can see these colors ..... AND it is impossible to describe these colors to others ..... and no one else can see these colors .... how is this different than me making the claim that MY DOG TONY is the world's foremost Quantum Physicist, and thinks at a quantum level, far beyond the abilities of mortal man ? Having a ONE WORD vocabulary (WOOF!) makes it impossible to verify, and he cannot even hold a pencil . as his "thumbs" are half way up his front forelegs. He has TRIED to communicate, as I call him for supper, and see the mud on his nose where he has valiantly been trying to communicate by Morse Code by digging holes in my front lawn. One time he dug up a chewed mummified corpse of a pre-human pigmy , about a foot tall, and Tony was set to win the Nobel Prize for archaeology ... but I stupidly sent the decapitated body to the Smithsonian Institute for identification ... and after several months I got a letter back saying that it was a common "Barbie Dollus". NOW I am wondering if I dare throw the large double bladed, wood handled knife switch on Tony's Time Machine. .
  11. Gnosis: You obviously have NO sense of humor whatsoever or you would have realized what was REALLY being said when I made my comment. I find YOUR comments outrageously FUNNY! .... and please be assured they are much appreciated! James Thomas Rook, Jr. ... also known as Willey-the-half-sprung -lampshade PS: Chill out! have a few beers ... relax ... you will be a LOT happier .. and live a LOT longer. . Oh ... you need to put that in context ....
  12. Until cannibalism comes back into vogue ... YES! The reason COWS are treasured is because they are DELICIOUS. I would expound on that .. but I have to take my wife out to eat. *koff*
  13. Oh ... and by the way .... Carbon Dioxide is PLANT FOOD! The wood in your home did NOT come from the ground ... the carbon that MADE that wood was extracted by trees FROM THE AIR!
  14. Two things come to mind : 1.) Every time energy changes form .. energy is LOST ... Changing coal to heat to make steam to spin a turbine loses energy. The spinning turbine and generator changing that mechanical energy to electrical energy has a severe energy loss in the conversion process. The magnetic field surrounding an electrical transmission line creates loss ... etc., etc., etc. Let me know when a jet aircraft runs on batteries. 2.) The only REAL permanent greenhouse gas is water vapor ... all else is (no pun intended...) smoke and mirrors. Clouds covering three States affect energy absorption and reflection more that all other things combined. Currently, "Climate Scientists" ( who have mortgages and car payments to make ) enter data into perhaps 12 different "Climate Model" computer programs .. NONE of which can predict the future climate, and THEN they chose to publish the results of the model that best fits their preconceived notions of the people they are getting their PAYCHECK from. Makes me wish Richard Feynman were still alive ... .
  15. Except for people with a combination of tourette's syndrome, dislexia, and one leg shorter than the other, which gives you brain-tilt .... that seems to wrap up THAT discussion.
  16. To treat family members lower than strangers is wrong, it is not loving, it is not encouraging nor is it up building. This practice is only meant to control. I agree 100% .... but then again I got my morality not only from the Bible, but from the old "Code of the West", and I embrace BOTH. Sometimes we become parts of EXTENDED families... like joining a wagon train for mutual support and protection back in the early settling of the West. (Western United States ... think Cowboys and Indians, and the struggle for survival in a hostile land.). ..and sometimes that extended family abandons you, or casts you out as a perceived danger to them, when ignorant incompetence and peer pressure prevails.
  17. That's O.K. Princess Esterina and her body guard Brunhilda, and Frosty the Snowflake don't like it EITHER.
  18. ..and the LORD sayeth , " ... and because of the gifts I give you ..meekness, devotion, and patience, I also give you attributes that will preserve you and your offspring forever on this Earth .... that when all other animals shall become extinct ..you and your progeny will survive until the Earth is no more ... I give you portability ... being delicious ... and mechanical refrigeration." ...and LOOK!, the LORD saw that the lamb was good ! ... and NEVER gave anybody indigestion ... .
  19. It seems to me that AGAIN ... the WRONG question is being asked. How about " ... if in the future the GB scrapped 1914, would you lose faith in the GB?" The answer to that seems, from the discussions already made here, to be like closing the barn door after all the sheep have gotten loose . But, I was assured yesterday at the 2017 Convention in Greenville, SC., that Jehovah God and the Governing Body LOVES our "young ones". (...except in Australia, the UK, and California, where GB Member "most qualified" to testify, Gerritt Losch, refused a subpoena to testify in a Child Sexual Abuse Court Case, and the Society was originally fined 11.5 MILLION DOLLARS.) How about the question "" ... if in the future the GB scrapped 1914, would you lose faith in Jehovah God and his Christ?" THE GB ... AND JEHOVAH AND JESUS ..... THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING.
  20. Actually, I do NOT have an answer ... that's why I asked the question ... and hoped someone who KNEW would answer. Agenda driven " ... you will see how he most likely dressed to read in the synagogue." Is completely useless, and has no value whatsoever. The Society's opinions, without backup for a rational basis are as useless as Ronald McDonald's opinion on restaurant clown running shoes.
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