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biddy2331@gmail.com last won the day on April 30 2021

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  1. What happened to the convention vidoe's that where here two days ago Have I missed a chance to get hem.
  2. "Witness" and others like him/her only ever criticize people but never offer anything to replace the beliefs they are trying to pull down. May Jehovah rebuke such people.
  3. I was baptized in August 1977 and the years from 1976 thru 1980 were the best years of my life because of the brilliant journey of discovery I was on learning about Jehovah and Jesus. These were the happyist years of my life and would relive them if I could. I thank Jehovah and bless that day in early 1976 when a sister dropped a tract into my letterbox because it changed my life totally. I am still a witness.
  4. thanks Nicole but i was looking for the one day assembly videos "Be Bold" and "Be Strong" for 2018-2019
  5. Does anyone have the "Be Bold" and "Be Strong" videos or outlines.
  6. I would like the video of the whole assembly as I cannot get to them because of ill health.
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