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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I guarantee you one thing ... when Polar Bears become vegetarians ... people are going to get VERY tired of hauling 23 million tons of straw to the wastelands of the Arctic, day after day after day after day ....... after day after day. Or as Marie Antoinette was reported to have said just before she lost her head " No straw? ... Let them eat ICE!" ... but I may have gotten that mixed up. (... and I betcha the Polar Bears will equally get tired of all that straw!)
  2. I have been thinming about a tattoo on my chest the size of a car stering wheel ... a large red hart wisth roses and flowers .. and an arroe going through it, and in big etters in the middle "Mammy! Yo de MOST!". ... as soon as I finish the next six beers ....
  3. Eoin : You are very close to the correct answer .. the question is NOT "what" ..... but "WHY?" No one has yet answered ... "WHY?" The "why" of EVERYTHING is the most difficult to discern ..... Unless you understand "why"..... ..... you will always get "what", wrong.
  4. Me go sleeping .. Jane Cold feet, need 'um hubby to feed Elephant und Lion in morning! Tantor like um PEANUTS! Numa like um ..... BACON!
  5. ENDING ALERT ! Just as the District Attorney Hamilton Berger is about to break down the Defendant ... someone in the back of the courtroom will stand up and scream "I DID IT!, I DID IT!" ( fade to theme song and commercial.. then recap in Perry Mason's office with Perry, Stella, and Paul Drake..)
  6. Our meeting was yesterday ( three Congregations at the same Hall..) but the Watchtower Study lesson on Justice from Jehovah notwithstanding, I did not think I would be forgiven if l messed up the seats and the carpet with globs of bacon grease ..... ...sigh.... .
  7. Actually, I was just trying to be funny ... a closer approximation for me would be everything you see in that picture I posted above to be BACON! ( Or pork chops, or Bar-B-Que with cole slaw ...).
  8. VERY SIMPLE SOLUTION: Use plain old common sense, and ALSO look at the differences between a cow's teeth ( and every other king of animal that eats vegetation ...) and a lion's teeth, or a crocodiles' teeth ( and EVERY other animal that eats meat ...), and notice the difference in DESIGN. When I see large Tiger type incisors on a horse, (... like a tiger has ... for those in Rio Linda ...) the only thing I can be sure of is that he or she has a Visa card, and has been shopping at a Halloween supply novelty store for vampire teeth. ( That was satire ... for those in Rio Linda...). Good intellectual detectives detect much. Bad intellectual detectives detect little. About half the world's population don't intellectually detect at all. That is what DEFINES average people. These people are usually made into slaves, because they are unaware and have no powers of observation. .They will believe ANYTHING!, no matter how irrational, if it's stuffed inside a cuddly, huggable Teddy Bear.
  9. More questions ... I did not count, but there must be a DOZEN or more ... Lets' try AGAIN, .... The SPECIFIC question is: (ahem...) WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?. ... getting a straight answer is like trying to find chicken teeth. . . ( Hint ... and this is only a suggestion ... start your sentence with the word "BECAUSE ...")
  10. Ok, AllenSmith ... I give up. You have worn me down to the nub with many words . yadda yadda yadda yadda. The question remains .... WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos? Going through what you wrote is like finding a specific four-leaf clover on a golf course. Your short answer AND your long answer were not ANSWERS .. they were additional QUESTIONS !!
  11. WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos? Today my wife and I were at a restaurant, and a woman had a tattoo on her shoulder, about the size of a U.S. Eisenhower "Silver" Dollar, of Mickey Mouse. If this is wrong, then why are punctured ear lobes for earrings OK? It seems to me it it is not so much a question of "what" as it is a question of .... WHY? WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?
  12. ....and here is a picture from the 1958 AWAKE! magazine, showing a Brother no longer eating beef ... but eating the vitamin enriched favorite of all dogs! .. ... CAT.
  13. ..and since there will be no birds eating their weight in insects everyday, the Paradise Earth will be covered in bugs to a depth of about two miles, like an Antarctic Ice Sheet ... except where people live and enjoy their delicious new homes.
  14. ..even today, serpents are learning proper theocratic behavior, as envisioned by the Society's Lawyer who came up with the whole idea in the 1930's. Below is an early color photo of the evidence he had to propose the ideas we hold today ....
  15. IT IS NOT MY JOB TO PUNISH EVILDOERS, after the fact. It is my job to be vigilant, and in my responsibility as a man to defend the innocent ... .... and to provide a COMPETENT defense.
  16. WHOAAAA! It seems everyone in the Brotherhood are equals ... but some ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. Obeying your own trained conscience, OR PubSpeak can BOTH get you killed, maimed, tortured, or just miss a bus or two. I have often thought about the Jews that wandered around in the same strip of desert for 40 years, would they have been any worse off if they had taken some notes, and drawn some maps as they marched around in circles, and individually headed North, instead of East, after several hundred spins in the sand. . . .
  17. ..it's my Klingon accent .... My favorite Latin expression is "Sempre Ubi Sub Ubi", which only translates into English correctly.
  18. . . Sometimes TRUTH can only be taught by extrapolating faulty logic to its absurd conclusion, so it is PAINFULLY obvious that a premise is false. It's called "reducto ad absurdum" in Latin. . .
  19. You could probably even make a breakfast cereal, and have bright red coagulated NON-BLOOD "milk" to go with it! Remember the TV "Seinfeld" episode when Kramer, blinded by the blinking red neon Roy Roger's Restaurant sign outside his bedroom apartment window all night .... stumbled into Jerry's apartment, and poured tomato juice into his cereal? MMMMmmmm ... lumpy! .
  20. HEY! Here's an IDEA! ( oH bOY oH bOY oH bOY! ) Since the Society has ruled that we can take the various components into our bodies SEPARATELY ... and by some logic only known to the Society's Lawyers and those running the financial spreadsheet .... , and the criminally insane ... why not ... YEAH! ... why not just pump those separate components... ONE AT A TIME .. into a fantasy NON-BLOOD PUDDING? Just look at my little hand drawn cartoon, and IMAGINE in scenario No. 2 ... instead of a person ... a Blood Pudding with 13 hoses pumping blood FRACTIONS running to it (YUM!) that according to Bizzarro World criteria ... is NOT blood!
  21. We cannot even get an independent source to verify these fine people... WHO REPRESENT THE BEST OF RUSSIAN SOCIETY, are Jehovah's Witnesses. Lets say for the sake of argument they are. It seems unlikely in the extreme that the Father would be an Elder, and still be able to take care of that many sons and daughters, and wife, and himself. These particular people ARE NOT EXTREMISTS! They have no power whatsoever to chastise, castigate or punish ANYONE FOR ANYTHING! That is why NO INDIVIDUAL JEHOVAH'S WITNESS WAS CONDEMNED AND PUNISHED by the Russian Government. It is well understood by all non extreme people that the innocent SHOULD NOT be punished. It breaks my heart that in this matter, the RUSSIANS .. heirs to the old Soviet Union ... have the moral high ground.. ...and that in Australia, with the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse ... the same thing is also true.
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