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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. He demanded justice - there is a LARGE difference between revenge and justice! ! !
  2. it seems to prove that you do not accept the bible and make up your own rules!
  3. A strangled animal has its blood in it......that is why it is prohibited by Jehovah. When you go to hospital and they tube-feed you - the FOOD is in a tube going into your arteries. The arteries act as a mouth for accepting nourishment. Replace the food in the tube with blood...... You are eating blood through your arteries. Drugs going into the stomach or through a needle into the arteries is still consumed by the body........ no matter how you try to reason to get out of it. ...... And your liver breaks the blood down. It takes about 30 days. If you are too weak and the liver is overwhelmed to break down the blood (consume it) and make new blood for you .....you get anaphylactic shock .....and die! Just like people who can die from a food item they are allergic to...
  4. Think again - there are new books out by hebrew scholars that show that we had the pronunciation right all the time! Jeho-ram - jeho-safat - all have Jehovah's name. It is a rare name - Moses could not have thought this one up. It comes from a rare hollow root. " Yehovah comes from the same root as Ehyeh: the hollow root HYH. Yehovah is actually a combination of three verbforms: Hayah "he was", Hoveh "he is", and Yih'yeh "he is now and will continue to be in the future". Together Hayah, Hoveh, and Yih'yeh combine into the name Yehovah.
  5. Bad argument. Xmas has direct bearing on the worship of false gods. There is a difference. If rings and bride maids had direct connection with the active worship of a false god then we can talk again. The days chosen for Xmas have to do with worship of false gods and the orgies that were held for these gods. They used to give women the mistletoe to abort babies after the celebrations.
  6. There is NO proper way of celebrating the birthday of Jesus. Christians were only instructed to commemorate his death NOT his birth. This is why there is NO accurate date for the birth of Christ in the Bible. If you know the history of how this was instituted you would know that it is a no-no to Christians - no matter how much one tries to justify it.
  7. Again painting with a broad brush! When the book of Alexander Hislop came out in 1916 it was a catalyst for many religions realizing that Xmas was pagan. This is more than 100 years ago. So you have taken just this little point out of its time context and given it a deceiving slant.
  8. Your question reminds me of the pharisees. They came to him and asked him if a women had had 7 husbands which one will she belong to in the resurrection.
  9. The proof is in the eating of the pudding. We are close to the time when all will be revealed. Pity you spend your time with so much hate. Jesus said he will find his true disciples in love and unity. With whom are you united? All the renegades?
  10. Politically correct. His scriptures are bunched together to create the idea of scholarliness or proof - so you would believe it. Be careful!
  11. When my kids were too cock sure - I knew certain things were going to happen. ...
  12. Yes, so true. Satan can also quote scripture (or the words of Jehovah), but he uses the reasoning to get people to be deceived..... he tried it with Eve and with Jesus. To quote scripture is therefore not a given that it is truth.
  13. I am np I am not politically correct. I call a spade a spade. Hate is hate - no matter how well people try to mask it.
  14. No but it takes a lot of hate to write so many letters.
  15. The Watchtower study for this weekend is so encouraging. It shows that Jehovah forgives all who worship him. We must not condemn ourselves for what we are because the ransom covers it. Many Witnesses have sinned and often feel unworthy because of it .....but it encourages all to only focus on today and the future. Forget the past. It it what you do from now on which will define your future. The slave have taught us all the core teachings we need to get into the new system. They are imperfect humans and made mistakes, but they too, they need to only focus on the present and the future. It is their relationship with Jehovah at this moment and the future which defines them - not the past.
  16. I do not recall any women serving as priests in the time of Israel. In fact there was a special " court of women". Korah and his rebellious act brought death upon him, his associates and family, executed directly from Jehovah. We see many times in scripture that people who go beyond or want more than their designated position and then take part in rebellion or blatant disobedience (like king Saul, who went beyond his station and offered up a sacrifice - not wanting to wait for Samuel) usurping those appointed by Jehovah; these were removed by Jehovah. We know that there is no sex for those who rule in heaven but Paul did tell anointed sisters to ask their husbands questions at home so as to not disrupt the meetings. Why are many of those "anointed" females insisting on positions and privileges not described in the new testament? And then they start to beat their fellows slaves publicly when they are not accommodated? Smells fishy...... smells like apostacy or rebellion ..... to want more than ...... I recall that Satan changes into a so-called angel of light when it suits him .... but his motive is to take the worship which belongs to Jehovah. These women want to be celebrities in the congregation and they are the first to condemn our brothers for any spotlight............. that is what Cain did - was it not? He was and example of jealousy and and wanting more than he deserved. He had a bad heart and Jehovah saw it.
  17. Are you calling all the core teachings such as Jehovah's name, mortality of the soul, Babylon the great, political neutrality and much more ... untrustworthy? You again paint with a very broad brush and use a judgmental measuring stick...... again..... hate-OCD. You never disappoint. Always revert back to the hate MO.
  18. Their core teachings are without fault and the 20% ( of the not so important things) make them crash and burn?. Hash judgment indeed. You may lose everlasting life because you want super perfection. You would have judged Jesus I m sure. Luckily, every individual's righteousness comes from Jehovah and not from human opinion.
  19. A good thought. But many of us were often absolutely sure of something and it turned out to be different. It does not mean we are wrong 100 percent of the time. Maybe 20 percent wrong and 80 percent right. So should we focus on the 20 percent or the 80 percent? Since most of the core teachings (Jehovah's name, mortality of the soul etc.) cannot be faulted..... It then means that 20 percent of teachings ( which are not the most important teachings) may have been understood incorrectly. As I said, Rutherford understood the type of regime to come (spot-on) - he just had the time wrong.
  20. I liked many thoughts you wrote above. We are human and imperfect, so we will always make mistakes. If we are afraid to move on and try new things or say new things to inspire others we may be be too paralyzed to do anything positive. Busy people make many mistakes. Lazy people make few mistakes. We can learn from the past and move on - grow as humans. We may even make a similar mistake again but from a different perspective..... life is complicated. I think of Paul - who really cringed at his past and he was open about it, to be a teaching moment. Our organization made mistakes in the past. However, to dwell on the past mistakes could give one a paralytic state in the present - too afraid to say or do new things. The present defines the present and future - as you said. Oh Jehovah, if you only looked at mistakes - where would any one of us be! As we all serve Jehovah - we must give our best no matter ow flawed it is. I go on field service and speak my mind (carefully) but I am open about who I am, what I believe and what I am. This gives me the freedom to really talk convincingly and be sincere. Do I make mistakes - for sure! But a friendly, kind spirit overcomes many obstacles. I also am super aware of the audience reactions - so I can adapt. With mistakes and all - I guard the truth and spread the truth. I am sure this was the main goal of the slave. With warts and all - I love what they do for us!
  21. I think all you guys on here who live in the past - without context- have something missing from your thinking processes - to state it bluntly. History mongers - looking through past actions and words with a fine tooth and judging it by today's standards. To look to the past without a historical context. I did many things in the past which embarrasses me thinking of it today because it was done in a different time frame when values and many more things were different etc. I look at Rutherford and realize he understood that the last world government will be fascistic. I see he made the right conclusion but for the wrong time period. I can learn something from that. Do you learn something from the past or are you just embarrassed?
  22. The hebrew Yod is pronounced as J in english. Same sound.
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