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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. It's not all that bad .... if Bill Clinton goes to prison for this ... Hillary gets to date! She is apparently immune to prosecution for espionage!
  2. As many things are , Billy, it is available on YouTube ... just type in "Diagramming Sentences." Being able to analyze EXACTLY what a sentence was saying, and be able to prove it .... whether or not the writer intended it to be that way or not ... has served me well my entire life, since the 7th grade. After a while you develop instantaneous analytical skills when reading ambiguous text. or even in normal conversation. .... and although I did not count then, there are PERHAPS a hundred videos teaching someone how to diagram sentences.
  3. Exactly Right ! ..... except back then, as now, weapons were used for many reasons ... not JUST to support "the state". It was recognized as a NATURAL right that existed before all political considerations. ...like the NATURAL rights of cats to have retractable claws ... or *coff* the rights of Bears to bear arms. This "natural right "... which has existed since the beginning of humans, already existed before someone declared it shall not be infringed upon.
  4. You are a truly amazing person, Billy ... with your own words you continuously prove against yourself of what you accuse others.
  5. To stay alive in this mess, you do not have to hide from everybody .... just Bill and Hillary Clinton.
  6. In the 7th grade I was taught how to diagram sentences to be able to ascertain exactly what a sentence was really saying. How should your words be used ultimately? And when you say "Don't spoil it!", what do you mean? What is "it"? If I printed out what you say, should it ultimately go in the filing cabinet .... or ultimately go in the shredder? As one guy in the Army from Alabama once said ... "Spreek Engrich Thoops."
  7. In MANY court cases the Society's Lawyers have argued, under oath, that Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Clergy .... AND that they are ENTITLED to the respect and privileges OF clergy. Unless like on Orwell's "Animal Farm", we are all equal ..... but some are MORE equal than others.
  8. Arrogance and Narcissism run amok. .... When people self appoint themselves as God's representatives.
  9. More appropriately, does one think it is right to contact the POLICE about criminal matters FIRST? ...... and then as a follow up, contact the Society's Legal Department! The Elders will NOT tell you what is going on. Bypass them!
  10. Sometimes ... a desire for revenge will motivate a person to seek Justice against overwhelming adversity... and a problem will be solved. They are two sides to the same coin. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 the desire for revenge by the United States was nationally palpable ... and the destruction of the Japanese Empire was the BEST thing that ever happened to their society as a whole, in a thousand years of tyranny and civil war. .... and better for Japan's neighbors, too.
  11. A new story just came in, and with one click, it automatically scrolled down and saved it as a photo, using FASTSTONE CAPTURE. Then I cropped the headline, and saved it as a different name. TA-DA! .... better than a link, which may disappear when Snowflakes get upset, and melt all over you.
  12. If you snooze ... you lose. People used to say to me, "Take it Easy, Tom !", because I was always hustling, and walking fast, and reading. My reply was " ... can't do that ... someone will have me for lunch, and I would be the lunch ! " Everything changes. Keep up ... or be run over by those who do.
  13. You would think that I was getting a commission, but I am not. I just downloaded the above video to my hard drive with FREEMAKE VIDEO DOWNLOADER, and with one-click, saved it. Download this, and FASTSTONE CAPTURE, and anything that can be seen on your monitor, can be downloaded. Essential TOOLS ... for when someone attacks you for lying and such. (and FASTSTONE CAPTURE has several video tutorials to show you how to use it, on YouTube ...).
  14. A working watch does NOT exist at the present time .... and the resolution is so poor, as to be totally useless. The battery will last a whole day, and you get ONLY one hour projection use ..... unless of course you run jumper cables back to your car battery.
  15. Jehovah's Witnesses GOVERNING BODY ... defendants in Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuits !! Governing Body sued ......wmv
  16. I think more people understand the word Grok, compared to the number of people that understand "soulical" ... and that ain't many, in either case. Somehow I visualize a Slinky, walking down the stairs. ...Is that real English?
  17. Wouldn't it be interesting if the REAL reason Jeffrey Epstein died in jail was that one of his victims had a relative that worked as a jailer in the New York Department of Corrections? Bill Clinton's criminal mistreatment of scores of women were all made to go away with monetary settlements. Somehow, its just not the same. I have a feeling that will change in the next year, as more information is uncovered in the Epstein case, if there are any survivors left to testify. Some people do work outside the "system" where money equals justice.
  18. Monetary compensation is the only "Justice" one can hope for under the current secular laws for civil injuries. I would be quite happy if a person so convicted would be surgically modified to be considerably shorter, or that dueling was allowed. It used to be that Fathers, relatives or even the victims would shoot the criminals, and juries would show extreme leeway in considering the justifiably of it. Under the current system monetary awards are the ONLY way to get justice in a civil lawsuit for injuries suffered. Unfortunately .... torture is not allowed.
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