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    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in What are Your Spiritual Goals? – Learn What a Six and Four Year Old Want To Do! ?????????   
    For family worship Tristan (6) and Lainey (4) made posters of their spiritual goals. Thank you

  2. Like
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah even from Korea Daegu, JW, the future is bright! 이신화   
    Children Love ?? Jehovah even from Korea Daegu, JW, the future is bright! ???

  3. Like
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Draw Close to God “O Jehovah, . . . You Know Me” – ???????   
    “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware.” (Psalm 139:14) 
    Draw Close to God
    “O Jehovah, . . . You Know Me”
    Have you ever felt that no one cares about or understands what you are going through, let alone how you feel? If so, you may find comfort in this: Jehovah cares so deeply about his worshippers that he takes note of all that happens to them as they go about their daily life. DavidÂ’s words at Psalm 139 assure us of this truth.
    Confident of God’s interest in him, David says: “O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know me.” (Verse 1) David uses a beautiful word picture here. The Hebrew verb rendered “search through” can refer to digging for ore (Job 28:3), exploring a land (Judges 18:2), or examining the facts of a legal case (Deuteronomy 13:14). 
    Yes, Jehovah knows us so well that it is as though he has examined every aspect and every corner of our existence. By using the pronoun “me,” David teaches us that God has a personal interest in his servants. He searches them through and comes to know them as individuals.
    David enlarges on the thoroughness of God’s searching, saying: “You yourself have come to know my sitting down and my rising up. You have considered my thought from far off.” (Verse 2) In a sense, Jehovah is “far off,” residing in the heavens. Yet, he knows when we sit down, perhaps at the end of a long day, and when we rise up in the morning and go about our daily life. He also knows our thoughts, desires, and intentions. Does David feel threatened by such close scrutiny? On the contrary, he invites it. (Verses 23, 24) 
    David knows that Jehovah has a positive motive in scrutinizing His worshippers. David alludes to this motive, writing: “My journeying and my lying outstretched you have measured off, and you have become familiar even with all my ways.” (Verse 3) Each day, Jehovah sees ‘all our ways’—our mistakes as well as our good works. Does he focus on the bad or on the good? The Hebrew term rendered “measure off” can mean to “sift,” or “winnow,” much the way a farmer winnows out the useless chaff in his quest for the valuable grain. The phrase “become familiar” translates a Hebrew word that can mean “to cherish.” When examining the things his worshippers say and do each day, Jehovah treasures the good. Why? He cherishes their efforts to please him.
    Psalm 139 teaches us that Jehovah deeply cares about his worshippers. He searches through them and watches over them as they go about their lives each day. He thus knows the problems they face, and he understands the pain of mind and heart that may result from these hardships. Are you moved to worship such a caring God? If you are, you can be sure of this: Jehovah will never “forget your work and the love you showed for his name.”—Hebrews 6:10.
    Indeed, the more we learn about creation, the more we find ourselves awed by Jehovah’s wisdom. 

  4. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah Hears Prayers of Those in Need of Help!   
    ME  and  the  Librarian  already  posted  that  photo  before  longer  time  here.... 
  5. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah Hears Prayers of Those in Need of Help!   
    On march 2015, Armenia government released 70 young prisoners. These brothers were imprisoned because they refused to take part in military service.. This and many others shows Jehovah is hearing all the prayers about our brothers and sisters in prison.. 

  6. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Cleaning in a House after the Earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo   
    Yes, I see helper....   bu not by cleaning.  Cleaning will coming much later !  But helper are very importend for all people, bec. the poor ones  are  so down   In TV  I saw, helper first caring the little children and the Mom's   
  7. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in Cleaning in a House after the Earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo   
    I  also  see  NO  house - cleaning...   Only  all  still  broken   I  will  look  for  a  ready  house, then  they  can  cleaning !  Helping  each  other
  8. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Cleaning in a House after the Earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr.
    Many houses damaged all of our people helping all they can, even neighbors. So much work to do! Kindness and love are so important to help all in need. 
  9. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in Cleaning in a House after the Earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo   
    Image of cleaning in a house  after the earthquake that shook Morelos, Mexico! Congregation Lomasde Atzingo - Thank you

  10. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in I just got baptized!! ??? Miraloma In Ontario, CA   
    I just got baptized!! ???
    In Ontario, CA

  11. Like
    Alexa reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Smurfs and Jehovah's Witnesses   
    ... and don't even  get me started about Sparlock!

  12. Like
    Alexa reacted to Bible Speaks in School for Kingdom Evangelisers, Ireland Schools Facility. ? ??   
    School for Kingdom Evangelisers, Ireland Schools Facility.
    Today's Watchtower reminded me of one student's comment during an interview at their graduation last week.
    They said they appreciated that they had received a "superior education.
    This is the best possible education because it comes from our Creator."
    How very true. No other education compares to one from Jehovah.
    Thank you @aliciafmh

  13. Like
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in We got 2 very new songs by Broadcasting, No. 91 and No. 112 Enjoy !   
  14. Like
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in We got 2 very new songs by Broadcasting, No. 91 and No. 112 Enjoy !   
  15. Haha
    Alexa reacted to TrueTomHarley in What About Just Going to Meet People?   
    What about sometimes just going to the door to meet and converse with people - and forget all about the kingdom? Is there ever a place for this? It was the conversation this morning in our car group.
    Not as a regular thing. As part of a learning curve. Not all of the friends have 'people skills' yet they've volunteered for a work in which it is vital - or at least it makes the job go more smoothly.
    Just visit to meet neighbors. If they ask why you've come, tell them you're a Witness but you aren't there to talk about that unless they want - 'My people skills aren't what they could be and I want to improve them' you could say.
    I suspect it will get no worse results than some of those we already get. Some will want no part of it, likely most, some will be suspicious, but if you are successful in developing people skills, you will instantly detect that and change tacks. Or just thank them for their time and move on.
    Thoughts? Don't use it as a back door - a sneaky way to get in a witness. Say, if asked, 'some time I could tell you about the paradise earth, but I don't want to do that just now. I just want to meet people,' and talk about what's right before you - their garden, bumper stickers, family - whatever strikes your eye.
    "Whatever you may say will not be used against you." I don't know that I would say THAT, but if you're just out to improve people skills, you can do anything you want, since the object is to connect with people - not to 'give a witness.'
    My guess is that a certain percentage will, though this is not your object, begin to ask you how you came to choose the work you are doing? They will be disarmed. And you will not take advantage by arming. That will be for some entirely different time with someone else.
    For those who feel they are 'on duty' and MUST give a witness, they could slip in a tract or a card, especially when asked. "Here's a tract, but I don't want to talk about it just now." You get the idea.
    Has anyone ever done this?
  16. Thanks
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Hurricane Maria: Whole of Puerto Rico without power as storm devastates island   
    Wouldn't it make sense to pay the cost to bury the cables and avoid these scenarios going forward?
  17. Upvote
    Alexa reacted to Curtis Burgess in Student   
    when will JW.ORG  update It's Version of JW Library  for Chromebook  OS.
  18. Haha
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Student   
    That is a very popular OS isn't it....
  19. Haha
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in US - At United Nations, Rouhani defends Iran nuclear deal against 'rogue newcomers'   
    'rogue newcomer"???
    They really do not understand US Governance or Politics do they?
    And if I were to call anyone "rogue"....... I don't know..... but he doesn't look so calm himself.
    I would say he looks rather smug and sanctimonious. Dangerous qualities historically speaking.
  20. Thanks
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in HORROR CONTINUES FOR KHABUR CHRISTIANS   
    I thought this had subsided???
  21. Haha
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in HORROR CONTINUES FOR KHABUR CHRISTIANS   
  22. Like
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in Brexit and the city: Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin vying for new business   
    Wanna bet London stays on top after this all washes out?
  23. Like
    Alexa reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Brexit and the city: Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin vying for new business   
    Brexit and the city: Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin vying for new business
  24. Like
    Alexa reacted to The Librarian in "The Spanish government is violating fundamental rights"   
    I imagine the US government would do the same if New England tried to secede. 
  25. Like
    Alexa reacted to Queen Esther in A nice addition to our blood - document....   
    A nice addition to our blood - document  -   Also  in  pure  red...
    Its a good place, and at once viewable !   ( only  some $  or  Euro's )
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