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  1. Hi momtothree,

         My name is Teresa  and  I  would like to know if you  can  send  me  the  OCLM  WORKBOOK for  the  month of  December  2017. It  would  be  greatly appreciated  if you can. My  email address is: teresarchrdsn@yahoo.com. Thanks 

  2. Hello Librarian, My name is Teresa Richardson and I would like to know if you can email me the weekly audio files. I really appreciate them and find that they are quite useful for my study. Thanks for your time and hard work.
  3. Hello Librarian, If it is possible can you please email me the transcript for the A Song That Inspired laborer? I would really appreciate it if you are willing and able to get this. Thank you
  4. Hello Librarian, If it is possible can you please post the transcript for the video Encouraging inactive ones? I would really appreciate it if you are willing and able to get this. Thank you
  5. Thank you so much for posting this, but can please repost it in English. Thanks
  6. Thank you so much for posting this, but can please repost it in English. Thanks
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